December 4, 1963, Page 1 |
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resno StateName'Change Debates Bei FRESNO STATE FflLUME LXVIII Students will be able to voice Urir opinions of whether they j change the »..,:■■:;.: Fres- ate College to California lillt College at Fresno at Wed- ...ix- i primary election. According to the name chang- m torn mitt ee. the change would lU presUge to the college ami ,u graduates. Opponents contend the college aul make Its own prestige—not i mcta alone, Students will also elect Asso- jbted Student Body officers, As- ■dated Women Student officers. lid class officers at the Activl- Boolh from 9 AM to * PM. Women Candidate* he office of ASB women's Initiative commissioner will be itcst between Pam Sheehan mi Ginger Cordray. Hiss Cordray said. "The worn- 'I legislative commissioner's nspoailblllty Is to represent the i of this campus on various tarda and committees. She is a mtlog member of the Board of C O L L E G FRESNO, CALIFORNIA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1363 NUMBER 85 FSC Name Change, Student Body Primary Elections Are Scheduled Directors, Board of Fine Ar ami Board or Publications. As a candidate for this OffltteJ 1 feel that my experience In AWs' would he helpful In knowing and! finding out how Hid women on thin cua-pus wish to be repre- There hlUH Ti» rsfli re larlous important I"' bum at ttih lime — the name change and the Student union — that many candidates will be tak¬ ing a stand on" added Hiss Cord¬ ray. "If elected as women*! leg¬ islative commissioner 1 would talk to students and find out the majority view point on these and other Issues and represent the •rottKH accordingly on the var¬ ious boards." Miss Sheehan explained her Idea' of the office as follows; "Many people have Ihe miscon¬ ception that the women's legisla- tlve commissioner represents on¬ ly the feminine side of the stu¬ dent body. This is not true. The women's legislative com¬ missioner represents the entire student body and therefore, if 1 eiti elected 1 will try to represent not only the student body but the Individual as well. I believe the chief qualifica¬ tion for this ..'fir- la to be In¬ terested and wilting to attend the board meetings and various student body committee meet¬ ing*. 1 am. enthusiastic about the projects now before the student council and am nnxioua to be a part of their fulfillment." Other candidates running for ASH offices Include Sterling Johnson and [toder'ick Ilolromh, vice president: and Dick Murray, athletic commissioner. AWS tiimlldnHs Candidate* for AWS Offices In¬ clude Heather Cairns, president: Kathy Whitfield, vice president; Sandy DeAppolonla. ^treasurer; Jean Cook and Penny McNeil. election manager; and Terry Itiordan and Klaine Ludeking, secretary. There are no candi¬ dates for the office of AWS his- Jim Westfall and John Mul- IIns will vie for the office of senior class vice president. The senior offices of secretary-treas¬ urer and social chairman have no candidates listed. Barry O'Nell is the only can¬ didate for Junior class vice presi¬ dent, while Diana Meehan. Sheila Benson, and Betly Watklns all have their eye on the office of secretary-treasurer. Karen Fern- sten and Pat Amoruso are run- nine for Junior social chairman. Sophomore Hopefuls The sophomore class will have to choose between Alex Audelo. Paul fiugen, or Bill Dettinelll for Its vice president. Marsha Peter¬ sen. Rosamary Rockwell, and Susan Hunter are candidates for class secretary-treasurer. Cathy Schenget and Mlekl Johnsey will vie for Ihe office of social chalr- Thc office of vice president of the freshman class will go to either Hazel Mllovich or Deanna Woods. Other frosh candidates Include Slierrle PIckford. secre¬ tary-treasurer.; and Judie Smiley and Jeannle Stelnhauer, social chairman. Halls Decorated For Christmas )pen House Students will "deck the halls." t campus residence halls that , with "bows of holly," tinsel ud Christmas finery for open loose Freer* 1 pm to 5 pm Sun- i*y. The three halls, liaker, Graves id Homan, will decorate their wnges, recreation tables as well as the * ityles Mtlng thel i and women residenl b« halls will decorate doors. A rlxe for tba best door decora- m will be Awarded. Judging decorations at Baker Bail will bo Miss Mary C. llaker. whom the hall la named, and Urs. Jean Warren, head resident. Jane Powell on tho organ and larbare Ybanes on accordlan will toy hoUday music for the vlsl- Wi at Baker. Graves, where an "Old 'aahloncd Christmas" will be