November 1, 1962, Page 4 |
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The Fresno Stale Collage Colleglon- -ttsge Four FSC Dogs Meet UOP At 3:30 Today £pctUbeat \*e\ Harriers Are Not ^Jf2 Improving l(y JACK McCLEKEGHAN Collegian Sports Editor Cross country coach Dulch^ Warmerdam ls beginning to wonder why his top runners "Spike" Blggers and Rick Dahlgren are not doing better In competition. Last week Blggers and Dahlgren were beaten by runners they had —n^frat*ed--ln--the-CCAA-^eagu<-meet-a^*r^ar-«go.^Long Beach-State won the triangular meet from Fresno and Sacramento State College over tbe 5.000 meter course at Millerton Lake. Just what the reason Is for the failure of Dahlgren and Blggers ls a question mark. Even lowly Cal Poly (SLO) placed Its top runner ahead ot the two Fresno runners. Savage Is Coming Tim only bright spot to dale has been the running of freelunan Eddie Savage. The harrier from Antloch has been Improving with every moot and Is now being turned loose In varsity meets. Savogo't biggest problem has been getting stronger to run the longer coUrgt distance than what be ran in high1 school. Another man showing improvement haa been Junior Larry Dorsey. Tbe medium built veteran runner has cut almost 32 seconds off his best times last year and continues to batter tbe clock. He nog Is Pussier Another question mark concerning this year's team Is the dis¬ appointment of little Joe Herxog who at one time last year was thought to be a top flight mller. Hi-nut made tho headlines last year when lie whipped off a 4:22.-1 mile to win the All>Cotncra meet. Following that race he r.une back in the halt mile and ran a 1:57.6 to take a second place. Tho El CanUno JC transfer has not come close to eqnallng Ids great double effort of last year. Other runners who seem to be making no further advancement are veterans Ken Kemmerer and Jerry Wegley. Talent la There Tbe Junior varsity scene doesn't look any brighter. The roster shows the runners have the credentials but their efforts haven't been anything to rave about yet. ''lilke Adams. Marv DeCarto, Mike Farschon, Larry Knuth, Chuck Odahl. Mike Smith, Danny Thomas. Jeff Wilson, Al Davis and Jim Watchemplno should show better results. Croos-coantry is a ragged, individual sport. The mental attitude ot a runner haa > lot to do with how well he fare* In competition. Dutch Warmcrdiim 1* a "nice guy" and this corner would like to see his team start producing for him. The talent is there . . . Hairabedian Predicts Best Effort; Fresno Squad Is Heavy Underdog The surging Fresno Slate v polo team will play a tough doubleheader this afternoon start¬ ing with a 3:30 game against Uni¬ versity of Pacific. At 7 PM the Bulldogs take on undefeated Long Beach State, considered by many to be the best t polo team In the country. Long Beach State has been the ite champion for three*yearn. Pacific, a top notch team, beat FSC Iwtet- last year without much i game! Bullpups Casaba Squad Drills Slated Coach Ara Halrabedian said, 'We are going to play to win but take them one at 're going to be the underdog, but I feel we have a good chance." Several of ihe Long Beach players have tried out for the Olympic squad and there la a lot of experience In their line-up. ac¬ cording to Hairabedian. "Speaking conservatively," said the Bulldog coach, "the Long Beach coach says they are three times as good as last year." Long Beach State beat Fresno State last year in their only meeting. "Our strcngUt this year has been In our two high-scoring for¬ wards, Atencio and Bledi stated Halrabedian. Tony Atencio leads the team In scoring with 25 goals and Dennis Bledsoe this season. Halrabedian thinks that desire will have a lot to do with the way these two big games "Cal Poly has been our best game to date. The boys really wanted that one." he added. "I don't think they are going to outswlm us. They may be bet¬ ter ball handlers though. We have looked real tough on defense. Wrestlers Report For Practice; Davies Back Approximately 20 candidates for the college's varsity and freshman wrestling teams will report for the start of prac¬ tice todav. Head coach Max Kimberly expects to welcome three lettermen, headed by Pacific Coast