Sept 3, 1985 Pg. 14-15 |
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SPORTS The Daily Collegian Football • 13 will be a healthy one. So are the coaches. Thomas not only possesses tremendous speed and strength, he is an integral component of the pass-blocking scheme. JC transfer James Williams impressed the coaching staff in the spring alumni game with 127 yards and is pushing "M leading ground-gainer Caivin Scruggs (343 yards) at tailback. Diminutive freshman Kelly Skipper (5-6.175), an all-state selection ' m Oregon is also vying for the tailback t. JC t Ron Sims, and returnees Fred Williams, Leevel Talum, and Steve Lanham give the 'Dogs the kind of depth that will insure an improved running game RECEIVERS - a strong corp of receivers although deep threat David Williams will nol return. Vince Wesson (34 catches in -84), JC All-American Stephen Baker "The Touchdown Maker." transfers Brock. Smilh and Chris Leonard. DEFENSIVE LINE — The TJogs are led by All-PCAA nose guard Chris Pacheco (6-0,255) who may move to end, replacing Victor Burnett, a part-time starter in "84 who may be academically ineligible. If so, the 'Dogs may lack fordepth in its interior defense. Greg Ramsey (6-4,230) also saw action at end last year and is being pushed by JC transfer Anthony Collier. Redshirts Steve Breeden and Mike Walker, and LINEBACKERS — A strong area for the 'Dogs. Second team Ali-PCAA as a sophomore. Cliff Hannemann (6-3.225) returns after missing the entire "84 season with a knee injury. He is joined by i Mason and George . Part I S^or, and Bris Mark Scambray returns and will be pushed by Mike Moffitt. Chris Dugan. and Paul Pflug Thcamounl of talent here OFFENSIVE LINE — An experienced from line should provide the muscTe for a productive year offensively. Several start¬ ers return including lacklcs Dave Lerma 1255) and Greg Lovering (265). Guards Terr> Laffiite (275). Barry Grove (270). and Vince Sala/ar (240) started al some (230) and Mike Savage (260). Mike DEFENSIVE BACKS — This group was hardest hit by graduation. Replacing a unit that included Curtis Allen, Dennis Mitchell, and Ron Cross — all pro foot¬ ball draftees — will be difficult. But Coach Sweeney is not lacking for talent as Anthony Dollarhide. Roark Kelly, Rod Webster, and Mike Tarr all return with considerable experience. Redshirt Byron Nichols and JC transfers Michael Stewart. Greg Williamson, and Fred Wilburnarcall highly touted by Sweeney. Development as a unit will be a key factor in the pass-onented PCAA. KICKING GAME — This area should be outstanding as last season's leading scorer Barry Belli (58 points) and second team All-PCAA punter Mike Mancini (42.7 average) return. Belli led the nation in field goal accuracy after taking over the NEXT WEEK: PCAA preview and pre- STUDENTS RECIEVE \ 10-15% DISCOUNT!* f 'DINETTE SETS 'BEDS L>7 'DRESSERS[ 'SOFAS & L0VESEATS 'STUDENT DESKS 3720 E. OLIVE (At Millbrook) 485-2424 an/ The Da:h Colli■*. t against tough PCAA "COMPUTER TABLES \ All You Need Is Light! 3S*. $17.20 TI-30 SLR Student Side Rule Calculate Texas Instruments KENNEL BOOKSTORE The Daily Collegian SPORTS ~^\ Page 15 Fresno State and INLY alumni clashed this summer to benefit 5th year Kbolarshjp* at both school*. A UNLV alumnus gets np to block number 12 Bobbj Andersons reverse larop during the event. The Buildup edged past the Rebel, 158-1S7 In double overtime at Seiland Arena. Sports Capsule Bears top San Jose State PCAA member San Jose State lost to the California Bears 48-21 last Saturday in the season opener for both football teams. It was the highest point total for Joe Capp's Bears since the 1977 season. Cal now leads the series 20-4. The Spartans will host New Mexico State Saturday intheir conference opener. Season tickets still available for students Student season tickets for the 1985 football season will be available until September 6 and can be purchased from the Bulldog ticket office located south of Bulldog Stadium. Students may purchase two pair of tickets at $25 each. Single game tickets go on sale today and are SS each. Student identification and activity card are required when purchasing tickets. For more information call 294-DOGS. Bulldogs hire Waulle assistant coach Former Utah State assistant football