April 2, 1962, Page 1 |
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. Seeks Legiiloli've Poit SANDY KNAPP . legitlalive Candidate COLLEGIAN FRESNO STATE COLLEGE % Election Committee Seeks Help At Polls A simple majority of the ballots cast in the Associated Student Body primary election Wednesday will decide the winners for all offices contested by two or less candidates, according to Bob Jones, election committee chairman. Therefore, general election competition will not be required *" determine whether Jerry Ta-+ VOLUME LXV FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1962 NUMBER 26 Politicians List Platforms, Promises Rod (oburn As a candidate (or Student Body Men's Legislative Commis¬ sioner, I, Rod Coburn. am fully aware of the obligations and re¬ sponsibilities that the duties of this office place upon this official. An a voting member of both the Board of Directors and the Board of Athletic Control, as parliamen¬ tarian of Student Council, and as an Initiator of legislation, the Men's Legislative Commission Is In a position to significantly bet¬ ter the Fresno State, body, the Aaosclatlon and the Fresno State Community. Having served In advisory ca¬ pacities for my class, ui member of Student Executive Council, and In other student body roles, I feel that I have a basic understanding of many of the problems facing Fresno Slate College, foremost among them. Is the proposed Stu¬ dent Union. 1 will work very dili¬ gently with the new Student Body President, helping him to formu¬ late concrete plaDS for the activi¬ ties and services for the Union, and lor the acquisition of the funds necessary for construction. In conjunction with this proposed building, there will be a student referendum election pertaining to construction and maintenance cost fees. The drafting, presentation, and implementation of this refer¬ endum will be of primary concern to the Men's Legislative Commis- Aa Legislative Commissioner, I will be the represeniaUve of all the students, not of any one group. I will be a Student Body official, serving the entire student body, malting recommendations to the Board of Directors, the Stu¬ dent CouncU and to the Student .President on the Students' behalf. The office nf Men's Legislative Commissioner has In the last few years lost some of the potency which It could have had and which It formerly had. If elected. I will put all my energies into once again making this office an active and vibrant force on this campus, representing all the stu¬ dents for the benefit of them and the college. Tom Sommers "SWING INTO SPRING Swing Into the new spring sea¬ son and a spring of new activities with enthusiasm and hope for a very exciting and successful Jun¬ ior year. Begin right by carefully analyzing the responsibilities thrust upon the person whom you elect as Junior Class President, 1 believe there are two major re¬ sponsibilities that this person First of all. and of (he utmost Importance, la that (he Junior Class President be able lo repre¬ sent the Junior class and Fresno State College. Wherever he goes, whether it be on campus or In the community, he is representing YOU and his conduct must be such that will bring honor and respect to FSC. This Is probably the greatest responsibility and duty of any class officer. It li also- important -to ""Jn thai Junior Class President represents his class In the student council. He must, therefore, possess a strong backbone and he able to stand up against opposition and fight for what Is best for his class. In short, he must be a team man working unselfishly for the benefit of the Junior class. Keep these things in mind . . . when you vote. The second major responslblllty is that he be able to coordinate activities leading up to and In¬ cluding the Junior-Senior Prom. He must be a strong leader and bo highly respected by others. while at the same lime, also re¬ specting them. He must be able to conduct Executivo Committee meetings In order to plan events and bo able to organise other (Continued on Page 3) Blood Rally Set Tonight A combination or entertainment and politics will be the program for the annual Blood Rally to be held tonight at 7:30 PM In the Men's Gymnasium. The evening will be filled with speeches by candidates for stu¬ dent body offices and class presi¬ dents. All other candidates will also be Introduced. Student Body Vice President Larry Layne emphaalsed that stu¬ dents have the opportunity to¬ night to find out who they want The Coachmen, a folk singing group, will perform, and five skits dealing with the theme of blood given by organisations will be pre¬ sented. Editorial Comments The True Picture The Collegian editorial staff was surprised last Wednesday night when the student council voted against having the paper published four times a week. It proved to be just as unprepared as the representa¬ tives from the various campus groups were when discussion was opened on the proposal. To begin with. The Collegian editorial staff