October 1, 1962, Page 3 |
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kush Ends - FSC Sororities Announce 1962 Pledges -Ihe Fresno 5*«#e College Celiala —wTBje Tl*fee One full day of anxiety, sus¬ pense sad silence ended Thursday mninc for 140 Fresno State Col- lei* women wben they received word of their acceptance Into one if tbe six sororities. The folio wing women are now sorority pledges: Dett* Zees. Dolores Dee Bane, Diane Lynn Beene, Carol Ann CloTee. Dlanne Deester, Mollie 3alney, Roberta Oarrlck. Sharon Han ley, Marsha Holland, Judy EInddleeton, Carole Ann Mark, Ifary Uaselll. Deborah Maul, ler, Linda Mullln, Lome Roach, Ruth Ann Mitchell. Audres Mol- Ljo Anne Sorrentl, Bernadette Spano, Betty Jo Swartx and Susan Taylor. IX;]us. Gamma. Linda Anderson, Brooke Barnett. Sue Buckles. Pa¬ tricia Degen, Linda Dl Llddo, Laureen Dlx, Patricia Hall, Bar¬ bara Hampson. Linda Hlghtower. Jeanne Irola. Lee Ellen Moore, Leslie Morato. Lynae Nelson. Karen Newmnn. Marsha Petersen, Cherid Tetersen. Janell Robinson, Sally Sample. Cathy Schengel. Barbara Shiner. Metlnda Slaley, Carol Telesco. Kate Thomas, Sherl Thompson and Jan Walton. Kappa Alpha Tin-ta. Rick I Barncr. Heather Cairns, Virginia Cordray, Janle Cyr, Marcle Jo Glbeson. Judith Marie Goerges. Karen Griffin. Judl Lee John¬ stone, Cynthia Ann Jones. Karen Knourek, Carole Lee, Saundra Lontteor. Peggy McNeil. Terry Rlordon, Rosemary Rockwell, Sharon Smith, Carole Ann Steele. Annalee Stockton, Virginia Wal¬ ton, Kathleen Whitfield. Wendy Williams and Roberta Sue Win- Kappu Knppn Gamma: Barbara Allan. Janet Briscoe. Sally Cor- burn, Deborah Chrlstenaen, Su¬ zanne Copelnnd. Marlon Dauphin. Melinda Davis. Wendy de La Lalng. Ann Einstein. Pattl Flow¬ ers. Hope Hopper. Sally Hosteller Martha Johns. Sally Kennedy. Jean Kutch, Jan Llndman. Steph- ; ante Llpphold, Elaine LeudeklnR. Tool Maltos. Olivia McCoy, Phyl¬ lis Mertilon. Marjorle Morgan, Donna Richardson. Karen Rltler, Tonl Rossell. Linda Ruagge, PetiaxShaaf, Barbara SpaulrilnK. Cathy Stark. Susan Strlckler, Jo Ann Thome and Yvetle Tafiumny- I'hl Mu. Abigail Anderson. Bar¬ bara Boswell, Shirley Bricus, Sharon Cuvlello. Karen Davlw. Pamela Everson. Susan Hunter. Carol Lehtonen. Lucille Man- della. Connie Maroot. Nancy Michaells. Kathleen Miles. Sheila 'O'Brien, Janet Wheeler, Lynne Unruh and Virginia WrlghL Alpha XI Delta. Virginia Gall Anderson, Ssundra Arnold, Janet Carlson,* Judith Ann Dlelman, Karln Arlette Bllerd, Luella Far- relt, Victoria, Fazio. Gloria Jean Floyd, Iris Gollger. Brenda Har¬ lan, Judie Elisabeth Johnson, Susan Johnson, Pauline Knure- Jlan, Mary Ann Lund, Marianne Merrill, Sydney Olson, Betty Jo Oianlch, Joanne Paboojian, Alice Paris, Suzanne Phelan, Sharon Lee Slmklna, Jeannette Towery, John Tusan. Joan Whltaon and Jo Anne Zlck. Angels Flight Names Staff Christy Wild today announced the names of her Angels Flight staff for the fall semester. Janet Helnli will serve as executive of¬ ficer. Mlcki RIvero will fill the administrative officer's position and Mandy Hickman will handle the finances as comptroller. Mari¬ lyn Doswald Is the new informa¬ tion ofDcer, The new officers will be In¬ stalled at 1 PM Thursday In the Cadet Lounge of the Air Science Building. Lt. Col Edgar Stam- baugh, head of Air Science Divi¬ sion, Captain Robert L. Snover. Angel Flight sponsor and mem¬ bers of ihe Arnold Air Society will attend. "More angels are needed for Angel Flight.'' Miss Wild also announced. "Interested women can pick up application forms in Ihe Student President's Office during the