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Agricultural Economics Agricultural Business Minor This minor field of study is principally designed for agricultural science and busi~ ness majors. Those students majoring in animal, plant, and food sciences may seek to complement their technical knowledge with competencies in agricultural business for professional advancement. Students majoring in one of the business degree options may anticipate staying in the San joaquin Valley where they will most likely become involved with and require an understanding of the agricultural sector as employees, clients, or customers of agribusiness firms. The minor also provides a foundation for graduate study in agricultural business or agricultural economics. You should consult with your faculty advisor in the Agricultural Economics Department to plan your program. The advisor and the department chair must approve the minor program of study before it can be certified by the school dean, filed with the Office of Evaluations, and recorded on your transcript. The minor consists of 24 units, of which equivalent courses are acceptable for 12 units. Units Core Requirements Intro Microeconomics: Ag Ec 1 3 Financial Accounting: Ag Ec 31 3 Financial Principles: Ag Ec 130 3 Organizational Behavior: Ag Ec 120 3 Production Operations: Ag Ec 110N/l1O or Ag Ec 124 3 Agricultural Marketing: Ag Ec 160 3 Government Policy: Ag Ec 150 3 Focus Elective 3 Agri Science Majors: Agri Economics (upper division) Business/Other Majors: Agei Science (Plant 105 recommended) Total 24 Advising Notes 1. University policy states that courses fulfilling requirements for a minor may be counted toward General Education (e.g., Ag Ec 1 or Econ 40 in BREADTH Division 8; Ag Ec 150 in CAPSTONE). 2. The department waives the CORE requirements of Ag Ec 1, 31, 130, and 120 for students who have already received credit for Econ 40, Acct 4A, 106 Fin 120, and Mgt 104 or 110 respectively. Such course waivers correspondingly reduce the unit requirement for the minor from the maximum of 24 to a possible 12 - the minimum allowable under the Title 5 code. This adjusbnent accommodates the university policy that "courses in a major cannot be applied toward a minor unless designated as 'additional requirements' to the major. II 3. Concerning the course selections to satisfy the production operations core requirement and the focus elective, consult with the minor advisor about which choices match your career plans. 4. All courses in the minor must be taken for a letter grade; CR/NC grading is not acceptable. S. Successful completion of this minor requires a 2.0GPA for all courses in the program and for all courses taken at California State University, Fresno. Notice of Discontinuance The Master of Science degree program in Agricultural Business has been discontinued. Students interested in the agricultural business elective area under the Master of Business Administration program should contact the Graduate Business Office at (209) 278-2107. Note: Active immunization against tetanus (available through ShIdent Health SerVices) is a prerequisite for registration in any laboratory course in agriculture and for any student employment on the University Farm. Note: Cost to the student of extended field trips will vary each semester depending upon itinerary. The shIdent should ask the course instructor. Economic Principles (Ag Ee) 1. Introductory Agricultural Economics (3) Microeconomic principles of resource allocation, production, cost analysis, and market price equilibrium with primary application to farms and agribusiness firms; supply and demand in commodity pricing under perfect and imperfect competition; survey of agricultural management and marketing problems and issues. General Education BREADTH, Division 8. 2. Agricultural Sector Analysis (3) Domestic and international forces affect~ ing industry profitability of farm input suppliers, agricultural producers, commodity processors, food marketers; government fiscal, monetary, trade policies interaction with agricultural credit, price support, food subsidy programs; impact on agribusiness asset values, debt accumulation, income levels. 100. Intermediate Agricultural Economics (3) PrereqUisites: Ag Ec 1 and intermediate algebra. Microeconornic theory of agricultural production in factor-product, factor-factor, product-product decisions; production costs and economies of size; consumer choice theory; price and output determination under imperfectly competitive markets; marginal productivity theory and the derived demand for agribusiness inputs. Farm Management (Ag Ee) nON. Introductory Farm Management (3) Prerequisite: Ag Ec 1. Survey course for non-agricultural business majors. Introduction to applied economics and farm business management topics: farm accounting, financial statement analysis, management principles, computer assisted decision aids, animal and crop enterprise budgeting, farm business planning, tax management, investment analysis, agricultural finance. (2 lechIre, 3 lab hours) (Computer lab fee, $15) no. Farm Management (3) PrereqUisite: Ag Ec 100. Production economics and management techniques for analysis of efficient farm resource use, planning and organization; analysis of budgeting and optimization techniques, and computer applications for developing farm management plans. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) (Computer lab fee, $15) n4. Advanced Farm Management (3) Prerequisite: Ag Ec 110. Design, computerization, and analysis of profit maximizing; cost minimizing and multiperiod linear programming models; risk and uncertainty; data and information requirements for decision making; optimizing the level and mix of crop livestock enterprises; development of farm management plans.
