February 1, 1980, Page 3 |
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•'Vf*. *•«+*« -o+'tA*.%•"•-'» *tA* Placement center offers student dareer answers by Tom Brisson At a time when students are often unclear about plans after graduation, the CSUF Career Planning and Place¬ ment Center offers some of the answers. "We are really here to help 'out stu¬ dents in exploring the options they have, in terms of their own interests and abilities, in finding a career after col¬ lege," said Dr. Harold D. Jones, director of the center. Jones has been at CSUF fot 22 years. Jones said that the center offers such services as full-time career placement, educational placement to assist teachers and other individuals in finding jobs at various levels of education, and career planning designed to help students make career choices before graduation. The center also hejps students find summer and part-time employment during the regular school year, and, for a slight fee, helps graduates find jobs after military service or find better jobs. "We offer a fairly extensive career information resource center as well as helping students explore career opportu¬ nities through work experience and summer internships," Jones said. The center arranges on-campus inter¬ views for students with company repre¬ sentatives from a number of different fields especially relating to technical areas. . "Professional areas such as engineer¬ ing, agriculture, business, and account¬ ing seem to be very high right now in terms of job opportunities," Jones said. "We're handling about 100 percent of the graduating engineering students." "We also work with some students in liberal arts, though a much smaller number," Jones said. Jones said that incoming students will often not remember hearing, about the center at beginning-of-the-year orienta¬ tions, and that no figures are available for the percentage of the students on campus who have used the center. He said that the office makes approximately 10,000 contacts a year with students, but these constitute repeated visits. Students who are looking for jobs after graduation should get in touch with the register with the center before that, Jones said. "They should get in touch with us at the beginning of their senior year or at least by the beginning of their final semester," he said. 'If they don't contact us by March, they're not really giving us a chance to do what we can." The center also offers seminars each week on topics such as resume prepara¬ tion. Times and places for the seminars are posted in the center which is located in room 266 of the Joyal Bldg. on campus. CSUF to host ag pruning contest Future Farmers of America teams from high schools throughout Central California will converge at California State University, Fresno Saturday, Feb¬ ruary 9, for the state championship contests in grapevine and fruit tree pruning Fifteen teams are entered in the grapevine pruning competition and six high schools have entries in the fruit tree event. Both contests are conducted by the Department of Plant Science in the CSUF School of Agriculture and Home Economics. Registration for vine teams will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Agriculture Building and for tree teams in the Ornamental Horticulture Unit. Competition in the grapevine contest will include cane, cordon and head prun¬ ing of vines and completion of a written quiz. Fruit tree teams will prune mature peach and plum trees, judge a class of pruned mature peach trees and complete a written quiz. Ftfcnaryl.mt aw Pafr €■■■■>■ Mjtj COLLEGIAN poll Due to the recent movement by mem¬ bers of the community to change the university's name from California State University, Fresno to Fresno State University, the Daily Collegian is interested in finding out how students feel. Please clip and answer the following Sex:_ Age: Major: Year in school: poll by Wednesday, Feb. 6. Responses should be turned in to the box at the College Union ticket office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or to the Daily Collegian, Keats Campus Building. Results will be published in next Fri¬ day ' s Weekend edition. Do you favor the name: CSUF FSU Other Comments: A College Degree and no plans? Become a Lawyer's Assistant The UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO, in cooperation with the National Center for Paralegal Training, offers an intensive 12 or 24 week LAWYER'S ASSISTANT PROGRAM. This Pro¬ gram will enable you to pot your education to work as a skilled member of the legal team. • Specialties offmd l« Mm Muwwa fMdi: Litigation Employee Benefits Corporations & Real Estate Estates, Trusts & Wills Generalist (Evenings only) • ABA Approved • Clinical Internship • Employment Assistance For a free brochure about this career opportunity call (714) 2934579 or mail the coupon below to: IIP Name Address University of San Dicgp Lawyer's Assistant Program Room 318, Stm Hall. San Diego, CA 92110 -State. -Zip- Summr 1980—Day I I 22. 