1931 Campus 1931 |
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COLLEGE YEAR Oxford debate squad December 17—Complete "sell-out" of Caravan within half hour. School has "gone literary". December 17—Youngsters on Varsity basketball team prove themselves stronger than "not- quite-so-youngsters" on alumni squad. December 18—Hobo Brawl where men are men and women are excluded. After indulging in all known forms of modern barbarism the stronger sex heeds the gentle voice of feminity (at least, that is the supposition) and returns to civilization sans beard and with a new supply of razors. December 20—About that time. Christmas is in the air—and so is freedom. Merry Christmas! January—1931 rdfr Mc La iHall illllllllillllli llllllllllliiliillllll III II Hi II III lillillWIIII iossiping headquarters January 7—Who is the most popular man and woman on the campus? Came the dawn and with it the answer to the above question. Doris Thompson, choice bit of feminity, is iudged most attractive co-ed. The honors for most popular male are cornered by that handsome, poetical-looking man who goes by the name of Ted Chism. January 7—Two frosh prove themselves green and are made clean. They take an enforced bath in the fish pond. Sophs are still in authority, it seems. January 9—First basket-ball game of season. F.S.C. encounters Oregon State and is nosed out 28-27. Whatta game! Bullpups come through their tangle with colors flying after a close shave. They defeat Kerman The gym is scene of another hop, dance, or what- have-you. January 10—Revenge is sweet! This time the Bulldogs do the nosing.The Pups beat Lemoore. January 13—There are some real artists in the Cardinal and Blue institution. Emperor Jones, Eugene O'Neil's striking play, brings out that point. The entire play is a decided success. Oh, that monotonous ton-torn! Jaunary 14—Harriette Taylor wins the inter- org. oratory contest for the Soph Luncheon Club. ■■/-::-:N /: = =:;.= :;;;= -.... =:-- ::. p .: .;y y ;■ m:.m mmmmm The Museum 138
Yearbook Title | 1931 Campus 1931 |
Date Published | 1931 |
Organization | Issued by Associated Students of Fresno State Normal School, June 1912-1921; Associated Students of State Teachers and Junior College of Fresno, June 1921; Associated Students of Fresno State College, 1922-1971; Alumni Association of California State University, Fresno, 1976-1991. |
Location | Fresno, CA |
Rights | Copyright Walter Senior and Arthur Safstrom. Printed in Fresno by athe Crown Printing & Engraving Co. Engravings by the Fresno Photo Engraving Co., Fresno. Photography by Parks Studio, Fresno. |
Yearbook Title | 1931 Campus 1931 |
Date Published | 1931 |
Organization | Issued by Associated Students of Fresno State Normal School, June 1912-1921; Associated Students of State Teachers and Junior College of Fresno, June 1921; Associated Students of Fresno State College, 1922-1971; Alumni Association of California State University, Fresno, 1976-1991. |
Location | Fresno, CA |
Transcript | COLLEGE YEAR Oxford debate squad December 17—Complete "sell-out" of Caravan within half hour. School has "gone literary". December 17—Youngsters on Varsity basketball team prove themselves stronger than "not- quite-so-youngsters" on alumni squad. December 18—Hobo Brawl where men are men and women are excluded. After indulging in all known forms of modern barbarism the stronger sex heeds the gentle voice of feminity (at least, that is the supposition) and returns to civilization sans beard and with a new supply of razors. December 20—About that time. Christmas is in the air—and so is freedom. Merry Christmas! January—1931 rdfr Mc La iHall illllllllillllli llllllllllliiliillllll III II Hi II III lillillWIIII iossiping headquarters January 7—Who is the most popular man and woman on the campus? Came the dawn and with it the answer to the above question. Doris Thompson, choice bit of feminity, is iudged most attractive co-ed. The honors for most popular male are cornered by that handsome, poetical-looking man who goes by the name of Ted Chism. January 7—Two frosh prove themselves green and are made clean. They take an enforced bath in the fish pond. Sophs are still in authority, it seems. January 9—First basket-ball game of season. F.S.C. encounters Oregon State and is nosed out 28-27. Whatta game! Bullpups come through their tangle with colors flying after a close shave. They defeat Kerman The gym is scene of another hop, dance, or what- have-you. January 10—Revenge is sweet! This time the Bulldogs do the nosing.The Pups beat Lemoore. January 13—There are some real artists in the Cardinal and Blue institution. Emperor Jones, Eugene O'Neil's striking play, brings out that point. The entire play is a decided success. Oh, that monotonous ton-torn! Jaunary 14—Harriette Taylor wins the inter- org. oratory contest for the Soph Luncheon Club. ■■/-::-:N /: = =:;.= :;;;= -.... =:-- ::. p .: .;y y ;■ m:.m mmmmm The Museum 138 |
Rights | Copyright Walter Senior and Arthur Safstrom. Printed in Fresno by athe Crown Printing & Engraving Co. Engravings by the Fresno Photo Engraving Co., Fresno. Photography by Parks Studio, Fresno. |
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