October 1, 1990, Page 1 |
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Vol 96 No. 25 Monday, Oct. 1, 1990 Unusual creatures on display By Richard W.James COLLEGIAN STAFF WRITER Four-horned Jacob sheep. pot-bellied pigs and pygmy goats were among the unusual creatures on display at the Exotic Farm Animal symposium Saturday. The symposium Included workshops on raising exotic species. University of California at Davis zoological medicine professor Murray Fowler, one of the, symposium speakers, said the majority of people Interested In raising exotics have little animal husbandry experience. "You have to understand the natural diet of these animals to meet their needs." hesald. "Inany livestock operation, the animals must reproduce. If the animals are starving, or not getting the right balance of nutrients. It's not likely they'll reproduce." There has been a growing interest In exotic animals recently. "There's an enormous amount of Interest In exotic farm animal species," said Aaron Nelson. University of California cooperative extension farm advisor. "More and more, people are pu rchasing small ranches and would like to breed See FARM, page 3 Luk» Shsppaid/ The Daty CcMeglan Holding the Guinness Worlds Record for the largest diameter horns, "Holy Cow," (at left) was part of the menagerie on display for the public Saturday at Fresno's Bondelli Ranch. • Employers visit CSUF for Career Day Author to speak on Future Sex n„ t*Z w.»h *• lar«e8t *** Walkowlak. ™, f J5L v^S^m,™ "We** basically growing every ' COLLECIANSTAFFWRITER year." sakl Walkowiak "So if they^re By Krista Lemos COLLEGIAN STAFF WRITER coming back 1 assume they are satis- For over 1,000 CSUF students, fled In coming." Career Day offers an opportunity to Walkowlak said the organiza- talk with professionals in a career tlons that participate represent a area they are considering or want broad spectrum of career opportuni- more Info rmaUon about. ties. Career Day takes place today on These organiztions have several the balcony of the University Student reasons for coming on campus said Union. The office of Career Develop- Renee Jones, the director of training ment and Employment Services of- and recruitment for the Fresno-based fers the Career Day every year as a Gottachalk'a retail chain, said that part of the regular career develop- organizations have several reasons mental programs they already have, for coming on campus. Career counselor Aleta . "We come for the opportunity to Walkowlak said more students gain share all the kinds of opportunities interest In career planning after being available In retail.-said Jones. 1 able to talk to representatives from Jones said students also often ' that area. want to know what dassea to take [ \ "It gives students a chance In a that will help them become more one-on-one situation to talk to differ- qualified for a career they want to ent organizations in person about pursue. career opportunities," said After Career Day many of the Walkowlak. "Most students come to same organizations come through the college to prepare for a career. Having Campus Interview Program, organizations on campus allows them Walkowlak said about 30 cointo leam a lot of things about aspects panles and organizations a week come of that field." to the Campus Interview Program The Career Day started 11 years office to Interview and hire seniors ago with around 50 organizations rep- and graduates for entry-level posl- resented, and has now grown to over 1 lOOorganiztions. with thisyearbelng See CAREER, page 3 What Is love? "Infatuation, attachment, res tless - ness-there arc all kinds of love, "said Helen Fisher, anthropoliglst and renowned author. "Love Is the most powerful emotion a human being can have except for hate. A person can do silly things when controlled by such emotions." Why do we fall in love? Why do we , marry? Why do we divorce? Why then do we remarry? What is infatuation? Why Is humankind a monogamous race? Why do we have optimism for the next relationship? Fisher will address these ques tlons In "Future Sex" Wednesday where she will present her theories concerning the human race and sexuality. * "I think you can live forever without ever knowing what love is." Fisher said, "but I can give an understanding of what love Is and why we struggle with it* After the lecture she said the audience will have an entirely new understanding of why we deal with relation - shps In certain ways. Fisher, a research associate in the department of anthropology at the See SEX, back page Inside Q PINION page 2 Joe Mountain Biker is king of the CSUF sidewalks... Ni EWS 3 Asbestos may have been exposed over a week before cleanup... s SPORTS page 6 Soccer "Dogs beat heat and FuUerton State.-
Object Description
