February 1, 1995, Page 2 |
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Wednesday, February 1,1995 Editorial/Opinion Administration rumbles film class First week follies continue with a major fumble by the paper gods that rule the schedule of courses., English 176T: Genre Film was misscheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m.(I just can't bring myself to use military time).' Notonly is itnear to impossible to watch a film in two hours, but the class would have to wait until the following meeting to discuss the film. Thirty people signed up for the miscued class and only eight could commit to the new time slot on Thursday night These kinds of mistakes happen every semester, cheating students out of the classes they need, want and registered in advance for. It is indica¬ tive of our campus. A campus where the President rearranges and locks a plot of land, in order to avoid competing for parking with the mass of plebeians paying his salary. It isn't a surprise. i diet V or diuretic? What is so new about the fat-burning effects of coffee? The EJ. Penewell company has come up with an even more perfect coffee. it is a premium blend of Colombian coffee that contains antioxi¬ dants and chromium. Like regular coffee didn't speed up your. metabolism, decrease your appetite and keep you more regular than/you wanted to be already, so regular yea moved your computer into the bathroom. This new coffee promises to clean you out faster than a Taco Bell bean burrito and the shaking it induces qualifies as aerobic exercise. Moose on Northern Exposure died because he didn't drink - coffee^or so says the adfor this latest diuretic anyway. The ques¬ tion is'Tiave you really lived until you've had caffeine-induced hallucinations?" I think not Sing and blow with Goofy Who's the leader of the band thafs made for you and me? It could be you! Disney is looking for collegiate musicians and singers to boogie down with Mickey, Minnie and the irrepressible Goofy. Performers will receive a salary(paid in Disney dollars), housing(room with Goofy or Donald), daily career workshops(including Snow White's "How-to-be-a-Dwarf-Toting Vixen), in addition to college aeditfDisney University carries a lot of weight in the academic world). For more information call 407/ 345.5701. ' �� More ways to elude Studying Cliff notes weren't bad enough, now there are MAXnotes. Are you sweating through Shakespeare and Chaucer unable to under- *stand that perplexing Middle English rhetoric? MAXnotes will translate the bawdy, raucous humor into modern slang so even the most convoluted of Shakespeare's nasty barbs sound like, a group of horny teens. These notes come complete with phrases that will make you sound like you know what your talking about Relax, have another alcoholic beverage, curl up with MAXnotes, and never worry about studying again. - ' ? i Talk Back I ■ Tell us what you think in 50 words or less on the following j ■ topic by Thursday at*p.m. and see your Opinion published | ■ In the Friday edition of The Daily Collegian. ■ THE WW tt VMS THEVWlTE TrteWKf«TSWoOlJDBS., E-mail letters to the editor The Daily Collboan has -. merged onto the/ Information Super-Highway and invites you to join us. loiters to the editor can be DIRECTED TO: SLW02©vC^IDRIANCSUFRE3gOEDU Letters to the Editor c/o The Daily Collegian Keats Campus Building Mail Stpp 42 Fresno, CA 93740-0042 E-majlj SLW02@mondrian.csurresno.edu Oilbert® by Scott Adams *T" rAY STATUS REPORT IS' A BIT LIGHT/THIS CJEEK BECAUSE \'l\ HAVING AN ' i-KAIL FbArAE LoAR CJlTH UAtLY ■ CS CJALLY REFUSES TO AEYMT' rV .TECHNICAL SUPERIORITY' OR HIS SIMTfcN ANCESTRY. IT IS *VY OBLIGATION