Feb 7, 1983 Pg. 2-3 |
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2 February 7, 1983 Human rights activist speaks for African History Month The first major speaker scheduled for "Afrikan Peoples History Month" will be comedian and human nghts activist Dick Gregory who will present a free public lecture tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the CSUF John Wright Theatre. Other speakers appearing during the BLOOM COUNTY month include Afrikan lecturer Oba T'a Shaka on Febv. 14, science educator Dr. James Henderson on Feb. 17, sports sociologist Harry Edwards on Feb. 18, and health specialist Earl Dorsey on Feb 25. Tuesdays during Afrikan Peoples His¬ tory Month will be film day. On Feb. 11, the film "The Black Panthers" will be shown at 6 p.m. in Room 200 of the CSUF Cafeteria Building. Other films are "Sun¬ day Sinners" on Feb. 15, and "Paradise in Harlem" on Feb. 22. Other special events during the obser- by Bcrke Breathed vance include a youth conference on Sat¬ urday, Feb. 5, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the College Union Lounge, a Heritage Dance at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Cafeteria and a Children's Day from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.in the College Union on Feb. 11. The reggae band "Caribbean All Stars" will appear in concert on Wednesday, Feb. 23 in the College Union Lounge at noon. An eight-team basetball tourna¬ ment will be held in the CSUF North Gymnasium on Feb 25-26 and an "Afrikan Unity Dance" will be held on Feb. 26in the Cafeteria. The month-long program of activities will conclude on Saturday, Feb 27 with a program called "Constant Movement." The program will feature fashions by Debra Sneed and will include a number of young artists in a "Fashion Flash Gospel Extravaganza." The program starts at 3 p.m. in the John Wright Theatre. Afrikan Peoples History Month is spon¬ sored by the Pan Afrikan Student Union and other student groups on campus. Admission to the dances is $3. All other Monday Feb. 7 Progressive music Rhythm and Blues with John Richardson 9 a.m.. noon, 2 p.m., 5 p.m. Tuesday Feb. 8 Progressive music Vintage rock with Scott Branch Progressive music Reggae with Cat Lady Progressive music 9a.m. noon, 2p.m., 5 p.m. Letters The Daily CollOQianwt Lettars to tha DiUy CoBaglan Kaata Campus Budding CiHftHnta Stats Untvarstry, Fratno ULambtfe Chi Alpha £ome #ee u* during Spri»g Ruih 5 Turtdjy F^b Thw«iiy. F«* Fridjy Feb 1 V i<'.nw»nvi'«it»iiia»tiiiniiiin>imi«tfmimmrna»wtfiixtt THE MfLLER BREWING COMPANY PRESENTS... F-brua*y7,H« ft Pro-life group. Fresno Bee clash over abortion ad Anthony Mendoza, a spokesman for [he Catholics United For Life (CUL), : harged Saturday that the Fresno Bae' was sympathetic to "baby murders." ' ■"" He accused the Bee of publishing- deceptive" advertisements for an abor'--' •ion clinic while simultaneously censoring ids for his organization. ' '9 On Jan. 4,1983 the CUL attempted to c>lace and anti-abortion ad in the Bee' which displayed a picture of an alleged ' lull-term fetus in a pail. Underneath the photo the caption read: "Abortion is the .. ruel murder of defenseless babies such . as the nameless boy above." ' The Bee censored the picture and refused to print the caption. According to Carter Roberson, Bee business manager, the ad was "objec¬ tionable." He said the Bee felt the picture was mbad Mendoza said that although some peo¬ ple may have found the ad repulsive it was still "the reality of abortion." "We feel the Bee should have allowed us to publish the picture of an aborted baby since this is the truth of what an abortion is," said Mendoza. "It seems like 'he Bee is jn favor of publishing ads for abortionists, but they won't publish an anti-abortion advertisement without cen¬ soring it heavily. They gave us several hassles and a total of nine censorships." Mendoza said it seemed ironic that the Bee would run a full ad discussing the sevices of an abortion clinic and ignore his request for an ad that had