June 25, 1962, Page 3 |
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Jura. 23, 1942 COLIEGIAN — jjJMjjjSj SESSION Pope) Tnr— FSC's Reidenbach Gets Track Medal— But Not For Long "It shouldn't have happeued to a dojc." This was Freano State track coach Dutch Warmerdam'a reac- tlon to the now-you-see-lt. now- you-don't switch thai saw FSC hurdler Duane Heidenbach award¬ ed a sixth place 4 40-yard hurdles medaJ in the recent NCAA track meet, only to have It taken away on an official's ruling. "What hurt most," moaned Warmerdsm, "was that we didn't find out about the disqualifica¬ tion until we read about lt In the Sunday morning papers." Awarded Sixth Reidenbach had been awarded the medal for sixth place in a photo-finleh with San Jose State's West Coast Relays champion Bruce McCullough. the third time he had beaten HcCullougli In four meets. However, a lynx-eyed track Inspector reported that Reidenbach had dragged his trail¬ ing; ]eg around one of the hurdles Instead of over It as prescribed In the rules. However, the disqualification wasn't ruled until after Reiden¬ bach had left the victory stand with tbe medal. "And I'd still like to know why It took them that long," Warmerdam commented acidly. Slim Cliance Warmerdam said he still thought there might be a chance for Reidenbach, albeit a slim one. The rules permit a hurdler to carr? his trailing foot outside the hurdle If lt remains above the level of the hurdle and Warmer¬ dam said he was writing meet director Leo Harris to determine if thin was what had actually occurred. "Sometimes an Inspector won't be completely familiar with the rule and will call a violation where none existed," Warmerdam explained. "1 doubt it will do any good but 1 told Duane to hold onto the medal until we made sure." Reldenback's sixth place would have been the first point for Fres- Recreation Schedule At A Glance The MiitwiKT' session recrea¬ tion and co-ed ucntlonal intra¬ mural program nt a glance: DAILY ACTIVITIES SH-immlng _.-0 PM Table Tennis iW» PM Badminton 3-0 pm Volleyball .3-0 PM sUaakettN-ll 3-0 PM Tennis 8-0 PM Golf 8-0 PM EVENING ACTIVITIES (Tuesday through Thursday only) ."isviimuinfj 0-9 PM Table Tennis 0-9 PM Iladmlnton 0-9 PM Volleyball 0-9 PM Banketbidl 6-9 PM Trampoline 7-9 PM Tennis 0-9 PM Golf 0-9 PM INTRAMURAL TOUBNAMENTS Golf (Regular) — Continue* through fifth week; men's and women's Individual match play; Airways Golf Course (men) and Hank's Swank Pitch nnd Putt Course (women). Golf (Hole-in-one) — To be held at summer school plt-nic. Volleyball — Fifth week, Tuesday evening; co-wlucatlon- nl teams from summer .-i-olim classes only. Howling—Continues throiifcli sixth week, Monday afternoon; men's and women's sliipli'H; ladder tournament, high game, high series, high total; Black- •none Bowl. ■*** Badminton — Third week, Tuesday evening. Mixed doub¬ let only. no State In NCAA track competi¬ tion wince Jack Wilcox finished third In the 880 in 1968. .No Bull¬ dog has ever placed in th*1 inter¬ mediate hurdle;! in NCAA com¬ petition. jim Mcknight chevron service CHEVRON QlAltk Pick-Ufo,ami Qolivery TUNE-UP - BRAKES Phone BA 7-8125 Cor. Cedar & Shaw Fresno, Calif. BLUE CHIP STAMPS i_^2 Beiden Builds For '63 NCAA Drive; Infield, Pitching Looks Impressive Although his powerful 1962 squad has been riddled by grad¬ uation losses. Kresno State Col¬ lege baseball coach Pete Beiden Is looking forward to another ban¬ ner year In 1963. Losses trom this year's Bulldog team Included one NCAA District S ail-star team pick (center field¬ er Terry Banderas), four more all-conference picks, and three other regulars or semi-regulars. Dpspite this. Beiden remains op¬ timistic over equalling or surpasn- ing this year's 34-9 record and No. 5 national ranking. Reason number one for Bel- den s cheer Is pitching. "It's the name of the game," Beiden points out, noting that four of his top five hurlers return. Only absentee la All-CCAA choice Jerry MacDonald. However. Dave Hoover had a 9-1 record and southpaws Virgil DeGeorge and Ed Hite had respective earned run averages of 1.1.5 and 1.S9. All three return as does Dennis Shaves, the staff's No. 5 man who had arm (rouble most of the year. Fred McPherson. a curve-baller up from the junior varsity, should help. Oilier possibilities are JV graduates Dan Chrisco (S-2 last year) and Manny Fierro <S-1), the latter of which will be a relief specialist. Beiden also hopes to land some of the state's better JC pitcher*. Three alt - conference players will be missing from the Infield — shortstop Bobby Paull, second baseman Bob Bonomlnl and first baseman Ron Schiller. Schiller would have had another year of CCAA eligibility under the "two- und-three" rule but would not have been eligible for NCAA play. In addition, use of Schiller (as well ax Banderas and outfielder Lunch - Dinner - Dance JattcpkijJ 7330 N. BLACKSTONE BA 2-6293 AUToMATiC WASH 15< - DRY S< OPEN 24 HOURS Under now management CONVENIENT STUDY TAJIK SUNSHOWER LAUNDERCENTER . N«st to Perry's Pre-Inventory Special WOOD FRAMED BRUSH STROKE PRINTS reg. 5.23 now 3.95 reg. 3.95 now 3.