Sept 9, 1985 Pg. 4-5 |
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Page 4 NEWS Sept 9,-1965 Music bles him to reach new realizations and discoveries which help him as a cellist. He said he needs the balance of both activi¬ ties, "I need performance so as not to stagnate as a teacher." "Music is first and foremost as a com¬ municative art." said Flaksman. With all the traveling he does, he said he often feels like a diplomat and hopes in some small way he is contributing to a better under¬ standing. Flaksman thinks it is just as important for diplomats and businessmen to be able to share a common cultural interest in order to reach a better interna¬ tional understanding. Besides teaching cello and chamber music. Flaksman said he is also teaching Music 74 and composition. He said he has won prizes as a composer but hasn't done much composing in recent year*. At for teaching Music 74, he is looking forward to the class because he "stands to (earn something too." He said hchas a great appreciation for jazz and is "definitely not closed" to rock or country but is going to have to rely on his students to help him in those areas. Flaksman said that leaching at CSUF has also opened up other areas of interest for him, such as an opportunity for exper¬ imentation in electronic music. He is enthusiastic over the chance to perform the complete Bach cello works at CSUF. "It is going to be my introduction to the community," he said. He pointed out the performance is going to be a fund¬ raiser for cello scholarships with an admission charge to the public but free admission for students. He said he is going to play six suites by Bach is consecutive order so people can experience how Bach's idea develops from Internationally known cellist Michael beginning to end. Sept. 9,1985 NEWS Page 5 Turner IThe Daily Colletian CSUF. Career help SABl it albur a lot il Educational Testing Ser¬ vices on Campus has designed a computer program to help students make career planning decisions. The program is called the System of Interactive Guidance ;ind Information,or SICI. SIGI can help students with a var¬ iety of career problems, from declaring a major, to complete career changes ing Center on campus at 294-2732. Latin music SABIA is an LA based group whose repertoire consists of traditional Latin American music. Nueva Cancion (New Song), and original material Between the ■ v six members they plav 25 different iaslniment_v I ranging from tortoise shell and pan pipes, to electric guitar and saxophone 'hormandoun l'ucntc"(Buildinj! Bndgo). of ground-from witty songs of Veracruz, Mexico, to the enchanting tunes of the Highland Andes of South America. Their music represents their own personal- experiences while living, traveling, and performing throughout the Americas. BRIEFS Ihe group's members also have an unusual musical background having studied classical and folk music from both private masters and universities in the U.S., Canada. Europe and Latin America. They have recently returned to California after a tour from Toronto to Vancouver of Canadian music festivals. SABl A will be playing Saturday. September 7 at 8pm at the Memorial Building in Ihree Rivers. Tickets arc $5 and can be purchased at Ihe Music Source-1442 S. BIG STUDENT DISCOUNTS >ua J "J.* ' g€ " renewing ond enclose aSe most recent oddreu label Il mnewmg more Inon one nxxjorme. please .niccse »*»ch label n wK*h EncbsedS Mm. Q (po^U.toPMSS.pliov.1 S^nhart D Vno D MosUfCwdllnlerbonk Number . Access Grants for research Guidelines and application forms for the Younger Scholars Program of the National Endowment for the Humanities are now available for photocopying in the Placement Office. The Program will award up to 100 grants nationally to college and high school students to conduct their own research and writing projects in such fields as his¬ tory, philosophy, and the study of lit- Applicants must be 21 years of age or under throughout the calendar year in which the application is submitted, or, if they are over 21, they must be full-time college students pursuing an undergradu¬ ate degree at the time of application. Individuals who will have received or expect to receive a bachelor's degree bv Oct. I. l986.arenoteligibletoapply.Thc application deadline is Novembei ' '" Recipients of these awards will stipend of S1,800 and be expected to work full-time for nine weeks during the summer of 1986, researching and writinga human¬ ities paper under the close supervision of a humanities scholar. This award is not a financial aid program and no academic credit should be sought for these projects. Registration begins Regular registration for the NTE Pro¬ grams Core Battery tests will be on October 26 andd closes on September 23. Regular registration for the NTE Pro¬ grams Specialty Area tests will be on November 9 and close October 7. 