de¬ leted, a choir will sing carols. "eggy Webber is the choir, dlrec- The Graves' girls have donned tprona and are baking cookies serve their parents, faculty and nests. All three halls will serve re¬ freshments daring the afternoon tociat atralr. Not to be left out, the men « Homan will have a "winter- vonderlaad" In their hall. Edward Delaney and Edward tatkert are the chairmen of co- Tdlnatlng activities. Jacquc BIcn. loman Hall sweetheart, will be ae official hostess. Invitations will be given to tin aldent students to send to par¬ tis, friends and relatives. The ors of tie balls will be" opened the public. Guests will be able tour Uw halls. Twelfth Night' To Open Tomorrow (©creation Night Will i Square Dancing I Grab yer Pardnerl I Square dancing will bo the I event at tonight's weekly iatlon night In the men's c ym ■ |&aalo steps ot folk and square I will be tinght at 8 PM tng the regular social dance •creation Nljht meets every " f at 7 PM and features foeatlon sports and dancing. "Twelfth Night" Rehearsals Walter And. FMTs third nctor-ln-resldence. Men* on stage dur¬ ing rvlienrsnls for the Mule Theater prodi ••Twelfth ME»>t." ictlon of Sim Ota Dulj-arlnr. nnd Tom Isrnelian Photo ll.i Dennis Breckinridge William Shakespeai Night" will premiere tomorrow PM In the Fresno Slate College LUtle Theater. play, produced by the Speech-Arts Division, will he pre¬ sented through Dec. 14. Curtain time is the same for all perform¬ ances except Faculty Night. 7:30 PM and Dec. S. a high school mat¬ inee scheduled at UII P« »ec. Tickets, are available at the campus box office and the Hock- ett-Cowan Box Office. 1254 Ful¬ ton St There Is no Charge to members of the FSC Association but Phillip Walker, associate pro¬ fessor of speech and director of the Play, said students must pre¬ sent association cards at lhc«am- pus box office to reserve seats. GcnPral admission tickets for week-day performances and the Saturday matinee are IS.EO and 3 for the Friday and Saturday evening perforate**. The play will feature the third ■2^ artU.-m-resldence, Waller 35 JS«th* iolB ot T Join the Ellsabe^ncome^ Abel has played on Broadway, •Twelfth In motion pictures, and television. The plot centers around twin sister who must pose as a boy for protection in tho land of Illyrla after a ship wreck which she assumes killed her brother. „_. continues when her brother arrives In Illyrla not knowing his sister Is alive. "The FSC production has at¬ tempted to retain the full comic of the play while elimln- j tho characteristically Shakespearcao ambiguity Of lime and place which Is so confusing to modern audiences. Archaic ele¬ ments having no appreciable hear¬ ing on plot or eharact«r have been deleted," said Walker. The cast. In order of appear¬ ance. Is Feste, Josef Rodrlguei; Orsino, Joseph Faulkner; Valen¬ tine. Ken Crawford; Maria, Sonla Dulgarlan; viola. Qretchen Chris¬ tiansen; Sea Captain, George Milne; Sir Toby Belch, Philip Freer; Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Ron Headlee; Olivia, Helen West, Malvnllo. Mr. Abel; Antonio. Sam Ganlmian; Sebastian. Jerry Al- thoff; Fabian. Tom Israelian. (Contmutd on Pmg, 2) Two Apply For Editor Two Journalism students have applied for the spring editorship of The Collegian. Kenneth T. Finch. Turlock. and Dan O'tlrlen, 1'lcasnnl Hill, hav applled for Ihe position. Fine Is cuurently Monday editor an O'Brien sports editor. The pr.-*ent editor, Anilmi r.iiiii-.ini .>, h:r. decided against rvitppl)ll»R for the position. "I have thought Ihe matter OVtr carefully." said Miss Lan- fmnco yesterday, "and have def¬ initely decided against reapply¬ ing. 1 encourage anyone who feels qualified to apply Cor the post ...."Being editor Is a very chal¬ lenging position and It offers a variety of experiences and oppor¬ tunities. However, appllc should realize that tho editorship Is a very time consuming and very responsible Job." The applications are available in the student activities office and are due Friday. Library Displays Kennedy Tribute A plaque bearing the words 'John F. Kennedy, 36th president ot the United States, 1917-1963' and his formal portrait were placed In the library In memorlam to the lato president. The portrait and the plaque arc surrounded by four magatlne cover photographs of the late president. Fresno State Or California State College At Fresno? Fresno State College or Cali¬ fornia State College at Fresno? Students will get their chance to hear both sides of the name change Issue in a series of de¬ bates