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Teaching - Elementary School Education & Human Development 2006-2007 California State University, Fresno General Catalog 255 Time Restrictions. Courses required for preliminary credentials must be completed no more than 10 years prior to credential application. A preliminary credential pro-vides authorization to teach for a maxi-mum of five years. Requirements for com-pleting the Professional (Clear) Multiple Subject Credential will be provided by the employing school district. Requirements for Admission to Student Teaching Multiple Subject Credential candidates must qualify for admission to two distinct levels of student teaching: (1) Fieldwork A and B (EHD 174 and 178) and (2) Field-work C – Final Student Teaching (EHD 170A and B, or C). Requirements for Admission to Field Study A (EHD 174) 1. Submit an application form for EHD 174 by the specified deadline. 2. Complete all admissions requirements and receive notification of initial admis-sion to the program. 3. Maintain a 3.0 GPA on all professional preparation courses. All courses (except those offered for CR/NC only) must be taken for a letter grade. Requirements for Admission to Field Study C – Final Student Teaching (EHD 170 A, B, C, and D) 1. Submit an EHD 170 application form by deadline. 2. Successfully complete Phase 1 and 2. 3. Demonstrate subject matter competence by successfully passing all three sections of the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) – Multiple Subject. (All candidates, including Blended) 4. Complete an approved program of pro-fessional preparation in a specific pro-gram option (see Program Option sec-tion) and maintain a GPA of 3.0 with no individual course grade lower than a C. All courses (except those offered for CR/ NC only) must be taken for a letter grade. 5. If admitted as an exception with condi-tions, satisfy all conditions specified. 6. Clarification: Students who receive per-mission to complete the EHD 170 as-signment in two semesters must sign up for EHD 170A (5 units) and EHD 170B (5 units). Successful completion of EHD 170A and 170B must include a mini-mum of one week of full-time student teaching. Successful completion of EHD 170C requires one full semester, all day, every day of student teaching in each assignment. Students will be solely re-sponsible for planning and teaching a minimum of two weeks all day in this EHD 170 assignment. 7. Provide evidence of passing all sections of the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) by presenting a CBEST Permanent Verification card. Note: Students who receive a “No Credit” grade in any student teaching course are required to petition the Admissions and Standards Committee for approval to re-take the course. Students who receive a grade of “No Credit” for a second time will be dismissed from the Multiple Subject Credential Program. Student teachers whose placements are terminated after the date for refund of tuition are responsible for full tuition regardless of circumstances leading to termination. Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential (2042) Program Options The following program options offer teacher candidates a variety of routes to obtain a Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential. General. Provides professional preparation required for teaching in self-contained edu-cational settings (typically found in the elementary school). Emphasis in Bilingual Cross-Cultural Lan-guage and Academic Development (BCLAD). Prepares teachers to work with English Learner students. BCLAD (Span-ish and Hmong) will authorize teachers to provide academic instruction to English Learner students in their primary language. In addition to Liberal Studies concentra-tion classes, the professional preparation courses for BCLAD are as follows: Hmong Units • LEE 135 ......................................... 15 Spanish • LEE 136 ......................................... 15 For more information, see the BCLAD coordinator. Emphasis in Early Childhood Education. Prepares elementary teachers with special expertise and experience in grades K-3. This nationally accredited Early Childhood cohort program emphasizes a developmen-tal knowledge base, professional ethics, and integrated curriculum, and provides field experiences at the preschool, kindergarten, primary, and upper elementary levels. The ECE program is compatible with the In-tern, BCLAD, and Blended/Integrated pro-grams. For more information, see the ECE coordinator. Communicative Disorders. Designed for students who wish to prepare for specializa-tion in special education as educators of the deaf. For more information about Option III, see the requirements for the Deaf Edu-cation and the Special Education Specialist Credential in the Department of Commu-nicative Disorders and Deaf Studies sec-tion. Partnership Schools are a collaborative ap-proach to teacher education that involves school district personnel and university fac-ulty in supervision and professional devel-opment roles within the schools. Partner-ships are daytime programs that use district facilities for university coursework and field experiences, allowing the candidates and university faculty to become part of the culture of the school and the cycle of the school year. Teacher candidates move through the program as a cohort. For more information please contact the Partnership coordinators: Dr. Chiero at 559.278.0362 or Dr. Behrend at 559.278.0325. Dual Credential Program, Preliminary Level I Education Specialist Credential Program (Basic Program) and Prelimi-nary Multiple Subject Credential (2042) Program. Teacher candidates may simul-taneously work on a Multiple Subject and Education Specialist Credential. Some of the courses are required for both creden-tials and specialized dual student teaching placements may be used. Students must attend both a Multiple Subject and Special Education orientations. For more informa-tion see the Education Specialist Prelimi-nary Level I credential. CalStateTEACH. CalStateTEACH is an alternative path to a multiple subject teach-ing credential. CalStateTEACH is designed specifically to serve teachers who are in-terns or who can volunteer to practice teach
Object Description
Title | 2006-07 General Catalog |
Creator | California State University, Fresno |
Format | PDF Document |
Date of publication | 2006-05 |