-25 reg. 2.49 now 1.89 Choose landscapes, seascapes, portraits, and stilMtfes — by such world renowned artists as Degas, Renoir, Van Gogh, Picasso, Utrillo, among others .. . AT THE mW Fit, Jum 29 ot 9 AM for inventory Jerry Pritchett) would have made the Bulldogs ineligible as a team for the '63 NCAA tournament. As a result, Beiden advised the trio to sign pro contracts this summer. Banderas was the first to sign, accepting a bonus from the Los Angeles Angels. Pritchett has In¬ dicated he will sign with the Min¬ nesota Twins while Schiller Is re¬ portedly considering several of¬ fers. Moving in at the key second base and shortstop positions to replace two-time All-CCAA picks Bonomlnl and Paull will be JV graduates Katsu Shitanishl and Jim Williams. Shitanishl. a transfer trom UC Santa Barbara, led the JV's at the plate with a blistering .423. Williams hit only .293 but showed good power and brilliant fielding. Frank Rala, who understudied Paull this spring. Is available for utility duly. Basketballer Tom Jacobsen will get first shot at the first base position vacated by Schiller. Tom¬ my Sommers, who hit .327 before being sidelined by a knee Injury, will be the third baseman if bis knee Is sound. Phil Mastagnt. still another ex-JV, or outfield letter- man Stan Bledsoe (.333) will take over. A tentative starting outfield would include Bledsoe In right, Frank Hashimoto (.367) In cen¬ ter, and either Dick Ruth or Jim Wolfaberger In left. Wolfsber^r started the opening game in left field this year, fractured bis el¬ bow trying for a diving catch In the fourth Inning, and sat out the rest of the year. ■ Catching is no problem with the No. 2 and 3 men from the '62 squad. Gary Crets and Tom Dib¬ ble, available. Nell MacCIellan, a highly-rated receiver, moves up from the JV's. Beiden hopes to fill out his hand with JC transfers this fall. Priority targets are one front-Use pitcher and some left-handed bat¬ ting punch at either first base or the outfield. Of all the returnees, only Dibble swings from the first base side of the plate. look for tbe .olden arches—McDonald's Blackstone near Shields Shaw near Fresno CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9.30 Campus Hour 9:30 & I I iOO Morning Wonhlp 9,30 Service Radio Broadcast (KIOU, 1130} Ale 8i00 Evanlng Worthlp 6:30 Colvin Club BA 7-4913 > H Brown, Minister — CLINTON AT THORNE CEDAR AVENUE BAPTIST CEDAR NEAR BELMONT 9.43 AM Coll«g.> Business Blbla Clou 6:00 Collage Business Fellowship 11.00 AM Morning Wonhlp 7>15 Evanlng Wonhlp EVENING SEIVICE BIOADCAST — KM — 7,30-1,30 Irving E. Ponbarthy, Pa nor ■< '.■■ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MI Calmns St* Dupltcolo Services 8 JO 4 11:00 Ca1!-ogeri Fellowship 4,JO Chord. School—9,20 Evanlng Worship—7,30 Dr. Bobart N. Parlor, Pastor lav. Wolly Prom, CoBagg rotter PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4672 N. Cedor, 6 blki, So. of FSC BA 2-2320 9.15 Suodoy School end Bib!. Oats.. Martin Schabackor, Poitor 10 JO Wonhlp Sonko IA 9-133- TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Oaplkota Services 9|00 4 10 JO AM Chun* School— 9r00 4 10 JO AM Sludonlt ara alwoyt welcome at Trinity 3973 N. Cedar Near Ankle* College Ulnar Club—7.0O PM ■*h||Ip A. Jordan, Poitor BA 9-1311 PALM AVE. CHURCH OF CHRIST 826 Palm Av$.-AM 4-5409 Morning Wonhlp—4.20 4 10.45 AM Evanlng Worship—6-00 PM Biblo S<hool—9.43 AM Mr. Clifford E. loam, MlnJuW MlLtLBROOK PRESBYTERIAN 3620 N. MIIUBOOK AVI. Six Blocks We.1 of Coder rfo Dokoto or Shields Ava. Wonhlp 9 JO AM - lobar? A. Mormon, Poitor ONMCM Of THI BUTHUH CLINTON Al NINTH JTtJIt Cr.urr.ri Safeeol College, C™e«_.. _ f 4$ AJA, Me~l.j Woreole 11,00 AM. Jo.eS I. Mr*. Mlelete . *a j-ms.. FIRST METHODIST CfflHKS TUOWMHI I M ST. Mornmo Wonhlp....o,oo I 11,00 AM Sundoy School—, ) 9iS0 AM Wesley F.IIow.Mp ______7,o0 Mai. Sobers W. Mooe. NeSor ST. COUMIM't mscoruamuu nu* and shaw ■SS^- ■
Object Description
Title | 1962_06 The Daily Collegian June 1962 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1962 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | June 25, 1962, Page 3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1962 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search |
Jura. 23, 1942
Pope) Tnr—
FSC's Reidenbach
Gets Track Medal—
But Not For Long
"It shouldn't have happeued to
a dojc."
