Dec 1, 1978 Pg. 4-5 |
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Calendar for the Flatlands Theatre re fans Tonight e of Earl Robln- pera David ol 2.000 years old struggle of the people for freedom It Is direc¬ ted by Edward EmanuEl will be in the John Wright Theatre through next Saturday at 8:15 p m Tickets are avail¬ able In the box office at $1 for CSUF students Dor. your flying cap. toss your julder prepare to wing t er to the Visalia Players Com¬ munity Theatre opening tonight of You re a Good Man, Charlie Brown. Good ole' Charlie Brown will struggle with life tonight and Saturday at 8:15 p m in the Ice House Theatre We've heard good things about Promises, Promises now appearing at Roger Rocka's Good Company Music Hall The musical comedy is adap¬ ted from Nell Simon's play "The Apartment* and includes songs 'Promises. Prom lor Christmas Satur-lay at 2 and 8 and Sunday evening as the Fresno Civic Ballet presents The Nutcracker in the Conven lion Center Theatie Two CSUF students will be solo s Susan Kinsey will become d Mlcl McBride will be the Rose In the Walt, of the Flowers Tickets are $2 50 to $4.50 at the Convention Center Box Office Tuesday the Fresno Musical Club will present the Canadian Opera Company In 'The Marriage ol Figaro" at 8:00 p.m. In tha Convention Center Theatre The comic opera by Mozart will be sung In Eng¬ lish. There will be $4.00 stu¬ dent tickets available alter 8:00 pm. concert night. This weekend take a child to see a puppet show. Emmet Otter's Special Christmas will be shared with children and their friends by the Child Drama Center In Lab School 101 (that's next door to the Health Center). The puppets will come to life Saturday at 10:30 and 2:00 p.m. and Sunday at 2:00 p.m. All tickets are$L The Veldi a play by Ray Brad¬ bury (one ot Ihe beat Scl Fl writers around), will be per¬ formed by the Underground Theatre appropriately In the basement of the John Wright Theatre. (We did not make renditions at 4:30 p m December 6th. 7th and 8th Opening Thursday evening is HMS Pinafore. Gilbert and Sullivan s No 1 operetta, at Fresno Community Theatre Tickets are $5 for adults and $4 for students (Where does that leave us?) Night Clubs Here's what's happening In all the hot spots around town . Wild Blue Yonder will be at Wild Blue Yonder (even a grad student could remember lhat) tonight and Saturday, Belly Dancing Tuesday, Talent Wednesday, and WBY will return to Wild Blue Yonder Thursday The Refectory will feature Byron & Gregory through Saturday Cleave Jones will take over the micro¬ phone Sunday and Monday. Sumll will peak out the rest of the week Saturday will be Taslle's last night at Phoenix West They will be replaced by Blaze who will start warming things up on Tuesday Free Spirit Irollcka at Ship¬ wreck Kelly's Tuesday thru Saturday It's disco Sunday and Monday Discos are springing up like dandelions around town Our list Includes the Smugglers, the Breakers. Ruebens, the Casino, Ihe Retreat, the Circle and Disco '77. Let the Collegian know (preferably in writing and addressed to Calendar) money left after the holidays the Oooble Brothers and Eddie Money will be at the Forum December 31 and Ihe Qratelul Dead at UCLA on December 30. Tickets for all this action through Tic Up North " We-are-t he-cham plons' Queen will be In concert r>,n Saturday, December 16th, at Radk 8:00 p.m. In the Oakland now Coliseum. Another champion, work Chaka Khan, will light up the an Dickens Christmas Fair n each weekend ir Radio listened to Now, a couple ol programs to watch lor. Opus 89 on KVPR (FM89) each afternoon from 1:00 to 5:00 features classical music chosen to suit the season and the weather This Is followed >rom 5 00 to 6 30 by All Things CH Considered, a news program with interviews, comments and editorials, covering the monsterous to the mundane. Next door at FM 86.1 KFCF offers the dramatic and amusing Board of Supervisors meetings every Tuesday, and (God love them) children's programming (minus cereal and toy commercials) at 9:00 each Saturday morning. On Friday evenings at 8:30 KFCF brings us live perfor¬ mances and at 11:30 Crultln' with Carl described as 'a Utile rock, a little roll with a whole lot ol soul." Weekend Ah, there's nothing like a good movie, hot popcorn and • hand to hold...Movie addicts can see the CU Friday movie Coming Home lor $1 with I.D. card, $2 without. The film stars Joan Fonda and Jon Volght. Show times are 2:30 In IA 101 and 7:00. 