004_Insight Mar 06 1996 p 4 |
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Sports MARCH 6,1996 Road proves rocky for 'Dogs by Tyler A. Takeda Staff Writer The Calilorn aStatcUniv crsitv Fresno Wome i\ basketball let heads to the We siern Athleti Confc The Bulldogs faccCalifot ma St; University. Sa i Diego in the fi round <>f the t< imianient M irch ' in Albuquerqu NM. Fresno Stat c lost to Ih A/te March I. In l« home games il"" year. I Bulldogs arc-9- 4.' focused, intense and prepared." Wunder said. "We've had a tendency io fall behind early, and it's hard to catch up on the road." Thc Bulldogs average 57.9 points- per-game as visitors and have been outseored by an average of 14.4 points on the road. Comparatively. Fresno State averages 68.3 points at home and ha've n by an average of 9.5 points-per- gai "Last year, we played a lot of our ames on the road early in pre-sea- on and won a lot of those." Wunder diHerein story, "This vear we haven't had the same lhc Does arc MO on the road luck." she said. "We have a lot of new. this season They've endured hos young players." tile environments like Colorado ()ne ol lhc reasons lhal the team has Slale. in from of 5.200 Rams fans done well in Fresno — the home court or New Mexico, in front of 2.800 advantage. fans "We practice in [the North Gvm| The Bulldogs plaved their last three every dav." Wunder said. "When we games ol thc season away from are at home, we have the crowd be Fresno, against two of ihe top three hind us and we plav harder. teams in lhc Western Athletic Confer "The intensity is there because you ence arc in from of vout own people." she Their only victor) came on this said. sv, ing a 65-60 \\ in over Brigham Ihe North Gym. which averages Young University Ich 22 about 550 Red Wavers at each game. loi the Ills! lime awav from home. is in contrast to the bicger arena-sized lhc liulldoes out.-rebounded an oppo crowds around the WAC. nent. "An arena has a much different The Does did this without stan atmosphere." Wunder said. "A dif nic center Tanisha Huddleston and lop ferent shooting atmosphere, in a reserve Fori Brown. Thev were sus sense lhal you don't have walls be pended indefinite*) for breaking team hind you." rules. "It is a bit harder to get up for a This vear. ihe Bulldogs have been game and lo have the same intensity.*' nut-rebounded 4.V4 to 33 outside the Wunder said about road games. North Gym. The Bulldogs normallv travel for (loach Linda Wunder said the team four or five days for their road is trvine lo find ;yi answer to their games. road troubles. "That is a long time to be gone." Photo courtesy Sports Information The next test for the Women's Basketball team and Jessie Farias, left, is the Western Athletic Conference tournament, on March 6-9. Wunder said that a team has to be or 5.0fX) people, mentallv lough, prepared and ready "It shouldn't make a difference." to go whether it is playing before 500 she said. Gender equity big priority for Bohl by John Rizzotti Staff Writer California Stale t'Diversity. Fresno's lew Athletic Director. Dr. Allen Bohl. 'I.ins on making a big splash while idineomhe Red Wave. Bohl. named Fresno Stales new ath- ciic director by President John Welty n January, is currently athletic direc- or al lhc I ui\ crsitv of Toledo in Ohio Boh! will officially succeed Gary Cunningham, who left last August io ic director at the Uni- •rsity ol Santa Barbara. Since August. Nice President of ad- ' Ben Quillian has been as bo interim alhlel Jeanmne Raymond, director of institutional research, planning and as- sessmem. chaired Ihe nine-person committee responsible for locating the new athletic director. The search committee received 50 Bohl was chosen over Ihree other finalists: Mike Alden, associate athletic director at New Mexico: Charles Harris, former athletic director at Arizona and Ken Schweitzer, the Air Force ROTC athletic director at Fresno State. "All lour applicants were very strong conmulers for the director's pa loud s; all Before the lour were n interviews, numerous meetings were held with senior administration members and the search committee. The committee consisted of two faculty members, the faculty NCAA representative. Quillian. Fresno State golf Coach Mike Watney. two students, the physical education department chair and Pal Ogle, president of the Bulldog Foundation. The committee could reject all the applicants or select a subset of any to forward to Dr. Welty. "It was nol our job lo pick the person we thought was best." Raymond said, "or to rank them in any type of order. The