has failed to inform the student body on why a daily paper (four days a week) is necessary for the college and the journalism de¬ partment. As a result, many of the student council members went into the debate without having a clear picture of the reasons for a daily paper. One sad point is that comments made by Marvin Baxter, student body president, at the executive council reflecting how much good The Collegian has done for promoting stu¬ dent and college activities were not carried to student council. Baxter pointed out strongly in the executive council that such events as the Mercy Bowl, the Jazz Concert, the Rodeo, the Bonfire rally, 50th Anniversary activities, and James Whitmore and "Brand" would not have been successful with' :-1^«*^«'»pTO«^rf^»Coll«ei«»Tr------- -—----- - -■■■- This illustrates the importance of the paper today. The student council never heard this side of the issue and had no other choice but to defeat the proposal, which they did with a narrow 22-18 vote. Baxter noted that there is plenty of interest concerning the proposal, both pro and con, but feels that some of the student counci) members are using the excuse that they did not know that the proposal would be voted on last Wednes¬ day. Below are some of the stronger and more obviousjKiints in favor of having a daily Collegian. 1) FSC is the only accredited journalism school in Cali¬ fornia that does not have a daily paper. 2) Because Qf this fact, FSC is not attracting journalism' majors the way journalism schools should. 3) In line with this occurrence, FSC is currently losing journalists out of its own department because the paper is not allowed to expand. 4) The journalism department and The Collegian have grown as far as they can without expanding further. They have reached their peak and are becoming stagnant 5) The Collegian currently has the man-power, the facili¬ ties and the talent to produce a daily. The potential is there. €) At the present time The Collegian has ten gailies (a page and a half) of news left over, waiting at the print shop to be printed. However, The Collegian does not have enough room to print it and therefore the readers are not getting all the news. 7) The production has been high and the staff is capable of filling another paper every week. 8) Better coverage and more timeliness can be acquired if a daily is circulated. It will be to the benefit of all students and organizations. 9) Students are demanding more papers and coverage. The circulation of the paper has been raised by 200 copies to meet this demand. The Collegian can only be as good as the students make it. This will not happen unless it becomes a daily. The stu¬ dents must give The Collegian a chance to show its full potential. But what can be done now? Plenty, for it's not too late — yet. If one member at the next student council meeting, who voted against The Collegian, wishes to reverse his decision, the council will reopen the discussion for fur¬ ther consideration. But a voting member must stand up and speak out If two or more people vote for The Collegian in the revote and the proposal passes, The Collegian will get a chance to serve the students in its fullest capacity. hajlan or Ray Snow will bo the next student body president. Jones has Issued a plea for stu¬ dents, except candidates, inter¬ ested In helping with the elections to sign up In the Student Activi¬ ties Office. The ASB office of men's legis¬ lative commissioner will also be decided In the primary election Wednesday. Running for the of¬ fice arc Sandy Knapp and Rod Coburn. Voting Wednesday will be con¬ ducted at the Activities Booth from 3 AM to 4 PM. with the pos¬ sibility of another voting booth In the quadrangle. Jerry Tahajian The office of student body pres¬ ident- Is one which requires the ttfWgf leadership that exempli¬ fies the college in the bust pos¬ sible manner. This leader must be concerned and aware of the In¬ terests of both present and future students. A progressive program to help achieve certain goals lead¬ ing to greater student satisfaction resuttfni- frotir Association and College sponsored activities should be the basis for student government action. The underlying theme of my platform is to help develop a student-oriented college commun¬ ity. Promotion In some areas and pressure In others towards various groups and Individuals to the end of achieving both short and long range objectives are the means that would be used. Pressure would be needed In -the form of resolutions from the California State College Student Presidents Association, which rep¬ resents over 100.000 states col¬ lege students, directed at the State College Board of Trustees, Governor Brown, and other public groups which control the funds for many of our Important pro¬ jects. I am confident that with 13G2 being an election year, pres¬ sure applied to the specific public groups would result In positive action. Promotion, as a means of help¬ ing to develop the student-orien¬ ted college commun^jx^w^fuld be utlliied In the oce^of Association sponsored sejJvltieB such as cul¬ tural events and transportation to athletic contests. Short range projects or those which can/be accomplished in the near term Include the following: 1) Student Union. 