June 11, 1962, Page 3 |
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y:^-'-■•:.;■-. Junes 11. 1942 COLLEGIAN — SUMMER SESSION fogs Tlssse Varied Recreational, IM Program On Tap A widely varied program of rec¬ reational activities and Intramur¬ al athletic competition has been scheduled for summer session students, faculty, and staff mem¬ bers and their families. Recreational facilities will be available Monday through Friday afternoons and Tuesday through Thursday evenings. In addition, five Intramural tournaments are scheduled for those seeking com¬ petition In their favorite sports. Featured attraction will be the Fresno State College swimming pool, which will be open from 2 to 6 PM dally and from 6 to 9 PM Tuesday through Thursday. Myron Anderson, director of the summer program, expects from 300 to 600 persons a day to use the pool. "Over 15,000 persons took ad¬ vantage of our summer recreation and Intramural program last year," Anderson noted. ."And the swimming pool accounted for the vast majority of that number." "That's not 15,000 different persons, of course," Anderson hastened to add. "That's actually man-days of use of our facilities during the summer." Activities available, In addi¬ tion'to swimming. Include table tennis, badminton, volleyball, bas¬ ketball, trampoline, tennis, and golf. The trampoline will be avail¬ able only at night — from 7 to 9 PM Tuesday through Thursday. The other activities will be avail¬ able from 3 to 6 PM dally and from 6 to 9 PM Tuesday through Thursday. Tournaments are scheduled In golf, badminton, volleyball, and Lunch - Dinner - Dance 7330 N. BLACKSTONE BA 2-6293 • FREE • nooo IN CASH EVERY MONTH AT BAD MARKET IN CLOVIS ■Save also on quality products at budget price*. Finest meats & produce. 745 Clovit Ave. Catling. SOMETHING? COLLEGIAN ADVERTISING DOES THE JOB FAST BA 9-5146 bowling. In addition, a hole-In- one tournament Is scheduled in conjunction with the picnic which traditionally winds up summer session social activity. .All events on the schedule are open to both men and women. First event on the intramural program will be tbe golf tourna¬ ment. Both men's and women's divisions will begin play next Monday with the deadline for signups being Friday at 3 PM. Tournament entries will be ac¬ cepted starting today In Ander¬ son's office at room 106 of the men's gym. Play will be on a match basis with men playing 18 holes at the Airways Coif Course and women playing nine holes at Hank Swank's Pitch and Putt Course. The bowling tournament will also begin next week. Play will be on Monday afternoons at Black- stone Bowl with slgnupa being taken the first day of the tourna¬ ment. Tbe badminton tournament will be held the third week of the summer session and the volleyball tourney the fifth week. Signups for each will be held the opening night of the event. Kirschenman Set For NCAA Golf Sophomore slugger Arnle Kirschenman will represent Fres¬ no State College In the NCAA golf championships over the Duke University course In Durham, North Carolina. June 1 <4th through 23rd. Kirschenman, the .1962 District 8 NCAA college division chain- plon. Is one of collegiate golf'i longest hitters. He won tbe driv¬ ing contest at the Southern Cali¬ fornia Intercollegiate champion¬ ships the his: two years, this year connecting tor a 384-yard blast. Kirschenman had only a 3-3-1 match record but played his best golf In the late-season tourna¬ ments. His stroke average of 74,5 was the best on the squad. Fresno State has been repre¬ sented annually In the NCAA tournament In recent years by one or more golfers. The best In¬ dividual Bhowlng by a Bulldog came In 1960 when Henry Fogg ■iicluHi the third round, defeat- IngNEastern Intercollegiate cham- pionVDon Norbury of Penn before bowingNout. — Recreation Schedule At A Glance The mtmnn*T session recrea- tioo and co-edDcatlonal Intra¬ mural program at a glance: DAILY ACTIVITIES Swimming 2-tt PM Table Tennis 8-6 PM Badminton .8-41 PM Volleyball ~ 3* PM lliwk.