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86 FRESNO STATE COLLEGE AH 73. Feed Mill Management (2) Prerequisite: AH 71 or PH 32. Operation and maintenance of feed mills; compiling rations; mixing, buying and selling feeds; par ticipation in manageme.nt and operation of college feed mill. (1 lecrut·e, 3 lab hours) AH 103. Advanced Livestock Judging (2) Prerequisite: AH 2, 3, or permission of instructor. Livestock judging preparing individuals to better select animals according ro breed types and characteriStics. Trips to intercollegiate judging contests. (1 lecture, 3 lab hours) AH 106. Animal Breeding (3) (Same as DS 106) Prerequisite: Bioi 120, AH 1 or DS llA. Principles of physiology and heredity as applied to the breeding of farm animals; application of genetics to a livestock breeding program. AH 115. Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals (3) Prerequisite: Zool 1, Chern 8. General structures of farm animals and physiological functions of organs of the animal body. (2 lecrure, 3 lab hours) AH 116. Livestock Sanitation and Diseases (3) Prerequisite: AH 115 or permission of instructor. Sanitation practices and use of disinfectants; cause, symptoms, prevention, and treatment of common diseases of livestock. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) AH 122. Advanced Beef Production (3) Prerequisite: AH 22. Study of research material in breeding, nutrition, diseases and management; records of performance, pedigrees, purebred sales and show herd management. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours; 1 week-end field trip) AH 133. Market Swine Production (3) Prerequisite: AH I, 30. Types, marltet classes, and grades of swine; food demands, building and equipment requirements, marlceting methods, and management problems in market swine production. (2 lecture, 3 Jab hours) AH 143. Advanced Sheep and Wool Technology (3) Prerequisite: AH 40, Chern 2A-B, 8. Research material in breeding, nutrltlon, diseases, progeny and performance testing; carcass quality improvement and economics of sheep industry; testing techniques in wool technology, grade and other physical measureDJents, properties and characteristics determining value; role of wool in world trade. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours; 2 field trips) AH 150. Advanced Horse Husbandry (3) Prerequisite: AH 1, 50. Advanced principles of horse husbandry including management of horse breeding farms, breeding systems, training and selling horses, and western equitation. (1 lecture, 6 lab hours; 1 week-end field trip) AH 170. Animal Husbandry Seminar (1; max total 2) Open to seniors majoring in animal husbandry. Latest developments in research; assigned research papers in animal husbandry to be presented in both oral and written form. AH 172. Animal Nutrition (3) Prerequisite: AH 71, Chern 8, or permission of instructor. Principles of animal nutrition; nutritive requirements for growth, fattening, reproduction, lactation and other body functions of farm animals; relationship of malnutrition and deficiency diseases to livestock production.
Object Description
Title | 1966-67 General Catalog |
Creator | Fresno State College |
Format | PDF Document |
Date of publication | 1966-05 |
Subjects | California State University, Fresno. Curricula. Catalogs |
Object type | Document |
Location | Fresno, California |
Language | eng |
Title | Page 086 |
Full Text Search | 86 FRESNO STATE COLLEGE AH 73. Feed Mill Management (2) Prerequisite: AH 71 or PH 32. Operation and maintenance of feed mills; compiling rations; mixing, buying and selling feeds; par ticipation in manageme.nt and operation of college feed mill. (1 lecrut·e, 3 lab hours) AH 103. Advanced Livestock Judging (2) Prerequisite: AH 2, 3, or permission of instructor. Livestock judging preparing individuals to better select animals according ro breed types and characteriStics. Trips to intercollegiate judging contests. (1 lecture, 3 lab hours) AH 106. Animal Breeding (3) (Same as DS 106) Prerequisite: Bioi 120, AH 1 or DS llA. Principles of physiology and heredity as applied to the breeding of farm animals; application of genetics to a livestock breeding program. AH 115. Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals (3) Prerequisite: Zool 1, Chern 8. General structures of farm animals and physiological functions of organs of the animal body. (2 lecrure, 3 lab hours) AH 116. Livestock Sanitation and Diseases (3) Prerequisite: AH 115 or permission of instructor. Sanitation practices and use of disinfectants; cause, symptoms, prevention, and treatment of common diseases of livestock. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) AH 122. Advanced Beef Production (3) Prerequisite: AH 22. Study of research material in breeding, nutrition, diseases and management; records of performance, pedigrees, purebred sales and show herd management. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours; 1 week-end field trip) AH 133. Market Swine Production (3) Prerequisite: AH I, 30. Types, marltet classes, and grades of swine; food demands, building and equipment requirements, marlceting methods, and management problems in market swine production. (2 lecture, 3 Jab hours) AH 143. Advanced Sheep and Wool Technology (3) Prerequisite: AH 40, Chern 2A-B, 8. Research material in breeding, nutrltlon, diseases, progeny and performance testing; carcass quality improvement and economics of sheep industry; testing techniques in wool technology, grade and other physical measureDJents, properties and characteristics determining value; role of wool in world trade. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours; 2 field trips) AH 150. Advanced Horse Husbandry (3) Prerequisite: AH 1, 50. Advanced principles of horse husbandry including management of horse breeding farms, breeding systems, training and selling horses, and western equitation. (1 lecture, 6 lab hours; 1 week-end field trip) AH 170. Animal Husbandry Seminar (1; max total 2) Open to seniors majoring in animal husbandry. Latest developments in research; assigned research papers in animal husbandry to be presented in both oral and written form. AH 172. Animal Nutrition (3) Prerequisite: AH 71, Chern 8, or permission of instructor. Principles of animal nutrition; nutritive requirements for growth, fattening, reproduction, lactation and other body functions of farm animals; relationship of malnutrition and deficiency diseases to livestock production. |