the potential of saving lives. "There is no explanation for their actions other than they are concerned that this will affect.a major advertiser of theirs — the California Pregnancy Coun¬ seling Service, which is where abortions .are being done," said Mendoza. Mendoza said that although he has never tried to run that particular ad in any newspaper be(orev"similar ads of aborted babies were published in the San Fran¬ cisco ChronicieJ the Milwaukee Journal and the Washing/on Post." Roberson said, "the Bee is in noway implying that it is an advocate of abortion, but on the other hand the abortionists are licensed by the state and have the right to advertise." He said the CUL has its own interpreta¬ tion of the situation, but the Bee has an Sm LIFE, page 8 CSUF today Engineering Job Fair: A job fair will Packard and other companies will be on peheldtomorrowfrom9a.m to2p.m.in hand ^ ^ students aboQt ^ th« CU Lounge. Representatives from , ^ "l|™ Underwriters Lab, Caltrans, Hewlett- opportunities. THE GOODWILL STORE "NEXT-TO-NEW" USED CLOTHING 10% off any purchase MtSoub' " with coupon GOOD DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY WE SELL • CLOTHING a HOUSEWARES • FURNITURE 2611 E. HAMMOND PH. 266-0932 OPEN DAILY 9-6:30 SUN. 11:30-640 Money Saving Coupons on page 7 of today's issue of the Collegian FEBRUARY RECORD SALE Through Fab. 18 TOP ARTISTS MAJOR LABELS , POP TO CLASSIC n STEREO LP ALBUMS) CASSETTES $2.98* up KENNEL BOOKSTORE^ In tha Haart of the Campual ORNAMFNTAL HORTICULTURE PLANT SALE Special Valeatiac's Day Sale! flowr ai i ■ajlag WEDNESDAY, FEB. 9 * THURSDAY, FEB. If *tt-2:«3t IN THE FREE SPEECH AREA Associated Students Announce 5 Senate Openings • 2 Senators at Large post % and post 4 • School of Social Sciences • School of Education and human development • School of G raduate Studies^ • Committee Positions Application? available in CU office 316
Object Description
Title | 1983_02 The Daily Collegian February 1983 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1983 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Feb 7, 1983 Pg. 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1983 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | 2 February 7, 1983 Human rights activist speaks for African History Month The first major speaker scheduled for "Afrikan Peoples History Month" will be comedian and human nghts activist Dick Gregory who will present a free public lecture tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the CSUF John Wright Theatre. Other speakers appearing during the BLOOM COUNTY month include Afrikan lecturer Oba T'a Shaka on Febv. 14, science educator Dr. James Henderson on Feb. 17, sports sociologist Harry Edwards on Feb. 18, and health specialist Earl Dorsey on Feb 25. Tuesdays during Afrikan Peoples His¬ tory Month will be film day. On Feb. 11, the film "The Black Panthers" will be shown at 6 p.m. in Room 200 of the CSUF Cafeteria Building. Other films are "Sun¬ day Sinners" on Feb. 15, and "Paradise in Harlem" on Feb. 22. Other special events during the obser- by Bcrke Breathed vance include a youth conference on Sat¬ urday, Feb. 5, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the College Union Lounge, a Heritage Dance at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Cafeteria and a Children's Day from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.in the College Union on Feb. 11. The reggae band "Caribbean All Stars" will appear in concert on Wednesday, Feb. 23 in the College Union Lounge at noon. An eight-team basetball tourna¬ ment will be held in the CSUF North Gymnasium on Feb 25-26 and an "Afrikan Unity Dance" will be held on Feb. 26in the Cafeteria. The month-long program of activities will conclude on Saturday, Feb 27 with a program called "Constant Movement." The program will feature fashions by Debra Sneed and will include a number of young artists in a "Fashion Flash Gospel Extravaganza." The program starts at 3 p.m. in the John Wright Theatre. Afrikan Peoples History