next two weeks." "The only reQUlrements for membership." Miss Wild staled. "ar<? a grade point average or 2.25 and an interest In the group's goats." The group's purpose is to ad¬ vance and promote interest In Fot activities ■ mini;- Platforms Reveal Candidates' Ideas (Continued from Pag* I) President Terry Tab a] lan on Proposition 1A. The measure must be passed In order to provide ade¬ quate facilities for state and city colleges. The Importance of this Issue can be aeen In the rapid Increase of new students. We must educate, them properly In order to Insure the progression of our society. The president must encourage the advice of the varied back¬ grounds and personalltlea making up the class. He or she' must unite the clsss Into a solid unit of Influence on the csmpus. En¬ thusiasm must be maintained In order to apply clear thinking and open minds to campus-Jjfe, Lee Elster The office of Freshman Class President Is a responsible one. It demands ability, sincerity, and integrity. To slightly acquaint you with myself, I am a local fella from here in Fresno, 1 was active In high school politics and held THE COLLEGIAN offices In the Student Body Gov¬ ernment as well U in several clubs and organizations including: the "Key Club, Forensic* Scuad, Meredith Fortune Named SSS Prexy Meredith Fortune haa been named president of tbe Sopho- Scrvlce Society for the fall se¬ mester, 1962-63. Barbara Harmon was selected vice president; Eu¬ nice Hicks, secretary; Eleanor Flrpo, treasurer. Other officers Include Joanne Safer, historian; Sharon. Bour- qulu, reporter; Joan Hughes, stu¬ dent council representative; and Jeanette Towery. Associated Wo¬ men Students representative. Oerl Agbaahlsn and Carol Hud¬ son are heads of the football ushering committee. The following girls were ac¬ cepted into the Triple S: Gerl Agbashlan. Teddl Andrls, Sue Baxter, Sharon Bourquln, Cora Button. Andy Byrd, Judy Cata- nesl. Louise Costello. Nancy Da¬ vis, Eleanor Firpo. Meredith For¬ tune. Elaine Madsal). Glnny Hal). Barbara Harmon. Eunice Hicks, Sue Herzberg, Carol Hudson. Joan Hughes, Carol Kerchenfaut. Mary Jane La Centra, Diana Meehan, Shelly Nichols, Lynne Reatlllck. Darene Rlcco. Ann Rockwell. Judy Romelro. JoAnn Safe i ['a Towery and Anna Trane. Triple S will meet again Tuesday at 1 PM In Cafeteria Committee Room 1. Rally Committee, and the Rally- men. I can only outline my plat- form here. 1. Money-making proj¬ ects, I. Proposition ia; s. Stu¬ dent Activities and Class unity; 4. Social and Rally Functions. 1 fully back each and every one at these objectives. I will sincere¬ ly endeavor to fulfill these Ideas If you vote for me. The choice is yours. I can only ask for your vote. One other thine. Please Vote. Last year about 450 votes were east from the entire Fresh Class. Every vote counts. Thank you for your consideration on my part. John O'Neill The fundamental reason why I am running for the office of president of the freshman class Is that I believe I am qualified for the Job and that I possess the knowledge needed for the leader- rfhip In such an office. I also believe that I ess handle the responsibility tad work In¬ volved In the Job Itself. I realise (hat I am capable or taking care of any and all work whleh will undoubtedly come with the office. In the short time I have been en the Fresno State campus. I have observed a great deal of events In these surroundings. I hav* noticed the tremendous nubile relations and advertising aehemes to push the athletic so¬ cial, and academic functions Into the limelight. These I have both admired and discussed with other persons on the campus. It la for these activities that I wish to devote all my free time. The Freshman class needs a go-getter, a man with Ideas, am¬ bition. Initiative, and drive. Frankly. 