3) campus activities, 3) Cafeteria, Bookstore, and Library Committees, 4) on- campus housing, 5) periphery business development, 6) football stadium and baseball park. The areas listed for student action are only those prominent at present. No one can anticipate all the problems student government will face next year, but yon can rest assured that new ones will arise. If elected. I pledge to at¬ tack and attempt to solve each problem for the best interests of the student body and college. The student president's responsibility Is to promote the desires) and opinions of the student body; spe¬ cific group or Individual demands and opinions must succumb to the best Interests of the student body. Ray Show As a member of the associated student body. It la your respon¬ sibility to go to tbe polls Wednes¬ day and elect a new team of offi¬ cers to lead your student govern¬ ment next year. As I said at tbe recent dona rally. I am naive enough to be¬ lieve in tbo Ideals of democracy and to hope that you also realise your responsibility to make the most intelligent decision possible —to elect the Host qualified man from among those running for office. Ideally, f would Uke to alt down with each of you, or at least those of you who really CAKE about student government and explain step by step my rea¬ sons for sin ting this and natural-" ly, why f feel qualified for the responsibilities of the office Of ASB president. Unfortunately, we all know I can't and won't bo able to do this but can only hope that a number of you — those who Care — will take the time to TALK to both Jerry Tahajian and myself and thus have something definite up¬ on which to base your decision other than what friends aay, first impression, or political showman- Naturally I feel I am by far the most qualified candidate. L wouldn't be running if I didn't. The problem Is to convince you of this fact. Initially. I've gained tho ex¬ perience necessary for a leader¬ ship position of this Importance and responsibility through an In- Umate association with all phases of student government over a four year period. Among other things ivo beesj Senior Class Presi¬ dent, Junior Class Vice President, Student Council representative for 2 years and a member of tbe Executive Committee. I am a member of Blue Key Men's Hon¬ orary Fraternity, was glveo the Outstanding Service To College And Community Award while In Junior College mad was recently elected to Who's Who Among American Colleges and Unlver- allies. But what about mo as a per* sonT What do I believe In and what are my goals and, more Important, do I have the convic¬ tion to stand behind and work for these goals T m sure we all realise that there are a number of things — situations — on thin campus which are archaic, outmoded and (Conimutd on Pdgt 2) Over The Weekend 740 Alumni Gather For Birthday Party NEW BANNER — This * .the new Ftemo Stele) College flog which was unveiled for Ml* first Hms ot the Charier Day Dinner lost Saturday night. Over TOO alumni, faculty and administrators Joined together In the new women's gymnasium Sat¬ urday to celebrate the 60th birth¬ day of Fresno State College. was a rousing good time for all, since many of the older grad¬ uates had not seen each other In SO years. 'Alumni came from as far aa Oregon and New York for the occasion. Mrs. Louis Alder Bret*, the first student body president In the history of Fresno State Col¬ lege, gave the opening remarks. James Mayer, president of the Fresno Chamber of Commerce, served as master of ceremonies. Muriel Miller, president of tbe Alumni Association, and Dr.' Ar¬ nold' E. Joyal. college president, also Spoke. Local attorney John Said was given the "outstanding alumnus prtbe year" award. Bawbdlert Win In sports, the Fresno State Rich Hoyt and FM Hite were the winning pitchers for FSC. Track Men Romp Miler Joe Hersog turned in a -4:22.4 four-Upper and came back to tie team mate Jerry Holland In a l: 57.6 half mile for top per¬ formances In Saturday's all com¬ ers meet in. Ratcliffe Stadium. Henog told The Collegian those were the "best times of his Hie." In all. FSC won tan events, Duano Reldenbach took the 440 tows la 57.1, Brad Holmes pat tho shot 47-1, Bill Knocks turned la a * 8.K 440, Rod Bolcomb threw tbe Javelin 184 feat, Gary Potter took tbe 100 In 10.0 and the SS0 | In 11.7, Hugh Adams took the 220 lows In 13.0, Frank Pollock tied for first In the pole vault at 13-6, aad the mile relay team won , In 3:13.1. The college also had Its share of April fool tricks over the weekend. Baker Ball bad a past* raid and someone turned In % false fire alarm.
Object Description
