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132 FRESNO STATE COLLEGE BUSINESS 133 Accounting Units Bachelor of Science Degt"ee Majors Business Administration Units General Un Acctg. la-b -------······ 6 Accounting A 120 3 (For additional major requirements see items 1-2 above) Acctg. la _______________ 3 Bus. Ad. 8 or 118a ....... 3 Business Units Acctg. la ·-·-·······----- 3 l cctg. a ________ ·····-···· Acctg. 120a-b, 132, 144a, 162 ------- 4-1 Acctg. (u.d.) ................ 6 Bus. Ad. 110 ·······-··· -····· 3 Bus. Ad. 133, 1.51, or Bus. Ad. 8 or 118a _____ 3 Bus. Ad. 110 .................. 3 Acctg. electives -----:----:-----:--:-:----:----:------ Bus Ad (u d) 3 Elect 3 units from each of two of the following series: ---------- -... - . -· ······-···· o · · • · -------· Ivlktg. 10 or 100 ............ 3 (a) Bus. Ad. 100, Econ. 100 (b) Bus. Ad. 104, Econ. 103 (c) Bus. Ad. 134, 135, Econ. 13la Agribusiness (Business Option) Business Courses: Bus. Ad. 100, Mktg. 102 ------------ Elect from: Acctg. 128, 132, Bus. Ad. 104, 120, 124, 143, 180, 183, 184, Mktg. 106, 108, 140, 150, 176 ------------------- Agriculture Courses: Elect from: CP 11, E 15, H 11, OH 3, V 11 --·-·-·-·--- ---'-Elect from: AH 1, 71, DH lla, llb, PH 1, 32 -··-- - Elect from: AgM 15a, 17, 115a, 115b, 15 l a, 159 . Elect from: .Ag 106, 112, 130, 136, 159, AH 116, 172, 175 -··-- Business Administration Acctg. 120a or 128 or 132 24- Econ. 150 ··- ········-····-· 3 Sec. Ad. 1 or 2 .......... 1-2 18 Bus. Ad. (u.d.) _____________ 6 Bus. Ad. (u.d.) ________ 3 Marketing Units Acctg. la ----------Bus. Ad. 8 or 118a ------Mktg. 10 or 100 -------Mktg. (u.d.) -------- 3 3 3 6 1S 18 Secretarial Administration Sec. Ad. 1 or 2 Sec. Ad. 4 Sec. Ad. 23, 112 --· Sec. Ad. 114 ·--· Sec. Ad. 122a-b SPECiAL SECONDARY CREDENTIAL IN BUSINESS EDUCATION 16-17 Units 1- 2· z• 8• 2 6 19-20 The special secondary credential in business education authorizes the holder to teach in elementary and secondary schools subjects basic to business and commerce, - such as those listed in the basic business requirements below, an.d, in addition, sub- 41 jects in the fields of concentration named in the credential. i I Requirements Bus. Ad. 100, 120, 124 --:----~-:-:-::---:---:Elect 6 units from each of two of the following series: ________ !, I. Bachelor's degree (page 72) including 40 unitS of general education with a minimum of six writs in each of the following areas: (a) Bus. Ad. 135, 139 (b) Bus. Ad. 132, 134, Econ. 13la (c) Bus. Ad. 143, 144 (d) Bus. Ad. 153, 154, Econ. 150 (e) Bus. Ad. 152, 156, Psych. 181 (f) Bus. Ad. 180, 183, 184 (g) Bus. Ad. 119, Econ. 174 (h) Bus. Ad. 104, Econ. 103, Mktg. 108 (i) Mktg. 176, Econ. 178 (j) Bus. Ad. 160, 161 (k) Bus. Ad. 129, Journ. 113 ll a. Science and/ or mathematics. b. The practiC-2! arts and the tine arts such as art, music, homemaking, health education, physical education, industrial arts, and similar fields. c. Social studies. (It is recommended that Econ. la-b be included as part of the social science general education program.) d. The communicative arts such as languages, literature, speech arts, and simi-lar fields. . 2. Full approval for admission to the credential program (page 148). Marketing U 3. Business Exp~rience: Si."< months of practical experience or 1,000 clock hours in Mktg. 10 or 100, 106, 140, 150 ----------------- -- a business occupation. Elect one subject field : 4. Basic Business Requirements: Twenty-five units must be selected from the follow- (a) General Marketing Bus. Ad. 100, 137 ------------------- 6 ing and must include one course from each group. Unit1 6 Mktg. 105, 108, 155 7 Elect one: Econ. 170, Mktg. 176 3 (b) Advertising Mktg. 108, 141, 144, Joum. 145a-b 11 Art 101 or Joum. 17a . 