0:20 and 11:50 In the CU Lounge. II that merely whets your appetite you could still take In the FM 101 Rim Festival In grand old Warnor's Theatre This week's oldles-bul- goodles are Mutiny on Ma Bounty and Burn, considered by many to be two of Marlon Brando's best performances. Only one dollar and one cent to get In. The doors open at 7:00 and the curtain rises at 8:00. Beer and wine are avail¬ able In the balcony to wash down the popcorn. Tonight the CSUF Concert Choir will be performing Renaissance Polish chorals and Christmas carols In the Music Building Recital Hall (M 100) at 7:00 p.m. The choir will be directed (I was tempted to say herded but refrained) by Dr. Arthur Huff. Will all those who complain about the lack of culture here In Fresberg please note that we have our own professional ce hockey team. Tonight the (earless Freeno Falcons will clash with the brawny L.A. Bruins at 8:30 p.m. In Selland lea Hockey continues again Saturday with the Falcons and Bruins meeting at 8:00 on the ice of Selland Arena. Up north the CSUF Bulldogs will meet Sacramento State on their baafcetbaW court. If you can't make the drive, you can hear a drlbble-by-drlbble account starting at 7:45 p.m. on KMJ Radio. HUM Is having a Bingo and Dance Party f Cochise Collage In Arizona. Sunday evening the CSUF their brass together in Home- bend, an evening of horn music. The f* ' Hiding Recital Hall. A* with moat music department pro¬ ductions there Is no charge. -We are going to a party and you need two things to get In. What are ya gonna bring. (Sorry you can't get In with "RRReek'soup.) I A Sparky Van Nsss-We're going to f party. You need two things tc get In. What are you going le bring? Have lun tonight anc good luck to Opel Station w Paula This will be your last warning Please don't pull so much paper (It mlghl help if beer >-Dos Equls Jen--Have a few flower or Carnations, (or What?) D-poo is all right with me L <C t Call 439-8692. make oiler "Student ID Plate.' For: Age verification. School or College attending. Student discounts, College affairs, and Social Security number Choose from 5 sparkling colors—red, blue, brown, and beige litho¬ graphed on llle-tlme gold metal Enclose: your lull name social security number, birthdate. and name of school or college, with $2 50. To: K. Gettig, 4585 E Harvard, Fresno. Calif 93703. (Please print your order ) Wanted: Babysitter to watch 8 mo girl at Huntington Con- do while we ski weekdays/ nights and/or weekends. Will negotiate wages Call 226- 8538 The Classifieds the Librarian—I m To the editor of Insight a. getting tired ol waiting, next week I'm contacting my law¬ yer and starting divorce pro- oeedlnge-OO Expert Typing-Satisfaction guaranteed, reasonable rates, and close to campus-Call k of II We'll try I come up with a definitive directory At any rate, a few discos have cover charges and y we Boobee— Have Racing bike, Peugeot PX 10E with extras $200. Yahama folk guitar with case $50--call 487- 3841 Ski clothes for sale-Women's stretch pants, powder pants, windshirt. turtleneck and )ack- et Call Pam at 222-8241 To my dearest friend "Punk"- I am sorry to Inform you that due to a deeply moving, & emotional experience, I am withdrawing my membership from T.P.I.C. Since I faal I may be getting quite cold In the next few months, I feel I will need spiritual guidance Instead of the T.P.I.C. to oat me through this next big . All I i to a □ -Shakey Buddies $22 00 Music Down South Is the place to be for Christmas vacation The whole area will "ye vibrating with the sounds of music Nexl Friday, December 8, there will be a Jazz-blues con¬ cert in Ihe Long Beach Arena. Performers Ray Ayers, Lee McCann, Esther Phillips and Qatar Szabo will warm weary souls. Kenny Loggms will be leaving audiences breathless Sunday December 17 at the Anaheim Convention Center. Then December 20th Queen will quickly quell with quality connections al the Forum. They are sold out already (or the 18th and 19th. The Forum will be a busy place with Linda Ronstadt arriving the 23rd and 24th. The manage¬ ment expects to sell so many tickets (hat they're offering seats behind the stage. For those who actually have For Sale-Pickup. 