This was Freano State track
coach Dutch Warmerdam'a reac-
tlon to the now-you-see-lt. now-
you-don't switch thai saw FSC
hurdler Duane Heidenbach award¬
ed a sixth place 4 40-yard hurdles
medaJ in the recent NCAA track
meet, only to have It taken away
on an official's ruling.
"What hurt most," moaned
Warmerdsm, "was that we didn't
find out about the disqualifica¬
tion until we read about lt In the
Sunday morning papers."
Awarded Sixth
Reidenbach had been awarded
the medal for sixth place in a
photo-finleh with San Jose State's
West Coast Relays champion
Bruce McCullough. the third time
he had beaten HcCullougli In
four meets. However, a lynx-eyed
track Inspector reported that
Reidenbach had dragged his trail¬
ing; ]eg around one of the hurdles
Instead of over It as prescribed In
the rules.
However, the disqualification
wasn't ruled until after Reiden¬
bach had left the victory stand
with tbe medal. "And I'd still like
to know why It took them that
long," Warmerdam commented
Slim Cliance
Warmerdam said he still
thought there might be a chance
for Reidenbach, albeit a slim one.
The rules permit a hurdler to
carr? his trailing foot outside the
hurdle If lt remains above the
level of the hurdle and Warmer¬
dam said he was writing meet
director Leo Harris to determine
if thin was what had actually
"Sometimes an Inspector won't
be completely familiar with the
rule and will call a violation
where none existed," Warmerdam
explained. "1 doubt it will do any
good but 1 told Duane to hold
onto the medal until we made
Reldenback's sixth place would
have been the first point for Fres-
At A Glance
The MiitwiKT' session recrea¬
tion and co-ed ucntlonal intra¬
mural program nt a glance:
SH-immlng _.-0 PM
Table Tennis iW» PM
Badminton 3-0 pm
Volleyball .3-0 PM
sUaakettN-ll 3-0 PM
Tennis 8-0 PM
Golf 8-0 PM
(Tuesday through Thursday
."isviimuinfj 0-9 PM
Table Tennis 0-9 PM
Iladmlnton 0-9 PM
Volleyball 0-9 PM
Banketbidl 6-9 PM
Trampoline 7-9 PM
Tennis 0-9 PM
Golf 0-9 PM
Golf (Regular) — Continue*
through fifth week; men's and
women's Individual match play;
Airways Golf Course (men)
and Hank's Swank Pitch nnd
Putt Course (women).
Golf (Hole-in-one) — To be
held at summer school plt-nic.
Volleyball — Fifth week,
Tuesday evening; co-wlucatlon-
nl teams from summer .-i-olim
classes only.
Howling—Continues throiifcli
sixth week, Monday afternoon;
men's and women's sliipli'H;
ladder tournament, high game,
high series, high total; Black-
•none Bowl. ■***
Badminton — Third week,
Tuesday evening. Mixed doub¬
let only.
no State In NCAA track competi¬
tion wince Jack Wilcox finished
third In the 880 in 1968. .No Bull¬
dog has ever placed in th*1 inter¬
mediate hurdle;! in NCAA com¬
jim Mcknight chevron service
Pick-Ufo,ami Qolivery
Phone BA 7-8125
Cor. Cedar & Shaw Fresno, Calif.
Beiden Builds For '63 NCAA Drive;
Infield, Pitching Looks Impressive
Although his powerful 1962
squad has been riddled by grad¬
uation losses. Kresno State Col¬
lege baseball coach Pete Beiden
Is looking forward to another ban¬
ner year In 1963.
Losses trom this year's Bulldog
team Included one NCAA District
S ail-star team pick (center field¬
er Terry Banderas), four more
all-conference picks, and three
other regulars or semi-regulars.
Dpspite this. Beiden remains op¬
timistic over equalling or surpasn-
ing this year's 34-9 record and
No. 5 national ranking.
Reason number one for Bel-
den s cheer Is pitching. "It's the
name of the game," Beiden points
out, noting that four of his top
five hurlers return.
Only absentee la All-CCAA
choice Jerry MacDonald. However.
Dave Hoover had a 9-1 record
and southpaws Virgil DeGeorge
and Ed Hite had respective earned
run averages of 1.1.5 and 1.S9. All
three return as does Dennis
Shaves, the staff's No. 5 man who
had arm (rouble most of the year.
Fred McPherson. a curve-baller
up from the junior varsity, should
help. Oilier possibilities are JV
graduates Dan Chrisco (S-2 last
year) and Manny Fierro |