1 think I c tbe unity that is needed. PATKOMIlt OUR ADVtKTISUS look for tie golden arches—McDonald's Blackstone and Shields Shaw and Fresno Queen's Ball Started Competition for the Cam I Queen, chosen at the anr ' Queen's Ball In Decemher. started In 1334. Persons interested in the REALM OF FLIGHT are invited to attend air explorer meeting on Tuesday evening from 7:30 to 9t00 p.m. at the Scout Hut on Santa Ana Street off Palm Avenue. Your interest will be held in the theory of flight by an Air Force instructor who will be your pilot in the sky. OfNcer Trnlning Corps sponsors the Ar¬ nold Air Society of which Angels Flight Is 'he coed auxiliary. A membership tea will bo held Oct. 28 for members and pledges nt Harvanc restaurant. Arnnli Air Society Is In charge of trans portatlon arrangements for th' WMlMs For Your Convenience 1 GllttS WANTED* 1 WANT TO MAKE LOTS OF MONEY? Go out le th* U.S. Mini. II you wont le co"-. 1st* of money (pari tins), thli rakes par ionol ability. IF ye* think yau hav* It, lug*' '•■ " I"'1 knew you hav* II, phons AM 4-S10d BULLDOGS r YOUISI1* THIOUGH SCHOOL $66 PEI WEEK EVSHINGS AN _ -.. VE WILl HUE 1 MEN fiom THtl CAMPUS CAll WEST BEND COllEOE SUPERVISOR FRED AMERONGEN AT 155-2334 FOR PERSONAl INTERVIEW ! ATTENTION FACULTY AND STUDENTS! FSC BARBERS STILL *1.50 2 BARBER SHOPS ACROSS FROM THE CAMPUS CEDAR * SHAW BULLDOG BARBERSHOP CAMPUS TOWN BARBER SHOP BEHIND lESTUS NEXT TO PEMY'S Bulldog Foundation Member Attention, all witty, urbane college students: Get Lucky! (or would you \ like to try lor I *50? J ENTER LUCKY STRIKES' ZANY NEW "Crazy Questions" Contest ^ [Baiad an Jha MariOta t-aol "Us Quailion Man."] 50 CASH AWARDS A MONTH. ENTER NOW. HERE'S HOW: First, think of an answer. Any answer. Then come up with a nutty, surprising question for it, and you've done a "Crazy Question." It's the easy new way for students to make loot. Study the examples below, then do your own. Send them, with your name, address, college and class, to GET LUCKY, Box 64F, M.t. Vernon 10, N. Y. Winning entries will be awarded (25.00. Winning entries sub¬ mitted on the inside of a Lucky Strike wrapper will get a $25.00 bonus. Enter as often as you like. Start right now! original nwortll I h April. Entries rtcslvtd dun month'i iwiiOi. Any entry no ill txKom* tha property < ■ 50 • m each month trod id or April avary month, October will a* eanildared for thai . 30. 1963. will no ployaai of Tn» Amarican ToBacco Company, it* attvirtlilng agencies and Rcu.bsr H. Dennallay. and relatival of lha isld embloyes*. Wirtnara will ba notlflad by mall. Contast sub|act to all fadsral, tlata, and local i-agulatlans. [~THE ANSWER: A MONKEY WRENCH I THE ANSWER: I I One Hamburger, One Frankfurter I !fo|U0UJ 9S0OJ C U31l|8!l 0) j osn not p|noM 1BIJM :N011S3nO 3H1 BlmaHilater 1ZAXMA1U I aodON>™nHJ3aov«»P!*»<i*'»!i»i I Bum oujeu noA uso :nH}USano 3H1 | jtUOJl SPU311| OM1 IMA tar ftieuuog li| 9JBMM :NOLLS3nO 3HJ. TUg/ctafienugit i« tAat log awiK a I ieiueii sjejsis j iJMd ot I s.JB;ewBlBdS!»ei|tt:NOIiS3n03Hi wBisaXas.oqvS! %A-NOIlS3flb3Hl i ' four-bagger twt io diu SiiOJts Xjieai e ||eo noA pinoM 4tqM WOLLS^nO 3H1 The answer is: Get Lucky tne taste lo start with.. .the taste to stay with The question is: WHAT CIGARETTE SLOGAN HAS THE INITIALS GL tttsw . ' tttsw? No question about'it, the taste of a Lucky spoils you for other cigarettes. ^' This taste is the best reason to start with Luckias.. .the big reason Lucky smokers V stay Lucky smokers. This taste makes Luckies the favorite regular cigarette of college students. Try a pack today. Get Lucky.
