September 24, 1996, Page 1 |
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Men's soccer gets its 300th win Page 6 Volleyball team puts up a fight against No. 1 ranked Hawai'i Page 6 Daily Collegian Weather Sunny high 86/low 56 California State University, Fresno Faculty report questions administrative policy By Matthew Hart The Daily Collegian A preliminary report by a com¬ mittee formed to investigate contro¬ versial practices and policies of campus administrators has been re¬ leased. The Ad Hoc Administrative Ac¬ countability Committee's report was submitted to the Academic Senate yesterday. The areas covered in the AHAAC report were originated by anonymous e-mail criticizing Presi¬ dent John Welty's management of the university. Welty held an open forum last semester to try to answer questions raised by the messages. In response to whether informa¬ tion given at the forum was accu¬ rate, the senate formed AHAAC. whose original charge is now close to being fulfilled. The AHAAC report had six ar¬ eas of disagreement with Welty's explanations at the forum, said Ida Jones, chair of AHAAC. Areas of disagreement include: Peter Smits' hiring compensation, the use of PG & E rebate money and the remodeling of the Thomas Administration building. Withconcern to Smits' compen¬ sation, the AHAAC reported a higher amount than that disclosed by the administration last semester. Please see REPORT page 4. Pay increase dominates senate meeting By Matthew Hart The Daily Collegian Yesterday's Academic Senate meeting was almost completely dominated by discussion on poli¬ cies surrounding pay increases for faculty. According to last year's dpllec- tive bargaining agreement betYeen the California Faculty Association and the Chancellor's office, a sig¬ nificant amount of money should be put into performance-based pay in¬ creases. The contract went into effect last semester. Faculty had to apply for pay increases, and after review by faculty and staff committees recom¬ mendations were made to the presi- Please see PAY page 4 LVP accuses former executives of racism ■ Memo to dean of student affairs from current legislative vice president accuses two former ASI executives of posting a picture the LVP claims is offensive and racist By Hadi YazdanPanah The Daily Collegian Two former Associated Students Inc. executive officers have been accused of displaying an offensive picture by current Legislative Vice President Eileen Richardson. In a memo to Judy Sakaki. dean of student affairs, Richardson al¬ leges that a photocopy of a picture depicting an African-American male in traditional African garb with a swastika armband posed in a Nazi salute was posted on the back of the office door of former LVP and current ASI Senator Tammi Martinez. L that such a picture suggests that Martinez and other Reality mem¬ bers had "racist materials and rac¬ ist thoughts in the front of their minds." Richardson said she found the photocopied page after moving into the office formerly used by Martinez. After Richardson made the dis¬ covery she confronted Martinez. Kymberly Daniels, former ASI president and current senator and Manuel Annear, former senator. "(They] all knew that this pic¬ ture was hanging in the office and did nothing about it and all of them have admitted that the picture was Richardson said the pfcjotocopy hanging in the office and did noth- is in violation of Title V of the Cali¬ fornia Code of Regulations which prohibits "abusive behavior di¬ rected toward, or hazing of, a mem¬ ber of the campus community." Richardson said in her memo ing about it," Richardson said. Martinez said that she in fact had hung the picture, which she photo¬ copied from the conservative maga¬ zine Heterodoxy, in response to a particular student that she, and other Reality members, had conflicts with. 'The photocopy was directed at a specific individual, not at an en¬ tire group." Martinez said. 'Martinez said thevonflicts with the student reached a point where police reports were filed against the individual. \ However, no charges were ever filed by the Fresno County's Dis¬ trict Attorney's office against the student. Judy Sakaki. dean of Student Affairs, said that her office will'look into Richardson's complaints. "I am aware of the situation and my office is currenUy reviewing it." Sakaki said." At this point it is re¬ ally premature and inappropriate for me to comment on the details of the case prior to a review." Sakaki would not comment on the specifics of who would review Please see MEMO page 4. Ryan Weber — The Daily Collegian Equipment operator Lupe Garcia helps foreman Tom Hart rig a pulley system to assist in the installation of a new fiber optic telephone line. The Anaheim based Herman Weissker crew will be working on campus again today. Radanovich says federal loans should be privatized i By Ruthie Longley The Daily Collegian y i Valley Congressman George Radanovich said he wants to reform education, the way students finance college as well as make English the official language of the United States. The Republican Representative for California's I9th district said he believes that if the federal govern- t were out of the picture, stu- » would still be able to come up with money for college on their own. "You do have student loans with participation from other financial institutions in this country." Radanovich said. "And if the guar¬ antee was gone, the financial insti¬ tution might be less apt to make those loans, unless they were en¬ couraged to reinvest in their com munities." Radanovich said he di lieve that taking away the federal guarantee for student loans will cause financial institutions to stop making student loans. "There's a moral obligation there," Radanovich said. "If you want to down-size Washington, you have to increase the personal re sponsibility of every American." Radanovich said that if the fed- '^sfcfal budget were balanced, interest s not be- rates would predictably go down at least 2 percent, making up for the difference lost in the rates set by Federal Stafford loans. Radanovich also said shifting the burden of school costs to the state and local level could also lower the cost of a higher educa-\ tion. and make it easier for students to afford school without the help of student grants and scholarships. Please see RADANOVICH page 4
Object Description