Object Description
Title | 1997-98 General Catalog |
Creator | California State University, Fresno |
Format | PDF Document |
Date of publication | 1997-05 |
Subjects | California State University, Fresno. Curricula. Catalogs |
Object type | Document |
Location | Fresno, California |
Language | eng |
Title | Page 106 |
Full Text Search | Agricultural Economics Agricultural Business Minor This minor field of study is principally designed for agricultural science and busi~ ness majors. Those students majoring in animal, plant, and food sciences may seek to complement their technical knowledge with competencies in agricultural business for professional advancement. Students majoring in one of the business degree options may anticipate staying in the San joaquin Valley where they will most likely become involved with and require an understanding of the agricultural sector as employees, clients, or customers of agribusiness firms. The minor also provides a foundation for graduate study in agricultural business or agricultural economics. You should consult with your faculty advisor in the Agricultural Economics Department to plan your program. The advisor and the department chair must approve the minor program of study before it can be certified by the school dean, filed with the Office of Evaluations, and recorded on your transcript. The minor consists of 24 units, of which equivalent courses are acceptable for 12 units. Units Core Requirements Intro Microeconomics: Ag Ec 1 3 Financial Accounting: Ag Ec 31 3 Financial Principles: Ag Ec 130 3 Organizational Behavior: Ag Ec 120 3 Production Operations: Ag Ec 110N/l1O or Ag Ec 124 3 Agricultural Marketing: Ag Ec 160 3 Government Policy: Ag Ec 150 3 Focus Elective 3 Agri Science Majors: Agri Economics (upper division) Business/Other Majors: Agei Science (Plant 105 recommended) Total 24 Advising Notes 1. University policy states that courses fulfilling requirements for a minor may be counted toward General Education (e.g., Ag Ec 1 or Econ 40 in BREADTH Division 8; Ag Ec 150 in CAPSTONE). 2. The department waives the CORE requirements of Ag Ec 1, 31, 130, and 120 for students who have already received credit for Econ 40, Acct 4A, 106 Fin 120, and Mgt 104 or 110 respectively. Such course waivers correspondingly reduce the unit requirement for the minor from the maximum of 24 to a possible 12 - the minimum allowable under the Title 5 code. This adjusbnent accommodates the university policy that "courses in a major cannot be applied toward a minor unless designated as 'additional requirements' to the major. II 3. Concerning the course selections to satisfy the production operations core requirement and the focus elective, consult with the minor advisor about which choices match your career plans. 4. All courses in the minor must be taken for a letter grade; CR/NC grading is not acceptable. S. Successful completion of this minor requires a 2.0GPA for all courses in the program and for all courses taken at California State University, Fresno. Notice of Discontinuance The Master of Science degree program in Agricultural Business has been discontinued. Students interested in the agricultural business elective area under the Master of Business Administration program should contact the Graduate Business Office at (209) 278-2107. Note: Active immunization against tetanus (available through ShIdent Health SerVices) is a prerequisite for registration in any laboratory course in agriculture and for any student employment on the University Farm. Note: Cost to the student of extended field trips will vary each semester depending upon itinerary. The shIdent should ask the course instructor. Economic Principles (Ag Ee) 1. Introductory Agricultural Economics (3) Microeconomic principles of resource allocation, production, cost analysis, and market price equilibrium with primary application to farms and agribusiness firms; supply and demand in commodity pricing under perfect and imperfect competition; survey of agricultural management and marketing problems and issues. General Education BREADTH, Division 8. 2. Agricultural Sector Analysis (3) Domestic and international forces affect~ ing industry profitability of farm input suppliers, agricultural producers, commodity processors, food marketers; government fiscal, monetary, trade policies interaction with agricultural credit, price support, food subsidy programs; impact on agribusiness asset values, debt accumulation, income levels. 100. Intermediate Agricultural Economics (3) PrereqUisites: Ag Ec 1 and intermediate algebra. Microeconornic theory of agricultural production in factor-product, factor-factor, product-product decisions; production costs and economies of size; consumer choice theory; price and output determination under imperfectly competitive markets; marginal productivity theory and the derived demand for agribusiness inputs. Farm Management (Ag Ee) nON. Introductory Farm Management (3) Prerequisite: Ag Ec 1. Survey course for non-agricultural business majors. Introduction to applied economics and farm business management topics: farm accounting, financial statement analysis, management principles, computer assisted decision aids, animal and crop enterprise budgeting, farm business planning, tax management, investment analysis, agricultural finance. (2 lechIre, 3 lab hours) (Computer lab fee, $15) no. Farm Management (3) PrereqUisite: Ag Ec 100. Production economics and management techniques for analysis of efficient farm resource use, planning and organization; analysis of budgeting and optimization techniques, and computer applications for developing farm management plans. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) (Computer lab fee, $15) n4. Advanced Farm Management (3) Prerequisite: Ag Ec 110. Design, computerization, and analysis of profit maximizing; cost minimizing and multiperiod linear programming models; risk and uncertainty; data and information requirements for decision making; optimizing the level and mix of crop livestock enterprises; development of farm management plans. |