FRESNO STATE UNIVERSITY Fres„o,California93740
Intercollegiate Athletics
209 487-2644
July 27, 1979
Mr. Leon Peters
Stadium Fund Drive
P. 0. Box 1626
Fresno, CA 93706
Dear Leon:
Please accept my deepest thanks and appreciation for
all your leadership and work in conjunction with
making the Fresno State University Stadium become
a reality. It was a great effort by everyone involved, and the leadership of the co-chairmen was
a primary factor in successfully raising the largest
amount of money for a community project in the history
of the San Joaquin Valley.
I am personally indebted to you for your personal
friendship and assistance during my eight years at
Fresno State. I would appreciate getting together
with you if your travels bring you to San Diego.
Enclosed is
snapshot taken at the dedication cere-
Kindest personal regards.
Fresno won a^race in me oiaic^
Transportation Improvement Program,
during the June 29 meeting of the
California Transportation Commission,
and also a $3.5 million commitment to
study extension of Freeway 41 from
Bullard to the San Joaquin River,
which includes funds to protect the
right of way prior to a determination of
the future of the freeway.
This followed months of work by the
Fresno County Council of Governments, the Chamber of Commerce
Freeway & Transportation Committee,
and other local interests.
Even though this commitment has
been made, it will have to be
ten the
The controversy concerning the
Freeway 41 extension revolved
around the fact that the Department of
Transportation does not do environmental impact studies until a
project is a part of the State's Transportation Improvement Program; on
the other hand, it is extremely difficult
for a project to become a part of the
program without first having an environmental impact study completed.
The Commission's executive said
the project should be included in the
program so that the Department of
Transportation would then be forced
to do an environmental impact study.
Transportation Commission
Gene Bourdet
JUL 811979
Giant earth moving equipment
frames the gathering of dignitaries for
the ceremony launching the start of
construction on the $7-million-plus
F.S.U. footbail-soccer stadium.
*• Leon Peters (Valley Foundry), Co-
Jjnaifrnan of the Stadium Develop-
"ment Committee and Master "of
Ceremony for the event, speaks of
co-operation with many entities and
individuals which formed the basic
structure for the soon-to-be realized
30,000 seat stadium.