31ay"12, 1943
Besides her close friends,
most people haven't heard
the little interesting facts
about Sumi Kawamura, singing star of the recreation
department. The public has
been so enthralled by her
lovely contralto renditions
of popular American and
.Japanese, songs, they fail
to think for a moment that
she never had a music lesson in her life. .
: Sumi always enjoved do-
'hig things other girls did
pot. It Is said she used
to attend Walnut Grove elementary school, dressed in
a boy's attire. On one occasion, the teacher gave
her a lecture^ telling her
to go home and not return
until Sumi decided to dress
like "a nice little girl."
bntil she was 12, she was
a noted, tomboy in Walnut
Grove, always playing with
boys .
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For the second time, T^oop '162 won top honors at the
Second Boy Scout Field Day at the 10E open lot Sunday.
The group had 30 points to their credit and are supervised by Scoutmaster ..Ed M. Tokunaga. Troops 161 and
180 tied for second place with 23 points each. Others
placing were 177 with 21, .- ;
and 179 with 18-|.
The Scouts competed in
knot-tying, water boiling,
first "aid, signal relay,
Scout pace relay, and dispatch-carrying relay with
Tom Sasaki, Russell Yamaga,
Jack Ito, Dick Nakamura,
George Saito, and Frank Na-
katani in charge of the
various events.
Pack 162C placed first
in the Cub events by accumulating 10 points. Pack
177C was second with 5, and
was led by Frank Nakatani,
Cub promise by Alex Matsu-
naga, and the Scout Oath
and Law by Nakatani,
Chairman Sam Fujita,
Scoutmaster of Troop 179,
delivered the opening address .
Closing ceremonies included the Great Scoutmaster's Benediction by Stanley
Marumoto, selections by
the Troop 179 Drum and Bugle
Corps, and taps blown by
the buglers.
179C third with 4. Competition was in the antelope Qk/ (n'\ r\o \ f^lr\r\
relay and orab race.
Field Day was opened
with Assembly blown by the
buglers of Troop 179. Marching in of the Colors was
conducted by the Troop 162
Color Guards. The Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag
On Mother's Day
Mother's Day,
She astonished the public
with her singing talent at
Oourtlarid high school where
she was featured as a special, attraction on its various programs. She' excelled
in swimming as well as
singing. On warm days,
swimming in the Sacramento
river, she used to perform'
che whale trick, spouting
•ater out of her mouth.
Sumi broke into state -
Vi.de recognition when she,
as representative of the
Delta J ACL,' sang in the Show
.of Shows' in 'San Francisco,
it was then the newspapers
tabbed her the nisei. Kate
•Smith. But one of her big
mome nt s vra s whe n Larry
Keating, noted NBC radio
announcer, , congratulated
ber on her singing.
Calm and collected Sumi
is crazy about movies and
Victor Herbert songs. Her
^."iend, Shiz Fujisaki de-
*- lured, "she ' s got a dynamic
personality that is simply
jcxjlos ive ." —Suyeo Sako
', Esther Br iesemeister,
'national YWCA secretary,
and Thomas R. Bodine, director of the Japanese
American Student Relocation
Council of Philadelphia,
spoke before an Amache senior high group Friday.
Both spoke on.phases of relocation. ,
Band and glee club selections, opened the meeting.
Joe Kamiya,; senior class
pres Ident,^'introduced Jimmy
Yamanaka, who in turn presented the two speakers.
Bodine. also spoke on. how
college students are being
received,at.;.various schools
•Friday night at Terry hall.
girls in 9K took over all
the work usually done by
the block women in the mess
In the afternoon, the
mothers were invited to a
tea given by the girls,
Elsie Ar ikawa was the cha ir -
man and Jaine Oi was in
charge of the games. The
welcome speech was given
by Teru'ko Sato.
"If it's a flop—we're
a success; if it's a . success—we're a flop" was
the theme of a. dance held
by the 12H young people at
their mess hall Saturday
evening. About 150 persons
Green and white streamers decorated the hall.
Tom Shigaki. was emcee, and
Fumi Takata, general chairman. Joe Okida is president of the 12H club.
.&. - _ ..
Event .■
Children's Sabbath school
8*30 a.m.
Adult Sabbath school
9;30 a»m.
Bible study
10*.30 a.m.
7:15 p.m.
Adult service
2:00 p.m.