April 1, 1992, Page 6 |
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1 \ . ^4 real story about the real Health Fair Erin Yasuda Staff writer Pink and blue balloons adorned the entrance to the Resi¬ dence Dining Facility Tuesday to highlight CS'JFs Health Fair 1992. Twenty colorful booths were set up to adress subjects that ranged from campus and dormi¬ tory safety to vision and hearing assessments. Students circulated around the RDF Tuesday afternoon to check out the booths, which offered a variety of health tests, screenings, assessmentsand brochures related to health issues. Sam Gitchel, health educator from the Student Health Center, said that the fair was designed to make students aware of measures they can take to maintain their health such as blood pressure checks and lung function screen¬ ing. 'The research shows again and again that prevention pays," he said. "People who play an active role in maintaining their health have longer lives. "We want to encourage all Fresno State students to be active in maintaining their health," he said. Peggy Gish, lecturer in the health science department, said that students need to be aware of issues relating to preventive health. "The fair is a great way for students to access preventive in¬ formation to make use of in their lives," she said. She said that the fair, which has been held for seven years, is not designed to replace the serv¬ ices offered in the Health Center. "The whole idea of the health fair is that students will not need to go to the Health Center as of¬ ten," she said. Gish said that the most popu¬ lar booth among students typi¬ cally is the stress booth. "By lowering the stress level there are not as many flus and colds," she said. The stress booth contained an assortment of quizzes and an in¬ strument designed to measure stress levels. Gitchel said that the cholestrol collusion a secret agreement between two or more persons for a deceitful or fraudulent purpose screening and cardiovascular-fit- ness testing booths have also proved to be very popular. Another popular booth con¬ cerned alcohol awareness, which offered an assortment of soft drinks and included posters warn¬ ing about the dangers of alcohol. While booths related to nutri¬ tion and fitness may be popular among students, Gitchel said that the booths relating to fire safety and safety on wheels are the most important to student livelihood. "Accidents are the No. 1 lead¬ ing cause of death for college stu¬ dents," Gitchel said. The fair coordinators have tried to tailor the fair to college stu¬ dents in the last few years, Gish said. She said that while there has been a decreasing number of out¬ side agencies involved with the fair, there has been an increasing number of school dubs involved. Gitchel said, "The emphasis is on student involvement Students a re in vol ved in presenting a ma¬ jority of the displays." For example, the students in Gish's alcohol awareness course coordinated the alcohol awareness booth. An additional boo t h on bicycle safety was coordinated by the CSUF Safety Club. The health fair, which brought in between 800 and 1,000 students, was coordinated by CSUF Stu¬ dent Health Services and the School of Social Work. Real world. Real money. So, you've got a degree, now what?? Job pro8|>ecls are dim. Layoffs and fi ri n gs are the order oftlie day. Most employers want to know what else did you do in school? We're looking for savvy and street-smiirL |KX)]>le to help build a fun new company. Inter¬ ested? Ask for Rob or Michael. ^Cull 1-510-577-8525 y CSUF OH CLUB Plant Sale in the Free Speech Area on April 2nd Collegian Classified: ANNOUNCEMENTS Resume in A Day-Student resumes $20, Termpapers $i.50per page. Laser printing. Call 299-0467 The CSUF nursing department is hosting Its Annual Nursing Career Day, organized by the California Nursing Stuoem's Association It is to be held on April 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Satellite College Union. Recruiters from around the states will be partici- pating. Ail students are invited. For further information cal 278-2041 Typingtermpapers,etc.