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%\}t 2Batlj> Collegian Vol 101, No. 03 California State University, Fresno Wednesday, September 1,1993 Quillian Named New Vice President DAVTD MIRHADI News Editor After a nationwide search for a Vice President for Administration, 'Benjamin Qjiiuum Heaves Southern Illinois for life at CSU, Tresno. Dr. Benjamin Quillian. former vice-president for administration at South- em Illinois University, has been named the new Vice President for Administra¬ tion at CSUF. effective October 1. 1993. Quillian's position was created last May on a recommendation from President John D. Welty! upon reorganization of the university's adminis¬ trative structure. A nationwide search was conducted to find Quilhan, who had served as vice president at Southern Illinois since 1988. The position was created last year when former executive assistant to the president for administration Paul Bissonnette left the university and became the new vice president for finance and administra¬ tion at Oakland Univer¬ sity in Rochester. Michi¬ gan. Quillian's duties as the new vice president will include overseeing plant operations, the university police department, facili¬ ties planning, environ¬ mental health and safety, and procurement pro¬ grams at the university. Quillian will report directly to Welty on the day-to-day opera¬ tions on those areas. Quillian will be responsible for overseeing a budget of more than $115 million, and plant opera¬ tions for the university's 2.5 million square feet of facilities valued at $375 million. Before coming to CSUF, Quillian served as assis¬ tant vice president for administration, associate director of university personnel ser¬ vices, and director of affirmative action at Southern Illinois. He had been at SiU since 1972. Welty was optimistic about Quillian's appoint¬ ment, saying that. "We are ex¬ tremely fortunate to have attracted someone of Dr. Quillian's back¬ ground and expertise to this critical position. 1 am very excited he will join the university commu¬ nity." Dr. Quillian graduated from Harris Teachers College in St. Louis in 1965. and received his doctorate in social relations in educa¬ tion from Wash¬ ington University In St. Louis in 1977. Dr. Benjamin Quillian Doughboy Lightens Moods of Many Trenches provide maze for students Victor Des Roches — Daily Collegian "1 couldn't resist," said Angela Jones, a junior criminology maor, tickling 'doughboy' BicheOa Parks. On campus to promote Pillsbury products at the Country Store, Parks stays a cooler 80 degrees inside the air-conditioned suit. USA DRIVER ■Editor in Chief Construction causes roadblocks, But Setter heating wu76e worth the inconvenience. It Is impossible to walk across campus and not notice something unusuail Is happening. Gaping holes cover the campus grounds, some so deep it might echo if someone yelled into It. Regardless, they nrake It difficult to walk from point A to point B without detouring. Either a mound of dirt or bright yellow caution tape close off several campus walk¬ ways. These often annoying trenches are actually part of a plan that will make life on campus more bearable — when the digging is over. Digging for the Utilities Expansion Project began this summer. The project was de¬ signed to bring hot and chilled water to existing campus buildings from a central plant. "It connects a number of buildings that have chillers In them. Many chillers are old and need to be replaced. "The project provides heat and air conditioning for the new Education Classroom Building." said Susan Aldrich, head of Facilities Planning. Construction will likely continue through most of the semester, leaving fewer sidewalks. "We're trying to main¬ tain most of the walk¬ ways. We told the con¬ tractor he can't go any farther until others are opened up." she said. Besides the Education Classroom Building, the utilities project Involves Joyal Administration. Conley Art. Speech Arts. Thomas Administration. Agriculture, both the North and South Gyms, and the old Cafeteria. The proposed addition to the Kennel Bookstore will be included if it becomes reality. Right now. the contrac¬ tor has approximately half the piping installed. ■ according to the Facilities Planning office newsletter. As construction and Installation proceeds, caution Is the key word for everyone on campus. "Please don't try to jump the trenches." said Aldrich. "Remind others to be careful. Construction areas are not to be browsed. Walk around them."