Intercollegiate^ Im¬ pound champion Eddie Davies, ,. CCAA We' ■ been playing a very aggres- The Junior varsity basketball team will open practice for its 1362-63 season Monday with ap¬ proximately £0 hopefuls expected to report to JV coach Jack Adler. Adler expects his squad will bo nearly as strong as last year's team which won 16 garnet and lost three. Two of the stars from that flub. Tom UcFerson and Bob Jensen, are currently contending for varsity starting berths. Topping -the list of players due to report Monday Is Verle (Butch) Bounsartlle, 6-3 All-Northern California, forward at Antloch High School last year. Other standouts Include: Gary Marian,. 5 11, three-time All-Uayward Athletic League guard from Castro Valley; Brlce Chambers, 6-1, all-league guard from Slml; Terry Hogue, 6-3, North Sequoia League Player of the Tear from El Capltan (Mer¬ ced J, and Bob Frost, 6-5. center from Sol ma. slve game." said Halrabedian. : are due for another good game and the fellows have the confidence that they can win. Also, we've been working on a little different- type of-offense. We're not Jamming up the middle In tbe school of experience class colors aro black and bine, the school yell ls "ouch", and few look forward to doing the assign¬ ment the second time. CEDAR & SHIELDS SHOPPING CENTER FSCs CLOSEST COMPLETE SHOPPING AREA 12 mile, away) g___S___g MANOR DRUGS For your complete Drag and Cosmetic needs SERVICE BA 9-6575 US. Post Office m slon — open 7 days a week and Northern California Inter¬ collegiate titles lust year, got to the NCAA quarter-finals before suffering his first loss In three years of collegiate wrestling. ' Other letiermon reporting will be Ron Bush and Allen Bertoldl 137 and 147 pounds, re*p**- ely. To go with them. Kimberly has an outstanding group of Jun¬ ior college wrestlers Including former state JC champions Ruy Stuckey (115 pounds) and Don •Ison (167 pounds), both from Fresno City College, ■eshmen are eligible for var- competitlon under CCAA i but Kimberly has set up an eight-meet Trout) schedule In order to preserve the eligibility of his yearlings. Outstanding among the fresh¬ man group are Valley champions Steve Johanscn of Madera and Dob Jacobsen of Roosevelt IV HoTT N'nrrh-Yoseroite--teag4 147 pound kingpin Dennis Forrester Of Madera, and Eric Christen sen. Fresno city 177-pound champ from McLane High. Kimberly rates Chrlstensen highly, in par¬ ticular, tabbing him as a poten- llal national championship con- Smirtcamp On Board Earl Smlttcomp of Clovln. the former chairman of the college Advisory Board, has been elected to the college Foundation and Ag¬ ricultural Foundation Hoard of Governors replacing William J. George of Merced, who completed 23 years of service on the hoard this year. BULLDOG & CAMPUS TOWN HAIRCUTS $1.50 Powerful SJS Meets Fresno Runners Friday The cross country team takes on what may be the West Coast's strongest squad Friday when the Bulldogs travel to San ioao to meet San Jose State. San Jose, runner-up in ij„. year's NCAA championships. Usui on its roster such runners as Jeff Fish back and Ron Davis, who placed second and fifth, rtwpec- lively, In the NCAA steeplechase iast'Juno, and Danny Murphy, as. tlonal freshman 10,000-meter rec¬ ord holder. Coach Cornelius Wanuerdsn will take the first seven flnisbon In last week's triangular meet. Is which Fresno State lost to Lout Beach State and Sacrajnentc State. 19-50-64. The entries will Include Howard (Spike) Blfigort the first Bulldog finisher Ins! week Ihe was ninth); Joe Her sog. Rick Dahlgren. Ken Ken merer, Jerry Wegley, Larry Dor sey> and Eddie Savage. EUROPE Let an expert do it! GEORGE E. CHAIN Specialize, in watch ond jewelry repair 4221 B E. SHIELDS Centmc >)(e* J Wear PEBBLE BEACH FOG CUTTER—$1 OFF By Showing Student Body Card 4161 E. SHIELDS If your hair it not becoming fa you should bo coming to ui g HEAD HUNTER •& BARBER SHOP O « Cedar lane* Bowl 4114 E. SHIELDS $1.50 to Ail Students SIX CHAIRS AND SHINE get Lots More from EM more body in the blend more flavor in the smoke more taste tnrough the filter t^BLX. •AkUttft modem fflt«-_. Wn_iX™ m ""•'^twd dpwtia. And Get lot. more from IMS-ihethtra^J,, LT »,™!wW,»'«*wjoiirlips.