$1.75page. Call Becky after 5 p.m. weekdays, all day on weekends: 348-1703 Diana's Typing Service Word Processing w/ Laser printing Theses, Term Papers, Reports, etc. Call'431- 0730 A PERSONAL DIET! Now you can really lose weight and eat the foods you enjoy GUARANTEED! FOR A FREE BROCHURE C6NTACT: \ 800-75^6849 Bailey's WORDS AND SUCH Profes¬ sional Word Processing Term papers, reports, theses, resumes and much morel Computer checks your spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Student Rates. Evening and Weekend appoint¬ ments welcome. 225-5823 ** FOR SALE South Tahoe Rental, sleeps 8, near Heavenly $450/wk. weekend rates 916- 541-5935 Mountain Bike. $160.298-5480 2 white daybeds w/ matttress/ $75 & $250227-6685 ROOMMATE Non-smoking roommate needed. Rent $244 + 1/2 utilities. 2 bd.,11/2 bath. Near CSUF.Call Stacey 292-7470 Roommate Wanted, Male/ Female. $225/mo.+ 1/3 utilities. Cad Joe 436- 1550 Female Roommate needed. smoker. $220/mo. 226-3858 Non-smoking roommate wanted. Rent $150 + utilities + deposit. Call 227-9144 Roommate wanted. 3 bedroom house + pool. $220/mo. 251-3509 M/F Roommate wanted for 3 bed¬ room house, very near CSUF. $275 + 1/2 uBftes. Call 222-5977 Bulldog Lane Village. Male Room¬ mate Wanted. 1 bd.-summer lease available in two bedroom apt. 226- 0677 Non- HELP WANTED Earn $10.50/hour Part-time/flexible hours in sales. [Fresno Area] call: (20 V 408-5558 ext. 180 for an application. $8Q0-weekry possible, working at ho me! 37 different opportunities. Rush $1 and self-addressed stamped enve¬ lope to ITS/DC Box2798% Fresno, CA 93729 Wanted Psych 149 TUTOR PH. 488- 3425, or 292-3506 Ask for Liz Get a Jump on hundreds of jobs com¬ ing to the Fresno Area! Call 447-9784 Female Roommate needed, 3brJ/2txf Fisheries. Earn House in Clovis. 1.5 miles from cam- pus$225mo.+deposH. Alfie 298-6891. 1-923-4170 NON-SMOKINGROOMMATE WANTED for summer. Pool, Spa, weight room. $242/ month + utilities Call for ipfo. 449-1668. transportation! Room and Board! Over 8,000 openings, toexrjerience neces¬ sary. MALE or FEMALE. For emptoy- rnent program caH 1-206-545-4155 ext. 1605 **- ~. -v :
Object Description
Title | 1992_04 The Daily Collegian April 1992 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1992 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | April 1, 1992, Page 6 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1992 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | 1 \ . ^4 real story about the real Health Fair Erin Yasuda Staff writer Pink and blue balloons adorned the entrance to the Resi¬ dence Dining Facility Tuesday to highlight CS'JFs Health Fair 1992. Twenty colorful booths were set up to adress subjects that ranged from campus and dormi¬ tory safety to vision and hearing assessments. Students circulated around the RDF Tuesday afternoon to check out the booths, which offered a variety of health tests, screenings, assessmentsand brochures related to health issues. Sam Gitchel, health educator from the Student Health Center, said that the fair was designed to make students aware of measures they can take to maintain their health such as blood pressure checks and lung function screen¬ ing. 'The research shows again and again that prevention pays," he said. "People who play an active role in maintaining their health have longer lives. "We want to encourage all Fresno State students to be active in maintaining their health," he said. Peggy Gish, lecturer in the health science department, said that students need to be aware of issues relating to preventive health. "The fair is a great way for students to access preventive in¬ formation to make use of in their lives," she said. She said that the fair, which has been held for seven years, is not designed to replace the serv¬ ices offered in the Health Center. "The whole idea of the health fair is that students will not need to go to the Health Center as of¬ ten," she said. Gish said that the most popu¬ lar booth among students typi¬ cally is the stress booth. "By lowering the stress level there are not as many flus and colds," she said. The stress booth contained an assortment of quizzes and an in¬ strument designed to measure stress levels. Gitchel said that the cholestrol collusion a secret agreement between two or more persons for a deceitful or fraudulent purpose screening and cardiovascular-fit- ness