1985 Programs 1985-86 Bulletin of Informa- It's the City's Thunder As much as it might like to, CSUFcan"t claim responsibility for the installation of additional lighting on streets surrounding the university, said Campus Police Investigator Mike O'Reilly. The new lights complement an increase of main-campus lighting, but O'Reilly said they are being installed on Fresno city property, not CSUF land and are part o( the City of Fresno's light extension program. "The credit goes to them. It's like Ron Hicks, head of Plant Operations said, 'we can\ steal their thunder* " O'Reilly said. The increase of main-campus lighting Doc Wells, an Engineering technician for the City of Fresno, said there is no special reason for location of the new lamps. They are just a part of normal city lighting development and the installation is not connected to any increase in crime or citizen complaints. The lighting program is mandated by the Public Utilities Commission, explained Wells. Pacific Gas and Electric installs the lights for the city, charging only for materials, not the installation itself. AUDITIONS! University Theatre productions of Telethon Fool, Scapin, and A Taste of Honey will hold open auditions September 8 through September 12, 1985. Scripts are available in the University Theatre box office, Speech Arts building room 143. For more informatior call 294-2216 or 294-2223. The audition schedule will be as follows: Sept. 8 12:00p.m. I John Wright Theatre ' Sept. 11 4-6:00p.m. John Wright Theatre 7-9.-00p.rn. John Wright Theatre Sept. 12 4-6.-00p.rn. Arena Theatre 7-9.-00p.rn. Scapin John Wright Theatre Telethon Fool Scapin A Taste of Honey A Taste of Honey No red carpet for Joe Bob AUSTIN, TX (CPS) - Nobody loves a critic, especially one who regularly pep¬ pers his reviews of slasher flicks and "B"- grade drive-in movies with ethnic slurs guaranteed to enrage the censors. "He's pretty controversial with studen¬ ts," says Steve Bearden. film program adviser for UT's Texas Union. "Students were distinctly unhappy and dissatisfied with the prospect of Briggs appearing on campus." Joe Bob, the red-neck, racist alter-ego of former Dallas Times Herald staff writer John Bloom, offended nearly everyone last spring when he wrote a take-off of USA for Africa's anthem, "We Are the World' " entitled "We Are the Weird." The parody labelled "blatantly racist" by ethnic groups drew so much flack, the Times Herald and newspapers nationwide dropped Joe Bob's syndicated column. John Bloom resigned and sold the Joe Bob column to United Press Syndicte. "The Tunes Herald did a real disservice UT's Black student Association and reason was financial, but they lied." when they labelled him a racist," says other interest groups, chary of such senti- "It's hard to believe anything cost too Bloom's business manager and literary ments, wanted to interview Briggs before much for UT," she says. agent Vicki Eisenberg. "He's never had a the college approved the film festival. But Bearden claims he made the decision problem with minority groups during any "We felt he shouldn't come unless he •» cancel the festival himself. andwhUe he of his speeches." spoke t0 M f,m>» ^y, BSU president badni discussed "specifics of price" with h minority student protest sway UT's Kevin Williams. "We were opposed to Joe Bob's agent, "it was a big deal and reject plans to hold the film him coming if he didnt really explain obviously was going to be a lot of money." the Austin campus. himself to minority students." "There's no question a three or four day Bloom and UT began festival negotia- "Some uke what be says satirically, but rUm f^'val u a bi* -"""octal commit- tions last spring before the "Weird"column other take it seriously," Williams adds, nient,, be says, appeared. But Eisenberg says Joe Bob's humor "Frankly, I was surprised at how people iant a "put down, in fact. Bloom has feel about him." Bearden says. "They either received many awards for social