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Chicano and Latin American Studies 448 2012-2013 California State University, Fresno General Catalog CLAS 107. Latino Dance (2; max total 4) Examination of origins, composition, and performance of various types of Chicano/La-tino music and dance: boleros, huapangos, cumbias, chachas, salsa; emphasis on con-temporary and cross-cultural infl uences in Chicano/Latino music-and-dance. CR/NC grading only. (Formerly CLS 107) CLAS 108. Chicano Theatre (1-3; repeatable up to 12 units) Production of Chicano Theatre for major performances. Comedia del Arte, Passion Plays, Theatre of the Absurd, Socially Popu-lar Theatre: Teatro Compesino. (Formerly CLS 108) CLAS 112. Pre-Hispanic Civilizations (3) Historical examination of the origins of the Maya-Aztec civilizations in Meso America until 1521. The values, social organization, religion and their daily lives, technological and scientifi c achievements will be examined. (Formerly CLS 112) CLAS 114. Mexico and the Southwest 1810-1910 (3) Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Examines the development of the Mexican nation from the Independence period to the Mexican Revolution (1810-1910). Spe-cial attention is given to the nineteenth-century Mexican-American and Chicano experience in the Southwest United States before the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848). G.E. Integration ID. FS SU (Formerly CLS 114) CLAS 115. Mexico-U.S. Relations Since 1910 (3) Historical perspective of the changing re-lationship between Mexico and the United States during the 20th century. Analysis of the Mexican Revolution, the Great Depres-sion, World War II, immigration, and their impact on Mexico-U.S. relations. Special emphasis on status of Mexicanos/Chicanos in the United States. (Formerly CLS 115) CLAS 116. Cultural Change and the Latino (3) Prerequisite: CLAS 5 for CLAS majors. Examines the growing complexity and di-versity of the Latino population in the U.S. by analyzing its cultural, political, social, and economic manifestations. Emphasizes its contribution to the development of a multicultural nation during the late twen-tieth century. S (Formerly CLS 116) CLAS 9. Chicano Artistic Expression (3) Introduction to Chicano artistic expression, with special attention to cultural continuity and change; the interrelationships between popular music, dance, drama, literature, and the graphic arts are analyzed. G.E. Breadth C1. FS (Formerly CLS 9) CLAS 30. Critical Thinking in Chicano and Latin American Studies (3) Distinguishes belief vs. knowledge and fact vs. opinion; examines relationship between language/logic in structuring around argu-ments; uses deductive/inductive reasoning; distinguishes and evaluates unsupported beliefs. Critical thinking skills are applied to topics concerning questions of race, ethnicity, gender, culture and class with a focus on Chicanos and Latin America. G.E. Foundation A3. FS (Formerly CLS 30) CLAS 42B. Introduction to Chicano- Latino Research Methods (3) Prerequisite: CLAS 42A or permission of instructor. Introduces students to basic research methodologies and theories per-taining to Chicano/Latino communities. Focuses on identifying specifi c areas in need of further research; locating and formulat-ing problems; basic techniques including methods of observation, gathering, and analysis of data; interpretation of data; access database programs; preparation of research paper. (Formerly CLS 180T sec-tion, CLS 42B) CLAS 70. Introduction to Latin American Studies (3) A basic overview of Latin America; its nations, history, problems, and realities. Discusses theoretical paradigms used to analyze Latin American issues. (Formerly CLS 70) CLAS 100. Chicano Literature (3) An interpretive analysis of written Chicano literature: poetry, drama, short story, novel, and essay. The relationship between litera-ture and a changing Chicano sociocultural environment is explored. (Formerly CLS 100) CLAS 106. Folkloric Dance (3; repeatable up to 12 units) History and performance of Mexican folk music and dance; Indian, African, Spanish, and European infl uences; contemporary relationships to Chicano culture. F (For-merly CLS 106) 173, 175; ECON 114, 178, 179, 181, 188T*; FL 125, 143, 145, 147, 148T*, 240T*; GEOG 170T, 188T*; HIST 145, 160, 162, 165, 166, 169T, 183; HUM 130; PHIL 132; PLSI 121, 126, 146T; WS 135 Total ................................................... 21 Minor Advising Notes *1. Special topics or directed reading courses must have subject matter dealing with Latin America, the Caribbean, or must focus on issues affecting those areas. 2. Courses taken to complete major re-quirements cannot be double-counted for the minor. 3. Courses taken to complete General Education Integration requirements can be double-counted for the minor. 4. Other acceptable courses can be sub-stituted to satisfy minor requirements with approval of your CLAS adviser. Credential Program for Liberal Studies Students The Bilingual Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) Emphasis program has replaced the Bilin-gual/ Cross-Cultural Credential program. BCLAD will authorize teachers to provide academic instruction to limited-English profi cient student in the primary language. See a CLAS adviser for specifi c details. COURSES Chicano and Latin American Studies (CLAS) CLAS 3. Introduction to Chicano/Latino Studies (3) Prerequisite: G.E. Foundation A2. Intro-duction to the historical and contemporary experiences of Chicanos and other Latinos in American society. Their contributions to the United States and their current economic, political, and social status are discussed. G.E. Breadth D3. FS (Formerly CLS 3) CLAS 5. Chicano Culture (3) Prerequisite: G.E. Foundation A2. A histori-cal examination of Chicano culture from the pre-Columbian period to the present. The customs, values, belief-systems, and their symbols are analyzed; important events and changes occurring through time are em-phasized. G.E. Breadth D3. FS (Formerly CLS 5)
Object Description
Title | 2012-13 General Catalog |
Creator | California State University, Fresno |
Format | PDF Document |
Date of publication | 2012-05 |
