April 5, 1994, Page 2 |
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X ■n pinion THECOLLEGIAN l^esday, April 5,1994 Colurtin Administration steals parking By Chris Baxter THECOLLEGIAN Here's an addition to the next crimelog which may get left out. Theft: 60-75 parking spaces were stolen from the students. The crime occurred in Lot C (just south of Joy al if you still haven't learned parking lingo), some time over spring break. Suspected of the crime is some bureaucratic administrator with nothing better to do. Once again, our parking officials have proven what power they have over the students of our campus- At some point over the break, they erected signs designating the first three rows of Lot C as restricted parking for faculty and staff. Now I know how the people of Baltimore felt when the Colts packed up under the cover of darkness and moved to Indianapolis. Some insidious plot was concocted to rob us while we were away, but it won't go unnoticed. No, this is the last straw. It is time for the students of this campus to stand up and be counted. There is no excuse the scoundrels who perpetrated this heinous crime can make to excuse their actions. There are already 10 re¬ stricted lots on campus. How can they possibly justify taking space from the students who already have to hike to class? The answer is they can't. They probably won't even bother trying either. Why should they have to? Who are we to complain anyway? The students on this campus don't matter. Who needs them? I can hear them now: "The current level of faculty and staff parking was inadequate to fill the current demand. Therefore, it was decided that the aforementioned spaces would be redesignated to accommodate the newly opened education building." Hello, anybody home? For the past two years all that I've heard about is layoffs, layoffs, layoffs. It seems to me that the reclassifi¬ cation should go the other way. I suggest that some of the restricted lots be opened to student use because demand has gone.down., And it's not like the walk from the lots behind the Country Store or Joyal Administration would really hurt professors going to the education building. If I only had that far to walk, I'd be very happy. Be¬ sides, why can't they just park with the rest of us in a general lot? ... But, as we all know that's logical; it makes sense and seems like clear thinking, so an administrator somewhere did just the opposite. Well, I for one have had it. ) I demand that the campus police fill out a report on this theft and try to find the diabolical culprit behind this * outrageous crime. I am sick and tired of being victimized by the administration on this campus. .What's next? A restricted area in the Student Union, or how about in the library? Imagine: "Excuse me Miss, I will have to issue you a $16. citation for sitting in a re¬ stricted chair.** / Someone has to stop the villainy now. Let the cry for the restoration of chit parking spaces echo through out the hallowed halls of our campus. A boycott is in order Let's boycott all the Pood Service operations until the spaces are freed. Picket signs should read "Free the Lot C 75". and "No Parking, No Food Sales." * Send a real message to the administration. Let the revolutionary, fervor build'and let's throw off the chains of oppression. Protest this injustice now! End the reign of evil! Down with the parking officials! n (Splash, cold water to the face...) Wake up Baxter, you got carried away in some overzealous daydream of a parking revolution. We all know what will happen. Now we will be parking three rows further away from carfipus because nothing we can say or do will matter to anyone* who has the power to do anything about it. In fact,'I'll probably be the only one to cry out in protest to yet another example of administrative muscle-flexing. I know that many of you are oNrthere actively fighting the administration's other insipid plot to prove that they control this campus, i.e. — the name change, but I encour¬ age you to voice opposition to this outrage as well.' Until then, 1 guess we will just have to hike a little further to class: But loos: on the bright side, we'll be getting even more exercise. It's a shame that the people who really need it aren't forced to do it too! Letters Scholarships for athletes defined Editor: <> I was impressed by the concise reporting in Robbie Miner's article "Grand Jury Investigates FSU Athletes" (Collegian Tuesday, March 22,1994). However, there were a couple of points that could be misconstrued as written and should be clarified: 1. "Such scholarships pay for all living .expenses, whether apartment rent or dorm fees, books, food and class fees." ^ According to NCAA rules, the amount of a full athletic scholarship at Fresno State University is determined as follows: registration fees (tuition, if applicable), room and board equivalent to a double-room caYnpus dorm with 19-meal