writing." like him or hate him. There's not much And, while he has no campus appcar- middle ground." ances booked in near future, she says Joe A recent Joe Bob review, for instance. Bob has perfonned at • number of schools noted the remake of "Where the Boys Are" where "he was always very well received." starred "four bimbos whose philosophy of ci„.m,miiT.f„ u- j ,. ■ ^„Xy,r^i5abikiniandqUa,i,y .He^Sd^ro^l'^m knarnow,heFo„r,hAstn«,DHve. festival for-financial consideration"a lie. In Film Festival is- homeless and Joe Bob rated the movie "three and a "The big censors on top — we were Eisenberg says that's not funny half stars" for displaying 11 breast, no never told who — stopped (the festival)," "1 havent heard from him (about UT's blood and one beast. "Heads do not roll." she insists. "The film department approved, decision)." she notes. "But I'm sure his he complained. then said it wasn't a good idea. The official reaction is forthcoming in his column." Bea rd en even admits Joe Bob sometimes s funny, and defends the humor as 'obviously a put-on. If people Uke it seriously it could be real offensive. 1 donl re bow they do, but they do." "It's an Archie Bunker situation," Eisenberg explains. "Joe Bob's humor is where he come* from. It's people he Peters CortUnu»e! from paga 1 on campus instead of being located in an outside facility. The center, which boasts an auditorium with complete audio-visual facilities and an exhibit area, will be available for rent to outside business organizations. The Valley Business Center will pro¬ mote interaction between the valley busi¬ ness community and the School of Busi¬ ness and Administration Sciences, explain¬ ed Francois. Stressing the importance of the build¬ ing's location, Francois said it will be con¬ structed adjacent to the New Science Building because the ample parking in the area will make it easily accessible to both students and the community. The addition of the center will enable CSUF to meet the "challenges, needs and opportunities" of area businesses, from high-tech firms and small companies to the large number of valley agribusiness companies. The six-story main building will feature laboratories, offices, a computer projects room and a word processing center. The university's Center for Business Research and Service hopes to double its programs with the addition of the facility. Francois claims the difficulty of the extra funding comes when decisions on mMaWMmtTM^JFMMMJKeaWWA some of its uses have to be made. very modern compared to most in the sy s- He says "it is highly unusual" for an tern and was designed to accommodate area to contribute so generously to an A large facility, he says, comes with a* teaching now and in the future. ' academic project of this kind. large "shopping list" of needed items and Francois maintains "the community tough decisions on what should be bought has a strong identity with this university," The drive will conclude March 1,1986 with the limited funds. and the drive, which is one-fourth of the and completion of the building is sche- Bissonnette says the building will be way to its goal, is going well duled for early 1988. MORE FOR YOUR MONEY EXACTLY WHAT YOU'D EXPECT FROM YOUR NCR PC DEALER. Special NCR Discounts for Government and . Educational Institutions* Prices as low as $1495.00** *All purchases require NCR verification for discount * System includes: Monochrone Screen, 256KB Ram. (2) Flex Drives. NCR-DOS, GW™ BASIC, NCR PAL, NCR Help. NCR Tutor •ZftZZ? (209) 454-8200 CDinpUt E f RD Dill 4933 EAST McKINlEY AVENUE • FRESNO. CAIIFORNIA 9 Features: • The library. Ploys oil the popular software pockoges • 16-bit industry stondord processor. Up to 640KB thot runs NCR-DOS. • Non-glare screen. Easy to read. Clean, crisp and clear. Video displays in 16 colors. We have monochrome too. • Single or duol high density floppy disk drives. • The hard disk drive. 5' «" integrated 10MB or 20MB. • Serial ond parallel inter¬ faces so you can add peripherals. • The design. Built tough ond integrated, looks great. • Industry stondord keyboard design features seporote cursor control keys, plus LED indicators en the cops lack and numeric lock keys. • function keys. Ten to pro¬ gram for yourself. • Five industry standard expansion slots, making
Object Description