1980 l_J Phone_ JulM 9—August : Fall 1980—Day Sapt. 22—Dae. 1 Fall 1980— Evening Octobar 7— 1980 □ CA *ff ' FutunJ □ □ The University of San Diego do*s not discriminate on th* basts of rac«. sax. color, religion, ace, national origin, ancastry, or handicap in Its policial and p ' the Daily Collegian Foundodmlta Th* Uoily ColUgimn la pabosbed by the Astod- •t*d 9twW* of CaOifomia Suia Uairerslty. Prsano. aad the Mwapaper'a ataff. Opinion* upreeeed are thoe* o* the authors. Educr-ut-ChStf: Mara Arms Managing Editor: Ktcordo Pim*nt*t Attodmt* Editor Ntwi: Kar*n Kopocki Altodoi* Editor Production: Moigorwt Hrinon Sport* Editor: Had* Mmrty Photo Editor: Ormg Trott Krportzn: Matt Algwr, Tom Brtsaon, Doug Anjwwi, Cathy Cmnthon. B01 Erytion, Oknm Bm0*r, Judy Hqumi, Klmbrrij Kuhn, Miir Miyamoto, Brmd PoUim, St*v* Schmidt, Tony Strvrru, Kerry Watiint, P*l*Woodiia* Photographer*: Goorgw Agiorrt, John Elm*. Jim Kommoy, Joan Womor Auwru Monogwr: Douglo* Dan Hostog AtlUtOMt Butinrt* Monagtr: Sum Qovm Adomulxm Monogwr: Jim Low* A**t. AdoortUingMgr., Soto*. D*nU* Strwin Amis Ad. Met . Production: Cost** P*tt*nnon AdumrtUing SoJmt: Jax routUr Production Monogwr: Way** Agnor Staff: Burr fry*, Chri* Oionnopomiot, TUn But. Shots* BUehinoon, Donna Koxtt, Don Piiford Latter*- to tba editor are we Icon ad. Th* Doily Colmginn reserves the right to edit la* letter. 9ab- mitariorj doea r*X guarantee r^blkalion. Th* Doily Conogiom't otter* are lirill. la the K—- '"mi il Bldg. oa th* CSU. rreeno ■■Ijiii. Editor*!; (300, 4S7-24M; Jpajfcaat/jtahesSBSSS/1 nmm-tm. TmtJMtfy Comwgimm it a meniher of th* OalaVaats iCHNU. ^ ATTENTION \ COLLEGE SENIORS We have executive positions available in more than 40 career fields. Qualify and you can find yourself filling one of these as an Air Force officer. Plus, the Air Force offers you an excellent salary and working conditions... training...30 days of paid vacation a year... and many opportunties for advancement and graduate education. Call now. Find out if you can fill one of these'posi¬ tions of responsibility. SSgt Gene Holt>- 2220 ToJare street — —- , Fresno, C/ 93721 or caU 487-5280 fWTH r^ A greotwoyofWe. a
Object Description
Title | 1980_02 The Daily Collegian February 1980 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1980 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | February 1, 1980, Page 3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1980 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | •'Vf*. *•«+*« -o+'tA*.%•"•-'» *tA* Placement center offers student dareer answers by Tom Brisson At a time when students are often unclear about plans after graduation, the CSUF Career Planning and Place¬ ment Center offers some of the answers. "We are really here to help 'out stu¬ dents in exploring the options they have, in terms of their own interests and abilities, in finding a career after col¬ lege," said Dr. Harold D. Jones, director of the center. Jones has been at CSUF fot 22 years. Jones said that the center offers such services as full-time career placement, educational placement to assist teachers and other individuals in finding jobs at various levels of education, and career planning designed to help students make career choices before graduation. The center also hejps students find summer and part-time employment during the regular school year, and, for a slight fee, helps graduates find jobs after military service or find better jobs. "We offer a fairly extensive career information resource center as well as helping students explore career opportu¬ nities through work experience and summer internships," Jones said. The center arranges on-campus inter¬ views for students with company repre¬ sentatives from a number of different fields especially relating to technical areas. . "Professional areas such as engineer¬ ing, agriculture, business, and account¬ ing seem to be very high right now in terms of job opportunities," Jones said. "We're handling about 100 percent of the graduating engineering students." "We also work with some students in liberal arts, though a much smaller number," Jones said. Jones said that incoming students will often not remember hearing, about the center at beginning-of-the-year orienta¬ tions, and that no figures are available for the percentage of the students on campus who have used the center. He said that the office makes approximately 10,000 contacts a year with students, but these constitute repeated visits. Students who are looking for jobs after graduation should get in touch with the register with the center before that, Jones said. "They should get in touch with us at the beginning of their senior year or at least by the beginning of their final semester," he said. 