Title | 1962_04 The Daily Collegian April 1962 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1962 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | April 2, 1962, Page 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1962 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | . Seeks Legiiloli've Poit SANDY KNAPP . legitlalive Candidate COLLEGIAN FRESNO STATE COLLEGE % Election Committee Seeks Help At Polls A simple majority of the ballots cast in the Associated Student Body primary election Wednesday will decide the winners for all offices contested by two or less candidates, according to Bob Jones, election committee chairman. Therefore, general election competition will not be required *" determine whether Jerry Ta-+ VOLUME LXV FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1962 NUMBER 26 Politicians List Platforms, Promises Rod (oburn As a candidate (or Student Body Men's Legislative Commis¬ sioner, I, Rod Coburn. am fully aware of the obligations and re¬ sponsibilities that the duties of this office place upon this official. An a voting member of both the Board of Directors and the Board of Athletic Control, as parliamen¬ tarian of Student Council, and as an Initiator of legislation, the Men's Legislative Commission Is In a position to significantly bet¬ ter the Fresno State, body, the Aaosclatlon and the Fresno State Community. Having served In advisory ca¬ pacities for my class, ui member of Student Executive Council, and In other student body roles, I feel that I have a basic understanding of many of the problems facing Fresno Slate College, foremost among them. Is the proposed Stu¬ dent Union. 1 will work very dili¬ gently with the new Student Body President, helping him to formu¬ late concrete plaDS for the activi¬ ties and services for the Union, and lor the acquisition of the funds necessary for construction. In conjunction with this proposed building, there will be a student referendum election pertaining to construction and maintenance cost fees. The drafting, presentation, and implementation of this refer¬ endum will be of primary concern to the Men's Legislative Commis- Aa Legislative Commissioner, I will be the represeniaUve of all the students, not of any one group. I will be a Student Body official, serving the entire student body, malting recommendations to the Board of Directors, the Stu¬ dent CouncU and to the Student .President on the Students' behalf. The office nf Men's Legislative Commissioner has In the last few years lost some of the potency which It could have had and which It formerly had. If elected. I will put all my energies into once again making this office an active and vibrant force on this campus, representing all the stu¬ dents for the benefit of them and the college. Tom Sommers "SWING INTO SPRING Swing Into the new spring sea¬ son and a spring of new activities with enthusiasm and hope for a very exciting and successful Jun¬ ior year. Begin right by carefully analyzing the responsibilities thrust upon the person whom you elect as Junior Class President, 1 believe there are two major re¬ sponsibilities that this person First of all. and of (he utmost Importance, la that (he Junior Class President be able lo repre¬ sent the Junior class and Fresno State College. Wherever he goes, whether it be on campus or In the community, he is representing YOU and his conduct must be such that will bring honor and respect to FSC. This Is probably the greatest responsibility and duty of any class officer. It li also- important -to ""Jn thai Junior Class President represents his class In the student council. He must, therefore, possess a strong backbone and he able to stand up against opposition and fight for what Is best for his class. In short, he must be a team man working unselfishly for the benefit of the Junior class. Keep these things in mind . . . when you vote. The second major responslblllty is that he be able to coordinate activities leading up to and In¬ cluding the Junior-Senior Prom. He must be a strong leader and bo highly respected by others. while at the same lime, also re¬ specting them. He must be able to conduct Executivo Committee meetings In order to plan events and bo able to organise other (Continued on Page 3) Blood Rally Set Tonight A combination or entertainment and politics will be the program for the annual Blood Rally to be held tonight at 7:30 PM In the Men's Gymnasium. The evening will be filled with speeches by candidates for stu¬ dent body offices and class presi¬ dents. All other candidates will also be Introduced. Student Body Vice President Larry Layne emphaalsed that stu¬ dents have the opportunity to¬ night to find out who they want The Coachmen, a folk singing group, will perform, and five skits dealing with the theme of blood given by organisations will be pre¬ sented. Editorial Comments The True Picture The Collegian editorial staff was surprised last Wednesday night when the student council voted against having the paper published four times a week. It proved to be just as unprepared as the representa¬ tives from