October 8, 1996, Page 7 |
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Telephone: (209) 278-5733 Sports THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Tuesday, October 8,1996 49ers: San Francisco needs to trade Steve Young Continued from page 6. Young fans point to a super bowl win and several strong seasons, in¬ cluding two MVP trophies. But since a shoulder injury last year against the Indianapolis Colts, Young hasn't been the same. In the nine games previous to his shoulder injury, he had 21 TD passes and three interceptions. In the nine games since, he has thrown only nine touchdown passes and has been picked off 11 times. I will admit that I am not a big fan of Steve Young. I was hoping Montana would stay, and when that didn't happen. I liked Bono more than Young. He seems like a nice guy. He puts up big numbers in the regular season. But come playoff time, he tries so hard to win that he often ends up losing the big games. But why trade Young? Because he is 35 years old. Because Grbac throws a better deep ball, waits in the pocket longer, finds open re¬ ceivers better, and will only im¬ prove with time. Young's condition is age. He has become frail, and while that's tol¬ erable for some (look how long Kansas City stuck with an oft-in¬ jured Joe Montana), Young relies on his body. He runs a lot, moves around the pocket a lot, and gener¬ ally takes a great deal of punish¬ ment. Every hit he takes from here on out might be his last. However, he is a talented quar¬ terback, and teams would be will¬ ing to trade for him. Young to Se¬ attle for Rick Mirer? Young to the Raiders for running back Napoleon Kaufman and a draft pick? Minne¬ sota needs, a quarterback (and they have a great, underrated running back named Robert Smith); Warren Moon is over 40, making Young seem... well, young. Half the teams in the league are playing with mediocre quarter¬ backs. San Diego (no offense, Stan Humphries), Atlanta, Houston, Ari¬ zona (Leland McElrOy or LeShon Johnson would make nice additions to the 49ers), Tampa Bay (sorry, Trent Dilfer is a nightmare), Cleve¬ land. New York (either team, doesn't matter), even Washington, despite everyone getting on the Gus Bus Add to that New Orleans, St. Louis, and Buffalo (hey, Jim Kelly is going through the same thing Young is), and there's several pos¬ sibilities for a trade. Even if the trade is for draft picks, this coming draft holds promise. Northwestern's Darnell Autry, Ohio State's Pepe Pearson, and UCLA's Skip Hicks would boost the 49ers running game im¬ mediately. When it comes down to it. Young has maybe two years left, five if he's extremely lucky, and the 49ers have a quarterback now who is not only ready to take the helm, he's proven he can start and win (Grbac is 5-2 as a starter). If San Francisco keeps Young, then a few years down the road, fans will see a repeat of the Montana- Young debacle that resulted in trad¬ ing Montana for far less than he was worth. The Daily Collegian Advertising Call 278-5731 and ask for Paul ICLA I F I E D S AD LINE 278-5731 Rich Republican God and Mike Eagles CEO. Bob Dole President U.S.A. /93 Attention all students!!! Grants, scholarships available. No repayments, ever. For info: 1-800-257- 3834 /6 FAST FUNDRAISER Raise $500 in 5 Days - Greeks, Groups, Clubs, Motivated Individuals. Fast, at Easy -No Financial Obligation. (800) 862-1982 Ext. 33 /40 Quality at CSUFresno! Open discassions: Quality of classrooms Quality of library Quality of instruction Quality of administration. You name it! Wed. Oct. 9, noon - 2 pm Upstairs Cafeteria 200 All welcome /90 ANNOUNCEMENTS Fresno State College Republicans General Meeting Thurs. Oct. 10th 7:00 pm USU311 Call 299-1896 for more information. /95 TWO BIT TOW We'll Get You Home. Prices from $14.50 Pickup + $1.25 per mile. Professional Flatbed Towing. 453-1100. /42 ARTSTUDENTS I will professionally photograph your portfolio in trade for simple fun illustra¬ tions. Call Kelly Petersen 233-3554. /8S Typist Professional Typing of REPORTS, THESIS, and MANUSCRIPTS, REASONABLE RATES. Barbara Gaudin (209)432-1716 /91 FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion in public and private sector grants & scholarships are now���available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F60074. as Home Typing Term papers. Thesis, Dissertation, etc. 431-0730. ^ /92 Tutoring For Success Science & NonScience Subjects. $10- per hour Group rates available. Call: 323-8485. rh RESEARCH REPORTS ' Largest Ubrary <* Information in U S ' H M topics-Ausuuens Ortef Catalog Tooay * 800-3510222 « -Stressed Out- Chiropractic Services with clinical massage. $10 per office visit, with FSU I.D. card for a limited, time. 1-800-542-2225 /16 HELP WANTED $1750 Weekly Possible Mailing Circulars. |For Info call 301-306-1207. /32 NATIONAL PARKS HIRING Positions are now available at National Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Excel-, lent benefits + bonuses! Call: 1-206-971-3620 ext N60071. {24 $Make Money Part Time$ Buy damaged motorcycles for pennies on the dollar. Sell for huge profits. 1-800-844-9431 /5 Fresno Square Towne House 3 bedroom & Den / 2 1/2 bath. Washer / dryer. Security. $700 per month. 222-2296. /89 Vacation in Cabo San Lucas Executive Studio- Sleeps 4 - Kitchen - On the Marina in town near Squid Roe + Cabo Wabo. $950 / week. 2 weeks available Thanksgiving time. Joe at 209-784-3061. /94 ENTERTAINMENT LONELY? CALL TONIGHT! 1-900-526-5050 Ext. 1078 $2.99 per min. , MUST be 18 years or older. Serv-U (619) 645-8434. /67
Object Description