coach Mike Waufle has been named Fresno State defensive line coach, it was announced by athletic director Jack Lcngyel. Waufle, a graduate of Utah State began his coaching career at New York's Alford University in 1979 before returning to Utah State in 1980 where he served as strenght and conditioning coordinator and defensive line coach. He replaces Bill Stewart who was reassigned within the university in student affairs due to health reasons. .. Lengyel appointed to national committees Fresno State athletic director Jack Lengyel has been named to the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics executive committee and was also selected chairman of the graduate level seminars for NACDA lecturing to national athletic directors. Lengyel-also received membership to the National Faculty of the U.S. Sports Academy. NAFAC develops programs to upgrade sports education. ESPN will televise Bulldog-Shocker football Fresno State and Entertainment Sports Programming Network have signed an agreement to televise the Bulldogs' matchup with Wichita State Thursday, November 21 at 6:00 p.m. The game will be blacked out locally unless sold out prior to the game. ESPN is seen in 36.5 million homes. It will be the first nationally televised game of any kind in the history of Fresno State athletics. It's USER FRIENDLY THE NEW STUDENT LOAN APPLICATION / PROMISSORY NOTE • TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED • SIMPLE • FAST • EASY THE NEWEST MOST EFFICIENT WAY TO APPLY FOR A GUARANTEED STUDENT LOAN (GSL) THE GSL COMBINATION APPLICATION/PROMISSORY NOTE CONTAINS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO APPLY FOR YOUR STUDENT LOAN THE QUICKEST WAY TO APPLY FOR YOUR STUDENT LOAN IT COMES WITH A COMPLETE SET OF INSTRUCTIONS 1 ITS ANOTHER FIRST FROM cFirst Independent Trust The INTRUST BANK &&< STUDENT LOANS Pick up a combination Application/Promissory note at your school's Financial Aid Office or write to- FIRST INDEPENDENT TRUST • P.O. Box 2562 . Sacramento, CA 95811
Object Description
Title | 1985_09 The Daily Collegian September 1985 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1985 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Sept 3, 1985 Pg. 14-15 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1985 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | SPORTS The Daily Collegian Football • 13 will be a healthy one. So are the coaches. Thomas not only possesses tremendous speed and strength, he is an integral component of the pass-blocking scheme. JC transfer James Williams impressed the coaching staff in the spring alumni game with 127 yards and is pushing "M leading ground-gainer Caivin Scruggs (343 yards) at tailback. Diminutive freshman Kelly Skipper (5-6.175), an all-state selection ' m Oregon is also vying for the tailback t. JC t Ron Sims, and returnees Fred Williams, Leevel Talum, and Steve Lanham give the 'Dogs the kind of depth that will insure an improved running game RECEIVERS - a strong corp of receivers although deep threat David Williams will nol return. Vince Wesson (34 catches in -84), JC All-American Stephen Baker "The Touchdown Maker." transfers Brock. Smilh and Chris Leonard. DEFENSIVE LINE — The TJogs are led by All-PCAA nose guard Chris Pacheco (6-0,255) who may move to end, replacing Victor Burnett, a part-time starter in "84 who may be academically ineligible. If so, the 'Dogs may lack fordepth in its interior defense. Greg Ramsey (6-4,230) also saw action at end last year and is being pushed by JC transfer Anthony Collier. Redshirts Steve Breeden and Mike Walker, and LINEBACKERS — A strong area for the 'Dogs. Second team Ali-PCAA as a sophomore. Cliff Hannemann (6-3.225) returns after missing the entire "84 season with a knee injury. He is joined by i Mason and George . Part I S^or, and Bris Mark Scambray returns and will be pushed by Mike Moffitt. Chris Dugan. and Paul Pflug Thcamounl of talent here OFFENSIVE LINE — An experienced from line should provide the muscTe for a productive year offensively. Several start¬ ers return including lacklcs Dave Lerma 1255) and Greg Lovering (265). Guards Terr> Laffiite (275). Barry Grove (270). and Vince Sala/ar (240) started al some (230) and Mike Savage (260). Mike DEFENSIVE BACKS — This