-tb-.il 8-8 PM Tennis 8-8 PM QoU 8-8 PM • • e EVENING ACTIVITIES (Tuesday through Thursday only) Swimming 8*9 PM Table Tennis 8-9 PM Badminton 8-9 PM Volleyball 8-9 PM Basketball - 8-9 PM Trampoline 7-9 PM Tennis - 6-9 PM Golf 6-9 PM INTRAMURAL TOURNAMENTS Golf (Regular) — Second through fifth week; men's and women's Individual match play; nlgnup this week; Airways Golf Course. < men) and Hank's Swank Pitch and Putt Course (women). Golf (Hole-ln-one) — To be held at summer school picnic. Volleyball — Fifth week, Tuesday evening; co-ediicatlon- al teams from summer Mnaion claaMs only. Bowling — BeOQWd through sixth weekrt, Monday afternoon; men's and women's singles; ladder tournament, high game, high scrir*-, high total; illiick- Htoat* Bowl. '62 Campus Goes On Sale In Ag 101 Approximately 300 copies of the 1962 Campus, the Fresno Stale College student yearbook, are available In the FSC Associa¬ tion office, 101 agricultural building. Students. w|io made reserva¬ tions and have 1961 fall and 1962 sprlnB student body cards, can pick up their copies. Students having the two student body cards but did not reserve a book may obtain one for |2. The charge for students with only one card and no reservation Is $4.50 and for persons without student body cards, $7. Bulldogs Run In Pair Of Meets This Week Fresno State College athletes are scheduled to compete In two meets this week as the 1962 track season draws near, a close. Coach Cornelius (Dutch) War¬ merdam will tako seven perform¬ ers to Delano tonight for the Cen¬ tral California AAU champion¬ ships. Tomorrow, he'll leave for Eugene, Oregon, with hurdlers Duane Reidenbach and Hugh Ad¬ ams, who will compete In the NCAA championships Friday and Saturday. Reidenbach is one of the pre* meet favorites in the 400-meter hurdles at Eugene. He rates as the No. 2 collegian at the dis¬ tance on the Coast behind Rex Cawley of USC. Reidenbach and Adams will tune up for their NCAA bid by running the 440 and low hurd¬ les at Delano. Adams is defend¬ ing CCAAU champion In both events and will be favored to re¬ peat as low hurdle kingpin; he ranks fourth on the all-time FSC Hat with a best clocking of 23.3. Also competing at Delano will be Bulldog sprinter Bill Knocke, half-miter Eugene Marzette, mller Rick Dahlgren, and pole vaulters Frank Pollock and Denols Bybee. The latter, a sophomore, will com¬ pete unattached. Knocke will run either the half or the 220 and 440, depending on. his physical condition. Last year,N he won the Central California AAU 100 crown and'waa narrow¬ ly edged by teammate Jerry Bel- land In the 880. Dahlgren ran a 4:18.S mile In practice recently, two tenths of a second under bis all-time best, and will try to cut his time still further tonight. Pollock and By- bee will be out to Improve on their personal best marks of 1S'9" and 13'6", respectively. Reidenbach, who holds the FSC record of 52.1 for the 400-meter hurdles and has covered'the 440- yard hurdles in 62,3, Is expected to crack the point column In the NCAA but faces (stiff competi¬ tion. However, Cawley, the only standout In the field, plans to run the 440 prior to the hurdles and may not be at top form for the event. Adams has been something of a disappointment In the Inter¬ mediates but off his 440 best of 49.3 and his low hurdles form, could surprise at Eugene. Hit all- time best for the distance la 5S.8. mm Mcknight chevron service CHfVRON DtAltR Pick-Up and Delivery TUNE-UP - BRAKES 8 Phone BA 7-8125 Cor. Cedar & Shaw Fresno, Calif. BLUE CHIP STAMPS Look Your Sunday Best TAKE ALL YOUR LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING TO . . . COMBS CLEANERS "A NAME YOU CAN TsUIST" .j,.. — _-_■ on all dry cleaning with IO70 OFF FSC Student Body Card Across Froin FSC — Next