which start today at noon in the Arena Theater. Today's debate will feature Dean 1.. Wider back, assistant professor of history (for the change) and Elvln Belt of the Fresno Chamber of Commerce (against any change). Another debale will be con¬ ducted tomorrow at noon in the Arena Theater. In that debate. Dr. William Bcatty, professor of physical education, and principal proponent of the change, will ar¬ gue with Larry Wllllby of the Downtown Association. Third Debate Tuesday , third debate will be next Tuesday. The debaters have not t been named. The debates are co-sponsored ' the Public Relations Commit¬ tee and The Collegian. Sam Ganlmian. chairman of the Public Relations' Committee and announced opponent of the change urges students to attend "before they have the wool pulled over their eyes by advocates for a lame change." Ganlmian said. "They can only learn tho true Issue by attending these debates ind voicing their opinions by a . Student voting on the Issue Is danncd for Dec. 11 and will co¬ incide with the student body pri¬ mary elections. A recent poll showed 241 fac¬ ulty favoring the change and 92 opposing. Faculty Council, com¬ posed ot ten faculty and adcnlnls- tratlve officials at FSC, unani¬ mously agreed to send the re¬ sults of that poll to the California Slate College Chancellor, tho trustees, the State Academic Sen- ato,"*the Coordinating Council for Higher Education, and to each of the Slate College faculty sen¬ ates and councils. Faculty Asks Change The. Faculty Council also agreed to ask the President's Cab¬ inet to Join in a request to the Trustees to change the name. But Dr. Arnold E. Joyal. college president, cast a "no vote." ex¬ pressing the possibility the Trus¬ tees might be more Interested In student and community opinion than the faculty noU results. With this In mind, Ganlmian added. "I can't stress the point strong enough. It is Important to he informed before voting on this vital Issue." Student Council recently voted by a one vote margin to remain Fresno State College. That vote showed 35 against change. 34 for, and seven abstentions. They voted after hearing Dr. Beatty and Ed Kerber. president of the Alumni Association engage In a debate. Opposition to the change has come from Fresno City and County and from the Chamber of Com- tnrsre'e. The Alumni Association has also opposed a change. Honor Group Adds 17 To Membership Twenty-seven seniors have been initiated Into the Fresno State College chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, scholastic honor so- To be eligible Tor membership a senior must have a 3.25 or bet¬ ter grade point average said club spokesman Karen Graham. Initiated were Juliet Anderson, Diane Chapln, Margaret Collins, Carol Copley, Georglana Dllllon, Judy Dodd, Detores Doyle. Pa¬ tricia Fearer, Gladys Fltchett. Jean Hays, William Henson, Kar¬ en Graham, Bobbe Jane Mah. Lynda Melton. Jerry Nelson, Frieda Neufeld, Peter Paplnnou. Margaret Peart. Kenneth Raess- ler. Rebecca Reed. Beverly Rud- holm, Alice Ruffa, Susan Schroed- er, Dixie Lee Simpson, Joyce Toy- oda, Susan Turner, and Wilms Welklo. Dr. Wayne B. Holder, asso¬ ciate professor or psychology, was guest speaker at a banquet fol¬ lowing the initiation ceremony. Officers include Howard J. Conipbell, associate professor of speech, president; Dennis Baker, accounting major, vice presi¬ dent; Dr. Ralph W. McCoy, pro¬ fessor of biology, secretary; and Dr. Keith H. Woodwlck, asso¬ ciate professor of biology, tress- Academic Calendar Is Approved By Faculty The Fresno State College Faculty has approved iinana- mously a poll of all numbers of the faculty on tho appropriate calendar for higher education Tho faculty mtcnjbers will be asked to select one of the follow¬ ing three options: the present semester system, the trimester system, and the quarter system. Edwin J. Rousek, chairman of animal science department and president Of the council, ap¬ pointed the election committee to prepare the ballot. • The polling decision was mo¬ tivated by a letter from San Fran¬ cisco State College requesting the position of the FSC faculty In this Issue. Members of the council agreed to notify the chancellor's office, the coordinating council . for higher Uucatlon, and tho chair¬ man of the state academic senate that it supports the semester sys¬ tem. The notice will also Include a recommendation to delay all ac¬ tions toward changing from the present system to the quarter or trimester until the academic state senate has thoroughly