Month is spon¬ sored by the Pan Afrikan Student Union and other student groups on campus. Admission to the dances is $3. All other Monday Feb. 7 Progressive music Rhythm and Blues with John Richardson 9 a.m.. noon, 2 p.m., 5 p.m. Tuesday Feb. 8 Progressive music Vintage rock with Scott Branch Progressive music Reggae with Cat Lady Progressive music 9a.m. noon, 2p.m., 5 p.m. Letters The Daily CollOQianwt Lettars to tha DiUy CoBaglan Kaata Campus Budding CiHftHnta Stats Untvarstry, Fratno ULambtfe Chi Alpha £ome #ee u* during Spri»g Ruih 5 Turtdjy F^b Thw«iiy. F«* Fridjy Feb 1 V i<'.nw»nvi'«it»iiia»tiiiniiiin>imi«tfmimmrna»wtfiixtt THE MfLLER BREWING COMPANY PRESENTS... F-brua*y7,H« ft Pro-life group. Fresno Bee clash over abortion ad Anthony Mendoza, a spokesman for [he Catholics United For Life (CUL), : harged Saturday that the Fresno Bae' was sympathetic to "baby murders." ' ■"" He accused the Bee of publishing- deceptive" advertisements for an abor'--' •ion clinic while simultaneously censoring ids for his organization. ' '9 On Jan. 4,1983 the CUL attempted to c>lace and anti-abortion ad in the Bee' which displayed a picture of an alleged ' lull-term fetus in a pail. Underneath the photo the caption read: "Abortion is the .. ruel murder of defenseless babies such . as the nameless boy above." ' The Bee censored the picture and refused to print the caption. According to Carter Roberson, Bee business manager, the ad was "objec¬ tionable." He said the Bee felt the picture was mbad Mendoza said that although some peo¬ ple may have found the ad repulsive it was still "the reality of abortion." "We feel the Bee should have allowed us to publish the picture of an aborted baby since this is the truth of what an abortion is," said Mendoza. "It seems like 'he Bee is jn favor of publishing ads for abortionists, but they won't publish an anti-abortion advertisement without cen¬ soring it heavily. They gave us several hassles and a total of nine censorships." Mendoza said it seemed ironic that the Bee would run a full ad discussing the sevices of an abortion clinic and ignore his request for an ad that had the potential of saving lives. "There is no explanation for their actions other than they are concerned that this will affect.a major advertiser of theirs — the California Pregnancy Coun¬ seling Service, which is where abortions .are being done," said Mendoza. Mendoza said that although he has never tried to run that particular ad in any newspaper be(orev"similar ads of aborted babies were published in the San Fran¬ cisco ChronicieJ the Milwaukee Journal and the Washing/on Post." Roberson said, "the Bee is in noway implying that it is an advocate of abortion, but on the other hand the abortionists are licensed by the state and have the right to advertise." He said the CUL has its own interpreta¬ tion of the situation, but the Bee has an Sm LIFE, page 8 CSUF today Engineering Job Fair: A job fair will Packard and other companies will be on peheldtomorrowfrom9a.m to2p.m.in hand ^ ^ students aboQt ^ th« CU Lounge. Representatives from , ^ "l|™ Underwriters Lab, Caltrans, Hewlett- opportunities. THE GOODWILL STORE "NEXT-TO-NEW" USED CLOTHING 10% off any purchase MtSoub' " with coupon GOOD DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY WE SELL • CLOTHING a HOUSEWARES • FURNITURE 2611 E. HAMMOND PH. 266-0932 OPEN DAILY 9-6:30 SUN. 11:30-640 Money Saving Coupons on page 7 of today's issue of the Collegian FEBRUARY RECORD SALE Through Fab. 18 TOP ARTISTS MAJOR LABELS , POP TO CLASSIC n STEREO LP ALBUMS) CASSETTES $2.98* up KENNEL BOOKSTORE^ In tha Haart of the Campual ORNAMFNTAL HORTICULTURE PLANT SALE Special Valeatiac's Day Sale! flowr ai i ■ajlag WEDNESDAY, FEB. 9 * THURSDAY, FEB. If *tt-2:«3t IN THE FREE SPEECH AREA Associated Students Announce 5 Senate Openings • 2 Senators at Large post % and post 4 • School of Social Sciences • School of Education and human development • School of G raduate Studies^ • Committee Positions Application? available in CU office 316 |