To Let's Drive Up 7 OTHBt CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: • New Drive) In —3001 E. Tsatar. • Masks Plan) —2941 E. Tatar* (New OMssssIm) • t Kings Conyon aasd Oettss An. «McWslsVe»»is_, • CWssr • ShMsts CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ItOO Evening Worship 6.30 CaMn Club 9i30 Campus Hour 9-30 & 1 I ,00 Morning Worship 9i30 Service lodio Broodcoil (KIDU, 1130) Alan H. Irowa, Minister BA 7-4913 — CLINTON AT THORNE CEDAR AVENUE BAPTIST CEDAR NEAR BEUrlONT 9.45 AM College B-iir.eis lib!. Clou 6,00 Coileg. Bv.IrM 1 1 ,00 AM Morning Worship 7lU Evening Worship EVENING SttVKf BROADCAST KMJ — 7,30-1-30 ^^ jfjjhg .1 Paabarthy, NsjSS . FIRST FRESBYTERIAH CHURCH M & Colavtr« St. Call-ogen Fetiowihlp 1S,_0 Evening Woril.lp_7.30 lev. Wally Pi-oti,, College rntnm Duplicate Services S,_0 & 1 1 ,00 Church School 9s30 Or. Robert N. Oerter, Pastor PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH BA 2-tttt 4o?_ N. Caslar, * Wk*. Se. of FSC 9iM Sunday School and Bible Clone- 10*90 Worship Ssrvfca Mortis SdMbockev, Poitor SA 9-1335 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Duplicate SesrvkM—9i00 ft 1040 AM Church School 9.00 ft 10,30 AM SlucUtnli ore always wefcosste al Trinity 3973 «. Ctear Nmt Ami- College letee. Club— 7KM SM , Plillip *. Jorton. Palo. SA 9-SSSI PALM Ail. CHUKH OF OUHST tit Polm Ai,.-AM «•»» Morales Wor.hip—1,20 S 10A3 AM Evening Wonhlp—SAO PM Stele Sdioot—»rf5 AM M.. Cliltod t tee—.. Ml.I.se. MHWtOOK !S» H. * ntsBmuAU MIUSIOOK AVI. 31, Sled.. Weal ol Cede, rleilseiesp ~ SUeWe A—. Wor.hlp 9,30 AM lap, art A. Morrleo.. Po.to, CeWlstf Of TK MCTestfN CUSTOM AT NBHTH SSSSST CkeeeST SoVeel lists Us. f«JT emHODiST emeu TUOLUMM 4 M ST. Mora—g Wor.hlp_.9r00 4 11.00 AM Swrfoe SsSooL t_0 AM Weelex Fellow.hlp 7« PM st. counus mscoPMr PASM AMD SHAW
Object Description
Title | 1962_06 The Daily Collegian June 1962 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1962 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | June 11, 1962, Page 3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1962 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | y:^-'-■•:.;■-. Junes 11. 1942 COLLEGIAN — SUMMER SESSION fogs Tlssse Varied Recreational, IM Program On Tap A widely varied program of rec¬ reational activities and Intramur¬ al athletic competition has been scheduled for summer session students, faculty, and staff mem¬ bers and their families. Recreational facilities will be available Monday through Friday afternoons and Tuesday through Thursday evenings. In addition, five Intramural tournaments are scheduled for those seeking com¬ petition In their favorite sports. Featured attraction will be the Fresno State College swimming pool, which will be open from 2 to 6 PM dally and from 6 to 9 PM Tuesday through Thursday. Myron Anderson, director of the summer program, expects from 300 to 600 persons a day to use the pool. "Over 15,000 persons took ad¬ vantage of our summer recreation and Intramural program last year," Anderson noted. ."And the swimming pool accounted for the vast majority of that number." "That's not 15,000 different persons, of course," Anderson hastened to add. "That's actually man-days of use of our facilities during the summer." Activities available, In addi¬ tion'to swimming. Include table tennis, badminton, volleyball, bas¬ ketball, trampoline, tennis, and golf. The trampoline will be avail¬ able only at night — from 7 to 9 PM Tuesday through Thursday. The other activities will be avail¬ able from 3 to 6 PM dally and from 6 to 9 PM Tuesday through Thursday. Tournaments are scheduled In golf, badminton, volleyball, and Lunch - Dinner - Dance 7330 N. BLACKSTONE BA 2-6293 • FREE • nooo IN CASH EVERY MONTH AT BAD MARKET IN CLOVIS ■Save also on quality products at budget price*. Finest meats & produce. 