Page 4.
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nEUJ sport acrtvitTes
Tennis and volleyball - will be
added to the community sports program in the near future," promised
Charles Kamayatsu, supervisor of
community recreation, today. Sumo,
table tennis^ ^udo, go-, • and . shogi
are the only-; activitie's going on
at the. present time as other- sports
are \ stymied by the lack of equipment. ,•*.'■"
W€ HI«H fCftC)©t.
I A \ iWw
• j-; "We have good football players
but lack equipment and facilities,"
stated Morris H.- Soglow, health
and physical education adviser for
project' schools, today, as he ex-:'
plained that high^ school gridders
will not play other school teams
this season. "•"' •-■.., .
However nine-man touch football
will be part of the schools intramural sports program,, he saido-
Local high 'school teams will
compete, against other schools in
basketball, , t r a ck, "' and • * b aseball,
according to Soglow. Coach 'Soglow
starred on the University of Illinois eleven during his college
years, served as assistant to Bob
Zuppke for seven years, and coached
the immortal Red Grange.
Soglow. will be. assisted' by Hilton Starr and'Toshio'Kamei, high
school; John Hoke and Richard Suzuki, junior high; and John Yamamoto,
elementary school.
Sam Kurihara was appointed postmaster of the project here Monday,
He succeeded George Noda who left
to work outside,
i ecu
v m:
George Warren
, Thomas Oshi-
leave for unrvERSiiy
Calvin and Gladys. 3 Tshida were
the first of the 2.1 .students to
leave, the Center, for' college'.
The Ishidas left for V Washington
University at St. Louis, Missouri
on September 22. •..:
Others who left and their destinations:. :
Ilona Imamiira,..:
Ito, James Nakamur,
ro, . Minoru Nakat aki,,'' 'Charles Ya-
mashiro, Robert Nomi, Union College
Lincoln, Nebraska«
William ...Hashimoto and Joseph
Ishikawa,: 'University of Nebraska,
Linco In, .Nebr aska..
Frances Tsuchiya, Esther Oku-
da, Ben Hashimoto, Colo. S.C: .. of
Ed. ,■ Greeley, Colorado. ..•■•"
■Mary. Sabusara, Antioch :College
Yellow Springs', Ohio; Blanche Ki-
raot o, -Dako t a We s1e yan Col1e ge,
Mitchell, South Dakota; George
Takaya, Cheseborough Seminary, N.Chile, M.Y,;v Charles Izumi, Gtfeo*
ley, Colorado.
Ben Kuraya, Brigham Young,
Prove, Utah; Ruth Watanabe, University of Rochester, Rochester,
N.Y.; Betsie Inaba^ Barnes Business College,: Denver, Colorado.
omn suunmps post office
With a veritable avlancjie of
mall swamping Granada- s rural post
office originally built to accomodate a population of not more than
350, the postmaster was in a fury.
To relieve the sudden pressure
the new Amnche Branch post office
has been created-to' .insure -more
e f f i c i e n t service.
All incoming , mail ' should be.