'If they don't contact us by March, they're not really giving us a chance to do what we can." The center also offers seminars each week on topics such as resume prepara¬ tion. Times and places for the seminars are posted in the center which is located in room 266 of the Joyal Bldg. on campus. CSUF to host ag pruning contest Future Farmers of America teams from high schools throughout Central California will converge at California State University, Fresno Saturday, Feb¬ ruary 9, for the state championship contests in grapevine and fruit tree pruning Fifteen teams are entered in the grapevine pruning competition and six high schools have entries in the fruit tree event. Both contests are conducted by the Department of Plant Science in the CSUF School of Agriculture and Home Economics. Registration for vine teams will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Agriculture Building and for tree teams in the Ornamental Horticulture Unit. Competition in the grapevine contest will include cane, cordon and head prun¬ ing of vines and completion of a written quiz. Fruit tree teams will prune mature peach and plum trees, judge a class of pruned mature peach trees and complete a written quiz. Ftfcnaryl.mt aw Pafr €■■■■>■ Mjtj COLLEGIAN poll Due to the recent movement by mem¬ bers of the community to change the university's name from California State University, Fresno to Fresno State University, the Daily Collegian is interested in finding out how students feel. Please clip and answer the following Sex:_ Age: Major: Year in school: poll by Wednesday, Feb. 6. Responses should be turned in to the box at the College Union ticket office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or to the Daily Collegian, Keats Campus Building. Results will be published in next Fri¬ day ' s Weekend edition. Do you favor the name: CSUF FSU Other Comments: A College Degree and no plans? Become a Lawyer's Assistant The UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO, in cooperation with the National Center for Paralegal Training, offers an intensive 12 or 24 week LAWYER'S ASSISTANT PROGRAM. This Pro¬ gram will enable you to pot your education to work as a skilled member of the legal team. • Specialties offmd l« Mm Muwwa fMdi: Litigation Employee Benefits Corporations & Real Estate Estates, Trusts & Wills Generalist (Evenings only) • ABA Approved • Clinical Internship • Employment Assistance For a free brochure about this career opportunity call (714) 2934579 or mail the coupon below to: IIP Name Address University of San Dicgp Lawyer's Assistant Program Room 318, Stm Hall. San Diego, CA 92110 -State. -Zip- Summr 1980—Day I I 22. 1980 l_J Phone_ JulM 9—August : Fall 1980—Day Sapt. 22—Dae. 1 Fall 1980— Evening Octobar 7— 1980 □ CA *ff ' FutunJ □ □ The University of San Diego do*s not discriminate on th* basts of rac«. sax. color, religion, ace, national origin, ancastry, or handicap in Its policial and p ' the Daily Collegian Foundodmlta Th* Uoily ColUgimn la pabosbed by the Astod- •t*d 9twW* of CaOifomia Suia Uairerslty. Prsano. aad the Mwapaper'a ataff. Opinion* upreeeed are thoe* o* the authors. Educr-ut-ChStf: Mara Arms Managing Editor: Ktcordo Pim*nt*t Attodmt* Editor Ntwi: Kar*n Kopocki Altodoi* Editor Production: Moigorwt Hrinon Sport* Editor: Had* Mmrty Photo Editor: Ormg Trott Krportzn: Matt Algwr, Tom Brtsaon, Doug Anjwwi, Cathy Cmnthon. B01 Erytion, Oknm Bm0*r, Judy Hqumi, Klmbrrij Kuhn, Miir Miyamoto, Brmd PoUim, St*v* Schmidt, Tony Strvrru, Kerry Watiint, P*l*Woodiia* Photographer*: Goorgw Agiorrt, John Elm*. Jim Kommoy, Joan Womor Auwru Monogwr: Douglo* Dan Hostog AtlUtOMt Butinrt* Monagtr: Sum Qovm Adomulxm Monogwr: Jim Low* A**t. AdoortUingMgr., Soto*. D*nU* Strwin Amis Ad. Met . Production: Cost** P*tt*nnon AdumrtUing SoJmt: Jax routUr Production Monogwr: Way** Agnor Staff: Burr fry*, Chri* Oionnopomiot, TUn But. Shots* BUehinoon, Donna Koxtt, Don Piiford Latter*- to tba editor are we Icon ad. Th* Doily Colmginn reserves the right to edit la* letter. 9ab- mitariorj doea r*X guarantee r^blkalion. Th* Doily Conogiom't otter* are lirill. la the K—- '"mi il Bldg. oa th* CSU. rreeno ■■Ijiii. Editor*!; (300, 4S7-24M; Jpajfcaat/jtahesSBSSS/1 nmm-tm. TmtJMtfy Comwgimm it a meniher of th* OalaVaats iCHNU. ^ ATTENTION \ COLLEGE SENIORS We have executive positions available in more than 40 career fields. Qualify and you can find yourself filling one of these as an Air Force officer. Plus, the Air Force offers you an excellent salary and working conditions... training...30 days of paid vacation a year... and many opportunties for advancement and graduate education. Call now. Find out if you can fill one of these'posi¬ tions of responsibility. SSgt Gene Holt>- 2220 ToJare street — —- , Fresno, C/ 93721 or caU 487-5280 fWTH r^ A greotwoyofWe. a |