Stadium: OK
Continued From Page C1
contain 4,564 seats. An additional
7,980 prime seats on the east side will
be reserved for FSU students. The
remaining seats will be sold on a
reserved and general admission basis.
Lynn Eilefson, administrative
coordinator of the Stadium Development Fund, emphasized the need for
a continuing effort to sell the remaining seat options and complete the
locker room facility.
"The estimates we've received is
that we can get the shell of the building, which would include just the
basic showers and lockers, for
around $490,000," he noted. "Of
course, we want to build a complete
facility if funds become available."
FSU Athletic Director Gene Bourdet said he has juggled the Bulldogs'
1980 home schedule to permit the
school to play in the new facility as
soon as it becomes available.
"We've rearranged our schedule
so that we play our first two games
away from home," he said. "My
choice is to go into the stadium as
soon as possible. We're still trying to
schedule a name school for the opening home game in 1981."
Bourdet said his information from
Stevens had indicated bidding for the
stadium would be "more competitive" than it was last year, when only
two contractors submitted proposals.
Second low bidder Thursday was
SMF Corporation of Sacramento,
$6,367,000 for the base plan and the
two alternatives. Others bids were
received from Nielsen and Nichols of
Sacramento, $6,760,000; Robbelen
Construction of Sacramento, $6,869,-
790; Harris Construction Co. of Fresno, $6,970,000, and Donald M. Drake
of Portland, Ore., $7,650,000.
The bids will be taken under advisement by the California State
University and Colleges Board of
Trustees, which has 60 days to act
However, Baxter said he expects tr
contract to be awarded in 30 days.
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