TO SET VAIrA STRAIGHT. t m I'fA THINKING THIS SCWE- HOD ELEVATES W RANK IN THE HERD AND IMPROVES /AY AWJN& POSSIBILITIES . . I I I l I I I po you thinlj; OJ. Simpson is going to get a fair trial? Hov^ have TV movies and tell-all books impacted public opinion? ~r All entries must include name, major and telephone number. | The Dairy Collegian reserves me right to edit for length. • | Return, to: Keats Campus Building ^ - .' MatlStop42/' Or E-Mail; SLW02©mondrian. csufresno.edu _. ■i*m The Daily Collegian % California State Unjiyerstty, Fresno Stmt Writers: Lisa Alvey, Paulo Albuquerque, David John Chavez, Adriannf Go, Lucy Her, Ken Koller, Belinda Lee, Maria Machuca, Draecer Martinez, David Mjrhadi, Erin Smith, Steve Walsh. Photocrathers: Eruca Bustamante, Ken Koller, Zia Nizami, Tooo Warshaw, Halu Yazdanpanah. Advektbinc: Chre Baxter, Dennis Claborn, David Faxhri, Nina Momjlan, Brad Wilson. 209/2785731 209/2782486 209/2785732 209/2782556 209/278.2679 Printed on Recycled Newsprint Advertising: News: Editorial: . y_ Ams & Entertainment: Fax: Editor in Chief. Shannon Wentworth Managing Editor: Joe Rosato, Jr PHerro Editor: * Srak R Fujimoto Sports Editor: Doug Stolhand • ENTERTAINMENT. SHELLY StLVA &LEAH PEMCH Advertising Manager: * RkhardNdoon PRODUGTKDN rvlANAGER: RUSTY ROKSON Business Manager: Jamie Wilcox Cot^ Editors GhuiMincAng Christine Malamank; TV Dml9 CoUrewn it pubUhed fiv. MM ■ iM far and by the tfudent* of C*UfomU Suw^Univertity, Freino Opinion* txpntMd in TV Duly CaOtptn *n not ntconurily thotc of the entire DtOf Cofi/rim Mail. Th* editor rcMrvn the right id edi i letter* for length ind dariry. To be comidared for public* tion. IMM mu»t b« typed and ihould not exceed 250 word*.
Object Description
Title | 1995_02 The Daily Collegian February 1995 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1995 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | February 1, 1995, Page 2 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1995 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Wednesday, February 1,1995 Editorial/Opinion Administration rumbles film class First week follies continue with a major fumble by the paper gods that rule the schedule of courses., English 176T: Genre Film was misscheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m.(I just can't bring myself to use military time).' Notonly is itnear to impossible to watch a film in two hours, but the class would have to wait until the following meeting to discuss the film. Thirty people signed up for the miscued class and only eight could commit to the new time slot on Thursday night These kinds of mistakes happen every semester, cheating students out of the classes they need, want and registered in advance for. It is indica¬ tive of our campus. A campus where the President rearranges and locks a plot of land, in order to avoid competing for parking with the mass of plebeians paying his salary. It isn't a surprise. i diet V or diuretic? What is so new about the fat-burning effects of coffee? The EJ. Penewell company has come up with an even more perfect coffee. it is a premium blend of Colombian coffee that contains antioxi¬ dants and chromium. Like regular coffee didn't speed up your. metabolism, decrease your appetite and keep you more regular than/you wanted to be already, so regular yea moved your computer into the bathroom. This new coffee promises to clean you out faster than a Taco Bell bean burrito and the shaking it induces qualifies as aerobic exercise. Moose on Northern Exposure died because he didn't drink - coffee^or so says the adfor this latest diuretic anyway. The ques¬ tion is'Tiave you really lived until