Title | 1990_10 The Daily Collegian October 1990 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1990 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. : BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels ; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Assocated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | October 1, 1990, Page 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1990 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. : BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels ; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Assocated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Vol 96 No. 25 Monday, Oct. 1, 1990 Unusual creatures on display By Richard W.James COLLEGIAN STAFF WRITER Four-horned Jacob sheep. pot-bellied pigs and pygmy goats were among the unusual creatures on display at the Exotic Farm Animal symposium Saturday. The symposium Included workshops on raising exotic species. University of California at Davis zoological medicine professor Murray Fowler, one of the, symposium speakers, said the majority of people Interested In raising exotics have little animal husbandry experience. "You have to understand the natural diet of these animals to meet their needs." hesald. "Inany livestock operation, the animals must reproduce. If the animals are starving, or not getting the right balance of nutrients. It's not likely they'll reproduce." There has been a growing interest In exotic animals recently. "There's an enormous amount of Interest In exotic farm animal species," said Aaron Nelson. University of California cooperative extension farm advisor. "More and more, people are pu rchasing small ranches and would like to breed See FARM, page 3 Luk» Shsppaid/ The Daty CcMeglan Holding the Guinness Worlds Record for the largest diameter horns, "Holy Cow," (at left) was part of the menagerie on display for the public Saturday at Fresno's Bondelli Ranch. • Employers visit CSUF for Career Day Author to speak on Future Sex n„ t*Z w.»h *• lar«e8t *** Walkowlak. ™, f J5L v^S^m,™ "We** basically growing every ' COLLECIANSTAFFWRITER year." sakl Walkowiak "So if they^re By Krista Lemos COLLEGIAN STAFF WRITER coming back 1 assume they are satis- For over 1,000 CSUF students, fled In coming." Career Day offers an opportunity to Walkowlak said the organiza- talk with professionals in a career tlons that participate represent a area they are considering or want broad spectrum of career opportuni- more Info rmaUon about. ties. Career Day takes place today on These organiztions have several the balcony of the University Student reasons for coming on campus said Union. The office of Career Develop- Renee Jones, the director of training ment and Employment Services of- and recruitment for the Fresno-based fers the Career Day every year as a Gottachalk'a retail chain, said that part of the regular career develop- organizations have several reasons mental programs they already have, for coming on campus. Career counselor Aleta . "We come for the opportunity to Walkowlak said more students gain share all the kinds of opportunities interest In career planning after being available In retail.-said Jones. 1 able to talk to representatives from Jones said students also often ' that area. want to know what dassea to take [ \ "It gives students a chance In a that will help them become more one-on-one situation to talk to differ- qualified for a career they want to ent organizations in person about pursue. career opportunities," said After Career Day many of the Walkowlak. "Most students come to same organizations come through the college to prepare for a career. Having Campus Interview Program, organizations on campus allows them Walkowlak said about 30 cointo leam a lot of things about aspects panles and organizations a week come of that field." to the Campus Interview Program The Career Day started 11 years office to Interview and hire seniors ago with around 50 organizations rep- and graduates for entry-level posl- resented, and has now grown to over 1 lOOorganiztions. with thisyearbelng See CAREER, page 3 What Is love? "Infatuation, attachment, res tless - ness-there arc all kinds of love, "said Helen Fisher, anthropoliglst and renowned author. "Love Is the most powerful emotion a human being can have except for hate. A person can do silly things when controlled by such emotions." Why do we fall in love? Why do we , marry? Why do we divorce? Why then do we remarry? What is infatuation? Why Is humankind a monogamous race? Why do we have optimism for the next relationship? Fisher will address these ques tlons In "Future Sex" Wednesday where she will present her theories concerning the human race and sexuality. * "I think you can live forever without ever knowing what love is." Fisher said, "but I can give an understanding of what love Is and why we struggle with it* After the lecture she said the audience will have an entirely new understanding of why we deal with relation - shps In certain ways. Fisher, a research associate in the department of anthropology at the See SEX, back page Inside Q PINION page 2 Joe Mountain Biker is king of the CSUF sidewalks... Ni EWS 3 Asbestos may have been exposed over a week before cleanup... s SPORTS page 6 Soccer "Dogs beat heat and FuUerton State.- |