The first day of A soft-
ball league play saw the
Ka n i ne s swamp i .ng the C a r d i -
n.als, 20-6, while the Hot
Shots barely outs cored, the
Granders, 17-16.
The Kanines, led by the
powerful hitting of Min Oi
and Yamaura, made the contest appear to be more of
a track meet than a baseball
game. The end of the third
inning found them suffering
from utter exhaustion as a
result of too mUch base
runn ing• They crossed the
plate 13 times during that
Yamaura and Oi of the
Kanines and Nakano and Mo-
rishige of the Cards each
knocked out a homer.
TakaoKa was the winning
pitch e r, wh i le Ka w am u r a a nd
Tani hurled for the Cards.
The other A league game
was another free-scoring
affair, with the Hot Shots
edging out the Granders,
Oka da > Imamura, and FTa-
kayamo did the heavy hitting
for the winners while I:Ja-
tsumeda and Mtta of the
Granders did stellar work
for their team.
A softball, w he n t or ft
or split at the seams, can
be- saved if it is repaired.
iirrrr e d ia te ly, a c c or d i ng t o
the rec department. Repair
shops are maintained at
the 7E and 11G rec halls. -
Results of softball games
played, here and there during the last several days:
Pioneers' games
7F def. Police, 6-0
110 def. 12K* 26-15
1.1H def. 12H, 28-10
12G dof. 12K, 14-11
Boys f games
11H def. 12H, 23-5
Results of girls' soft-
ball games played during
the week end;
Toppers def. 9 Highs,11-1
UG Gals def. 110 Pioneers,
12H def, 11H, 9-0
Re suIts' of f." iris1 vo 1 -
leyball gamest played at
the 11.F court Sunday?
11G def. HE, 15-1, 15-10
10E def. Ramblorettes, 15-
8, 4-15, 15-11
April 28, 1943.
..Page 7
Protest Filed In Firsi Game
Only one of the two scheduled AA league softball
games was played Sunday. And a protest on the game
played was filed by the Dodgers, who' lost the tiff to
the D^ltans, 2-1. .: -
The athletic Foard is BRiQCE
jhoduled to meet tod;
legal delivery by the Del- Registration for the
tan pitcher is the rrgument duplicate- bridge tourna-
cf the PpvFgors, who are ment being sponsored by
It whUh tfatf the protest TO lift] fl TOOFOf 4
n, 1.1 be considered. Anil- ■ J "?~?*~^ feMUKMfc-J
.ski ng for a rez $. to h.
The Dodders! run was
initial to-
Klishi, ai.ixr getting
walk, stole two bases
the recreation department
will continue until Friday
noon at the* 7£ recreation
Al 1 b r i d g e pi ay e r s ,
and scored on Ohkl's single, whether registered members
The, De-ltans' two runs or not, are urged to enter
the tournament.
Friz.es will be awarded
ihigaki got to the Forth-South and East-
error: and Fest winners.
came in the fifth inning,
when, with two cuts, Kowa-
muix> walkedj n
on through an
ioka rapned a sharp single. The tourney is scheduled
Both pitchers, Sherman for Saturday evening in
Kishi of the Dodgers and Terry hail.
Deltan Joe Pukumitsu, did FROM THi-amaamsaaesam
(i School-..
Election of representatives to the athletic
council is being held in
the gym classes.
This counci1,which will
a good 300 on the mound,
each allowing but three
hits in the seven-inning
The rec department is
encoursging groups to buy help the school adminis-
their own athletic equip-, trators plan the summer
ment. The department is athletics program, will
helping them obtain the meet for the first time
e qu ipme nt at wholes a 1 e rx xt week.
I n i t i a t i o n c e r e m o n i e s
BIRDS ON SALE for the Tsrsity basketball
Badminton birds are now lettermen who are to be
on sale at the 7F rec of- the charter members of the
fice. Thirty and 35 cent senior high "A" club, are
being prepared by the men
in the school faculty,
T he so cor' em o n 1. s s will
bo held in the near future
and an evening full of entertainment is promised.
birds are available.
4 i ^ 9 ^ O 0 9 (
Medals and other awards
no stuff..*
we Fro happy to know so mary
softball ' gam.es are being have
held..five last evening.v.
it'll help lots toward making center life a little
.loss 0ry 1 ng«
flapdoodle reports« ♦•.
rec dept. girls' athletics
big shot (heh, heh) micki In order to get experi-
hayas hi had her ankle bitten ence in playing in all.
...dog she was kicking in positions, the 16 players
the ribs turned on her. "work-up" set-up is now
~-h.i.■ being used by the boys*
>een received
p. E. department from the
Pepsi-Cola company.
These awards will be
given out at the end of
thx season.