plan, and course required text¬ books for those classes in which the student athlete is enrolled. This is the total amount of athletic aid that may be given to any student athlete. No exceptions or additions are made for on- or off-campus living, marital or family status, etc. 2. "If a student needs a larger budget than his scholarship provides, he or she may obtain employment during the off-season." The NCAA rule is that students on a full athletic scholarship may work during times that school is not in session during the academic year, i.e. spring break, winter break between fall and spring semesters and summer. Players may NOT work during the academic year simply because their sport is not in season. I hope this will help brighten some of the dim spots in understanding athletic scholarship and some of the restrictions on student athletes. Teena L. Shields Assistant to the Athletic Director / Athletic Scholarship Coordinator THECOLLEGIAN Keats Campus Building. Mail Stop 42, CSU Fresno. Fresno, CA 93740-0042 Published by Associated Students. Inc. / • Editor in Chief: Stephen Kellogg , News Editor: Chris Branam Sports Editor: Robbie Miner Photo Editor: Richard Nixon Graphics Editor: Marc Matteo Copy Editors: Ahnee L. Fisher, K. Amy Kaltman Production Manager: Alison J, McGowan Advertising Production Manager: Ofl r Levy- \ Graphics: Lori Ash, Jessica Pai V Staff Writers: Lori Ash, Brent Batty, John D. Chavira, Andreas Eleftheriou, Adrienne Go, Sukhinder Jaaj, Ivan Landen, Erik Loyd, Dipan Mann, M. Cristina Medina, Nina Momjian, Jason Owen, Leah Perich, Mary Pivovaroff, Doug Stolhand, Reginald Wagner, Laura Keeney-Livingstone, Robert Seneff, Steve Walsh Columnists: Chris Baxter, Celeste Cox, Gary R. Kesselring, David Mirhadi, Tim Springer Sports Writers: Adam Brady, Mark Bryant, Chris Cocoles, Victor Hernandez, Brett Pape f Photographers: Jeremy Cloud, Ann Laiewski, Tommy Monreal, Aaron Riggs, Lars Peter Schmidt, ^ -H > ZiaNizami » • •< Advertising Representatives: V Sara Gritton, Matt Kollmeyer, Jennifer Newman, Jason Peepgrass The opinions.published on this page are not necessarily those of The Collegian or its staff. Unsigned editorials, unless noted, are written by the Editor in Chief. The Collegian welcomes all letters to the editor. All letters must be typed and no more than 500 words. SgiiB*ij**~^^ \ . *■
Object Description
Title | 1994_04 The Daily Collegian April 1994 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1994 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | April 5, 1994, Page 2 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1994 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | X ■n pinion THECOLLEGIAN l^esday, April 5,1994 Colurtin Administration steals parking By Chris Baxter THECOLLEGIAN Here's an addition to the next crimelog which may get left out. Theft: 60-75 parking spaces were stolen from the students. The crime occurred in Lot C (just south of Joy al if you still haven't learned parking lingo), some time over spring break. Suspected of the crime is some bureaucratic administrator with nothing better to do. Once again, our parking officials have proven what power they have over the students of our campus- At some point over the break, they erected signs designating the first three rows of Lot C as restricted parking for faculty and staff. Now I know how the people of Baltimore felt when the Colts packed up under the cover of darkness and moved to Indianapolis. Some insidious plot was concocted to rob us while we were away, but it won't go unnoticed. No, this is the last straw. It is time for the students of this campus to stand up and be counted. There is no excuse the scoundrels who perpetrated this heinous crime can make to excuse their actions. There are already 10 re¬ stricted lots on campus. How can they possibly justify taking space from the students who already have to hike to class? The answer is they can't. They probably won't even bother trying either. Why should they have to? Who are we to complain anyway? The students on this campus don't matter. Who needs them? I can hear them now: "The current level of faculty and staff parking was inadequate to fill the current demand. Therefore, it was decided that the aforementioned spaces would be redesignated to accommodate the newly opened education building." Hello, anybody home? For the past two years all that I've heard about is layoffs, layoffs, layoffs. It seems to me that the reclassifi¬ cation should go the other way. I suggest that some of the restricted lots be opened to student use because demand has gone.down., And it's not like the walk from the lots behind the Country Store or Joyal Administration would really hurt professors going to the education building. If I only had that far to walk, I'd be very happy. Be¬ sides, why can't they just park with the rest of us in a general lot? ... But, as we all know that's logical; it makes sense and seems like clear thinking, so an administrator somewhere did just the opposite. Well, I for one have had it. ) I demand that the campus police fill out a report on this theft and try to find the diabolical culprit behind this * outrageous crime. I am sick and tired of being victimized by the administration on this campus. .What's next? A restricted area in the Student Union, or how about in the library? Imagine: "Excuse me Miss, I will have to issue you a $16. citation for sitting in a re¬ stricted chair.