745 Clovit Ave. Catling. SOMETHING? COLLEGIAN ADVERTISING DOES THE JOB FAST BA 9-5146 bowling. In addition, a hole-In- one tournament Is scheduled in conjunction with the picnic which traditionally winds up summer session social activity. .All events on the schedule are open to both men and women. First event on the intramural program will be tbe golf tourna¬ ment. Both men's and women's divisions will begin play next Monday with the deadline for signups being Friday at 3 PM. Tournament entries will be ac¬ cepted starting today In Ander¬ son's office at room 106 of the men's gym. Play will be on a match basis with men playing 18 holes at the Airways Coif Course and women playing nine holes at Hank Swank's Pitch and Putt Course. The bowling tournament will also begin next week. Play will be on Monday afternoons at Black- stone Bowl with slgnupa being taken the first day of the tourna¬ ment. Tbe badminton tournament will be held the third week of the summer session and the volleyball tourney the fifth week. Signups for each will be held the opening night of the event. Kirschenman Set For NCAA Golf Sophomore slugger Arnle Kirschenman will represent Fres¬ no State College In the NCAA golf championships over the Duke University course In Durham, North Carolina. June 1 <4th through 23rd. Kirschenman, the .1962 District 8 NCAA college division chain- plon. Is one of collegiate golf'i longest hitters. He won tbe driv¬ ing contest at the Southern Cali¬ fornia Intercollegiate champion¬ ships the his: two years, this year connecting tor a 384-yard blast. Kirschenman had only a 3-3-1 match record but played his best golf In the late-season tourna¬ ments. His stroke average of 74,5 was the best on the squad. Fresno State has been repre¬ sented annually In the NCAA tournament In recent years by one or more golfers. The best In¬ dividual Bhowlng by a Bulldog came In 1960 when Henry Fogg ■iicluHi the third round, defeat- IngNEastern Intercollegiate cham- pionVDon Norbury of Penn before bowingNout. — Recreation Schedule At A Glance The mtmnn*T session recrea- tioo and co-edDcatlonal Intra¬ mural program at a glance: DAILY ACTIVITIES Swimming 2-tt PM Table Tennis 8-6 PM Badminton .8-41 PM Volleyball ~ 3* PM lliwk.-tb-.il 8-8 PM Tennis 8-8 PM QoU 8-8 PM • • e EVENING ACTIVITIES (Tuesday through Thursday only) Swimming 8*9 PM Table Tennis 8-9 PM Badminton 8-9 PM Volleyball 8-9 PM Basketball - 8-9 PM Trampoline 7-9 PM Tennis - 6-9 PM Golf 6-9 PM INTRAMURAL TOURNAMENTS Golf (Regular) — Second through fifth week; men's and women's Individual match play; nlgnup this week; Airways Golf Course. < men) and Hank's Swank Pitch and Putt Course (women). Golf (Hole-ln-one) — To be held at summer school picnic. Volleyball — Fifth week, Tuesday evening; co-ediicatlon- al teams from summer Mnaion claaMs only. Bowling — BeOQWd through sixth weekrt, Monday afternoon; men's and women's singles; ladder tournament, high game, high scrir*-, high total; illiick- Htoat* Bowl. '62 Campus Goes On Sale In Ag 101 Approximately 300 copies of the 1962 Campus, the Fresno Stale College student yearbook, are available In the FSC Associa¬ tion office, 101 agricultural building. Students. w|io made reserva¬ tions and have 1961 fall and 1962 sprlnB student body cards, can pick up their copies. Students having the two student body cards but did not reserve a book may obtain one for |2. The charge for students with only one card and no reservation Is $4.50 and for persons without student body cards, $7. Bulldogs Run In Pair Of Meets This Week Fresno State College athletes are scheduled to compete In two meets this week as the 1962 track season draws near, a close. Coach Cornelius (Dutch) War¬ merdam will tako seven perform¬ ers to Delano tonight for the Cen¬ tral California AAU champion¬ ships. Tomorrow, he'll leave for Eugene, Oregon, with hurdlers Duane Reidenbach and Hugh Ad¬ ams, who will compete In the NCAA championships