Object Description
Title | 1962_10 The Daily Collegian October 1962 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1962 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | October 1, 1962, Page 3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1962 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | kush Ends - FSC Sororities Announce 1962 Pledges -Ihe Fresno 5*«#e College Celiala —wTBje Tl*fee One full day of anxiety, sus¬ pense sad silence ended Thursday mninc for 140 Fresno State Col- lei* women wben they received word of their acceptance Into one if tbe six sororities. The folio wing women are now sorority pledges: Dett* Zees. Dolores Dee Bane, Diane Lynn Beene, Carol Ann CloTee. Dlanne Deester, Mollie 3alney, Roberta Oarrlck. Sharon Han ley, Marsha Holland, Judy EInddleeton, Carole Ann Mark, Ifary Uaselll. Deborah Maul, ler, Linda Mullln, Lome Roach, Ruth Ann Mitchell. Audres Mol- Ljo Anne Sorrentl, Bernadette Spano, Betty Jo Swartx and Susan Taylor. IX;]us. Gamma. Linda Anderson, Brooke Barnett. Sue Buckles. Pa¬ tricia Degen, Linda Dl Llddo, Laureen Dlx, Patricia Hall, Bar¬ bara Hampson. Linda Hlghtower. Jeanne Irola. Lee Ellen Moore, Leslie Morato. Lynae Nelson. Karen Newmnn. Marsha Petersen, Cherid Tetersen. Janell Robinson, Sally Sample. Cathy Schengel. Barbara Shiner. Metlnda Slaley, Carol Telesco. Kate Thomas, Sherl Thompson and Jan Walton. Kappa Alpha Tin-ta. Rick I Barncr. Heather Cairns, Virginia Cordray, Janle Cyr, Marcle Jo Glbeson. Judith Marie Goerges. Karen Griffin. Judl Lee John¬ stone, Cynthia Ann Jones. Karen Knourek, Carole Lee, Saundra Lontteor. Peggy McNeil. Terry Rlordon, Rosemary Rockwell, Sharon Smith, Carole Ann Steele. Annalee Stockton, Virginia Wal¬ ton, Kathleen Whitfield. Wendy Williams and Roberta Sue Win- Kappu Knppn Gamma: Barbara Allan. Janet Briscoe. Sally Cor- burn, Deborah Chrlstenaen, Su¬ zanne Copelnnd. Marlon Dauphin. Melinda Davis. Wendy de La Lalng. Ann Einstein. Pattl Flow¬ ers. Hope Hopper. Sally Hosteller Martha Johns. Sally Kennedy. Jean Kutch, Jan Llndman. Steph- ; ante Llpphold, Elaine LeudeklnR. Tool Maltos. Olivia McCoy, Phyl¬ lis Mertilon. Marjorle Morgan, Donna Richardson. Karen Rltler, Tonl Rossell. Linda Ruagge, PetiaxShaaf, Barbara SpaulrilnK. Cathy Stark. Susan Strlckler, Jo Ann Thome and Yvetle Tafiumny- I'hl Mu. Abigail Anderson. Bar¬ bara Boswell, Shirley Bricus, Sharon Cuvlello. Karen Davlw. Pamela Everson. Susan Hunter. Carol Lehtonen. Lucille Man- della. Connie Maroot. Nancy Michaells. Kathleen Miles. Sheila 'O'Brien, Janet Wheeler, Lynne Unruh and Virginia WrlghL Alpha XI Delta. Virginia Gall Anderson, Ssundra Arnold, Janet Carlson,* Judith Ann Dlelman, Karln Arlette Bllerd, Luella Far- relt, Victoria, Fazio. Gloria Jean Floyd, Iris Gollger. Brenda Har¬ lan, Judie Elisabeth Johnson, Susan Johnson, Pauline Knure- Jlan, Mary Ann Lund, Marianne Merrill, Sydney Olson, Betty Jo Oianlch, Joanne Paboojian, Alice Paris, Suzanne Phelan, Sharon Lee Slmklna, Jeannette Towery, John Tusan. Joan Whltaon and Jo Anne Zlck. Angels Flight Names Staff Christy Wild today announced the names of her Angels Flight staff for the fall semester. Janet Helnli will serve as executive of¬ ficer. Mlcki RIvero will fill the administrative officer's position and Mandy Hickman will handle the finances