Title | 1996_10 The Daily Collegian October 1996 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1996 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | October 8, 1996, Page 7 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1996 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Telephone: (209) 278-5733 Sports THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Tuesday, October 8,1996 49ers: San Francisco needs to trade Steve Young Continued from page 6. Young fans point to a super bowl win and several strong seasons, in¬ cluding two MVP trophies. But since a shoulder injury last year against the Indianapolis Colts, Young hasn't been the same. In the nine games previous to his shoulder injury, he had 21 TD passes and three interceptions. In the nine games since, he has thrown only nine touchdown passes and has been picked off 11 times. I will admit that I am not a big fan of Steve Young. I was hoping Montana would stay, and when that didn't happen. I liked Bono more than Young. He seems like a nice guy. He puts up big numbers in the regular season. But come playoff time, he tries so hard to win that he often ends up losing the big games. But why trade Young? Because he is 35 years old. Because Grbac throws a better deep ball, waits in the pocket longer, finds open re¬ ceivers better, and will only im¬ prove with time. Young's condition is age. He has become frail, and while that's tol¬ erable for some (look how long Kansas City stuck with an oft-in¬ jured Joe Montana), Young relies on his body. He runs a lot, moves around the pocket a lot, and gener¬ ally takes a great deal of punish¬ ment. Every hit he takes from here on out might be his last. However, he is a talented quar¬ terback, and teams would be will¬ ing to trade for him. Young to Se¬ attle for Rick Mirer? Young to the Raiders for running back Napoleon Kaufman and a draft pick? Minne¬ sota needs, a quarterback (and they have a great, underrated running back named Robert Smith); Warren Moon is over 40, making Young seem... well, young. Half the teams in the league are playing with mediocre quarter¬ backs. San Diego (no offense, Stan Humphries), Atlanta, Houston, Ari¬ zona (Leland McElrOy or LeShon Johnson would make nice additions to the 49ers), Tampa Bay (sorry, Trent Dilfer is a nightmare), Cleve¬ land. New York (either team, doesn't matter), even Washington, despite everyone getting on the Gus Bus Add to that New Orleans, St. Louis, and Buffalo (hey, Jim Kelly is going through the same thing Young is), and there's several pos¬ sibilities for a trade. Even if the trade is for draft picks, this coming draft holds promise. Northwestern's Darnell Autry, Ohio State's Pepe Pearson, and UCLA's Skip Hicks would boost the 49ers running game im¬ mediately. When it comes down to it. Young has maybe two years left, five if he's extremely lucky, and the 49ers have a quarterback now who is not only ready to take the helm, he's proven he can start and win (Grbac is 5-2 as a starter). If San Francisco keeps Young, then a few years down the road, fans will see a repeat of the Montana- Young debacle that resulted in trad¬ ing Montana for far less than he was worth. The Daily Collegian Advertising Call 278-5731 and ask for Paul ICLA I F I E D S AD LINE 278-5731 Rich Republican God and Mike Eagles CEO. Bob Dole President U.S.A. /93 Attention all students!!! Grants, scholarships available. No repayments, ever. For info: 1-800-257- 3834 /6 FAST FUNDRAISER Raise $500 in 5 Days - Greeks, Groups, Clubs, Motivated Individuals. Fast, at Easy -No Financial Obligation. (800) 862-1982 Ext. 33 /40 Quality at CSUFresno! Open discassions: Quality of classrooms Quality of library Quality of instruction Quality of administration. You name it! Wed. Oct. 9, noon - 2 pm Upstairs Cafeteria 200 All welcome /90 ANNOUNCEMENTS Fresno State College Republicans General Meeting Thurs. Oct. 10th 7:00 pm USU311 Call 299-1896 for more information. /95 TWO BIT TOW We'll Get You Home. Prices from $14.50 Pickup + $1.25 per mile. Professional Flatbed Towing. 453-1100. /42 ARTSTUDENTS I will professionally photograph your portfolio in trade for simple fun illustra¬ tions. Call Kelly Petersen 233-3554. /8S Typist Professional Typing of REPORTS, THESIS, and MANUSCRIPTS, REASONABLE RATES. Barbara Gaudin (209)432-1716 /91 FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion in public and private sector grants & scholarships are now���available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F60074. as Home Typing Term papers. Thesis, Dissertation, etc. 431-0730. ^ /92 Tutoring For Success Science & NonScience Subjects. $10- per hour Group rates available. Call: 323-8485. rh RESEARCH REPORTS ' Largest Ubrary <* Information in U S ' H M topics-Ausuuens Ortef Catalog Tooay * 800-3510222 « -Stressed Out- Chiropractic Services with clinical massage. $10 per office visit, with FSU I.D. card for a limited, time. 1-800-542-2225 /16 HELP WANTED $1750 Weekly Possible Mailing Circulars. |For Info call 301-306-1207. /32 NATIONAL PARKS HIRING Positions are now available at National Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Excel-, lent benefits + bonuses! Call: 1-206-971-3620 ext N60071. {24 $Make Money Part Time$ Buy damaged motorcycles for pennies on the dollar. Sell for huge profits. 1-800-844-9431 /5 Fresno Square Towne House 3 bedroom & Den / 2 1/2 bath. Washer / dryer. Security. $700 per month. 222-2296. /89 Vacation in Cabo San Lucas Executive Studio- Sleeps 4 - Kitchen - On the Marina in town near Squid Roe + Cabo Wabo. $950 / week. 2 weeks available Thanksgiving time. Joe at 209-784-3061. /94 ENTERTAINMENT LONELY? CALL TONIGHT! 1-900-526-5050 Ext. 1078 $2.99 per min. , MUST be 18 years or older. Serv-U (619) 645-8434. /67 |