appointment was made solely by Dr. Welty." Bohl served as assistant director of athletics at the Ohio Stale University from 1984 until his appointment as athletic director at the University ol Toledo in 1987. He has received numerous awards during his career in administration. In 1972. he won Airman of the Year from Kessler Air Force Base in Bilmi. Miss. The United States Jaycces selected Bohl as Outstanding Young Man of America in 1979. He received his bachelor's degree in mathematics from Bowling Green Universiiyin 1970. a master's in education from Southern Mississippi University in 1973 and a Ph.D. in physical education with emphasis on administration from Ohio State in W8. Bohl noted that the national reputation of our president weighed heavily in his decision to join thc Fresno Stale athletic department. "I was extremely honored when Dr. Welly contacted me about the position." Bohl said. "Everyone I talked Fresno Stale was offering ihe best job on the west "My areas of concern will fo cus on restniciur- ing academics among our alh- Fresno State."" Bohl said. "I will per- sonallv make il a high priority for making Title IX more understood among our athletic stalls." Bohl is known for attendance improvements for Toledo's sports and inereasetrseason ticket sales. Fresno Stale President John Welty said. "Dr. Bohl has a proven national record of accomplishments in leading a Division I program at Toledo. "I would R d admin Al Bohl with gendc uity and Title IX and improving our standing in the NCAA." Bohl said. Bohl. who dealt extensively with Title IX at Toledo, plans to correct any actions afflicting Fresno State. At roughly the same time as Fresno State. Toledo also had to address Title IX legislation. "I plan on working very closely with all the coaches to prov ide more opportunities for women's sports at s between all the coaches [ration when Bohl starts his position." Welty said. Quillian believes Bohl will be an asset to Fresno State by bringing a proper mix of human relations skills, knowledge of athletics and an extensive fund-raising background. Quillian said lhat during his tenure as athletic director, he built bridges between athletics and the academic community as a whole. "Bohl will have to pick up where I left off — keep addressing Title IX issues, the opening of ihe new soft- ball stadium and keep information How ing from the administration lo the coaching staff." Quillian said. y v>*- Restaurant/Bar ** v* Finally, a restaurant in Fresno with the authentic Mexican flavor! Our 2 for 1 Combo Specials every EL LAGO bar offers Tuesday (except cocktails) HAPPY HOUR M-F from 5-7 p.m. OPEN FROM 11 n m..TO 11 p.m. M-F * Sunday 11am.- 2 p.m. EHEE ManudollII II..-. Tuojomne (at the corner of-F- St.) • Fresno 49^0813 */ KMIHKV * *■"■". a 'f Welcomes all new Indonesian Student at CSUF it Please join us for all activities v- For more Information Call Devi at 229-923© or Tina at 322-1109 i THE 8E& NEW RESTAURANT IN TOWN IS RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET.' LUNCH SOUP i ft SALAD BAR i * plus... i All you can eat hufTet . International dishes Organic bakery. Deli I Desserts and more! I Scare Your Neighbors! Dolby Pro-Logic Receiver Many Features! DenonAVR-2000 $500.00 OBC Really Loud Call Jesse @ 432-2333 presents Tit Incredible Trie Hveilire Of t Girls ii Live MIGHT! 3:PM/ 7:PM Mayor, from page 1 mutate ■ pI itn. That report resulted in the mutter being put on the ballot. On April 27. 1993. Fresno citizens approved a charier amendment lo implement the change with a 67 per- "A lot of people fell Fresno was leni and needed stronger leadership." California State University. Fresno, political science Professor David Pro- t came out. "Fresno has doubled in si/e. increased in diversit) of interests.** Humphrey said. "It has been under great growth pressure and I think il was time to create the opportunity for a more clear line of accountability. There are very lew cities over a quarter-million with a council-manager system." ' Philip Beach. Fresno State political science department chair, said there may be difficulties with the new "A strong mayor makes it clear who is accountable." Beach said. "But of course, there's alw ays the danger that the mayor will hire [a city manager] he gels along with instead of someone who can do the job. "Instead of being responsible to seven people, he'll be responsible to one. Which sounds easier, but he COUkl just wind up beine a flunky of the mayor." he said. Fresno City Charter, section 701. deals with ihe qualifications of the It states: "The