1965 clas¬ sic Ford Ranchero V8. 289 engine. Extra chrome, run¬ ning good, really clean $1400 255-3856 Wanted—Serviceable bicycles and camping equipment Fresno Big Brothers/Big Sisters can make great use ol that unwanted bike, tent, sleeping bag, or portable stove-Phone 268-5737 to For Srle Goose dowi ing bag Yukon by Sportllne $75 or best offer -Call 487- 3367. Usa Recreation Association-Vote for Julie Munroe for Vice President Hey, Hey-How's the " Grandma Liz-Happy 21 Blrth- - Your Chinese grand daughter Librsn-Win you still love me: will you still need me; when l'm91?-Calllornlan No no no no Don't let them get me I swear I didn't mean to do it Honest I'll reform and you won't even see my Stingray around here anymore—O.R. Is it true that the next editor ol Insight had a sex change? -Glory ol Baker Nope; that was his clone. If somebody 6'2" tall, 400 + Ibs. killed himself, would that be mass sulcide?-Tom that it' s bean a hell of a tot of fun, gang-'KkJdo* PS. Please don't T.P. me Just because I'm copping out. Piano Player needed for wad¬ ding recaption. Mood music only. Sat. Dae. 30th, 8:30 pm- 10:00 pm; mora Information- call Sandy 296-6680. Sale: Brother sewing Ina, 10 yrs. old; many attachments; $60-call 228- Bike lor sale, 3-epeed wo¬ man's as new, $80. O.N.O. Apt. A 4502 E. Sierra Madre. Tue. Thur. & weekend. (Sorry no phone) _*. kW_~_ 3 J??" T *<* and Ux-You two ere H^J^___-_. "*" en° ,he moat -wnd**rful room- work. 834-5009. mates In the world I died, he'd go to Fat City. P.S. Wa do not oondone suicide. Nobody should be so lucky .-Th* Eds. positions opan. Apt. close to college. For details call Ramo- na at 224-4066. Dear t.p.i.e.-Now, don't go taking any drastic steps by TP'ing all Journalism students homes. That's not fair. I can sea doing Instructor's nomas, but students??? Give 'am a break) Oh...and you'd batter stop drinking while you're In the oar. Naughty, naughty, naughty. Don' t call on ma to defend you whan you gat charged with a 23121 or 23122. But, In case you do want to cat! on ma to help TP-caii 488-1414 and ask for Mr. wippte. said "I do' but now I wanna say Happy Birthday to you my dear, sweet, fantastic, magni¬ ficent Pamela you make ma a real happy fella. I don' t wanna make this too long but I do wanna sing you a song: Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Pammy Happy Birthday to y-o-o-o-u -Your secret tover Nlner-Nationa go to war over boundaries, but I won't dis¬ pute ours, so coma over and we'll parlay. Why Nation, go to War Doss anyone need a fourth for brldge?-Phone Rikl at 237- 5786. Wa h because we cannot agree upon any demands for our group. However, even though this Is the and of the T.P.I.C, our entire group Is gathering for our*final, but greatest Job ever. Since you guys are so stupid, we are even going to give you the exact date of our final attack, which will be Tueaday, December 5th. So, Just try snd catch us (we intend to gat every staff mem¬ ber of Insight) -Have a happy dsy-THE T.P.I.C. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE STU¬ DENTS AND FACULTY. Let's work together I Those interested in meeting other Christian Scientists on campus call Cindy at 233-3630 and leave a message. I'm hoping we can start an Organization here. To my boat friend In Frssas After all of the wonderful things that I have dona for you, & you want to play dirty tricks on ma on April 7th?l All I can say is that I will ba deeply hurt & shocked If you do (and. will gat revenge).