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HOME ECONOMICS 307 133. History of Housing and Home Furnishings (3) Sociological, economic, geographic, and religious influences affecting design; co, ordination of period styies in the home. 137. Advanced Nutrition (3) Prerequisite: H Ec 40, Chern 2A-B, Bioi 2A. Metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; vitamins and minerals. (2 lecture, 2 lecture-lab hours) 138. Nutrition in Disease (2) Prerequisite: H Ec 137 or permission of instructor. Metabolism in disease and therapeutic diets. (2 2-hour lecture-labs) 139. Child Development Practicum (3) Prerequisite: H Ec 39 or permission of instructor. Application of principles of development 3nd guidance to specific situations in the child development laboratory. Directed observation and participation in guiding children in the nursery school; opporrunirie.~ tO work with parents. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) 140. Methods of Teaching Home Economics (3) Homemaking education in secondary schools; factors in teaching competence; observation in public schools. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours) 141. Institution Organization and Management (3) Organization and operation of institution food services; management principles; control, selection, and training of personnel; food cost control and records. 142. Quantity Cookery (3) Prerequisite: H Ec 10, 105, junior standing. Estimation of needed quantities; quantity food preparation and service; use and care of institution food service equipment. (2 lecture, 4 lab hours) 143. Institution Experience (3) Open only to dietetics majors. Prerequisite: H Ec 138, 141, 142. Supervised work experience in hospital dietary depamnents. (Lecture-lab hours arranged) 144. Marketing, Equipment and Plant Layout (3) Wholesale market functions and purchase of food for institutional use, factors determining quality and cost:; floor plans and layouts; materials, construction; specifications and maintenance of equipment, furniture, and furnishings for instirution food units. 152T. Topics in Home Management, Equipment, and Family Economics (1-3; max total 12 If no taplc repeated) Topics may include: community resources for effective home management; contemporary family economics; creative management and human potential; ecology of home management. 162T. Topics In Child Development and Family Relationships (1-3; max total 12 if If no topic repeated) Pren~quisirc: H Ec 39 and/or H Ec 131, Psych 7, Soc 1 or Anthro 2, permission of instructor. Topics may include: interpersonal relationships within the family; family life education; family crises; child study; creative experiences; comparative child-rearing prncciccs. 172T. Topics in Housing and Home Furnishings (1-3; max total 12 If no tapic repeated) Pre.requisite: H .Ec 38 and permission of instructor. Topics inay include: contemporary housing and home furnishings, home furnishings practicum, family housing cross-cultural housing.
Object Description
Title | 1968-69 General Catalog |
Creator | Fresno State College |
Format | PDF Document |
Date of publication | 1968-05 |
Subjects | California State University, Fresno. Curricula. Catalogs |
Object type | Document |
Location | Fresno, California |
Language | eng |
Title | Page 307 |
Full Text Search | HOME ECONOMICS 307 133. History of Housing and Home Furnishings (3) Sociological, economic, geographic, and religious influences affecting design; co, ordination of period styies in the home. 137. Advanced Nutrition (3) Prerequisite: H Ec 40, Chern 2A-B, Bioi 2A. Metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; vitamins and minerals. (2 lecture, 2 lecture-lab hours) 138. Nutrition in Disease (2) Prerequisite: H Ec 137 or permission of instructor. Metabolism in disease and therapeutic diets. (2 2-hour lecture-labs) 139. Child Development Practicum (3) Prerequisite: H Ec 39 or permission of instructor. Application of principles of development 3nd guidance to specific situations in the child development laboratory. Directed observation and participation in guiding children in the nursery school; opporrunirie.~ tO work with parents. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours) 140. Methods of Teaching Home Economics (3) Homemaking education in secondary schools; factors in teaching competence; observation in public schools. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours) 141. Institution Organization and Management (3) Organization and operation of institution food services; management principles; control, selection, and training of personnel; food cost control and records. 142. Quantity Cookery (3) Prerequisite: H Ec 10, 105, junior standing. Estimation of needed quantities; quantity food preparation and service; use and care of institution food service equipment. (2 lecture, 4 lab hours) 143. Institution Experience (3) Open only to dietetics majors. Prerequisite: H Ec 138, 141, 142. Supervised work experience in hospital dietary depamnents. (Lecture-lab hours arranged) 144. Marketing, Equipment and Plant Layout (3) Wholesale market functions and purchase of food for institutional use, factors determining quality and cost:; floor plans and layouts; materials, construction; specifications and maintenance of equipment, furniture, and furnishings for instirution food units. 152T. Topics in Home Management, Equipment, and Family Economics (1-3; max total 12 If no taplc repeated) Topics may include: community resources for effective home management; contemporary family economics; creative management and human potential; ecology of home management. 162T. Topics In Child Development and Family Relationships (1-3; max total 12 if If no topic repeated) Pren~quisirc: H Ec 39 and/or H Ec 131, Psych 7, Soc 1 or Anthro 2, permission of instructor. Topics may include: interpersonal relationships within the family; family life education; family crises; child study; creative experiences; comparative child-rearing prncciccs. 172T. Topics in Housing and Home Furnishings (1-3; max total 12 If no tapic repeated) Pre.requisite: H .Ec 38 and permission of instructor. Topics inay include: contemporary housing and home furnishings, home furnishings practicum, family housing cross-cultural housing. |