the various campus groups were when discussion was opened on the proposal. To begin with. The Collegian editorial staff has failed to inform the student body on why a daily paper (four days a week) is necessary for the college and the journalism de¬ partment. As a result, many of the student council members went into the debate without having a clear picture of the reasons for a daily paper. One sad point is that comments made by Marvin Baxter, student body president, at the executive council reflecting how much good The Collegian has done for promoting stu¬ dent and college activities were not carried to student council. Baxter pointed out strongly in the executive council that such events as the Mercy Bowl, the Jazz Concert, the Rodeo, the Bonfire rally, 50th Anniversary activities, and James Whitmore and "Brand" would not have been successful with' :-1^«*^«'»pTO«^rf^»Coll«ei«»Tr------- -—----- - -■■■- This illustrates the importance of the paper today. The student council never heard this side of the issue and had no other choice but to defeat the proposal, which they did with a narrow 22-18 vote. Baxter noted that there is plenty of interest concerning the proposal, both pro and con, but feels that some of the student counci) members are using the excuse that they did not know that the proposal would be voted on last Wednes¬ day. Below are some of the stronger and more obviousjKiints in favor of having a daily Collegian. 1) FSC is the only accredited journalism school in Cali¬ fornia that does not have a daily paper. 2) Because Qf this fact, FSC is not attracting journalism' majors the way journalism schools should. 3) In line with this occurrence, FSC is currently losing journalists out of its own department because the paper is not allowed to expand. 4) The journalism department and The Collegian have grown as far as they can without expanding further. They have reached their peak and are becoming stagnant 5) The Collegian currently has the man-power, the facili¬ ties and the talent to produce a daily. The potential is there. €) At the present time The Collegian has ten gailies (a page and a half) of news left over, waiting at the print shop to be printed. However, The Collegian does not have enough room to print it and therefore the readers are not getting all the news. 7) The production has been high and the staff is capable of filling another paper every week. 8) Better coverage and more timeliness can be acquired if a daily is circulated. It will be to the benefit of all students and organizations. 9) Students are demanding more papers and coverage. The circulation of the paper has been raised by 200 copies to meet this demand. The Collegian can only be as good as the students make it. This will not happen unless it becomes a daily. The stu¬ dents must give The Collegian a chance to show its full potential. But what can be done now? Plenty, for it's not too late — yet. If one member at the next student council meeting, who voted against The Collegian, wishes to reverse his decision, the council will reopen the discussion for fur¬ ther consideration. But a voting member must stand up and speak out If two or more people vote for The Collegian in the revote and the proposal passes, The Collegian will get a chance to serve the students in its fullest capacity. hajlan or Ray Snow will bo the next student body president. Jones has Issued a plea for stu¬ dents, except candidates, inter¬ ested In helping with the elections to sign up In the Student Activi¬ ties Office. The ASB office of men's legis¬ lative commissioner will also be decided In the primary election Wednesday. Running for the of¬ fice arc Sandy Knapp and Rod Coburn. Voting Wednesday will be con¬ ducted at the Activities Booth from 3 AM to 4 PM. with the pos¬ sibility of another voting booth In the quadrangle. Jerry Tahajian The office of student body pres¬ ident- Is one which requires the ttfWgf leadership that exempli¬ fies the college in the bust pos¬ sible manner. This leader must be concerned and aware of the In¬ terests of both present and future students. A progressive program to help achieve certain goals lead¬ ing to greater student satisfaction resuttfni- frotir Association and College sponsored activities should be the basis for student government action. The underlying theme of my platform is to help develop a student-oriented college commun¬ ity. Promotion In some areas and pressure In others towards various groups and Individuals to the end of achieving both short and long range objectives are the means that would be used. Pressure would be needed In -the form of resolutions from the California State College Student Presidents Association, which rep¬ resents over 100.000 states col¬ lege students, directed at the State College Board of Trustees, Governor Brown, and other public groups which control the funds for many of our Important pro¬ jects. I am confident that with 13G2 being an election year, pres¬ sure applied to the specific public groups would result In positive action. Promotion, as a means of help¬ ing to develop the student-orien¬ ted college commun^jx^w^fuld be utlliied In the oce^of Association sponsored sejJvltieB such as cul¬ tural events and transportation to athletic contests. Short range projects or those which can/be accomplished in the near term Include the following: 1) Student Union. 