- See you at the chapel-Your I would like to talk with the man I saw in the periodic sec¬ tion of the library the morning after Thanksgiving. You ware wearing a tan corduroy Jackal, and a striped vest sweater with a white blouse. Please 11/27/ 78. If described to me, you can have It. 2244723. Used portable Smith-Corona office, addressed to 'Lady.' Big Brothers/Big Sisters will hold an orientation meeting for prospective volunteers at 7 p.m., Monday Dec 4th at Smuggler's Inn, 3737 N. Blackstone. Call 268-5737 for further Information. A United Way agency. Bike Swiper: Whoever stole the Orange Schwlnn outside the Speech Arts Building, Tues. Nov. 28...PLEASE return it to Daily Collegian bike rack or call 487-3008. ad...I Just $45. Or. Tocchio, B-230 or mate dropped out of sehool- - —sdllt C '- with child Interested In shar- bedroom In a 4-bdr house. 1Vi Ing house with student. $115/ ml. from campus (Clovis). par month includes utilities 2 bath. Studious, non-smoker, and laundry. Flexible meal $78 + utilities. 431-3721, arangements negotiable. Call 5 pm-10 pm. 282-5117, 7:30 Eileen, days: 251-8081, even- am-12 noon. Ask for Cris. Ings: 292-7151. Ask for a bottle of boom
Object Description
Title | 1978_12 The Daily Collegian December 1978 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1978 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Dec 1, 1978 Pg. 4-5 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1978 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
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Calendar for the Flatlands
re fans Tonight
e of Earl Robln-
pera David ol
2.000 years old
struggle of the
people for freedom It Is direc¬
ted by Edward EmanuEl
will be in the John Wright
Theatre through next Saturday
at 8:15 p m Tickets are avail¬
able In the box office at $1 for
CSUF students
Dor. your flying cap. toss your
prepare to wing t
er to the Visalia Players Com¬
munity Theatre opening
tonight of You re a Good Man,
Charlie Brown. Good ole'
Charlie Brown will struggle
with life tonight and Saturday
at 8:15 p m in the Ice House
We've heard good things
about Promises, Promises now
appearing at Roger Rocka's
Good Company Music Hall
The musical comedy is adap¬
ted from Nell Simon's play
"The Apartment* and includes
songs 'Promises.
Christmas Satur-lay at 2 and 8
and Sunday evening as the
Fresno Civic Ballet presents
The Nutcracker in the Conven
lion Center Theatie Two
CSUF students will be solo
s Susan Kinsey will become
d Mlcl
McBride will be the Rose In
the Walt, of the Flowers
Tickets are $2 50 to $4.50 at
the Convention Center Box
Tuesday the Fresno Musical
Club will present the Canadian
Opera Company In 'The
Marriage ol Figaro" at 8:00
p.m. In tha Convention Center
Theatre The comic opera by
Mozart will be sung In Eng¬
lish. There will be $4.00 stu¬
dent tickets available alter
8:00 pm. concert night.
This weekend take a child to
see a puppet show. Emmet
Otter's Special Christmas will
be shared with children and
their friends by the Child
Drama Center In Lab School
101 (that's next door to the
Health Center). The puppets
will come to life Saturday at
10:30 and 2:00 p.m. and
Sunday at 2:00 p.m. All tickets
The Veldi a play by Ray Brad¬
bury (one ot Ihe beat Scl Fl
writers around), will be per¬
formed by the Underground
Theatre appropriately In the
basement of the John Wright
Theatre. (We did not make
renditions at 4:30 p m
December 6th. 7th and 8th
Opening Thursday evening
is HMS Pinafore. Gilbert and
Sullivan s No 1 operetta, at
Fresno Community Theatre
Tickets are $5 for adults and
$4 for students (Where does
that leave us?)
Night Clubs
Here's what's happening In
all the hot spots around town .
Wild Blue Yonder will be at
Wild Blue Yonder (even a
grad student could remember
lhat) tonight and Saturday,
Belly Dancing Tuesday, Talent
Wednesday, and WBY will
return to Wild Blue Yonder
Thursday The Refectory will
feature Byron & Gregory
through Saturday Cleave
Jones will take over the micro¬
phone Sunday and Monday.