Title | 1985_09 The Daily Collegian September 1985 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1985 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Sept 9, 1985 Pg. 4-5 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1985 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Page 4 NEWS Sept 9,-1965 Music bles him to reach new realizations and discoveries which help him as a cellist. He said he needs the balance of both activi¬ ties, "I need performance so as not to stagnate as a teacher." "Music is first and foremost as a com¬ municative art." said Flaksman. With all the traveling he does, he said he often feels like a diplomat and hopes in some small way he is contributing to a better under¬ standing. Flaksman thinks it is just as important for diplomats and businessmen to be able to share a common cultural interest in order to reach a better interna¬ tional understanding. Besides teaching cello and chamber music. Flaksman said he is also teaching Music 74 and composition. He said he has won prizes as a composer but hasn't done much composing in recent year*. At for teaching Music 74, he is looking forward to the class because he "stands to (earn something too." He said hchas a great appreciation for jazz and is "definitely not closed" to rock or country but is going to have to rely on his students to help him in those areas. Flaksman said that leaching at CSUF has also opened up other areas of interest for him, such as an opportunity for exper¬ imentation in electronic music. He is enthusiastic over the chance to perform the complete Bach cello works at CSUF. "It is going to be my introduction to the community," he said. He pointed out the performance is going to be a fund¬ raiser for cello scholarships with an admission charge to the public but free admission for students. He said he is going to play six suites by Bach is consecutive order so people can experience how Bach's idea develops from Internationally known cellist Michael beginning to end. Sept. 9,1985 NEWS Page 5 Turner IThe Daily Colletian CSUF. Career help SABl it albur a lot il Educational Testing Ser¬ vices on Campus has designed a computer program to help students make career planning decisions. The program is called the System of Interactive Guidance ;ind Information,or SICI. SIGI can help students with a var¬ iety of career problems, from declaring a major, to complete career changes ing Center on campus at 294-2732. Latin music SABIA is an LA based group whose repertoire consists of traditional Latin American music. Nueva Cancion (New Song), and original material Between the ■ v six members they plav 25 different iaslniment_v I ranging from tortoise shell and pan pipes, to electric guitar and saxophone 'hormandoun l'ucntc"(Buildinj! Bndgo). of ground-from witty songs of Veracruz, Mexico, to the enchanting tunes of the Highland Andes of South America. Their music represents their own personal- experiences while living, traveling, and performing throughout the Americas. BRIEFS Ihe group's members also have an unusual musical background having studied classical and folk music from both private masters and universities in the U.S., Canada. Europe and Latin America. They have recently returned to California after a tour from Toronto to Vancouver of Canadian music festivals. SABl A will be playing Saturday. September 7 at 8pm at the Memorial Building in Ihree Rivers. Tickets arc $5 and can be purchased at Ihe Music Source-1442 S. BIG STUDENT DISCOUNTS >ua J "J.* ' g€ " renewing ond enclose aSe most recent oddreu label Il mnewmg more Inon one nxxjorme. please .niccse »*»ch label n wK*h EncbsedS Mm. Q (po^U.toPMSS.pliov.1 S^nhart D Vno D MosUfCwdllnlerbonk Number . Access Grants for research Guidelines and application forms for the Younger Scholars Program of the National Endowment for the Humanities are now available for photocopying in the Placement Office. The Program will award up to 100 grants nationally to college and high school students to conduct their own research and writing projects in such fields as his¬ tory, philosophy, and the study of lit- Applicants must be 21 years of age or under throughout the calendar year in which the application is submitted, or, if they are over 21, they must be full-time college students pursuing an undergradu¬ ate degree at the time of application. Individuals who will have received or expect to receive a bachelor's degree bv Oct. I. l986.arenoteligibletoapply.Thc application deadline is Novembei ' '" Recipients of these awards will stipend of S1,800 and be expected to work full-time for nine weeks during the summer of 1986, researching and writinga human¬ ities paper under the close supervision of a humanities scholar. This award is not a financial aid program and no academic credit should be sought for these projects. Registration begins Regular registration for the NTE Pro¬ grams Core Battery tests will be on October 26 andd closes on September 23. Regular registration for the NTE Pro¬ grams Specialty Area tests will be on November 9 and close October 7. 