studied' tho matter, and until all faculty members of the California State College System have been polled on the issue. Members of the election com¬ mittee are: Dr. Bernard A. Shep- ard, professor of Journalism; Frank If. Bootsen. chairman of the criminology department; and. Dr. A. Wayne Colver, chairman of the philosophy department. Dr. Rojas Writes Spanish Follow News Of JFK's Murder Citliens of Madrid, Spain, fol¬ lowed reports of President Ken¬ nedy's assassination as closely as most Americans, reports a Fres¬ no State College processor serving In the city. Dr. Carlos Rojas. chairman of the foreign language department, wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Shee¬ han, chairman of the Journalism department, telling of the reac¬ tion of the Spanish people to the American President's death. "For three days you had among the first 100 In.Une at every newatand to get a paper, morning and evening—and there Is a news land for every two blocks," Dr. Rojas wrote. "The seven dallies of Madrid covered the news In excellent fashion. So did the radio." Dr. Rojas, now serving as the director of' the California State College Overseas Study Program In Spain, added. "While waiting In line to get a paper you heard criticism of our police for pure carelessness on their part. "• "This was embarrassing be¬ cause they think of America as the epitome of efficiency. Be¬ cause Kennedy was a Catholic, was thla disregard for his safety premeditated < they asked > f was hard to explain. "The press continues to try to fathom the real motive: Was Os¬ wald, and now, Rubenstein, con¬ nected with International In¬ terests* I got an Italian paper yesterday because Its headline at¬ tracted me: The Dallas Episode Not Another Sarajevo!* The Ital¬ ians, also, keep delving." Sarajevo was the scene of tho assassination of Archduke Frani Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary— an event -which led to World War I. Another of our faculty mem¬ bers Is serving as a director of tho California State College Over¬ seas Study Program. Dr. Karl Falk, head of the social science division, Is the director In Germ¬ any and S
Object Description
Title | 1963_12 The Daily Collegian December 1963 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1963 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | December 4, 1963, Page 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1963 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | resno StateName'Change Debates Bei FRESNO STATE FflLUME LXVIII Students will be able to voice Urir opinions of whether they j change the »..,:■■:;.: Fres- ate College to California lillt College at Fresno at Wed- ...ix- i primary election. According to the name chang- m torn mitt ee. the change would lU presUge to the college ami ,u graduates. Opponents contend the college aul make Its own prestige—not i mcta alone, Students will also elect Asso- jbted Student Body officers, As- ■dated Women Student officers. lid class officers at the Activl- Boolh from 9 AM to * PM. Women Candidate* he office of ASB women's Initiative commissioner will be itcst between Pam Sheehan mi Ginger Cordray. Hiss Cordray said. "The worn- 'I legislative commissioner's nspoailblllty Is to represent the i of this campus on various tarda and committees. She is a mtlog member of the Board of C O L L E G FRESNO, CALIFORNIA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1363 NUMBER 85 FSC Name Change, Student Body Primary Elections Are Scheduled Directors, Board of Fine Ar ami Board or Publications. As a candidate for this OffltteJ 1 feel that my experience In AWs' would he helpful In knowing and! finding out how Hid women on thin cua-pus wish to be repre- There hlUH Ti» rsfli re larlous important I"' bum at ttih lime — the name change and the Student union — that many candidates will be tak¬ ing a stand on" added Hiss Cord¬ ray. "If elected as women*! leg¬ islative commissioner 1 would talk to students and find out the majority view point on these and other Issues and represent the •rottKH accordingly on the var¬ ious boards." Miss Sheehan explained her Idea' of the office as follows; "Many people have Ihe miscon¬ ception that the women's legisla- tlve commissioner represents on¬ ly the feminine side of the stu¬ dent body. This is not true. The women's legislative com¬ missioner represents the entire student body and therefore, if 1 eiti elected 1 will try to represent not only the student body but the Individual as well. I believe the chief qualifica¬ tion for this ..'fir- la to be In¬ terested and wilting to attend the board meetings and various student body committee meet¬ ing*. 