testing booths have also proved to be very popular. Another popular booth con¬ cerned alcohol awareness, which offered an assortment of soft drinks and included posters warn¬ ing about the dangers of alcohol. While booths related to nutri¬ tion and fitness may be popular among students, Gitchel said that the booths relating to fire safety and safety on wheels are the most important to student livelihood. "Accidents are the No. 1 lead¬ ing cause of death for college stu¬ dents," Gitchel said. The fair coordinators have tried to tailor the fair to college stu¬ dents in the last few years, Gish said. She said that while there has been a decreasing number of out¬ side agencies involved with the fair, there has been an increasing number of school dubs involved. Gitchel said, "The emphasis is on student involvement Students a re in vol ved in presenting a ma¬ jority of the displays." For example, the students in Gish's alcohol awareness course coordinated the alcohol awareness booth. An additional boo t h on bicycle safety was coordinated by the CSUF Safety Club. The health fair, which brought in between 800 and 1,000 students, was coordinated by CSUF Stu¬ dent Health Services and the School of Social Work. Real world. Real money. So, you've got a degree, now what?? Job pro8|>ecls are dim. Layoffs and fi ri n gs are the order oftlie day. Most employers want to know what else did you do in school? We're looking for savvy and street-smiirL |KX)]>le to help build a fun new company. Inter¬ ested? Ask for Rob or Michael. ^Cull 1-510-577-8525 y CSUF OH CLUB Plant Sale in the Free Speech Area on April 2nd Collegian Classified: ANNOUNCEMENTS Resume in A Day-Student resumes $20, Termpapers $i.50per page. Laser printing. Call 299-0467 The CSUF nursing department is hosting Its Annual Nursing Career Day, organized by the California Nursing Stuoem's Association It is to be held on April 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Satellite College Union. Recruiters from around the states will be partici- pating. Ail students are invited. For further information cal 278-2041 Typingtermpapers,etc.$1.75page. Call Becky after 5 p.m. weekdays, all day on weekends: 348-1703 Diana's Typing Service Word Processing w/ Laser printing Theses, Term Papers, Reports, etc. Call'431- 0730 A PERSONAL DIET! Now you can really lose weight and eat the foods you enjoy GUARANTEED! FOR A FREE BROCHURE C6NTACT: \ 800-75^6849 Bailey's WORDS AND SUCH Profes¬ sional Word Processing Term papers, reports, theses, resumes and much morel Computer checks your spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Student Rates. Evening and Weekend appoint¬ ments welcome. 225-5823 ** FOR SALE South Tahoe Rental, sleeps 8, near Heavenly $450/wk. weekend rates 916- 541-5935 Mountain Bike. $160.298-5480 2 white daybeds w/ matttress/ $75 & $250227-6685 ROOMMATE Non-smoking roommate needed. Rent $244 + 1/2 utilities. 2 bd.,11/2 bath. Near CSUF.Call Stacey 292-7470 Roommate Wanted, Male/ Female. $225/mo.+ 1/3 utilities. Cad Joe 436- 1550 Female Roommate needed. smoker. $220/mo. 226-3858 Non-smoking roommate wanted. Rent $150 + utilities + deposit. Call 227-9144 Roommate wanted. 3 bedroom house + pool. $220/mo. 251-3509 M/F Roommate wanted for 3 bed¬ room house, very near CSUF. $275 + 1/2 uBftes. Call 222-5977 Bulldog Lane Village. Male Room¬ mate Wanted. 1 bd.-summer lease available in two bedroom apt. 226- 0677 Non- HELP WANTED Earn $10.50/hour Part-time/flexible hours in sales. [Fresno Area] call: (20 V 408-5558 ext. 180 for an application. $8Q0-weekry possible, working at ho me! 37 different opportunities. Rush $1 and self-addressed stamped enve¬ lope to ITS/DC Box2798% Fresno, CA 93729 Wanted Psych 149 TUTOR PH. 488- 3425, or 292-3506 Ask for Liz Get a Jump on hundreds of jobs com¬ ing to the Fresno Area! Call 447-9784 Female Roommate needed, 3brJ/2txf Fisheries. Earn House in Clovis. 1.5 miles from cam- pus$225mo.+deposH. Alfie 298-6891. 1-923-4170 NON-SMOKINGROOMMATE WANTED for summer. Pool, Spa, weight room. $242/ month + utilities Call for ipfo. 449-1668. transportation! Room and Board! Over 8,000 openings, toexrjerience neces¬ sary. MALE or FEMALE. For emptoy- rnent program caH 1-206-545-4155 ext. 1605 **- ~. -v : |