1985 Programs 1985-86 Bulletin of Informa- It's the City's Thunder As much as it might like to, CSUFcan"t claim responsibility for the installation of additional lighting on streets surrounding the university, said Campus Police Investigator Mike O'Reilly. The new lights complement an increase of main-campus lighting, but O'Reilly said they are being installed on Fresno city property, not CSUF land and are part o( the City of Fresno's light extension program. "The credit goes to them. It's like Ron Hicks, head of Plant Operations said, 'we can\ steal their thunder* " O'Reilly said. The increase of main-campus lighting Doc Wells, an Engineering technician for the City of Fresno, said there is no special reason for location of the new lamps. They are just a part of normal city lighting development and the installation is not connected to any increase in crime or citizen complaints. The lighting program is mandated by the Public Utilities Commission, explained Wells. Pacific Gas and Electric installs the lights for the city, charging only for materials, not the installation itself. AUDITIONS! University Theatre productions of Telethon Fool, Scapin, and A Taste of Honey will hold open auditions September 8 through September 12, 1985. Scripts are available in the University Theatre box office, Speech Arts building room 143. For more informatior call 294-2216 or 294-2223. The audition schedule will be as follows: Sept. 8 12:00p.m. I John Wright Theatre ' Sept. 11 4-6:00p.m. John Wright Theatre 7-9.-00p.rn. John Wright Theatre Sept. 12 4-6.-00p.rn. Arena Theatre 7-9.-00p.rn. Scapin John Wright Theatre Telethon Fool Scapin A Taste of Honey A Taste of Honey No red carpet for Joe Bob AUSTIN, TX (CPS) - Nobody loves a critic, especially one who regularly pep¬ pers his reviews of slasher flicks and "B"- grade drive-in movies with ethnic slurs guaranteed to enrage the censors. "He's pretty controversial with studen¬ ts," says Steve Bearden. film program adviser for UT's Texas Union. "Students were distinctly unhappy and dissatisfied with the prospect of Briggs appearing on campus." Joe Bob, the red-neck, racist alter-ego of former Dallas Times Herald staff writer John Bloom, offended nearly everyone last spring when he wrote a take-off of USA for Africa's anthem, "We Are the World' " entitled "We Are the Weird." The parody labelled "blatantly racist" by ethnic groups drew so much flack, the Times Herald and newspapers nationwide dropped Joe Bob's syndicated column. John Bloom resigned and sold the Joe Bob column to United Press Syndicte. "The Tunes Herald did a real disservice UT's Black student Association and reason was financial, but they lied." when they labelled him a racist," says other interest groups, chary of such senti- "It's hard to believe anything cost too Bloom's business manager and literary ments, wanted to interview Briggs before much for UT," she says. agent Vicki Eisenberg. "He's never had a the college approved the film festival. But Bearden claims he made the decision problem with minority groups during any "We felt he shouldn't come unless he •» cancel the festival himself. andwhUe he of his speeches." spoke t0 M f,m>» ^y, BSU president badni discussed "specifics of price" with h minority student protest sway UT's Kevin Williams. "We were opposed to Joe Bob's agent, "it was a big deal and reject plans to hold the film him coming if he didnt really explain obviously was going to be a lot of money." the Austin campus. himself to minority students." "There's no question a three or four day Bloom and UT began festival negotia- "Some uke what be says satirically, but rUm f^'val u a bi* -"""octal commit- tions last spring before the "Weird"column other take it seriously," Williams adds, nient,, be says, appeared. But Eisenberg says Joe Bob's humor "Frankly, I was surprised at how