Object Description
Title | 1993_09 The Daily Collegian September 1993 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1993 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | September 1, 1993, Page 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1993 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | %\}t 2Batlj> Collegian Vol 101, No. 03 California State University, Fresno Wednesday, September 1,1993 Quillian Named New Vice President DAVTD MIRHADI News Editor After a nationwide search for a Vice President for Administration, 'Benjamin Qjiiuum Heaves Southern Illinois for life at CSU, Tresno. Dr. Benjamin Quillian. former vice-president for administration at South- em Illinois University, has been named the new Vice President for Administra¬ tion at CSUF. effective October 1. 1993. Quillian's position was created last May on a recommendation from President John D. Welty! upon reorganization of the university's adminis¬ trative structure. A nationwide search was conducted to find Quilhan, who had served as vice president at Southern Illinois since 1988. The position was created last year when former executive assistant to the president for administration Paul Bissonnette left the university and became the new vice president for finance and administra¬ tion at Oakland Univer¬ sity in Rochester. Michi¬ gan. Quillian's duties as the new vice president will include overseeing plant operations, the university police department, facili¬ ties planning, environ¬ mental health and safety, and procurement pro¬ grams at the university. Quillian will report directly to Welty on the day-to-day opera¬ tions on those areas. Quillian will be responsible for overseeing a budget of more than $115 million, and plant opera¬ tions for the university's 2.5 million square feet of facilities valued at $375 million. Before coming to CSUF, Quillian served as assis¬ tant vice president for administration, associate director of university personnel ser¬ vices, and director of affirmative action at Southern Illinois. He had been at SiU since 1972. Welty was optimistic about Quillian's appoint¬ ment, saying that. "We are ex¬ tremely fortunate to have attracted someone of Dr. Quillian's back¬ ground and expertise to this critical position. 1 am very excited he will join the university commu¬ nity." Dr. Quillian graduated from Harris Teachers College in St. Louis in 1965. and received his doctorate in social relations in educa¬ tion from Wash¬ ington University In St. Louis in 1977. Dr. Benjamin Quillian Doughboy Lightens Moods of Many Trenches provide maze for students Victor Des Roches — Daily Collegian "1 couldn't resist," said Angela Jones, a junior criminology maor, tickling 'doughboy' BicheOa Parks. On campus to promote Pillsbury products at the Country Store, Parks stays a cooler 80 degrees inside the air-conditioned suit. USA DRIVER ■Editor in Chief Construction causes roadblocks, But Setter heating wu76e worth the inconvenience. It Is impossible to walk across campus and not notice something unusuail Is happening. Gaping holes cover the campus grounds, some so deep it might echo if someone yelled into It. Regardless, they nrake It difficult to walk from point A to point B without detouring. Either a mound of dirt or bright yellow caution tape close off several campus walk¬ ways. These often annoying trenches are actually part of a plan that will make life on campus more bearable — when the digging is over. Digging for the Utilities Expansion Project began this summer. The project was de¬ signed to bring hot and chilled water to existing campus buildings from a central plant. "It connects a number of buildings that have chillers In them. Many chillers are old and need to be replaced. "The project provides heat and air conditioning for the new Education Classroom Building." said Susan Aldrich, head of Facilities Planning. Construction will likely continue through most of the semester, leaving fewer sidewalks. "We're trying to main¬ tain most of the walk¬ ways. We told the con¬ tractor he can't go any farther until others are opened up." she said. Besides the Education Classroom Building, the utilities project Involves Joyal Administration. Conley Art. Speech Arts. Thomas Administration. Agriculture, both the North and South Gyms, and the old Cafeteria. The proposed addition to the Kennel Bookstore will be included if it becomes reality. Right now. the contrac¬ tor has approximately half the piping installed. ■ according to the Facilities Planning office newsletter. As construction and Installation proceeds, caution Is the key word for everyone on campus. "Please don't try to jump the trenches." said Aldrich. "Remind others to be careful. Construction areas are not to be browsed. Walk around them." |