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1bO FRESNO STATE COLtEGE DAIRY INDUSTRY AGRICULTURE '\ POULTRY HUSBANDRY 101 Dl 53. Market Milk (3) F Pfluem 1. Poultry Production (3) F Hiuon Prere<~uisites: D~ 11a-b o! ~~on of instructor .. Principles of mark~t ni Poultry production; brooding, rearing, laying flocks, feeding, and housing, (2 lecproducoon, processmg and distnbuoon; modem processmg methods and eqrupmllite, 3 lab hours) (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) lli 31. Breed Characteri!!tica and Production Judging (2) F Dl 54. Ice Cream Making (3) S Pflu · Prerequisite: PH 1. CharacteriStics of poultry breeds; origin and Prerequisite: 01 53 or permission of instructor. Basic principles of formuhti)f breeds· production and exhibition judaing and breeder selection. ice cream mixes; freezing and storage of ice cream, sherbets, and ices; mod!ab bolUS) o HiD on development (1 lecture, 3 freezing, packaging, and storage facilities in the San Joaquin Valley. (2 lecture,! lab hours) ~ S2, Poultry Feeding ( 3 ) S Hixson Prerequisite: PH 1. Poultry feeds and application of principles of nutrition to Dl 73. Dairy Plant Practice (3) Summer only Pflue ultry and turkey feeding. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) Open only to dairy indust:IY majors. Prerequisites: DH lla-b or permission~ instructor. Six weeks practical e.'Cperience or its equivalent in an approved dafH 34. Egg Processing and Marketing ( 3) S Hixson processing plant. Written reports required. ' Principles, practices, and problems in processing and marketing shell eggs and ,.,_,_._ :gg products. (2 lecture, 3 !lab holliS; 1 Saturday field trip) DI 103. Butter LYLOUUDS (3) F Pflu• Prerequisite: Dl 53 or permission of instructor. Production, grading, and marl!H 161. Turkey Msnagement (') F Hixson ing of cream for butter; manufactUre and marketing of butter; modern equipme Prerequisite: PH 32. Principles and practices in commercial production of turused in manufacruring and packaging. (2 lecture. 3 lab hours) "ys for meat and in turkey breeding. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours; I Saturday field trip) Dl 104. Cheese Making (3) S Pflu•IH 162. Poultry Management (3) S Hil<aon Prerequisite: DI 53 or permission of i."lStrUctor. Methods of manufacturing ctt Prerequisite: PH 32. Principles and practices in commercial egg production for mon varieties of cheese; types of cheese common to the San Joaqcin Valley. (2 klrire-floored and conventional litter-type housing. (2 lectare, 3 lab hours; 1 Satur-ture, 3 lab hours) day field trip) DI 108. Judging Dairy Products (2) S Pfluo.rH 163. Poultry Producta aud Proceaing {3) F Hiuon Prerequisites: DH lla-b, Dl 103, 104. Practice in scoring and grading dairy pro Prerequisite: PH 1. Grading processing, preservation, and marketing of poultry. ucts; methods of control of defects. (1 lecture, 3 lab hqurs) (2 lecture, 3 lab hours~ I Saturday field trip) Dl 151. Dairy Bacteriology (3) F (Same as Bact. 151) sti'H 164. Hatchery Management {3) S Hixson Prerequisite: Ag 20. Bacteria, yeasts, and molds in manufacture of dairy pre( Prerequisite: PH 1. Hatchery operations, including practical work. (2 lecture, nets. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) J lab hours; 1 Saturday field trip) DI 154. Dairy Plant Management (3) S Pflu H 181. Poultry Breeding (3) F Hiuon Prerequisites: DI 53, 54, 103, 104, Acctg. Ia. Application of principles of man Prerequisites: Biol. 120, PH l. Selection of poultry breeding flocks and application ment to dairy manufacturing plants; cost accounting, selling, advertising, and laJiiof prin_ciples of generics to poultry breeding. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours; 1 Saturday problems; current local problems. field mp) DI 156. Marketing Daizy Products (3) S Pflu._Pli 182. Poultry Di!!e:ues and Sanitation (2) S Hixson Prerequisites: DI 53, 54, 103, 104, Acctg. la. Principles of purchasing and mS Prerequisites: PH 1, AH 115. Anatomy and physiology of fowl; poultry diseases. keting dairy products; products of the San Joaquin Valley. (I lecture, 3 lab hours) DI 165. Dairy Inspection (3) F Pflue~H 190. Independent Study (1-5) F and S (See page 64) Prerequisites: DH lla-b. Methods of scoring and grading dairy fanns, milk plant" and creameries; California State Agricultural Code as it applies to dairies and dam plants; tests and their application to control work. (3 lecrure hours; three 3-hor. field trips) r Dl 185. Advanced Testing (2) S Pfluei, Prerequisites: Chern. 2a-b, 8. Full operation of the Mojon.'tier Dairy Produ~· Tester for analyzing all dairy products for fat and total solids. (I lecture, 3 li, hours) Dl 189. Advanced Dairy Products Judging (2) F Pflue~ Prerequisite: DI 108. Product judging; training for participation in judging col test work. Trips to intercollegiate judging contests. (1 lecture, 3 lab hours) DI 190. Independent Study (1-5) F and S (See page 64) St< 7-39223 Hixson
Object Description
Title | 1961-62 General Catalog |
Creator | Fresno State College |
Format | PDF Document |
Date of publication | 1961-05 |
Subjects | California State University, Fresno. Curricula. Catalogs |
Object type | Document |
Location | Fresno, California |
Language | eng |
Title | Page 053 |
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Dl 53. Market Milk (3) F Pfluem 1. Poultry Production (3) F Hiuon
Prere<~uisites: D~ 11a-b o! ~~on of instructor .. Principles of mark~t ni Poultry production; brooding, rearing, laying flocks, feeding, and housing, (2 lecproducoon,
processmg and distnbuoon; modem processmg methods and eqrupmllite, 3 lab hours)
(2 lecture, 3 lab hours)
lli 31. Breed Characteri!!tica and Production Judging (2) F
Dl 54. Ice Cream Making (3) S Pflu · Prerequisite: PH 1. CharacteriStics of poultry breeds; origin and
Prerequisite: 01 53 or permission of instructor. Basic principles of formuhti)f breeds· production and exhibition judaing and breeder selection.
ice cream mixes; freezing and storage of ice cream, sherbets, and ices; mod!ab bolUS) o
HiD on
(1 lecture, 3
freezing, packaging, and storage facilities in the San Joaquin Valley. (2 lecture,!
lab hours) ~ S2, Poultry Feeding ( 3 ) S Hixson
Prerequisite: PH 1. Poultry feeds and application of principles of nutrition to
Dl 73. Dairy Plant Practice (3) Summer only Pflue ultry and turkey feeding. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours)
Open only to dairy indust:IY majors. Prerequisites: DH lla-b or permission~ instructor. Six weeks practical e.'Cperience or its equivalent in an approved dafH 34. Egg Processing and Marketing ( 3) S Hixson
processing plant. Written reports required. ' Principles, practices, and problems in processing and marketing shell eggs and
,.,_,_._ :gg products. (2 lecture, 3 !lab holliS; 1 Saturday field trip)
DI 103. Butter LYLOUUDS (3) F Pflu•
Prerequisite: Dl 53 or permission of instructor. Production, grading, and marl!H 161. Turkey Msnagement (') F Hixson
ing of cream for butter; manufactUre and marketing of butter; modern equipme Prerequisite: PH 32. Principles and practices in commercial production of turused
in manufacruring and packaging. (2 lecture. 3 lab hours) "ys for meat and in turkey breeding. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours; I Saturday field trip)
Dl 104. Cheese Making (3) S Pflu•IH 162. Poultry Management (3) S Hil |