Object Description
Title | 1962_11 The Daily Collegian November 1962 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1962 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | November 1, 1962, Page 4 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1962 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | The Fresno Stale Collage Colleglon- -ttsge Four FSC Dogs Meet UOP At 3:30 Today £pctUbeat \*e\ Harriers Are Not ^Jf2 Improving l(y JACK McCLEKEGHAN Collegian Sports Editor Cross country coach Dulch^ Warmerdam ls beginning to wonder why his top runners "Spike" Blggers and Rick Dahlgren are not doing better In competition. Last week Blggers and Dahlgren were beaten by runners they had —n^frat*ed--ln--the-CCAA-^eagu<-meet-a^*r^ar-«go.^Long Beach-State won the triangular meet from Fresno and Sacramento State College over tbe 5.000 meter course at Millerton Lake. Just what the reason Is for the failure of Dahlgren and Blggers ls a question mark. Even lowly Cal Poly (SLO) placed Its top runner ahead ot the two Fresno runners. Savage Is Coming Tim only bright spot to dale has been the running of freelunan Eddie Savage. The harrier from Antloch has been Improving with every moot and Is now being turned loose In varsity meets. Savogo't biggest problem has been getting stronger to run the longer coUrgt distance than what be ran in high1 school. Another man showing improvement haa been Junior Larry Dorsey. Tbe medium built veteran runner has cut almost 32 seconds off his best times last year and continues to batter tbe clock. He nog Is Pussier Another question mark concerning this year's team Is the dis¬ appointment of little Joe Herxog who at one time last year was thought to be a top flight mller. Hi-nut made tho headlines last year when lie whipped off a 4:22.-1 mile to win the All>Cotncra meet. Following that race he r.une back in the halt mile and ran a 1:57.6 to take a second place. Tho El CanUno JC transfer has not come close to eqnallng Ids great double effort of last year. Other runners who seem to be making no further advancement are veterans Ken Kemmerer and Jerry Wegley. Talent la There Tbe Junior varsity scene doesn't look any brighter. The roster shows the runners have the credentials but their efforts haven't been anything to rave about yet. ''lilke Adams. Marv DeCarto, Mike Farschon, Larry Knuth, Chuck Odahl. Mike Smith, Danny Thomas. Jeff Wilson, Al Davis and Jim Watchemplno should show better results. Croos-coantry is a ragged, individual sport. The mental attitude ot a runner haa > lot to do with how well he fare* In competition. Dutch Warmcrdiim 1* a "nice guy" and this corner would like to see his team start producing for him. The talent is there . . . Hairabedian Predicts Best Effort; Fresno Squad Is Heavy Underdog The surging Fresno Slate v polo team will play a tough doubleheader this afternoon start¬ ing with a 3:30 game against Uni¬ versity of Pacific. At 7 PM the Bulldogs take on undefeated Long Beach State, considered by many to be the best t polo team In the country. Long Beach State has been the ite champion for three*yearn. Pacific, a top notch team, beat FSC Iwtet- last year without much i game! Bullpups Casaba Squad Drills Slated Coach Ara Halrabedian said, 'We are going to play to win but take them one at 're going to be the underdog, but I feel we have a good chance." Several of ihe Long Beach players have tried out for the Olympic squad and there la a lot of experience In their line-up. ac¬ cording to Hairabedian. "Speaking conservatively," said the Bulldog coach, "the Long Beach coach says they are three times as good as last year." Long Beach State beat Fresno State last year in their only meeting. "Our strcngUt this year has been In our two high-scoring for¬ wards, Atencio and Bledi stated Halrabedian. Tony Atencio leads the team In scoring with 25 goals and Dennis Bledsoe this season. Halrabedian thinks that desire will have a lot to do with the way these two big games "Cal Poly has been our best game to date. The boys really wanted that one." he added. "I don't think they are going to outswlm us. They may be bet¬ ter ball handlers though. We have looked real tough on defense. Wrestlers Report For Practice; Davies Back Approximately 20 candidates for the college's varsity and freshman wrestling teams will report