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111. Zoology 01 Marl"e Vertebrates (4). Prerequisite: coliege zooiogy; M Sci 103 recommended. Field-oriented study ot the naturai history, ethology, physiology, identitication, and systematics of vertebrates living in or associated with marine, estuarine, and shore communities; interrelationships among organisms within these environments. (2 lecture, 6 lab or Held hours) 112. lIII"rlne Birds a"d Mamm"ls (4). Prerequisite: upper division vertebrate zoology or M Sci 111; M Sci 103 recommended. Systematics, morphology, ecology and general biology of marine birds and mammals. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 113. 1III",i"e Ichthyology (4). PrereqUisite: M Sci 111. Taxonomy, morphoiogy, and ecoiogy of fishes. Both field and iaboratory work concentrate on the structure, function and habits of marine fishes and the ecological interactions of these fishes with their biotic and abiotic surroundings. (2 lecture, 6 lab or tield hours) 122. M"ri"e i""ertebrate Embryology (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 124, ceil biology or biochemistry strongly recommended. Survey of principles of developmental biology, concentrating on experimental evidence obtained using invertebrate material. Laboratory observations will cover the embryology of lower invertebrates, molluscs, crustacea, enchinoderms, and protochordates. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 123. 1III",ine In"e,teb,ate Physiology (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 124 and general physiology. Comparative physiology of the invertebrates; laboratory problems on nutrition, respiration, osmoHc regulation, coordination, and other physiological functions. General principles of physiology discussed using examples from the invertebrate phyla. (2 lecture, 6 lab hours) 124. lIIIa.ine in"",t"b,,,te Zoology I (4). Prerequisite: college zoology; M Sci 103 recommended. A field-oriented introduction to the structure, systematics, evolution and life histories of the major marine invertebrate phyla. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 125. 1III",ine in"e,l"brate Zoology II (3). PrereqUisite: college zoology; M Sci 103 and M Sci 124 recommended. A fieldoriented introduction to the structure, systematics, evolution and life histories of the minor invertebrate phyla. (1 lecture,6 lab or field hours) 131. M",ine Phllcology (4). Prerequisite: college botany; M Sci 103 recommended. The biology of marine algae with emphasis on identification, life histories, ecology, and systematics. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 132. Introduction to lIIIa,ine Plankton (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 101; M Sci 103 recommended. Identification, distribution and ecology of phytoplankton and zooplankton; introduction to sampling and analytical procedures. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 141. Ge"logl",,1 Oce"nog,aphy (4). PrereqUisite or concurrent: M Sci 101 and 102< Structures, physiography, and sediments of the sea bottom and shoreline. (3 lecture, 3 lab or field hours) 161. Ma,lne Fislre,ies (4). Prerequisite: college mathematics, M Sci 104, 111; M Sci 103 recommended. An introduction to fishery biology, inclUding the concepts stock, recruitment, and yield; emphasizing the parameters abundance, age, growth, and mortality; discussion of hydrography and fishery ecology, management problems, world fisheries and mariculture; and collection and analysis of fishery data. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 171. Oceanographic C,ul"e (1-4). Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Oceanographic shipboard experience with a variety of oceanographic samples for use in geological, biological, Biology chemical and/or physical oceanographic research. Unit credit will vary with length of cruise and course reqUirements. (0-2 lecture, 3--6 lab hours) 175T. Topics in Marine Sciences (1--6). Topics in botany, zoology, chemistry, geography, geology, and other associated areas of the marine sciences; ichthyology, behavior of marine animals, chemical oceanography, physical oceanography, meteorology of the oceans. (Lecture and/or Laboratory) 177. Microscopic Techniques (3). Prerequisite: one semester college physics and permission of instructor. Principles and techniques of lig ht and electron microscopy; consideration of brighttield, darkfield, phase contrast and interference contrast light microscopy; episcopic and diascopic illumination systems; photomicrography; preparation of materials for and operation of the scanning electron microscope. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) 130. Indepe"dent Study (1-4). PrereqUisite: permission of instructor. Open only to undergraduate students having adequate subject matter preparation tor the selected problem. Faculty directed study of selected research problems in the marine sciences. (3 conference, lab, or field hours per unit) Graduate Courses (See Course Numbering System-Definitions and Efiglbifity) 201. Ad"anced Studies I" th" 1III",ine Sciences (3). Prerequisite: M Sci 101 and 103. Study of major principles and concepts of marine sciences; analysis of outstanding research from recent scientific literature; development of laboratory exercises; for teachers-in-service or credential candidates; not open to science majors. 