Subjects | California State University, Fresno. Curricula. Catalogs |
Object type | Document |
Location | Fresno, California |
Language | eng |
Title | Page 255 |
Full Text Search | Teaching - Elementary School Education & Human Development 2006-2007 California State University, Fresno General Catalog 255 Time Restrictions. Courses required for preliminary credentials must be completed no more than 10 years prior to credential application. A preliminary credential pro-vides authorization to teach for a maxi-mum of five years. Requirements for com-pleting the Professional (Clear) Multiple Subject Credential will be provided by the employing school district. Requirements for Admission to Student Teaching Multiple Subject Credential candidates must qualify for admission to two distinct levels of student teaching: (1) Fieldwork A and B (EHD 174 and 178) and (2) Field-work C – Final Student Teaching (EHD 170A and B, or C). Requirements for Admission to Field Study A (EHD 174) 1. Submit an application form for EHD 174 by the specified deadline. 2. Complete all admissions requirements and receive notification of initial admis-sion to the program. 3. Maintain a 3.0 GPA on all professional preparation courses. All courses (except those offered for CR/NC only) must be taken for a letter grade. Requirements for Admission to Field Study C – Final Student Teaching (EHD 170 A, B, C, and D) 1. Submit an EHD 170 application form by deadline. 2. Successfully complete Phase 1 and 2. 3. Demonstrate subject matter competence by successfully passing all three sections of the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) – Multiple Subject. (All candidates, including Blended) 4. Complete an approved program of pro-fessional preparation in a specific pro-gram option (see Program Option sec-tion) and maintain a GPA of 3.0 with no individual course grade lower than a C. All courses (except those offered for CR/ NC only) must be taken for a letter grade. 5. If admitted as an exception with condi-tions, satisfy all conditions specified. 6. Clarification: Students who receive per-mission to complete the EHD 170 as-signment in two semesters must sign up for EHD 170A (5 units) and EHD 170B (5 units). Successful completion of EHD 170A and 170B must include a mini-mum of one week of full-time student teaching. Successful completion of EHD 170C requires one full semester, all day, every day of student teaching in each assignment. Students will be solely re-sponsible for planning and teaching a minimum of two weeks all day in this EHD 170 assignment. 7. Provide evidence of passing all sections of the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) by presenting a CBEST Permanent Verification card. Note: Students who receive a “No Credit” grade in any student teaching course are required to petition the Admissions and Standards Committee for approval to re-take the course. Students who receive a grade of “No Credit” for a second time will be dismissed from the Multiple Subject Credential Program. Student teachers whose placements are terminated after the date for refund of tuition are responsible for full tuition regardless of circumstances leading to termination. Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential (2042) Program Options The following program options offer teacher candidates a variety of routes to obtain a Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential. General. Provides professional preparation required for teaching in self-contained edu-cational settings (typically found in the elementary school). Emphasis in Bilingual Cross-Cultural Lan-guage and Academic Development (BCLAD). Prepares teachers to work with English Learner students. BCLAD (Span-ish and Hmong) will authorize teachers to provide academic instruction to English Learner students in their primary language. In addition to Liberal Studies concentra-tion classes, the professional preparation courses for BCLAD are as follows: Hmong Units • LEE 135 ......................................... 15 Spanish • LEE 136 ......................................... 15 For more information, see the BCLAD coordinator. Emphasis in Early Childhood Education. Prepares elementary teachers with special expertise and experience in grades K-3. This nationally accredited Early Childhood cohort program emphasizes a developmen-tal knowledge base, professional ethics, and integrated curriculum, and provides field experiences at the preschool, kindergarten, primary, and upper elementary levels. The ECE program is compatible with the In-tern, BCLAD, and Blended/Integrated pro-grams. For more information, see the ECE coordinator. Communicative Disorders. Designed for students who wish to prepare for specializa-tion in special education as educators of the deaf. For more information about Option III, see the requirements for the Deaf Edu-cation and the Special Education Specialist Credential in the Department of Commu-nicative Disorders and Deaf Studies sec-tion. Partnership Schools are a collaborative ap-proach to teacher education that involves school district personnel and university fac-ulty in supervision and professional devel-opment roles within the schools. Partner-ships are daytime programs that use district facilities for university coursework and field experiences, allowing the candidates and university faculty to become part of the culture of the school and the cycle of the school year. Teacher candidates move through the program as a cohort. For more information please contact the Partnership coordinators: Dr. Chiero at 559.278.0362 or Dr. Behrend at 559.278.0325. Dual Credential Program, Preliminary Level I Education Specialist Credential Program (Basic Program) and Prelimi-nary Multiple Subject Credential (2042) Program. Teacher candidates may simul-taneously work on a Multiple Subject and Education Specialist Credential. Some of the courses are required for both creden-tials and specialized dual student teaching placements may be used. Students must attend both a Multiple Subject and Special Education orientations. For more informa-tion see the Education Specialist Prelimi-nary Level I credential. CalStateTEACH. CalStateTEACH is an alternative path to a multiple subject teach-ing credential. CalStateTEACH is designed specifically to serve teachers who are in-terns or who can volunteer to practice teach |