Subjects | California State University, Fresno. Curricula. Catalogs |
Object type | Document |
Location | Fresno, California |
Language | eng |
Title | Page 448 |
Full Text Search | Chicano and Latin American Studies 448 2012-2013 California State University, Fresno General Catalog CLAS 107. Latino Dance (2; max total 4) Examination of origins, composition, and performance of various types of Chicano/La-tino music and dance: boleros, huapangos, cumbias, chachas, salsa; emphasis on con-temporary and cross-cultural infl uences in Chicano/Latino music-and-dance. CR/NC grading only. (Formerly CLS 107) CLAS 108. Chicano Theatre (1-3; repeatable up to 12 units) Production of Chicano Theatre for major performances. Comedia del Arte, Passion Plays, Theatre of the Absurd, Socially Popu-lar Theatre: Teatro Compesino. (Formerly CLS 108) CLAS 112. Pre-Hispanic Civilizations (3) Historical examination of the origins of the Maya-Aztec civilizations in Meso America until 1521. The values, social organization, religion and their daily lives, technological and scientifi c achievements will be examined. (Formerly CLS 112) CLAS 114. Mexico and the Southwest 1810-1910 (3) Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Examines the development of the Mexican nation from the Independence period to the Mexican Revolution (1810-1910). Spe-cial attention is given to the nineteenth-century Mexican-American and Chicano experience in the Southwest United States before the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848). G.E. Integration ID. FS SU (Formerly CLS 114) CLAS 115. Mexico-U.S. Relations Since 1910 (3) Historical perspective of the changing re-lationship between Mexico and the United States during the 20th century. Analysis of the Mexican Revolution, the Great Depres-sion, World War II, immigration, and their impact on Mexico-U.S. relations. Special emphasis on status of Mexicanos/Chicanos in the United States. (Formerly CLS 115) CLAS 116. Cultural Change and the Latino (3) Prerequisite: CLAS 5 for CLAS majors. Examines the growing complexity and di-versity of the Latino population in the U.S. by analyzing its cultural, political, social, and economic manifestations. Emphasizes its contribution to the development of a multicultural nation during the late twen-tieth century. S (Formerly CLS 116) CLAS 9. Chicano Artistic Expression (3) Introduction to Chicano artistic expression, with special attention to cultural continuity and change; the interrelationships between popular music, dance, drama, literature, and the graphic arts are analyzed. G.E. Breadth C1. FS (Formerly CLS 9) CLAS 30. Critical Thinking in Chicano and Latin American Studies (3) Distinguishes belief vs. knowledge and fact vs. opinion; examines relationship between language/logic in structuring around argu-ments; uses deductive/inductive reasoning; distinguishes and evaluates unsupported beliefs. Critical thinking skills are applied to topics concerning questions of race, ethnicity, gender, culture and class with a focus on Chicanos and Latin America. G.E. Foundation A3. FS (Formerly CLS 30) CLAS 42B. Introduction to Chicano- Latino Research Methods (3) Prerequisite: CLAS 42A or permission of instructor. Introduces students to basic research methodologies and theories per-taining to Chicano/Latino communities. Focuses on identifying specifi c areas in need of further research; locating and formulat-ing problems; basic techniques including methods of observation, gathering, and analysis of data; interpretation of data; access database programs; preparation of research paper. (Formerly CLS 180T sec-tion, CLS 42B) CLAS 70. Introduction to Latin American Studies (3) A basic overview of Latin America; its nations, history, problems, and realities. Discusses theoretical paradigms used to analyze Latin American issues. (Formerly CLS 70) CLAS 100. Chicano Literature (3) An interpretive analysis of written Chicano literature: poetry, drama, short story, novel, and essay. The relationship between litera-ture and a changing Chicano sociocultural environment is explored. (Formerly CLS 100) CLAS 106. Folkloric Dance (3; repeatable up to 12 units) History and performance of Mexican folk music and dance; Indian, African, Spanish, and European infl uences; contemporary relationships to Chicano culture. F (For-merly CLS 106) 173, 175; ECON 114, 178, 179, 181, 188T*; FL 125, 143, 145, 147, 148T*, 240T*; GEOG 170T, 188T*; HIST 145, 160, 162, 165, 166, 169T, 183; HUM 130; PHIL 132; PLSI 121, 126, 146T; WS 135 Total ................................................... 21 Minor Advising Notes *1. Special topics or directed reading courses must have subject matter dealing with Latin America, the Caribbean, or must focus on issues affecting those areas. 2. Courses taken to complete major re-quirements cannot be double-counted for the minor. 3. Courses taken to complete General Education Integration requirements can be double-counted for the minor. 4. Other acceptable courses can be sub-stituted to satisfy minor requirements with approval of your CLAS adviser. Credential Program for Liberal Studies Students The Bilingual Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) Emphasis program has replaced the Bilin-gual/ Cross-Cultural Credential program. BCLAD will authorize teachers to provide academic instruction to limited-English profi cient student in the primary language. See a CLAS adviser for specifi c details. COURSES Chicano and Latin American Studies (CLAS) CLAS 3. Introduction to Chicano/Latino Studies (3) Prerequisite: G.E. Foundation A2. Intro-duction to the historical and contemporary experiences of Chicanos and other Latinos in American society. Their contributions to the United States and their current economic, political, and social status are discussed. G.E. Breadth D3. FS (Formerly CLS 3) CLAS 5. Chicano Culture (3) Prerequisite: G.E. Foundation A2. A histori-cal examination of Chicano culture from the pre-Columbian period to the present. The customs, values, belief-systems, and their symbols are analyzed; important events and changes occurring through time are em-phasized. G.E. Breadth D3. FS (Formerly CLS 5) |