2 Elect from: Journ. 106, 113; Mktg. 105, 199 --------- 3 (c) Retailing Bus. Ad. 22 3 Mktg. 130, 132, 134, 199, Joum. 145a.. ____________ 11 Elect one: Mktg. 105, Bus. Ad. 137, 143, Journ. 145b - -······-··-··-·- 2-3 MINORS Minors are offered in several fields of business for students with majors in departments. Satisfactory skill in use of typewriter as demonstrated by a profici examination or credit in Sec. Ad. 1 or 2 or equivalent is required of all mini. For general secondary credential minor, see page 134. Acctg. la-b ----------------------Bus. Ad. 10, 110 Bus. Ad. 21, 22 ; Math. 2; Sec. Ad. 5 Bus. Ad. 100 or equivalent ------------------- -1-Bus. Ad. 102 __ .. .............. __ _ 3 2-3 3 tBus. Ad. 118a-b _ -----------· ·--- 3-6 tBus. Ad. 151 ______ ... ·····-- ________ - ·······--·-··-····---------------- ------- ---------- -- - ------ ········ 0-3 h\1ktg. 105; Geog. 3 ____ . - --- -----·-··----------·- ·- ····-·······----- ---------- ······- -- 2-3 tMktg. 10, 100, 150 --- ---·- 3 Sec. Ad. 4 2 25-35 • Mlly be Adjusted for StUdents with high school shorthand and typiJl.A. t Without reducing the 2 5-unit basic requirement, students with a business m:tru~gemen t field of COilCCiltration may use Bus. Ad. 102, 118b and 151 10 meet the requircoments of th:lt Geld; for those with 3 mc:rchan.di$ing field of concentration, Mkll!. 10, 100, 105 or 150 may be used to meet the requirements of tha t field. 8-39223
Object Description
Title | 1961-62 General Catalog |
Creator | Fresno State College |
Format | PDF Document |
Date of publication | 1961-05 |
Subjects | California State University, Fresno. Curricula. Catalogs |
Object type | Document |
Location | Fresno, California |
Language | eng |
Title | Page 069 |
Full Text Search | 132 FRESNO STATE COLLEGE BUSINESS 133 Accounting Units Bachelor of Science Degt"ee Majors Business Administration Units General Un Acctg. la-b -------······ 6 Accounting A 120 3 (For additional major requirements see items 1-2 above) Acctg. la _______________ 3 Bus. Ad. 8 or 118a ....... 3 Business Units Acctg. la ·-·-·······----- 3 l cctg. a ________ ·····-···· Acctg. 120a-b, 132, 144a, 162 ------- 4-1 Acctg. (u.d.) ................ 6 Bus. Ad. 110 ·······-··· -····· 3 Bus. Ad. 133, 1.51, or Bus. Ad. 8 or 118a _____ 3 Bus. Ad. 110 .................. 3 Acctg. electives -----:----:-----:--:-:----:----:------ Bus Ad (u d) 3 Elect 3 units from each of two of the following series: ---------- -... - . -· ······-···· o · · • · -------· Ivlktg. 10 or 100 ............ 3 (a) Bus. Ad. 100, Econ. 100 (b) Bus. Ad. 104, Econ. 103 (c) Bus. Ad. 134, 135, Econ. 13la Agribusiness (Business Option) Business Courses: Bus. Ad. 100, Mktg. 102 ------------ Elect from: Acctg. 128, 132, Bus. Ad. 104, 120, 124, 143, 180, 183, 184, Mktg. 106, 108, 140, 150, 176 ------------------- Agriculture Courses: Elect from: CP 11, E 15, H 11, OH 3, V 11 --·-·-·-·--- ---'-Elect from: AH 1, 71, DH lla, llb, PH 1, 32 -··-- - Elect from: AgM 15a, 17, 115a, 115b, 15 l a, 159 . Elect from: .Ag 106, 112, 130, 136, 159, AH 116, 172, 175 -··-- Business Administration Acctg. 120a or 128 or 132 24- Econ. 150 ··- ········-····-· 3 Sec. Ad. 1 or 2 .......... 