202. lIIIa,ine Inst,umentai Analysis (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 101 and 102 and quantitative analysis. Theory and use of advanced instrumentation; advanced field and laboratory techniques for the interpretation of data collected in marine science research. (2 lectures, 6 lab or field hours) 203. Adv""ced Marine Ec"lollY (4). Prerequisite: ecology. Advanced considerations of marine populations, communities and ecosystems with emphasis on current literature. (3 lecture, 3 lab, fieid, or discussion hours) 211. Beh""io' 01 lIIIa'ine Anlm"ls (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 104 or statistics. The causation, development, and evoiution of the behavior of marine animals. (3 lecture, 3 lab or field hours) 212T. Topics i" lIII"rine Ve,tebrates (4; max lolal 8). Prerequisite: M Sci 111 and either 112 or 113, and also permission of instructor. Advanced considerations ot the ecology, physiology, and/or phylogeny of fishes, birds and/or mammals; emphasizes current literature and research. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 221T. Topics in Ma,l"e In"e,t"brates (4; mal< total 8). PrerequIsite: M SCI 124 and permission of instructor. Advanced considerations of the ecology, physiology, and/or phylogeny of the various Invertebrate phyla emphasizing current literature and research< (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 222. Biology "I the Mollusca (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 124 and permission of instructor. Systematics, functional morphology, ecology, and physiology of mollusca with emphasis on marine forms. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 231. Ad"anced 1III",lne PhycOlogy (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 131 and permission of instructor. Algal development, reproduction, and ecology; review of literature; ecologicaily oriented individual research including iaboratory culture and field experimentation. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 339
Object Description
Title | 1984-85 General Catalog |
Creator | California State University, Fresno |
Format | PDF Document |
Date of publication | 1984-04 |
Subjects | California State University, Fresno. Curricula. Catalogs |
Object type | Document |
Location | Fresno, California |
Language | eng |
Title | Page 339 |
Full Text Search | 111. Zoology 01 Marl"e Vertebrates (4). Prerequisite: coliege zooiogy; M Sci 103 recommended. Field-oriented study ot the naturai history, ethology, physiology, identitication, and systematics of vertebrates living in or associated with marine, estuarine, and shore communities; interrelationships among organisms within these environments. (2 lecture, 6 lab or Held hours) 112. lIII"rlne Birds a"d Mamm"ls (4). Prerequisite: upper division vertebrate zoology or M Sci 111; M Sci 103 recommended. Systematics, morphology, ecology and general biology of marine birds and mammals. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 113. 1III",i"e Ichthyology (4). PrereqUisite: M Sci 111. Taxonomy, morphoiogy, and ecoiogy of fishes. Both field and iaboratory work concentrate on the structure, function and habits of marine fishes and the ecological interactions of these fishes with their biotic and abiotic surroundings. (2 lecture, 6 lab or tield hours) 122. M"ri"e i""ertebrate Embryology (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 124, ceil biology or biochemistry strongly recommended. Survey of principles of developmental biology, concentrating on experimental evidence obtained using invertebrate material. Laboratory observations will cover the embryology of lower invertebrates, molluscs, crustacea, enchinoderms, and protochordates. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 123. 1III",ine In"e,teb,ate Physiology (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 124 and general physiology. Comparative physiology of the invertebrates; laboratory problems on nutrition, respiration, osmoHc regulation, coordination, and other physiological functions. General principles of physiology discussed using examples from the invertebrate phyla. (2 lecture, 6 lab hours) 124. lIIIa.ine in"",t"b,,,te Zoology I (4). Prerequisite: college zoology; M Sci 103 recommended. A field-oriented introduction to the structure, systematics, evolution and life histories of the major marine invertebrate phyla. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 125. 