group was hardest hit by graduation. Replacing a unit that included Curtis Allen, Dennis Mitchell, and Ron Cross — all pro foot¬ ball draftees — will be difficult. But Coach Sweeney is not lacking for talent as Anthony Dollarhide. Roark Kelly, Rod Webster, and Mike Tarr all return with considerable experience. Redshirt Byron Nichols and JC transfers Michael Stewart. Greg Williamson, and Fred Wilburnarcall highly touted by Sweeney. Development as a unit will be a key factor in the pass-onented PCAA. KICKING GAME — This area should be outstanding as last season's leading scorer Barry Belli (58 points) and second team All-PCAA punter Mike Mancini (42.7 average) return. Belli led the nation in field goal accuracy after taking over the NEXT WEEK: PCAA preview and pre- STUDENTS RECIEVE \ 10-15% DISCOUNT!* f 'DINETTE SETS 'BEDS L>7 'DRESSERS[ 'SOFAS & L0VESEATS 'STUDENT DESKS 3720 E. OLIVE (At Millbrook) 485-2424 an/ The Da:h Colli■*. t against tough PCAA "COMPUTER TABLES \ All You Need Is Light! 3S*. $17.20 TI-30 SLR Student Side Rule Calculate Texas Instruments KENNEL BOOKSTORE The Daily Collegian SPORTS ~^\ Page 15 Fresno State and INLY alumni clashed this summer to benefit 5th year Kbolarshjp* at both school*. A UNLV alumnus gets np to block number 12 Bobbj Andersons reverse larop during the event. The Buildup edged past the Rebel, 158-1S7 In double overtime at Seiland Arena. Sports Capsule Bears top San Jose State PCAA member San Jose State lost to the California Bears 48-21 last Saturday in the season opener for both football teams. It was the highest point total for Joe Capp's Bears since the 1977 season. Cal now leads the series 20-4. The Spartans will host New Mexico State Saturday intheir conference opener. Season tickets still available for students Student season tickets for the 1985 football season will be available until September 6 and can be purchased from the Bulldog ticket office located south of Bulldog Stadium. Students may purchase two pair of tickets at $25 each. Single game tickets go on sale today and are SS each. Student identification and activity card are required when purchasing tickets. For more information call 294-DOGS. Bulldogs hire Waulle assistant coach Former Utah State assistant football coach Mike Waufle has been named Fresno State defensive line coach, it was announced by athletic director Jack Lcngyel. Waufle, a graduate of Utah State began his coaching career at New York's Alford University in 1979 before returning to Utah State in 1980 where he served as strenght and conditioning coordinator and defensive line coach. He replaces Bill Stewart who was reassigned within the university in student affairs due to health reasons. .. Lengyel appointed to national committees Fresno State athletic director Jack Lengyel has been named to the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics executive committee and was also selected chairman of the graduate level seminars for NACDA lecturing to national athletic directors. Lengyel-also received membership to the National Faculty of the U.S. Sports Academy. NAFAC develops programs to upgrade sports education. ESPN will televise Bulldog-Shocker football Fresno State and Entertainment Sports Programming Network have signed an agreement to televise the Bulldogs' matchup with Wichita State Thursday, November 21 at 6:00 p.m. The game will be blacked out locally unless sold out prior to the game. ESPN is seen in 36.5 million homes. It will be the first nationally televised game of any kind in the history of Fresno State athletics. It's USER FRIENDLY THE NEW STUDENT LOAN APPLICATION / PROMISSORY NOTE • TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED • SIMPLE • FAST • EASY THE NEWEST MOST EFFICIENT WAY TO APPLY FOR A GUARANTEED STUDENT LOAN (GSL) THE GSL COMBINATION APPLICATION/PROMISSORY NOTE CONTAINS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO APPLY FOR YOUR STUDENT LOAN THE QUICKEST WAY TO APPLY FOR YOUR STUDENT LOAN IT COMES WITH A COMPLETE SET OF INSTRUCTIONS 1 ITS ANOTHER FIRST FROM cFirst Independent Trust The INTRUST BANK &&< STUDENT LOANS Pick up a combination Application/Promissory note at your school's Financial Aid Office or write to- FIRST INDEPENDENT TRUST • P.O. Box 2562 . Sacramento, CA 95811 |