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AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--GRADUATE I 117 27. Raisin Production and Processing (3) Prerequisite: Plant 17 or permission of instructor. Principles and practices of raisin production, dehydration and processing operations; utilization of the university vineyard and raisin processin~ laboratory. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) 107. Viticulture I (3) Current statu and futu re of grape industry; commercial classes of grapes; climatic and soil requirements for grape growing. Principles and practices of vineyard fertilization, cultivation, and pruning. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) 117. VIticulture II (3) Planning of new vineyards. Principles and practices of propagation, planting, and training grapes. Morphology and physiology of the grapevine and response of the vine to growth regulators and other means of improving grape quality. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) 127. Grape Varieties (3) Prerequisite: Plant 17. Grape varie ties common to California; rootstocks and species, identification, adaptability, use and acreage; taste testing fresh grapes. 177. Marketing Grapes and Tree Fruit {3) Prerequisite: Plant 116 or U7, Ag Ec 31. Principles of marketing dealing specifically with grape and tree fruit, fresh and processed; marketing orders, modes of transportation, market news, competing countries, and the export market. (3·day field trip) 187. Advanced Viticulture (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Relating the varions cultu ral techniques to the physiology of the grape vines; effect of these techniques on vine health and vigor; economics and management of vineyards. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours; 3-day field trip) GRADUATE COURSEs-AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (See Course Numbering System-Definitions and Eligibility) AGRICULTURE (Agrl) 200. Biometrics In Agriculture (3) Prerequisite: Math 40 or equivalent; permission of instructor. Statis tical principles in agricultural research. Emphasis on collection, summarization of data and the design, conduct, analysis, and interpretation of experiments. 210T. Topics in Agricultural Economics (3; max total 15) Prerequisite: upper division ·agricultural economics courses appropriate to study topic; permission of instructor. Agricultural marketing, farm management and production analysis, price, credit, and land economics study areas. 219. Seminar In Agricultural Economics (1-4; max total 4) Prerequisi te: permission of instructor. Written and oral reports in recent literature and problems related to agricultural economics. 220. Readings in Agriculture (2-3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Individually directed readings in a field of special concern to the s.tudenfs graduate program; appropriate reports and evaluation required. 221T. Topics In Food Science (3; max total 12) Prerequisite: upper division food science course appropr.iate to study topic, permission of instructor. Advanced studies in a given area: f~od preservation; processing effect on chemical components; flavor. texture, and other quality fac tors in foods. 229. Seminar In Food Science (1; max total 4) Prerequisite: permission of ins tructor. Investigation of current research and problems related to food science. Oral and written reports.
Object Description
Title | 1973-74 General Catalog |
Creator | California State University, Fresno |
Format | PDF Document |
Date of publication | 1973-05 |
Subjects | California State University, Fresno. Curricula. Catalogs |
Object type | Document |
Location | Fresno, California |
Language | eng |
Title | Page 117 |
Full Text Search | AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--GRADUATE I 117 27. Raisin Production and Processing (3) Prerequisite: Plant 17 or permission of instructor. Principles and practices of raisin production, dehydration and processing operations; utilization of the university vineyard and raisin processin~ laboratory. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) 107. Viticulture I (3) Current statu and futu re of grape industry; commercial classes of grapes; climatic and soil requirements for grape growing. Principles and practices of vineyard fertilization, cultivation, and pruning. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) 117. VIticulture II (3) Planning of new vineyards. Principles and practices of propagation, planting, and training grapes. Morphology and physiology of the grapevine and response of the vine to growth regulators and other means of improving grape quality. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) 127. Grape Varieties (3) Prerequisite: Plant 17. Grape varie ties common to California; rootstocks and species, identification, adaptability, use and acreage; taste testing fresh grapes. 177. Marketing Grapes and Tree Fruit {3) Prerequisite: Plant 116 or U7, Ag Ec 31. Principles of marketing dealing specifically with grape and tree fruit, fresh and processed; marketing orders, modes of transportation, market news, competing countries, and the export market. (3·day field trip) 187. Advanced Viticulture (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Relating the varions cultu ral techniques to the physiology of the grape vines; effect of these techniques on vine health and vigor; economics and management of vineyards. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours; 3-day field trip) GRADUATE COURSEs-AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (See Course Numbering System-Definitions and Eligibility) AGRICULTURE (Agrl) 200. Biometrics In Agriculture (3) Prerequisite: Math 40 or equivalent; permission of instructor. Statis tical principles in agricultural research. Emphasis on collection, summarization of data and the design, conduct, analysis, and interpretation of experiments. 210T. Topics in Agricultural Economics (3; max total 15) Prerequisite: upper division ·agricultural economics courses appropriate to study topic; permission of instructor. Agricultural marketing, farm management and production analysis, price, credit, and land economics study areas. 219. Seminar In Agricultural Economics (1-4; max total 4) Prerequisi te: permission of instructor. Written and oral reports in recent literature and problems related to agricultural economics. 220. Readings in Agriculture (2-3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Individually directed readings in a field of special concern to the s.tudenfs graduate program; appropriate reports and evaluation required. 221T. Topics In Food Science (3; max total 12) Prerequisite: upper division food science course appropr.iate to study topic, permission of instructor. Advanced studies in a given area: f~od preservation; processing effect on chemical components; flavor. texture, and other quality fac tors in foods. 229. Seminar In Food Science (1; max total 4) Prerequisite: permission of ins tructor. Investigation of current research and problems related to food science. Oral and written reports. |