1III",ine in"e,l"brate Zoology II (3). PrereqUisite: college zoology; M Sci 103 and M Sci 124 recommended. A fieldoriented introduction to the structure, systematics, evolution and life histories of the minor invertebrate phyla. (1 lecture,6 lab or field hours) 131. M",ine Phllcology (4). Prerequisite: college botany; M Sci 103 recommended. The biology of marine algae with emphasis on identification, life histories, ecology, and systematics. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 132. Introduction to lIIIa,ine Plankton (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 101; M Sci 103 recommended. Identification, distribution and ecology of phytoplankton and zooplankton; introduction to sampling and analytical procedures. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 141. Ge"logl",,1 Oce"nog,aphy (4). PrereqUisite or concurrent: M Sci 101 and 102< Structures, physiography, and sediments of the sea bottom and shoreline. (3 lecture, 3 lab or field hours) 161. Ma,lne Fislre,ies (4). Prerequisite: college mathematics, M Sci 104, 111; M Sci 103 recommended. An introduction to fishery biology, inclUding the concepts stock, recruitment, and yield; emphasizing the parameters abundance, age, growth, and mortality; discussion of hydrography and fishery ecology, management problems, world fisheries and mariculture; and collection and analysis of fishery data. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 171. Oceanographic C,ul"e (1-4). Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Oceanographic shipboard experience with a variety of oceanographic samples for use in geological, biological, Biology chemical and/or physical oceanographic research. Unit credit will vary with length of cruise and course reqUirements. (0-2 lecture, 3--6 lab hours) 175T. Topics in Marine Sciences (1--6). Topics in botany, zoology, chemistry, geography, geology, and other associated areas of the marine sciences; ichthyology, behavior of marine animals, chemical oceanography, physical oceanography, meteorology of the oceans. (Lecture and/or Laboratory) 177. Microscopic Techniques (3). Prerequisite: one semester college physics and permission of instructor. Principles and techniques of lig ht and electron microscopy; consideration of brighttield, darkfield, phase contrast and interference contrast light microscopy; episcopic and diascopic illumination systems; photomicrography; preparation of materials for and operation of the scanning electron microscope. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) 130. Indepe"dent Study (1-4). PrereqUisite: permission of instructor. Open only to undergraduate students having adequate subject matter preparation tor the selected problem. Faculty directed study of selected research problems in the marine sciences. (3 conference, lab, or field hours per unit) Graduate Courses (See Course Numbering System-Definitions and Efiglbifity) 201. Ad"anced Studies I" th" 1III",ine Sciences (3). Prerequisite: M Sci 101 and 103. Study of major principles and concepts of marine sciences; analysis of outstanding research from recent scientific literature; development of laboratory exercises; for teachers-in-service or credential candidates; not open to science majors. 202. lIIIa,ine Inst,umentai Analysis (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 101 and 102 and quantitative analysis. Theory and use of advanced instrumentation; advanced field and laboratory techniques for the interpretation of data collected in marine science research. (2 lectures, 6 lab or field hours) 203. Adv""ced Marine Ec"lollY (4). Prerequisite: ecology. Advanced considerations of marine populations, communities and ecosystems with emphasis on current literature. (3 lecture, 3 lab, fieid, or discussion hours) 211. Beh""io' 01 lIIIa'ine Anlm"ls (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 104 or statistics. The causation, development, and evoiution of the behavior of marine animals. (3 lecture, 3 lab or field hours) 212T. Topics i" lIII"rine Ve,tebrates (4; max lolal 8). Prerequisite: M Sci 111 and either 112 or 113, and also permission of instructor. Advanced considerations ot the ecology, physiology, and/or phylogeny of fishes, birds and/or mammals; emphasizes current literature and research. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 221T. Topics in Ma,l"e In"e,t"brates (4; mal< total 8). PrerequIsite: M SCI 124 and permission of instructor. Advanced considerations of the ecology, physiology, and/or phylogeny of the various Invertebrate phyla emphasizing current literature and research< (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 222. Biology "I the Mollusca (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 124 and permission of instructor. Systematics, functional morphology, ecology, and physiology of mollusca with emphasis on marine forms. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 231. Ad"anced 1III",lne PhycOlogy (4). Prerequisite: M Sci 131 and permission of instructor. Algal development, reproduction, and ecology; review of literature; ecologicaily oriented individual research including iaboratory culture and field experimentation. (2 lecture, 6 lab or field hours) 339 |