1 am. enthusiastic about the projects now before the student council and am nnxioua to be a part of their fulfillment." Other candidates running for ASH offices Include Sterling Johnson and [toder'ick Ilolromh, vice president: and Dick Murray, athletic commissioner. AWS tiimlldnHs Candidate* for AWS Offices In¬ clude Heather Cairns, president: Kathy Whitfield, vice president; Sandy DeAppolonla. ^treasurer; Jean Cook and Penny McNeil. election manager; and Terry Itiordan and Klaine Ludeking, secretary. There are no candi¬ dates for the office of AWS his- Jim Westfall and John Mul- IIns will vie for the office of senior class vice president. The senior offices of secretary-treas¬ urer and social chairman have no candidates listed. Barry O'Nell is the only can¬ didate for Junior class vice presi¬ dent, while Diana Meehan. Sheila Benson, and Betly Watklns all have their eye on the office of secretary-treasurer. Karen Fern- sten and Pat Amoruso are run- nine for Junior social chairman. Sophomore Hopefuls The sophomore class will have to choose between Alex Audelo. Paul fiugen, or Bill Dettinelll for Its vice president. Marsha Peter¬ sen. Rosamary Rockwell, and Susan Hunter are candidates for class secretary-treasurer. Cathy Schenget and Mlekl Johnsey will vie for Ihe office of social chalr- Thc office of vice president of the freshman class will go to either Hazel Mllovich or Deanna Woods. Other frosh candidates Include Slierrle PIckford. secre¬ tary-treasurer.; and Judie Smiley and Jeannle Stelnhauer, social chairman. Halls Decorated For Christmas )pen House Students will "deck the halls." t campus residence halls that , with "bows of holly," tinsel ud Christmas finery for open loose Freer* 1 pm to 5 pm Sun- i*y. The three halls, liaker, Graves id Homan, will decorate their wnges, recreation tables as well as the * ityles Mtlng thel i and women residenl b« halls will decorate doors. A rlxe for tba best door decora- m will be Awarded. Judging decorations at Baker Bail will bo Miss Mary C. llaker. whom the hall la named, and Urs. Jean Warren, head resident. Jane Powell on tho organ and larbare Ybanes on accordlan will toy hoUday music for the vlsl- Wi at Baker. Graves, where an "Old 'aahloncd Christmas" will be de¬ leted, a choir will sing carols. "eggy Webber is the choir, dlrec- The Graves' girls have donned tprona and are baking cookies serve their parents, faculty and nests. All three halls will serve re¬ freshments daring the afternoon tociat atralr. Not to be left out, the men « Homan will have a "winter- vonderlaad" In their hall. Edward Delaney and Edward tatkert are the chairmen of co- Tdlnatlng activities. Jacquc BIcn. loman Hall sweetheart, will be ae official hostess. Invitations will be given to tin aldent students to send to par¬ tis, friends and relatives. The ors of tie balls will be" opened the public. Guests will be able tour Uw halls. Twelfth Night' To Open Tomorrow (©creation Night Will i Square Dancing I Grab yer Pardnerl I Square dancing will bo the I event at tonight's weekly iatlon night In the men's c ym ■ |&aalo steps ot folk and square I will be tinght at 8 PM tng the regular social dance •creation Nljht meets every " f at 7 PM and features foeatlon sports and dancing. "Twelfth Night" Rehearsals Walter And. FMTs third nctor-ln-resldence. Men* on stage dur¬ ing rvlienrsnls for the Mule Theater prodi ••Twelfth ME»>t." ictlon of Sim Ota Dulj-arlnr. nnd Tom Isrnelian Photo ll.i Dennis Breckinridge William Shakespeai Night" will premiere tomorrow PM In the Fresno Slate College LUtle Theater. play, produced by the Speech-Arts Division, will he pre¬ sented through Dec. 14. Curtain time is the same for all perform¬ ances except Faculty Night. 7:30 PM and Dec. S. a high school mat¬ inee scheduled at UII P« »ec. Tickets, are available at the campus box office and the Hock- ett-Cowan Box Office. 1254 Ful¬ ton St There Is no Charge to members of the FSC Association but Phillip Walker, associate pro¬ fessor of speech and director of the Play, said students must pre¬ sent association cards at lhc«am- pus box office to reserve seats. GcnPral admission tickets for week-day performances and the Saturday matinee are IS.EO and 3 for the Friday and Saturday evening perforate**. The play will feature the third ■2^ artU.