October 15, 1986, Page 7 |
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)fp®Erft$ ■W«d—day, Oct. 15,1» page m i I FSU Sports Information Sweeney named coach of West in Japan Bowl Fresno State Head Football Coacjx Jim Sweeney has been selected by the Japan Bowl to be the Head Coach of the West all-star team In the 12th annual game in Yokohama, Japan. Sweeney joins an elite group of coaches who have previously coached this all-star game. University of Oregon Head Coach Rich Brooks and Pat Jones of Oklahoma State will join Sweeney's staff as his assistant .coaches, while Miami's Jimmy Johnson has been selected to oppose Sweeney as the East Head Coach. Johnson's assist¬ ant coaches will be Ray Perkins of Alabama and Bill Curry of Georgia Tech. The game will be televised live by ESPN on the West Coast at 7 p.m. Saturday night Jan. 10. 1987 from Yokohama Stadium. "I'm looking forward to this trip because it is an outstanding event," said Sweeney. "From what my coaching colleagues who have coached in it previously have said, it is probably the most enjoyable bowl to be STING Continued frontpage 6 admission to these schools, an individual must graduate from Cal Tech, the Mas¬ sachusetts Institute of Technology, Stan¬ ford or any Ivy League college, with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Question:Why do professional wrestlers always fling themselves off of the ropes when they can get more momentum from running and jumping? Answer:Because professional wrestlers are so intelligent (89% of them are college graduates). They know that the ropes in the wrestling ring are made of the same material used to catapult jet planes off of aircraft carriers. Although.it does not look like it, a 300-pound wrestler bouncing off the ropes travels at an excess of 200 ELLARD Continued from page 6 admirable assertion that hard work, .determination and faith can take a person very far. In his case, it got him out of west Fresno and into a career in the NFL. "I've been fortunate to be one of the few athletes to experience professional foot¬ ball." he said. "A lot of things have happened for me. Even if I don't play football again. I wouldn't trade my three years in the NFL for anything." f As a Marine Officer, you could be in charge of a Mach2 + F/A-18A, a vertical take-off Harrier or one of our other jets or helicopters. And you could do it by the time you're 23. But it takes a special commitment on your part. We demand leaders at all levels. We teach you to be one. If you're a freshman, sophomore, Gofariher. or junior, ask about our Platoon Leaders Class program. If you're a senior, check out our Officer Candidate Class programs. Starting salaries are from $18,000 to $24,000. And you can count on going farther... faster. miles per hour. Question: Why do so many wrestlers cheat and not get punished? AnswenThe wrestlers only cheat because their determination to win is so great, and the referees understand this. As a result, minor fouls, like pulling the hair, gouging the eye and hitting your opponent with a lead pipe are often condoned.'The more serious fouls (not wearing regulation boots, putting safety pins into one's own cheek, joining a rival wrestling federation) are always severely penalized. Question: Is the Iron Sheik really Iranian? He looks more like some Hollywood actor impersonating an overweight Omar Sharif. Answer: As a matter of fact, the Iron Sheik is only half Iranian. His lineage, however, is royal. His father is a third cousin of Ayatullah Khomeini's step-mother's sister. The blood on his mother's side goes back to the House of Tudor in England which means the Iron Sheik is a descendant of Elizabeth land Henry VIII. Question: If Nikolai Volkov is really a Russian Communist, why is he allowed to wrestle professionally outside of the Iron Curtain? Answer:Vjolkov has a special exit visa signed by thc SecreTary-General himself. This enables him to go where he pleases without being restricted by government officials. Contrary to popular belief, it is not illegal for communist athletes to compete professionally (if you saw Rocky IV. you would know this). Question:Do wrestling managers actually manage their wrestlers? All they seem to do is hit opponents with canes. Answer: Wrest ling managers, believe it or not, nave great knowledge of the art of wrestling. Bobby "the Brain" Heenan, for example, knows wrestling just like Angelo Dundee knows boxing or Bill Walsh knows football. A manager can be of great assistance to the wrestler in explaining scientific wrestling and the extremely defined technique required to throw someone to the ground or hit him in the face. ^ Okay. You people are just too slick tor me. None of what 1 wrote is anything dose to the truth. If you believed any of this, I hate to tell you that you have the mind of a wrestling referee. Se Captain John Hickey in the Meniorial Union torn 10 MA - 2 PM (jdoberlT - October 16 or cal station-to-station collect (916) 978-4008. Berke Breathed It's the biggest anthology yet, featuring the very best work spanning the five-year career of Bloom County, the hottest comic strip of the 1980's. With five hundred and twenty black-and-white and eighty color strips, BLOOM COUNTY BABYLON U much more than a cartoon collection. i general book dept i i ^ lower level | ■ kennelB MjooksttjreJ
Object Description