Friday and Saturday. Reidenbach is one of the pre* meet favorites in the 400-meter hurdles at Eugene. He rates as the No. 2 collegian at the dis¬ tance on the Coast behind Rex Cawley of USC. Reidenbach and Adams will tune up for their NCAA bid by running the 440 and low hurd¬ les at Delano. Adams is defend¬ ing CCAAU champion In both events and will be favored to re¬ peat as low hurdle kingpin; he ranks fourth on the all-time FSC Hat with a best clocking of 23.3. Also competing at Delano will be Bulldog sprinter Bill Knocke, half-miter Eugene Marzette, mller Rick Dahlgren, and pole vaulters Frank Pollock and Denols Bybee. The latter, a sophomore, will com¬ pete unattached. Knocke will run either the half or the 220 and 440, depending on. his physical condition. Last year,N he won the Central California AAU 100 crown and'waa narrow¬ ly edged by teammate Jerry Bel- land In the 880. Dahlgren ran a 4:18.S mile In practice recently, two tenths of a second under bis all-time best, and will try to cut his time still further tonight. Pollock and By- bee will be out to Improve on their personal best marks of 1S'9" and 13'6", respectively. Reidenbach, who holds the FSC record of 52.1 for the 400-meter hurdles and has covered'the 440- yard hurdles in 62,3, Is expected to crack the point column In the NCAA but faces (stiff competi¬ tion. However, Cawley, the only standout In the field, plans to run the 440 prior to the hurdles and may not be at top form for the event. Adams has been something of a disappointment In the Inter¬ mediates but off his 440 best of 49.3 and his low hurdles form, could surprise at Eugene. Hit all- time best for the distance la 5S.8. mm Mcknight chevron service CHfVRON DtAltR Pick-Up and Delivery TUNE-UP - BRAKES 8 Phone BA 7-8125 Cor. Cedar & Shaw Fresno, Calif. BLUE CHIP STAMPS Look Your Sunday Best TAKE ALL YOUR LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING TO . . . COMBS CLEANERS "A NAME YOU CAN TsUIST" .j,.. — _-_■ on all dry cleaning with IO70 OFF FSC Student Body Card Across Froin FSC — Next To Let's Drive Up 7 OTHBt CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: • New Drive) In —3001 E. Tsatar. • Masks Plan) —2941 E. Tatar* (New OMssssIm) • t Kings Conyon aasd Oettss An. «McWslsVe»»is_, • CWssr • ShMsts CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ItOO Evening Worship 6.30 CaMn Club 9i30 Campus Hour 9-30 & 1 I ,00 Morning Worship 9i30 Service lodio Broodcoil (KIDU, 1130) Alan H. Irowa, Minister BA 7-4913 — CLINTON AT THORNE CEDAR AVENUE BAPTIST CEDAR NEAR BEUrlONT 9.45 AM College B-iir.eis lib!. Clou 6,00 Coileg. Bv.IrM 1 1 ,00 AM Morning Worship 7lU Evening Worship EVENING SttVKf BROADCAST KMJ — 7,30-1-30 ^^ jfjjhg .1 Paabarthy, NsjSS . FIRST FRESBYTERIAH CHURCH M & Colavtr« St. Call-ogen Fetiowihlp 1S,_0 Evening Woril.lp_7.30 lev. Wally Pi-oti,, College rntnm Duplicate Services S,_0 & 1 1 ,00 Church School 9s30 Or. Robert N. Oerter, Pastor PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH BA 2-tttt 4o?_ N. Caslar, * Wk*. Se. of FSC 9iM Sunday School and Bible Clone- 10*90 Worship Ssrvfca Mortis SdMbockev, Poitor SA 9-1335 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Duplicate SesrvkM—9i00 ft 1040 AM Church School 9.00 ft 10,30 AM SlucUtnli ore always wefcosste al Trinity 3973 «. Ctear Nmt Ami- College letee. Club— 7KM SM , Plillip *. Jorton. Palo. SA 9-SSSI PALM Ail. CHUKH OF OUHST tit Polm Ai,.-AM «•»» Morales Wor.hip—1,20 S 10A3 AM Evening Wonhlp—SAO PM Stele Sdioot—»rf5 AM M.. Cliltod t tee—.. Ml.I.se. MHWtOOK !S» H. * ntsBmuAU MIUSIOOK AVI. 31, Sled.. Weal ol Cede, rleilseiesp ~ SUeWe A—. Wor.hlp 9,30 AM lap, art A. Morrleo.. Po.to, CeWlstf Of TK MCTestfN CUSTOM AT NBHTH SSSSST CkeeeST SoVeel lists Us. f«JT emHODiST emeu TUOLUMM 4 M ST. Mora—g Wor.hlp_.9r00 4 11.00 AM Swrfoe SsSooL t_0 AM Weelex Fellow.hlp 7« PM st. counus mscoPMr PASM AMD SHAW |