1-2 18 Bus. Ad. (u.d.) _____________ 6 Bus. Ad. (u.d.) ________ 3 Marketing Units Acctg. la ----------Bus. Ad. 8 or 118a ------Mktg. 10 or 100 -------Mktg. (u.d.) -------- 3 3 3 6 1S 18 Secretarial Administration Sec. Ad. 1 or 2 Sec. Ad. 4 Sec. Ad. 23, 112 --· Sec. Ad. 114 ·--· Sec. Ad. 122a-b SPECiAL SECONDARY CREDENTIAL IN BUSINESS EDUCATION 16-17 Units 1- 2· z• 8• 2 6 19-20 The special secondary credential in business education authorizes the holder to teach in elementary and secondary schools subjects basic to business and commerce, - such as those listed in the basic business requirements below, an.d, in addition, sub- 41 jects in the fields of concentration named in the credential. i I Requirements Bus. Ad. 100, 120, 124 --:----~-:-:-::---:---:Elect 6 units from each of two of the following series: ________ !, I. Bachelor's degree (page 72) including 40 unitS of general education with a minimum of six writs in each of the following areas: (a) Bus. Ad. 135, 139 (b) Bus. Ad. 132, 134, Econ. 13la (c) Bus. Ad. 143, 144 (d) Bus. Ad. 153, 154, Econ. 150 (e) Bus. Ad. 152, 156, Psych. 181 (f) Bus. Ad. 180, 183, 184 (g) Bus. Ad. 119, Econ. 174 (h) Bus. Ad. 104, Econ. 103, Mktg. 108 (i) Mktg. 176, Econ. 178 (j) Bus. Ad. 160, 161 (k) Bus. Ad. 129, Journ. 113 ll a. Science and/ or mathematics. b. The practiC-2! arts and the tine arts such as art, music, homemaking, health education, physical education, industrial arts, and similar fields. c. Social studies. (It is recommended that Econ. la-b be included as part of the social science general education program.) d. The communicative arts such as languages, literature, speech arts, and simi-lar fields. . 2. Full approval for admission to the credential program (page 148). Marketing U 3. Business Exp~rience: Si."< months of practical experience or 1,000 clock hours in Mktg. 10 or 100, 106, 140, 150 ----------------- -- a business occupation. Elect one subject field : 4. Basic Business Requirements: Twenty-five units must be selected from the follow- (a) General Marketing Bus. Ad. 100, 137 ------------------- 6 ing and must include one course from each group. Unit1 6 Mktg. 105, 108, 155 7 Elect one: Econ. 170, Mktg. 176 3 (b) Advertising Mktg. 108, 141, 144, Joum. 145a-b 11 Art 101 or Joum. 17a . 2 Elect from: Journ. 106, 113; Mktg. 105, 199 --------- 3 (c) Retailing Bus. Ad. 22 3 Mktg. 130, 132, 134, 199, Joum. 145a.. ____________ 11 Elect one: Mktg. 105, Bus. Ad. 137, 143, Journ. 145b - -······-··-··-·- 2-3 MINORS Minors are offered in several fields of business for students with majors in departments. Satisfactory skill in use of typewriter as demonstrated by a profici examination or credit in Sec. Ad. 1 or 2 or equivalent is required of all mini. For general secondary credential minor, see page 134. Acctg. la-b ----------------------Bus. Ad. 10, 110 Bus. Ad. 21, 22 ; Math. 2; Sec. Ad. 5 Bus. Ad. 100 or equivalent ------------------- -1-Bus. Ad. 102 __ .. .............. __ _ 3 2-3 3 tBus. Ad. 118a-b _ -----------· ·--- 3-6 tBus. Ad. 151 ______ ... ·····-- ________ - ·······--·-··-····---------------- ------- ---------- -- - ------ ········ 0-3 h\1ktg. 105; Geog. 3 ____ . - --- -----·-··----------·- ·- ····-·······----- ---------- ······- -- 2-3 tMktg. 10, 100, 150 --- ---·- 3 Sec. Ad. 4 2 25-35 • Mlly be Adjusted for StUdents with high school shorthand and typiJl.A. t Without reducing the 2 5-unit basic requirement, students with a business m:tru~gemen t field of COilCCiltration may use Bus. Ad. 102, 118b and 151 10 meet the requircoments of th:lt Geld; for those with 3 mc:rchan.di$ing field of concentration, Mkll!. 10, 100, 105 or 150 may be used to meet the requirements of tha t field. 8-39223 |