3) campus activities, 3) Cafeteria, Bookstore, and Library Committees, 4) on- campus housing, 5) periphery business development, 6) football stadium and baseball park. The areas listed for student action are only those prominent at present. No one can anticipate all the problems student government will face next year, but yon can rest assured that new ones will arise. If elected. I pledge to at¬ tack and attempt to solve each problem for the best interests of the student body and college. The student president's responsibility Is to promote the desires) and opinions of the student body; spe¬ cific group or Individual demands and opinions must succumb to the best Interests of the student body. Ray Show As a member of the associated student body. It la your respon¬ sibility to go to tbe polls Wednes¬ day and elect a new team of offi¬ cers to lead your student govern¬ ment next year. As I said at tbe recent dona rally. I am naive enough to be¬ lieve in tbo Ideals of democracy and to hope that you also realise your responsibility to make the most intelligent decision possible —to elect the Host qualified man from among those running for office. Ideally, f would Uke to alt down with each of you, or at least those of you who really CAKE about student government and explain step by step my rea¬ sons for sin ting this and natural-" ly, why f feel qualified for the responsibilities of the office Of ASB president. Unfortunately, we all know I can't and won't bo able to do this but can only hope that a number of you — those who Care — will take the time to TALK to both Jerry Tahajian and myself and thus have something definite up¬ on which to base your decision other than what friends aay, first impression, or political showman- Naturally I feel I am by far the most qualified candidate. L wouldn't be running if I didn't. The problem Is to convince you of this fact. Initially. I've gained tho ex¬ perience necessary for a leader¬ ship position of this Importance and responsibility through an In- Umate association with all phases of student government over a four year period. Among other things ivo beesj Senior Class Presi¬ dent, Junior Class Vice President, Student Council representative for 2 years and a member of tbe Executive Committee. I am a member of Blue Key Men's Hon¬ orary Fraternity, was glveo the Outstanding Service To College And Community Award while In Junior College mad was recently elected to Who's Who Among American Colleges and Unlver- allies. But what about mo as a per* sonT What do I believe In and what are my goals and, more Important, do I have the convic¬ tion to stand behind and work for these goals T m sure we all realise that there are a number of things — situations — on thin campus which are archaic, outmoded and (Conimutd on Pdgt 2) Over The Weekend 740 Alumni Gather For Birthday Party NEW BANNER — This * .the new Ftemo Stele) College flog which was unveiled for Ml* first Hms ot the Charier Day Dinner lost Saturday night. Over TOO alumni, faculty and administrators Joined together In the new women's gymnasium Sat¬ urday to celebrate the 60th birth¬ day of Fresno State College. was a rousing good time for all, since many of the older grad¬ uates had not seen each other In SO years. 'Alumni came from as far aa Oregon and New York for the occasion. Mrs. Louis Alder Bret*, the first student body president In the history of Fresno State Col¬ lege, gave the opening remarks. James Mayer, president of the Fresno Chamber of Commerce, served as master of ceremonies. Muriel Miller, president of tbe Alumni Association, and Dr.' Ar¬ nold' E. Joyal. college president, also Spoke. Local attorney John Said was given the "outstanding alumnus prtbe year" award. Bawbdlert Win In sports, the Fresno State Rich Hoyt and FM Hite were the winning pitchers for FSC. Track Men Romp Miler Joe Hersog turned in a -4:22.4 four-Upper and came back to tie team mate Jerry Holland In a l: 57.6 half mile for top per¬ formances In Saturday's all com¬ ers meet in. Ratcliffe Stadium. Henog told The Collegian those were the "best times of his Hie." In all. FSC won tan events, Duano Reldenbach took the 440 tows la 57.1, Brad Holmes pat tho shot 47-1, Bill Knocks turned la a * 8.K 440, Rod Bolcomb threw tbe Javelin 184 feat, Gary Potter took tbe 100 In 10.0 and the SS0 | In 11.7, Hugh Adams took the 220 lows In 13.0, Frank Pollock tied for first In the pole vault at 13-6, aad the mile relay team won , In 3:13.1. The college also had Its share of April fool tricks over the weekend. Baker Ball bad a past* raid and someone turned In % false fire alarm. |