people iant a "put down, in fact. Bloom has feel about him." Bearden says. "They either received many awards for social writing." like him or hate him. There's not much And, while he has no campus appcar- middle ground." ances booked in near future, she says Joe A recent Joe Bob review, for instance. Bob has perfonned at • number of schools noted the remake of "Where the Boys Are" where "he was always very well received." starred "four bimbos whose philosophy of ci„.m,miiT.f„ u- j ,. ■ ^„Xy,r^i5abikiniandqUa,i,y .He^Sd^ro^l'^m knarnow,heFo„r,hAstn«,DHve. festival for-financial consideration"a lie. In Film Festival is- homeless and Joe Bob rated the movie "three and a "The big censors on top — we were Eisenberg says that's not funny half stars" for displaying 11 breast, no never told who — stopped (the festival)," "1 havent heard from him (about UT's blood and one beast. "Heads do not roll." she insists. "The film department approved, decision)." she notes. "But I'm sure his he complained. then said it wasn't a good idea. The official reaction is forthcoming in his column." Bea rd en even admits Joe Bob sometimes s funny, and defends the humor as 'obviously a put-on. If people Uke it seriously it could be real offensive. 1 donl re bow they do, but they do." "It's an Archie Bunker situation," Eisenberg explains. "Joe Bob's humor is where he come* from. It's people he Peters CortUnu»e! from paga 1 on campus instead of being located in an outside facility. The center, which boasts an auditorium with complete audio-visual facilities and an exhibit area, will be available for rent to outside business organizations. The Valley Business Center will pro¬ mote interaction between the valley busi¬ ness community and the School of Busi¬ ness and Administration Sciences, explain¬ ed Francois. Stressing the importance of the build¬ ing's location, Francois said it will be con¬ structed adjacent to the New Science Building because the ample parking in the area will make it easily accessible to both students and the community. The addition of the center will enable CSUF to meet the "challenges, needs and opportunities" of area businesses, from high-tech firms and small companies to the large number of valley agribusiness companies. The six-story main building will feature laboratories, offices, a computer projects room and a word processing center. The university's Center for Business Research and Service hopes to double its programs with the addition of the facility. Francois claims the difficulty of the extra funding comes when decisions on mMaWMmtTM^JFMMMJKeaWWA some of its uses have to be made. very modern compared to most in the sy s- He says "it is highly unusual" for an tern and was designed to accommodate area to contribute so generously to an A large facility, he says, comes with a* teaching now and in the future. ' academic project of this kind. large "shopping list" of needed items and Francois maintains "the community tough decisions on what should be bought has a strong identity with this university," The drive will conclude March 1,1986 with the limited funds. and the drive, which is one-fourth of the and completion of the building is sche- Bissonnette says the building will be way to its goal, is going well duled for early 1988. MORE FOR YOUR MONEY EXACTLY WHAT YOU'D EXPECT FROM YOUR NCR PC DEALER. Special NCR Discounts for Government and . Educational Institutions* Prices as low as $1495.00** *All purchases require NCR verification for discount * System includes: Monochrone Screen, 256KB Ram. (2) Flex Drives. NCR-DOS, GW™ BASIC, NCR PAL, NCR Help. NCR Tutor •ZftZZ? (209) 454-8200 CDinpUt E f RD Dill 4933 EAST McKINlEY AVENUE • FRESNO. CAIIFORNIA 9 Features: • The library. Ploys oil the popular software pockoges • 16-bit industry stondord processor. Up to 640KB thot runs NCR-DOS. • Non-glare screen. Easy to read. Clean, crisp and clear. Video displays in 16 colors. We have monochrome too. • Single or duol high density floppy disk drives. • The hard disk drive. 5' «" integrated 10MB or 20MB. • Serial ond parallel inter¬ faces so you can add peripherals. • The design. Built tough ond integrated, looks great. • Industry stondord keyboard design features seporote cursor control keys, plus LED indicators en the cops lack and numeric lock keys. • function keys. Ten to pro¬ gram for yourself. • Five industry standard expansion slots, making |