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Page 8 L-. £ _','^F.■ PHOHEER , . Apr i 1 28, 194 3
soloiers' families Ml isi^iar<;-In ' 'v?-r
MAY ilECEIVI ,.. O ~#-'
cash grants State ^j'-iC't ^tL,.!?/^^^^
Wives and children of A str ~ng' 'ensemble, two Esther Br ie seme ester,
soldiers in,the -US Army vocal groups, and foer national Y¥CA secretary,
who are leaving Amache may soloists from- the . .Amache : working with-the relocation.
receive cash grants to schools will compete • in.; centers, is scheduled to
meet early living and trans- the state-wide music con— visit Amache from May 6 to
portation expenses-, ■ it was test to be held, in Pueblo -,10. eShe has hast returned
learned today. Friday. The ewht is under *;' from'a second trip to Pos-
The maximum grant made the sponsorship of the In- toiiFand Manzanar.
by WRA covers coach fare, strumental DFrectoi s Asso- vGroups; who would 1 ike to
|50 for the head, .of the elation of Colorado, ' <■; *" have- her e-peak to them-are-
group, and a maximum of AmaeheFs representatives*- asked'to contact the ,Y of-
$50 for two or more de- . 'String ensembl.G~-TakekO ■ fice.
pendents. . . Fats urn:-da, Fl. era Taeii; Mi- ■ -'■■ -y-
To be eligible for a sore Miyake, Dorothy Sato,1' . Policies and regulations
cash grant, .an evacuee must -Charlotte Twatap and Kay Which should govern the ac-
be in need of financial Fuiim.oto;' junior high 'trio tivities of Hospitality
assistance in order to --Lucy Kishi. lexetta 'Kochi: house will be decided by.
reach his destination and and Chieieo FagatosF i; 'sen- the'various center organ!-
to cover initial V living lor high, tr io--Iv:a y' Yoshi- zatioxs tomorrow at 2 p.m.
expenses.' Applications oka, Sally F'urenaga, and Those to be represented; in-
shoeld be accompanied by a ' Edna Amamoto; soloists--' elude the Boy. Scouts, r.e c-
statement showing cash on Shizue Ctsuga, violin;-- Kay ■ relation department, Girl
hand and income for the Fu.jimoto, clarinet; IFnmlko - Scouts, YMCA,- Women's fed-
past six months. Blanks Ota, piano; 'and Fucy Kishi, erotion, junior and senior
-are available at the leave :baton» ■'' high schools, PICHEER, YBA,.
office. j. TaK/Ya M-x/yc Christian-YP- groups, Col-
To receive this aid, ,-L ■ ' ■' p. ' ' ,"V lege, council, block mana-
the whole family need not ON EASTcR S'UNDA/ gers, representatives, and
leave the center, together, With Rev. !Akira Ke'roda police department.
but only one person in the officiating, Shi.ro-' Mrkano ' e -Y-
same family may receive the and Mae Takaya were married The Mersantas are in
$50 allowance. The other at' a simple but impressive-' charge of the Y's Circle
members, up to two, may ceremony Sunday afternoon meeting Saturday, 2•30 p.m.
receive a maximum of $25 at the 7H rocreat iorFhal'l. at Hospitality House.. Re-
eaelf. . The bride's sister, Fes*-' presentative.s of the Blue
f p'^F^Tii ;• t-fljrJC sie Takaya', was 'the maid Circles, Colleens, Esfcal-
* [ *" F '■'. ' * . '* of honor. lantae , Oharm.ain.es, Flor-
HS&.HI PRAS^t The bride is the daughter ettes, Focketfes, Twenteens , ■
Colonel Wilsonof the WRA of Mrs. Sheika Takaya. "He' and .Velaines■are asked to
Directors office,' Wash., is the brother of Mrs. Ma- be present.
visited .the. center Satur- koto Amano, Both are' for- -Y-
day. He inspected the hos- merly of Los Angeles. Boots Soiomera wras in-
pital, warehouses, and fire ipic ijr\ nrfTS'-'AC stalled a.s pres ident of the
department-. ,. J Tri-Dejts during candle-
After a tour through BRIDE OF HA7ANAKA light ceremonies at Hos pith e three divisions Colonel Iris Ito bee ape the . tad ity House Saturday night.
Wilson highly praised every bride of Foy Hatanaka at a Other officers are Sunny
section. The hospital was formal ceremony held at-the HasuiPo,-- vice president;
considered by him to be as 7H recreation hall Sunday .Corky Fujikawa, secretary;
clean and. orderly.as the afternoon. Rev* Takeo Aga-- end Fuck Hatsum.ida, trea-
military hospitals. tsuma officiated. surer, Games and dancing
^ 11-'i ! "-u «< c, /s p t A wedding reception was Followed. Mae Uno is the
^'lv,;^,li '' "xrU held Sundav evening at the adviser,
TO BE DISPLAYED 7E mese hall. -Y-
An exhibit of the works The br idee te the daughter During a candlelight
of Atsushl Kikuchi, junior of Mr. arid Mrs. Tsuneilro ceremony last week, Amy
high art instructor soon Ito, 7E-3E, formerly of Hattori was installed- as
to leave Aeaehe, will be Walnut Grove. The. gnoomFs president' of the Colleens.
on display at 6H-I2A through parents are ^iir. and Mrs. Seventeen-girls signed the
Saturday. . Totazo Hatanaka, 7E-ID, for- membership scroll as char.-
Kikuchi attended the merly of Esparto. .ter members. Alice Suzuki,
California School of Arts The couple are residing representing the Y, of.fi-'
and Crafts in Oakland and. at 6G-12F. cially recognized the group,
the Arts Center in Los An- • Hannah Taxi playedethe pre-
A member of the commer- Since the nurses' aides Mrs. Verne Campbell, was
cial art department at the class has 'net been com- officially installed as
Santa Anita center, ho was pletely filled, interested the adviser,. Games and
co-chairman of the. recent persons may still enroll, dancing followed.
Aeaehe <Uts and Crafts announced Chief Fur so Abea —: — '
festival/ K. Folia. KESP ^,r. FLYIKG