Sumll will peak out the rest of
the week Saturday will be
Taslle's last night at Phoenix
West They will be replaced by
Blaze who will start warming
things up on Tuesday
Free Spirit Irollcka at Ship¬
wreck Kelly's Tuesday thru
Saturday It's disco Sunday
and Monday Discos are
springing up like dandelions
around town Our list Includes
the Smugglers, the Breakers.
Ruebens, the Casino, Ihe
Retreat, the Circle and Disco
'77. Let the Collegian know
(preferably in writing and
addressed to Calendar)
money left after the holidays
the Oooble Brothers and Eddie
Money will be at the Forum
December 31 and Ihe Qratelul
Dead at UCLA on December
30. Tickets for all this action
through Tic
Up North
" We-are-t he-cham plons'
Queen will be In concert r>,n
Saturday, December 16th, at Radk
8:00 p.m. In the Oakland now
Coliseum. Another champion, work
Chaka Khan, will light up the an
Dickens Christmas Fair
n each weekend ir
listened to Now, a couple ol
programs to watch lor. Opus
89 on KVPR (FM89) each
afternoon from 1:00 to 5:00
features classical music
chosen to suit the season and
the weather This Is followed
>rom 5 00 to 6 30 by All Things CH
Considered, a news program
with interviews, comments
and editorials, covering the
monsterous to the mundane.
Next door at FM 86.1 KFCF
offers the dramatic and
amusing Board of Supervisors
meetings every Tuesday, and
(God love them) children's
programming (minus cereal
and toy commercials) at 9:00
each Saturday morning. On
Friday evenings at 8:30
KFCF brings us live perfor¬
mances and at 11:30 Crultln'
with Carl described as 'a
Utile rock, a little roll with a
whole lot ol soul."
Ah, there's nothing like a
good movie, hot popcorn and •
hand to hold...Movie addicts
can see the CU Friday movie
Coming Home lor $1 with I.D.
card, $2 without. The film
stars Joan Fonda and Jon
Volght. Show times are 2:30
In IA 101 and 7:00. 0:20 and
11:50 In the CU Lounge.
II that merely whets your
appetite you could still take In
the FM 101 Rim Festival In
grand old Warnor's Theatre
This week's oldles-bul-
goodles are Mutiny on Ma
Bounty and Burn, considered
by many to be two of Marlon
Brando's best performances.
Only one dollar and one cent to
get In. The doors open at
7:00 and the curtain rises at
8:00. Beer and wine are avail¬
able In the balcony to wash
down the popcorn.
Tonight the CSUF Concert
Choir will be performing
Renaissance Polish chorals
and Christmas carols In the
Music Building Recital Hall
(M 100) at 7:00 p.m. The choir
will be directed (I was tempted
to say herded but refrained)
by Dr. Arthur Huff.
Will all those who complain
about the lack of culture here
In Fresberg please note that
we have our own professional
ce hockey team. Tonight the
(earless Freeno Falcons will
clash with the brawny L.A.
Bruins at 8:30 p.m. In Selland
lea Hockey continues again
Saturday with the Falcons and
Bruins meeting at 8:00 on the
ice of Selland Arena. Up north
the CSUF Bulldogs will meet
Sacramento State on their
baafcetbaW court. If you can't
make the drive, you can hear a
drlbble-by-drlbble account
starting at 7:45 p.m. on KMJ
HUM Is having a Bingo and
Dance Party f
Cochise Collage In Arizona.
Sunday evening the CSUF
their brass together in Home-
bend, an evening of horn
music. The f* '
Hiding Recital Hall. A* with
moat music department pro¬
ductions there Is no charge.
-We are going to a
party and you need two things
to get In. What are ya gonna
bring. (Sorry you can't get In
with "RRReek'soup.)
I A Sparky
Van Nsss-We're going to f
party. You need two things tc
get In. What are you going le
bring? Have lun tonight anc
good luck to
Opel Station w
Paula This will be your last
warning Please don't pull so
much paper (It mlghl help if
beer >-Dos Equls
Jen--Have a few flower
or Carnations, (or What?)
D-poo is all right with me L