you've had caffeine-induced hallucinations?" I think not Sing and blow with Goofy Who's the leader of the band thafs made for you and me? It could be you! Disney is looking for collegiate musicians and singers to boogie down with Mickey, Minnie and the irrepressible Goofy. Performers will receive a salary(paid in Disney dollars), housing(room with Goofy or Donald), daily career workshops(including Snow White's "How-to-be-a-Dwarf-Toting Vixen), in addition to college aeditfDisney University carries a lot of weight in the academic world). For more information call 407/ 345.5701. ' �� More ways to elude Studying Cliff notes weren't bad enough, now there are MAXnotes. Are you sweating through Shakespeare and Chaucer unable to under- *stand that perplexing Middle English rhetoric? MAXnotes will translate the bawdy, raucous humor into modern slang so even the most convoluted of Shakespeare's nasty barbs sound like, a group of horny teens. These notes come complete with phrases that will make you sound like you know what your talking about Relax, have another alcoholic beverage, curl up with MAXnotes, and never worry about studying again. - ' ? i Talk Back I ■ Tell us what you think in 50 words or less on the following j ■ topic by Thursday at*p.m. and see your Opinion published | ■ In the Friday edition of The Daily Collegian. ■ THE WW tt VMS THEVWlTE TrteWKf«TSWoOlJDBS., E-mail letters to the editor The Daily Collboan has -. merged onto the/ Information Super-Highway and invites you to join us. loiters to the editor can be DIRECTED TO: SLW02©vC^IDRIANCSUFRE3gOEDU Letters to the Editor c/o The Daily Collegian Keats Campus Building Mail Stpp 42 Fresno, CA 93740-0042 E-majlj SLW02@mondrian.csurresno.edu Oilbert® by Scott Adams *T" rAY STATUS REPORT IS' A BIT LIGHT/THIS CJEEK BECAUSE \'l\ HAVING AN ' i-KAIL FbArAE LoAR CJlTH UAtLY ■ CS CJALLY REFUSES TO AEYMT' rV .TECHNICAL SUPERIORITY' OR HIS SIMTfcN ANCESTRY. IT IS *VY OBLIGATION TO SET VAIrA STRAIGHT. t m I'fA THINKING THIS SCWE- HOD ELEVATES W RANK IN THE HERD AND IMPROVES /AY AWJN& POSSIBILITIES . . I I I l I I I po you thinlj; OJ. Simpson is going to get a fair trial? Hov^ have TV movies and tell-all books impacted public opinion? ~r All entries must include name, major and telephone number. | The Dairy Collegian reserves me right to edit for length. • | Return, to: Keats Campus Building ^ - .' MatlStop42/' Or E-Mail; SLW02©mondrian. csufresno.edu _. ■i*m The Daily Collegian % California State Unjiyerstty, Fresno Stmt Writers: Lisa Alvey, Paulo Albuquerque, David John Chavez, Adriannf Go, Lucy Her, Ken Koller, Belinda Lee, Maria Machuca, Draecer Martinez, David Mjrhadi, Erin Smith, Steve Walsh. Photocrathers: Eruca Bustamante, Ken Koller, Zia Nizami, Tooo Warshaw, Halu Yazdanpanah. Advektbinc: Chre Baxter, Dennis Claborn, David Faxhri, Nina Momjlan, Brad Wilson. 209/2785731 209/2782486 209/2785732 209/2782556 209/278.2679 Printed on Recycled Newsprint Advertising: News: Editorial: . y_ Ams & Entertainment: Fax: Editor in Chief. Shannon Wentworth Managing Editor: Joe Rosato, Jr PHerro Editor: * Srak R Fujimoto Sports Editor: Doug Stolhand • ENTERTAINMENT. SHELLY StLVA &LEAH PEMCH Advertising Manager: * RkhardNdoon PRODUGTKDN rvlANAGER: RUSTY ROKSON Business Manager: Jamie Wilcox Cot^ Editors GhuiMincAng Christine Malamank; TV Dml9 CoUrewn it pubUhed fiv. MM ■ iM far and by the tfudent* of C*UfomU Suw^Univertity, Freino Opinion* txpntMd in TV Duly CaOtptn *n not ntconurily thotc of the entire DtOf Cofi/rim Mail. Th* editor rcMrvn the right id edi i letter* for length ind dariry. To be comidared for public* tion. IMM mu»t b« typed and ihould not exceed 250 word*. |