1963 Campus |
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^/iticuCtane &bd This club is open to students majoring in viticulture and to those students showing an interest in the field. The viticulture department at FSC is the largest in the state and the Viticulture Club backs it up all the way. The objectives of the club are to stimulate interest within high school Ag. departments in the hope that some of these younger men will later attend Fresno State College enrolling in viticulture. This is accomplished by pruning and judging contests for the Future Farmers of America. The Viticulture Club also has a well-rounded social calendar. In the fall, the men sponsor a vine pruning contest, hold meetings with guest speakers, and barbecues on campus. The Father and Son Banquet, awards banquet, and installation of new officers are held in the spring. They also sponsor the State Final Grapevine Judging contest in the FFA Field Day. Students process their own raisins in the Viticulture Raisin Processing Plant. Philip Bava Ed Bradley Robert Detjens Doug George Don Jones Aram Kinosian Robert Markarian Members receive pruning instructions from Professor Vincent Petrucci. DEPARTMENTAL 195
Yearbook Title | 1963 Campus |
Date Published | 1963 |
Organization | Issued by Associated Students of Fresno State Normal School, June 1912-1921; Associated Students of State Teachers and Junior College of Fresno, June 1921; Associated Students of Fresno State College, 1922-1971; Alumni Association of California State University, Fresno, 1976-1991. |
Location | Fresno, CA |
Rights | Published by Fresno State College, Fresno, California, 1963. |
Yearbook Title | 1963 Campus |
Date Published | 1963 |
Organization | Issued by Associated Students of Fresno State Normal School, June 1912-1921; Associated Students of State Teachers and Junior College of Fresno, June 1921; Associated Students of Fresno State College, 1922-1971; Alumni Association of California State University, Fresno, 1976-1991. |
Location | Fresno, CA |
Transcript | ^/iticuCtane &bd This club is open to students majoring in viticulture and to those students showing an interest in the field. The viticulture department at FSC is the largest in the state and the Viticulture Club backs it up all the way. The objectives of the club are to stimulate interest within high school Ag. departments in the hope that some of these younger men will later attend Fresno State College enrolling in viticulture. This is accomplished by pruning and judging contests for the Future Farmers of America. The Viticulture Club also has a well-rounded social calendar. In the fall, the men sponsor a vine pruning contest, hold meetings with guest speakers, and barbecues on campus. The Father and Son Banquet, awards banquet, and installation of new officers are held in the spring. They also sponsor the State Final Grapevine Judging contest in the FFA Field Day. Students process their own raisins in the Viticulture Raisin Processing Plant. Philip Bava Ed Bradley Robert Detjens Doug George Don Jones Aram Kinosian Robert Markarian Members receive pruning instructions from Professor Vincent Petrucci. DEPARTMENTAL 195 |
Rights | Published by Fresno State College, Fresno, California, 1963. |
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