-m-resldence, Waller 35 JS«th* iolB ot T Join the Ellsabe^ncome^ Abel has played on Broadway, •Twelfth In motion pictures, and television. The plot centers around twin sister who must pose as a boy for protection in tho land of Illyrla after a ship wreck which she assumes killed her brother. „_. continues when her brother arrives In Illyrla not knowing his sister Is alive. "The FSC production has at¬ tempted to retain the full comic of the play while elimln- j tho characteristically Shakespearcao ambiguity Of lime and place which Is so confusing to modern audiences. Archaic ele¬ ments having no appreciable hear¬ ing on plot or eharact«r have been deleted," said Walker. The cast. In order of appear¬ ance. Is Feste, Josef Rodrlguei; Orsino, Joseph Faulkner; Valen¬ tine. Ken Crawford; Maria, Sonla Dulgarlan; viola. Qretchen Chris¬ tiansen; Sea Captain, George Milne; Sir Toby Belch, Philip Freer; Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Ron Headlee; Olivia, Helen West, Malvnllo. Mr. Abel; Antonio. Sam Ganlmian; Sebastian. Jerry Al- thoff; Fabian. Tom Israelian. (Contmutd on Pmg, 2) Two Apply For Editor Two Journalism students have applied for the spring editorship of The Collegian. Kenneth T. Finch. Turlock. and Dan O'tlrlen, 1'lcasnnl Hill, hav applled for Ihe position. Fine Is cuurently Monday editor an O'Brien sports editor. The pr.-*ent editor, Anilmi r.iiiii-.ini .>, h:r. decided against rvitppl)ll»R for the position. "I have thought Ihe matter OVtr carefully." said Miss Lan- fmnco yesterday, "and have def¬ initely decided against reapply¬ ing. 1 encourage anyone who feels qualified to apply Cor the post ...."Being editor Is a very chal¬ lenging position and It offers a variety of experiences and oppor¬ tunities. However, appllc should realize that tho editorship Is a very time consuming and very responsible Job." The applications are available in the student activities office and are due Friday. Library Displays Kennedy Tribute A plaque bearing the words 'John F. Kennedy, 36th president ot the United States, 1917-1963' and his formal portrait were placed In the library In memorlam to the lato president. The portrait and the plaque arc surrounded by four magatlne cover photographs of the late president. Fresno State Or California State College At Fresno? Fresno State College or Cali¬ fornia State College at Fresno? Students will get their chance to hear both sides of the name change Issue in a series of de¬ bates which start today at noon in the Arena Theater. Today's debate will feature Dean 1.. Wider back, assistant professor of history (for the change) and Elvln Belt of the Fresno Chamber of Commerce (against any change). Another debale will be con¬ ducted tomorrow at noon in the Arena Theater. In that debate. Dr. William Bcatty, professor of physical education, and principal proponent of the change, will ar¬ gue with Larry Wllllby of the Downtown Association. Third Debate Tuesday , third debate will be next Tuesday. The debaters have not t been named. The debates are co-sponsored ' the Public Relations Commit¬ tee and The Collegian. Sam Ganlmian. chairman of the Public Relations' Committee and announced opponent of the change urges students to attend "before they have the wool pulled over their eyes by advocates for a lame change." Ganlmian said. "They can only learn tho true Issue by attending these debates ind voicing their opinions by a . Student voting on the Issue Is danncd for Dec. 11 and will co¬ incide with the student body pri¬ mary elections. A recent poll showed 241 fac¬ ulty favoring the change and 92 opposing. Faculty Council, com¬ posed ot ten faculty and adcnlnls- tratlve officials at FSC, unani¬ mously agreed to send the re¬ sults of that poll to the California Slate College Chancellor, tho trustees, the State Academic Sen- ato,"*the Coordinating Council for Higher Education, and to each of the Slate College faculty sen¬ ates and councils. Faculty Asks Change The. Faculty Council also agreed to ask the President's Cab¬ inet to Join in a request to the Trustees to change the name. But Dr. Arnold E. Joyal. college president, cast a "no vote." ex¬ pressing the possibility the Trus¬ tees might be more Interested In student and community opinion than the faculty noU results. With this In mind, Ganlmian added. "I can't stress the point strong enough. It is Important to he informed before voting on this vital Issue." Student Council recently voted by a one vote margin to remain Fresno State College. That vote showed 35 against change. 