** / Someone has to stop the villainy now. Let the cry for the restoration of chit parking spaces echo through out the hallowed halls of our campus. A boycott is in order Let's boycott all the Pood Service operations until the spaces are freed. Picket signs should read "Free the Lot C 75". and "No Parking, No Food Sales." * Send a real message to the administration. Let the revolutionary, fervor build'and let's throw off the chains of oppression. Protest this injustice now! End the reign of evil! Down with the parking officials! n (Splash, cold water to the face...) Wake up Baxter, you got carried away in some overzealous daydream of a parking revolution. We all know what will happen. Now we will be parking three rows further away from carfipus because nothing we can say or do will matter to anyone* who has the power to do anything about it. In fact,'I'll probably be the only one to cry out in protest to yet another example of administrative muscle-flexing. I know that many of you are oNrthere actively fighting the administration's other insipid plot to prove that they control this campus, i.e. — the name change, but I encour¬ age you to voice opposition to this outrage as well.' Until then, 1 guess we will just have to hike a little further to class: But loos: on the bright side, we'll be getting even more exercise. It's a shame that the people who really need it aren't forced to do it too! Letters Scholarships for athletes defined Editor: <> I was impressed by the concise reporting in Robbie Miner's article "Grand Jury Investigates FSU Athletes" (Collegian Tuesday, March 22,1994). However, there were a couple of points that could be misconstrued as written and should be clarified: 1. "Such scholarships pay for all living .expenses, whether apartment rent or dorm fees, books, food and class fees." ^ According to NCAA rules, the amount of a full athletic scholarship at Fresno State University is determined as follows: registration fees (tuition, if applicable), room and board equivalent to a double-room caYnpus dorm with 19-meal plan, and course required text¬ books for those classes in which the student athlete is enrolled. This is the total amount of athletic aid that may be given to any student athlete. No exceptions or additions are made for on- or off-campus living, marital or family status, etc. 2. "If a student needs a larger budget than his scholarship provides, he or she may obtain employment during the off-season." The NCAA rule is that students on a full athletic scholarship may work during times that school is not in session during the academic year, i.e. spring break, winter break between fall and spring semesters and summer. Players may NOT work during the academic year simply because their sport is not in season. I hope this will help brighten some of the dim spots in understanding athletic scholarship and some of the restrictions on student athletes. Teena L. Shields Assistant to the Athletic Director / Athletic Scholarship Coordinator THECOLLEGIAN Keats Campus Building. Mail Stop 42, CSU Fresno. Fresno, CA 93740-0042 Published by Associated Students. Inc. / • Editor in Chief: Stephen Kellogg , News Editor: Chris Branam Sports Editor: Robbie Miner Photo Editor: Richard Nixon Graphics Editor: Marc Matteo Copy Editors: Ahnee L. Fisher, K. Amy Kaltman Production Manager: Alison J, McGowan Advertising Production Manager: Ofl r Levy- \ Graphics: Lori Ash, Jessica Pai V Staff Writers: Lori Ash, Brent Batty, John D. Chavira, Andreas Eleftheriou, Adrienne Go, Sukhinder Jaaj, Ivan Landen, Erik Loyd, Dipan Mann, M. Cristina Medina, Nina Momjian, Jason Owen, Leah Perich, Mary Pivovaroff, Doug Stolhand, Reginald Wagner, Laura Keeney-Livingstone, Robert Seneff, Steve Walsh Columnists: Chris Baxter, Celeste Cox, Gary R. Kesselring, David Mirhadi, Tim Springer Sports Writers: Adam Brady, Mark Bryant, Chris Cocoles, Victor Hernandez, Brett Pape f Photographers: Jeremy Cloud, Ann Laiewski, Tommy Monreal, Aaron Riggs, Lars Peter Schmidt, ^ -H > ZiaNizami » • •< Advertising Representatives: V Sara Gritton, Matt Kollmeyer, Jennifer Newman, Jason Peepgrass The opinions.published on this page are not necessarily those of The Collegian or its staff. Unsigned editorials, unless noted, are written by the Editor in Chief. The Collegian welcomes all letters to the editor. All letters must be typed and no more than 500 words. SgiiB*ij**~^^ \ . *■ |