as comptroller. Mari¬ lyn Doswald Is the new informa¬ tion ofDcer, The new officers will be In¬ stalled at 1 PM Thursday In the Cadet Lounge of the Air Science Building. Lt. Col Edgar Stam- baugh, head of Air Science Divi¬ sion, Captain Robert L. Snover. Angel Flight sponsor and mem¬ bers of ihe Arnold Air Society will attend. "More angels are needed for Angel Flight.'' Miss Wild also announced. "Interested women can pick up application forms in Ihe Student President's Office during the next two weeks." "The only reQUlrements for membership." Miss Wild staled. "ar a grade point average or 2.25 and an interest In the group's goats." The group's purpose is to ad¬ vance and promote interest In Fot activities ■ mini;- Platforms Reveal Candidates' Ideas (Continued from Pag* I) President Terry Tab a] lan on Proposition 1A. The measure must be passed In order to provide ade¬ quate facilities for state and city colleges. The Importance of this Issue can be aeen In the rapid Increase of new students. We must educate, them properly In order to Insure the progression of our society. The president must encourage the advice of the varied back¬ grounds and personalltlea making up the class. He or she' must unite the clsss Into a solid unit of Influence on the csmpus. En¬ thusiasm must be maintained In order to apply clear thinking and open minds to campus-Jjfe, Lee Elster The office of Freshman Class President Is a responsible one. It demands ability, sincerity, and integrity. To slightly acquaint you with myself, I am a local fella from here in Fresno, 1 was active In high school politics and held THE COLLEGIAN offices In the Student Body Gov¬ ernment as well U in several clubs and organizations including: the "Key Club, Forensic* Scuad, Meredith Fortune Named SSS Prexy Meredith Fortune haa been named president of tbe Sopho- Scrvlce Society for the fall se¬ mester, 1962-63. Barbara Harmon was selected vice president; Eu¬ nice Hicks, secretary; Eleanor Flrpo, treasurer. Other officers Include Joanne Safer, historian; Sharon. Bour- qulu, reporter; Joan Hughes, stu¬ dent council representative; and Jeanette Towery. Associated Wo¬ men Students representative. Oerl Agbaahlsn and Carol Hud¬ son are heads of the football ushering committee. The following girls were ac¬ cepted into the Triple S: Gerl Agbashlan. Teddl Andrls, Sue Baxter, Sharon Bourquln, Cora Button. Andy Byrd, Judy Cata- nesl. Louise Costello. Nancy Da¬ vis, Eleanor Firpo. Meredith For¬ tune. Elaine Madsal). Glnny Hal). Barbara Harmon. Eunice Hicks, Sue Herzberg, Carol Hudson. Joan Hughes, Carol Kerchenfaut. Mary Jane La Centra, Diana Meehan, Shelly Nichols, Lynne Reatlllck. Darene Rlcco. Ann Rockwell. Judy Romelro. JoAnn Safe i ['a Towery and Anna Trane. Triple S will meet again Tuesday at 1 PM In Cafeteria Committee Room 1. Rally Committee, and the Rally- men. I can only outline my plat- form here. 1. Money-making proj¬ ects, I. Proposition ia; s. Stu¬ dent Activities and Class unity; 4. Social and Rally Functions. 1 fully back each and every one at these objectives. I will sincere¬ ly endeavor to fulfill these Ideas If you vote for me. The choice is yours. I can only ask for your vote. One other thine. Please Vote. Last year about 450 votes were east from the entire Fresh Class. Every vote counts. Thank you for your consideration on my part. John O'Neill The fundamental reason why I am running for the office of president of the freshman class Is that I believe I am qualified for the Job and that I possess the knowledge needed for the leader- rfhip