34 for, and seven abstentions. They voted after hearing Dr. Beatty and Ed Kerber. president of the Alumni Association engage In a debate. Opposition to the change has come from Fresno City and County and from the Chamber of Com- tnrsre'e. The Alumni Association has also opposed a change. Honor Group Adds 17 To Membership Twenty-seven seniors have been initiated Into the Fresno State College chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, scholastic honor so- To be eligible Tor membership a senior must have a 3.25 or bet¬ ter grade point average said club spokesman Karen Graham. Initiated were Juliet Anderson, Diane Chapln, Margaret Collins, Carol Copley, Georglana Dllllon, Judy Dodd, Detores Doyle. Pa¬ tricia Fearer, Gladys Fltchett. Jean Hays, William Henson, Kar¬ en Graham, Bobbe Jane Mah. Lynda Melton. Jerry Nelson, Frieda Neufeld, Peter Paplnnou. Margaret Peart. Kenneth Raess- ler. Rebecca Reed. Beverly Rud- holm, Alice Ruffa, Susan Schroed- er, Dixie Lee Simpson, Joyce Toy- oda, Susan Turner, and Wilms Welklo. Dr. Wayne B. Holder, asso¬ ciate professor or psychology, was guest speaker at a banquet fol¬ lowing the initiation ceremony. Officers include Howard J. Conipbell, associate professor of speech, president; Dennis Baker, accounting major, vice presi¬ dent; Dr. Ralph W. McCoy, pro¬ fessor of biology, secretary; and Dr. Keith H. Woodwlck, asso¬ ciate professor of biology, tress- Academic Calendar Is Approved By Faculty The Fresno State College Faculty has approved iinana- mously a poll of all numbers of the faculty on tho appropriate calendar for higher education Tho faculty mtcnjbers will be asked to select one of the follow¬ ing three options: the present semester system, the trimester system, and the quarter system. Edwin J. Rousek, chairman of animal science department and president Of the council, ap¬ pointed the election committee to prepare the ballot. • The polling decision was mo¬ tivated by a letter from San Fran¬ cisco State College requesting the position of the FSC faculty In this Issue. Members of the council agreed to notify the chancellor's office, the coordinating council . for higher Uucatlon, and tho chair¬ man of the state academic senate that it supports the semester sys¬ tem. The notice will also Include a recommendation to delay all ac¬ tions toward changing from the present system to the quarter or trimester until the academic state senate has thoroughly studied' tho matter, and until all faculty members of the California State College System have been polled on the issue. Members of the election com¬ mittee are: Dr. Bernard A. Shep- ard, professor of Journalism; Frank If. Bootsen. chairman of the criminology department; and. Dr. A. Wayne Colver, chairman of the philosophy department. Dr. Rojas Writes Spanish Follow News Of JFK's Murder Citliens of Madrid, Spain, fol¬ lowed reports of President Ken¬ nedy's assassination as closely as most Americans, reports a Fres¬ no State College processor serving In the city. Dr. Carlos Rojas. chairman of the foreign language department, wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Shee¬ han, chairman of the Journalism department, telling of the reac¬ tion of the Spanish people to the American President's death. "For three days you had among the first 100 In.Une at every newatand to get a paper, morning and evening—and there Is a news land for every two blocks," Dr. Rojas wrote. "The seven dallies of Madrid covered the news In excellent fashion. So did the radio." Dr. Rojas, now serving as the director of' the California State College Overseas Study Program In Spain, added. "While waiting In line to get a paper you heard criticism of our police for pure carelessness on their part. "• "This was embarrassing be¬ cause they think of America as the epitome of efficiency. Be¬ cause Kennedy was a Catholic, was thla disregard for his safety premeditated < they asked > f was hard to explain. "The press continues to try to fathom the real motive: Was Os¬ wald, and now, Rubenstein, con¬ nected with International In¬ terests* I got an Italian paper yesterday because Its headline at¬ tracted me: The Dallas Episode Not Another Sarajevo!* The Ital¬ ians, also, keep delving." Sarajevo was the scene of tho assassination of Archduke Frani Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary— an event -which led to World War I. Another of our faculty mem¬ bers Is serving as a director of tho California State College Over¬ seas Study Program. Dr. Karl Falk, head of the social science division, Is the director In Germ¬ any and S |