Title | 1996_09 The Daily Collegian September 1996 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1996 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | September 24, 1996, Page 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1996 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Men's soccer gets its 300th win Page 6 Volleyball team puts up a fight against No. 1 ranked Hawai'i Page 6 Daily Collegian Weather Sunny high 86/low 56 California State University, Fresno Faculty report questions administrative policy By Matthew Hart The Daily Collegian A preliminary report by a com¬ mittee formed to investigate contro¬ versial practices and policies of campus administrators has been re¬ leased. The Ad Hoc Administrative Ac¬ countability Committee's report was submitted to the Academic Senate yesterday. The areas covered in the AHAAC report were originated by anonymous e-mail criticizing Presi¬ dent John Welty's management of the university. Welty held an open forum last semester to try to answer questions raised by the messages. In response to whether informa¬ tion given at the forum was accu¬ rate, the senate formed AHAAC. whose original charge is now close to being fulfilled. The AHAAC report had six ar¬ eas of disagreement with Welty's explanations at the forum, said Ida Jones, chair of AHAAC. Areas of disagreement include: Peter Smits' hiring compensation, the use of PG & E rebate money and the remodeling of the Thomas Administration building. Withconcern to Smits' compen¬ sation, the AHAAC reported a higher amount than that disclosed by the administration last semester. Please see REPORT page 4. Pay increase dominates senate meeting By Matthew Hart The Daily Collegian Yesterday's Academic Senate meeting was almost completely dominated by discussion on poli¬ cies surrounding pay increases for faculty. According to last year's dpllec- tive bargaining agreement betYeen the California Faculty Association and the Chancellor's office, a sig¬ nificant amount of money should be put into performance-based pay in¬ creases. The contract went into effect last semester. Faculty had to apply for pay increases, and after review by faculty and staff committees recom¬ mendations were made to the presi- Please see PAY page 4 LVP accuses former executives of racism ■ Memo to dean of student affairs from current legislative vice president accuses two former ASI executives of posting a picture the LVP claims is offensive and racist By Hadi YazdanPanah The Daily Collegian Two former Associated Students Inc. executive officers have been accused of displaying an offensive picture by current Legislative Vice President Eileen Richardson. In a memo to Judy Sakaki. dean of student affairs, Richardson al¬ leges that a photocopy of a picture depicting an African-American male in traditional African garb with a swastika armband posed in a Nazi salute was posted on the back of the office door of former LVP and current ASI Senator Tammi Martinez. L that such a picture suggests that Martinez and other Reality mem¬ bers had "racist materials and rac¬ ist thoughts in the front of their minds." Richardson said she found the photocopied page after moving into the office formerly used by Martinez. After Richardson made the dis¬ covery she confronted Martinez. Kymberly Daniels, former ASI president and current senator and Manuel Annear, former senator. "(They] all knew that this pic¬ ture was hanging in the office and did nothing about it and all of them have admitted that the picture was Richardson said the pfcjotocopy hanging in the office and did noth- is in violation of Title V of the Cali¬ fornia Code of Regulations which prohibits "abusive behavior di¬ rected toward, or hazing of, a mem¬ ber of the campus community." Richardson said in her memo ing about it," Richardson said. Martinez said that she in fact had hung the picture, which she photo¬ copied from the conservative maga¬ zine Heterodoxy, in response to a particular student that she, and other Reality members, had conflicts with. 'The photocopy was directed at a specific individual, not at an en¬ tire group." Martinez said. 'Martinez said thevonflicts with the student reached a point where police reports were filed against the individual. \ However, no charges were ever filed by the Fresno County's Dis¬ trict Attorney's office against the student. Judy Sakaki. dean of Student Affairs, said that her office will'look into Richardson's complaints. "I am aware of the situation and my office is currenUy reviewing it." Sakaki said." At this point it is re¬ ally premature and inappropriate for me to comment on the details of the case prior to a review." Sakaki would not comment on the specifics of who would review Please see MEMO page 4. Ryan Weber — The Daily Collegian Equipment operator Lupe Garcia helps foreman Tom Hart rig a pulley system to assist in the installation of a new fiber optic telephone line. The Anaheim based Herman Weissker crew will be working on campus again today. Radanovich says federal loans should be privatized i By Ruthie Longley The Daily Collegian y i Valley Congressman George Radanovich said he wants to reform education, the way students finance college as well as make English the official language of the United States. The Republican Representative for California's I9th district said he believes that if the federal govern- t were out of the picture, stu- » would still be able to come up with money for college on their own. "You do have student loans with participation from other financial institutions in this country." Radanovich said. "And if the guar¬ antee was gone, the financial insti¬ tution might be less apt to make those loans, unless they were en¬ couraged to reinvest in their com munities." Radanovich said he di lieve that taking away the federal guarantee for student loans will cause financial institutions to stop making student loans. "There's a moral obligation there," Radanovich said. "If you want to down-size Washington, you have to increase the personal re sponsibility of every American." Radanovich said that if the fed- '^sfcfal budget were balanced, interest s not be- rates would predictably go down at least 2 percent, making up for the difference lost in the rates set by Federal Stafford loans. Radanovich also said shifting the burden of school costs to the state and local level could also lower the cost of a higher educa-\ tion. and make it easier for students to afford school without the help of student grants and scholarships. Please see RADANOVICH page 4 |