In such an office. I also believe that I ess handle the responsibility tad work In¬ volved In the Job Itself. I realise (hat I am capable or taking care of any and all work whleh will undoubtedly come with the office. In the short time I have been en the Fresno State campus. I have observed a great deal of events In these surroundings. I hav* noticed the tremendous nubile relations and advertising aehemes to push the athletic so¬ cial, and academic functions Into the limelight. These I have both admired and discussed with other persons on the campus. It la for these activities that I wish to devote all my free time. The Freshman class needs a go-getter, a man with Ideas, am¬ bition. Initiative, and drive. Frankly. 1 think I c tbe unity that is needed. PATKOMIlt OUR ADVtKTISUS look for tie golden arches—McDonald's Blackstone and Shields Shaw and Fresno Queen's Ball Started Competition for the Cam I Queen, chosen at the anr ' Queen's Ball In Decemher. started In 1334. Persons interested in the REALM OF FLIGHT are invited to attend air explorer meeting on Tuesday evening from 7:30 to 9t00 p.m. at the Scout Hut on Santa Ana Street off Palm Avenue. Your interest will be held in the theory of flight by an Air Force instructor who will be your pilot in the sky. OfNcer Trnlning Corps sponsors the Ar¬ nold Air Society of which Angels Flight Is 'he coed auxiliary. A membership tea will bo held Oct. 28 for members and pledges nt Harvanc restaurant. Arnnli Air Society Is In charge of trans portatlon arrangements for th' WMlMs For Your Convenience 1 GllttS WANTED* 1 WANT TO MAKE LOTS OF MONEY? Go out le th* U.S. Mini. II you wont le co"-. 1st* of money (pari tins), thli rakes par ionol ability. IF ye* think yau hav* It, lug*' '•■ " I"'1 knew you hav* II, phons AM 4-S10d BULLDOGS r YOUISI1* THIOUGH SCHOOL $66 PEI WEEK EVSHINGS AN _ -.. VE WILl HUE 1 MEN fiom THtl CAMPUS CAll WEST BEND COllEOE SUPERVISOR FRED AMERONGEN AT 155-2334 FOR PERSONAl INTERVIEW ! ATTENTION FACULTY AND STUDENTS! FSC BARBERS STILL *1.50 2 BARBER SHOPS ACROSS FROM THE CAMPUS CEDAR * SHAW BULLDOG BARBERSHOP CAMPUS TOWN BARBER SHOP BEHIND lESTUS NEXT TO PEMY'S Bulldog Foundation Member Attention, all witty, urbane college students: Get Lucky! (or would you \ like to try lor I *50? J ENTER LUCKY STRIKES' ZANY NEW "Crazy Questions" Contest ^ [Baiad an Jha MariOta t-aol "Us Quailion Man."] 50 CASH AWARDS A MONTH. ENTER NOW. HERE'S HOW: First, think of an answer. Any answer. Then come up with a nutty, surprising question for it, and you've done a "Crazy Question." It's the easy new way for students to make loot. Study the examples below, then do your own. Send them, with your name, address, college and class, to GET LUCKY, Box 64F, M.t. Vernon 10, N. Y. Winning entries will be awarded (25.00. Winning entries sub¬ mitted on the inside of a Lucky Strike wrapper will get a $25.00 bonus. Enter as often as you like. Start right now! original nwortll I h April. Entries rtcslvtd dun month'i iwiiOi. Any entry no ill txKom* tha property < ■ 50 • m each month trod id or April avary month, October will a* eanildared for thai . 30. 1963. will no ployaai of Tn» Amarican ToBacco Company, it* attvirtlilng agencies and Rcu.bsr H. Dennallay. and relatival of lha isld embloyes*. Wirtnara will ba notlflad by mall. Contast sub|act to all fadsral, tlata, and local i-agulatlans. [~THE ANSWER: A MONKEY WRENCH I THE ANSWER: I I One Hamburger, One Frankfurter I !fo|U0UJ 9S0OJ C U31l|8!l 0) j osn not p|noM 1BIJM :N011S3nO 3H1 BlmaHilater 1ZAXMA1U I aodON>™nHJ3aov«»P!*» |