for the start of prac¬ tice todav. Head coach Max Kimberly expects to welcome three lettermen, headed by Pacific Coast Intercollegiate^ Im¬ pound champion Eddie Davies, ,. CCAA We' ■ been playing a very aggres- The Junior varsity basketball team will open practice for its 1362-63 season Monday with ap¬ proximately £0 hopefuls expected to report to JV coach Jack Adler. Adler expects his squad will bo nearly as strong as last year's team which won 16 garnet and lost three. Two of the stars from that flub. Tom UcFerson and Bob Jensen, are currently contending for varsity starting berths. Topping -the list of players due to report Monday Is Verle (Butch) Bounsartlle, 6-3 All-Northern California, forward at Antloch High School last year. Other standouts Include: Gary Marian,. 5 11, three-time All-Uayward Athletic League guard from Castro Valley; Brlce Chambers, 6-1, all-league guard from Slml; Terry Hogue, 6-3, North Sequoia League Player of the Tear from El Capltan (Mer¬ ced J, and Bob Frost, 6-5. center from Sol ma. slve game." said Halrabedian. : are due for another good game and the fellows have the confidence that they can win. Also, we've been working on a little different- type of-offense. We're not Jamming up the middle In tbe school of experience class colors aro black and bine, the school yell ls "ouch", and few look forward to doing the assign¬ ment the second time. CEDAR & SHIELDS SHOPPING CENTER FSCs CLOSEST COMPLETE SHOPPING AREA 12 mile, away) g___S___g MANOR DRUGS For your complete Drag and Cosmetic needs SERVICE BA 9-6575 US. Post Office m slon — open 7 days a week and Northern California Inter¬ collegiate titles lust year, got to the NCAA quarter-finals before suffering his first loss In three years of collegiate wrestling. ' Other letiermon reporting will be Ron Bush and Allen Bertoldl 137 and 147 pounds, re*p**- ely. To go with them. Kimberly has an outstanding group of Jun¬ ior college wrestlers Including former state JC champions Ruy Stuckey (115 pounds) and Don •Ison (167 pounds), both from Fresno City College, ■eshmen are eligible for var- competitlon under CCAA i but Kimberly has set up an eight-meet Trout) schedule In order to preserve the eligibility of his yearlings. Outstanding among the fresh¬ man group are Valley champions Steve Johanscn of Madera and Dob Jacobsen of Roosevelt IV HoTT N'nrrh-Yoseroite--teag4 147 pound kingpin Dennis Forrester Of Madera, and Eric Christen sen. Fresno city 177-pound champ from McLane High. Kimberly rates Chrlstensen highly, in par¬ ticular, tabbing him as a poten- llal national championship con- Smirtcamp On Board Earl Smlttcomp of Clovln. the former chairman of the college Advisory Board, has been elected to the college Foundation and Ag¬ ricultural Foundation Hoard of Governors replacing William J. George of Merced, who completed 23 years of service on the hoard this year. BULLDOG & CAMPUS TOWN HAIRCUTS $1.50 Powerful SJS Meets Fresno Runners Friday The cross country team takes on what may be the West Coast's strongest squad Friday when the Bulldogs travel to San ioao to meet San Jose State. San Jose, runner-up in ij„. year's NCAA championships. Usui on its roster such runners as Jeff Fish back and Ron Davis, who placed second and fifth, rtwpec- lively, In the NCAA steeplechase iast'Juno, and Danny Murphy, as. tlonal freshman 10,000-meter rec¬ ord holder. Coach Cornelius Wanuerdsn will take the first seven flnisbon In last week's triangular meet. Is which Fresno State lost to Lout Beach State and Sacrajnentc State. 19-50-64. The entries will Include Howard (Spike) Blfigort the first Bulldog finisher Ins! week Ihe was ninth); Joe Her sog. Rick Dahlgren. Ken Ken merer, Jerry Wegley, Larry Dor sey> and Eddie Savage. EUROPE Let an expert do it! GEORGE E. CHAIN Specialize, in watch ond jewelry repair 4221 B E. SHIELDS Centmc >)(e* J Wear PEBBLE BEACH FOG CUTTER—$1 OFF By Showing Student Body Card 4161 E. SHIELDS If your hair it not becoming fa you should bo coming to ui g HEAD HUNTER •& BARBER SHOP O « Cedar lane* Bowl 4114 E. SHIELDS $1.50 to Ail Students SIX CHAIRS AND SHINE get Lots More from EM more body in the blend more flavor in the smoke more taste tnrough the filter t^BLX. •AkUttft modem fflt«-_. Wn_iX™ m ""•'^twd dpwtia. And Get lot. more from IMS-ihethtra^J,, LT »,™!wW,»'«*wjoiirlips. |