Title | 1986_10 The Daily Collegian October 1986 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1986 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | October 15, 1986, Page 7 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1986 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | )fp®Erft$ ■W«d—day, Oct. 15,1» page m i I FSU Sports Information Sweeney named coach of West in Japan Bowl Fresno State Head Football Coacjx Jim Sweeney has been selected by the Japan Bowl to be the Head Coach of the West all-star team In the 12th annual game in Yokohama, Japan. Sweeney joins an elite group of coaches who have previously coached this all-star game. University of Oregon Head Coach Rich Brooks and Pat Jones of Oklahoma State will join Sweeney's staff as his assistant .coaches, while Miami's Jimmy Johnson has been selected to oppose Sweeney as the East Head Coach. Johnson's assist¬ ant coaches will be Ray Perkins of Alabama and Bill Curry of Georgia Tech. The game will be televised live by ESPN on the West Coast at 7 p.m. Saturday night Jan. 10. 1987 from Yokohama Stadium. "I'm looking forward to this trip because it is an outstanding event," said Sweeney. "From what my coaching colleagues who have coached in it previously have said, it is probably the most enjoyable bowl to be STING Continued frontpage 6 admission to these schools, an individual must graduate from Cal Tech, the Mas¬ sachusetts Institute of Technology, Stan¬ ford or any Ivy League college, with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Question:Why do professional wrestlers always fling themselves off of the ropes when they can get more momentum from running and jumping? Answer:Because professional wrestlers are so intelligent (89% of them are college graduates). They know that the ropes in the wrestling ring are made of the same material used to catapult jet planes off of aircraft carriers. Although.it does not look like it, a 300-pound wrestler bouncing off the ropes travels at an excess of 200 ELLARD Continued from page 6 admirable assertion that hard work, .determination and faith can take a person very far. In his case, it got him out of west Fresno and into a career in the NFL. "I've been fortunate to be one of the few athletes to experience professional foot¬ ball." he said. "A lot of things have happened for me. Even if I don't play football again. I wouldn't trade my three years in the NFL for anything." f As a Marine Officer, you could be in charge of a Mach2 + F/A-18A, a vertical take-off Harrier or one of our other jets or helicopters. And you could do it by the time you're 23. But it takes a special commitment on your part. We demand leaders at all levels. We teach you to be one. If you're a freshman, sophomore, Gofariher. or junior, ask about our Platoon Leaders Class program. If you're a senior, check out our Officer Candidate Class programs. Starting salaries are from $18,000 to $24,000. And you can count on going farther... faster. miles per hour. Question: Why do so many wrestlers cheat and not get punished? AnswenThe wrestlers only cheat because their determination to win is so great, and the referees understand this. As a result, minor fouls, like pulling the hair, gouging the eye and hitting your opponent with a lead pipe are often condoned.'The more serious fouls (not wearing regulation boots, putting safety pins into one's own cheek, joining a rival wrestling federation) are always severely penalized. Question: Is the Iron Sheik really Iranian? He looks more like some Hollywood actor impersonating an overweight Omar Sharif. Answer: As a matter of fact, the Iron Sheik is only half Iranian. His lineage, however, is royal. His father is a third cousin of Ayatullah Khomeini's step-mother's sister. The blood on his mother's side goes back to the House of Tudor in England which means the Iron Sheik is a descendant of Elizabeth land Henry VIII. Question: If Nikolai Volkov is really a Russian Communist, why is he allowed to wrestle professionally outside of the Iron Curtain? Answer:Vjolkov has a special exit visa signed by thc SecreTary-General himself. This enables him to go where he pleases without being restricted by government officials. Contrary to popular belief, it is not illegal for communist athletes to compete professionally (if you saw Rocky IV. you would know this). Question:Do wrestling managers actually manage their wrestlers? All they seem to do is hit opponents with canes. Answer: Wrest ling managers, believe it or not, nave great knowledge of the art of wrestling. Bobby "the Brain" Heenan, for example, knows wrestling just like Angelo Dundee knows boxing or Bill Walsh knows football. A manager can be of great assistance to the wrestler in explaining scientific wrestling and the extremely defined technique required to throw someone to the ground or hit him in the face. ^ Okay. You people are just too slick tor me. None of what 1 wrote is anything dose to the truth. If you believed any of this, I hate to tell you that you have the mind of a wrestling referee. Se Captain John Hickey in the Meniorial Union torn 10 MA - 2 PM (jdoberlT - October 16 or cal station-to-station collect (916) 978-4008. Berke Breathed It's the biggest anthology yet, featuring the very best work spanning the five-year career of Bloom County, the hottest comic strip of the 1980's. With five hundred and twenty black-and-white and eighty color strips, BLOOM COUNTY BABYLON U much more than a cartoon collection. i general book dept i i ^ lower level | ■ kennelB MjooksttjreJ |