Chief Administrative Officer shall be appointed solely on the basis ot his executive experience with special reference to his actual experience in or his knowledge of accepted practice in respect to the duties of his office as hereinafter set forth." This section help At this point, il is fecto lhc perils manager by the ire will be qualified. I is still unclear how s position will be af- "Everj day. we get a little more clear as to w hat the city manager will do." Quesada said. Technically, the little stull probably won't be affected that much It's ihe big stuff, the direction we're going, that's important." However, a sharp drop in salary is expected, corresponding to the decreased authority of the position. City Manager Michael Bierman currently makes SI20.000 annually. Accordingly, the mayor earns $57,270. With the new system, the mayor's salary will jump to $99,300. Another change will be the election of a council president, who will preside over meetings. The person se- lecled will make $49,650. compared Othe! U 2()s ollici This new position will be put into the city charter. The reorganization will alter the structure of city government "It changes the relationship (between lhc mavoi and ciiv manager]." Quesada said' "If the mayor is willing to delegate. then the city manager may carve out a significant role in city government," Beach said. Humphrey explained that Fresno needs strongct help w ith the v "The currei n the c .eihe> l.inagei difficult he or she needs to o "Without a city manager, the mayor gels buried in paperwork. We cannot have a mayor in Fresno who spends their time hiring and firing and doing the nitty gritties of government. "One ol the best aspects of the new system is the mayor no longer has to be involved in the day-to-day issues of the council." Humphrey said. "I would estimate the mayor spends 30 to 40 percent of his time in the council. Therefore, really cutting into leadership priorities. "It |strong mayor] is a system a lot more comparable to the presidency or the governorship." she said. However. Humphrey said. Ihe increased power and prestige associated w ith the position that is luring candidates will decline in power after the ir lake office "There's a romantic aura to the position." she said. "But a couple of months down the road, ihey' II realize it's not that romantic." ,_ Fresno's primary election year is March 26. It was moved up to consolidate with California's presidential election, saving $400,000. If no candidate wins more than 50 percent of the vote, then the top two will run in the Nov. 5 general election. Humphrey believes government should be reviewed every 20years 10 see if (he system in place is adequately serving the city. "What works in one era may not work in another." she- said. Beach warned lhal Fresno residents should nol see this as a rented) to cure the ills of the city. "I think people think this will make government cheaper and more efficient." Beach said. "But I don't know if that's necessarily the case." Humphrey agreed. "I think what's important for people to remember is there is no silver bullet in these times." she said "People who expect il to be magic and solve everything will be verv disappointed. "fhis is not the end-all and be-all of city government. It will still be necessary, perhaps more than ever, lor voters to assess the character and abilities of those who seek that office." she said. Provost said there could be some problems with the strong may or form. "They're hoping the quality of government will improve, and as government improves, prosperity will fbl- saul "Il n ind the i Fresnans should nol expect diate results. "It's an incrementally belter > than we have." Humphrey sa will need to be reviewed am tuned over the years." "Time may be a bigger lav changing things than rcorganiz; Beach said. CATHOLIC STUDENTS ASSOCIATION FREE DINNERS FOR BODY AND SOUL: every Wed. 6:30 pm FAITH REFLECTIONS: every Wed. 7:30 pm SOCIALS: T.B.A. STUDENT MASS: Sundays 8 pm VOLUNTEER TO HELP YOUR COMMUNITY ■t: St. Paul Newman Center for more Information call: 1572 E. Barstow Ave. SUZY ORTEZ (Across from Bulldog Stadium) 436-3431 .V ^linMAT/ffj/ March 5 • LAURIE KILMARTIN • CATHY SORBO • SABRINA MATTHEWS ^FREE!^ showtime-7 :30p.m. carl's jr. cafe
Object Description
Title | 1996_03 Insight March 1966 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Dept. of Journalism, California State University, Fresno. |
Publication Date | 1996 |
Description | Weekly during the school year. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 8 1969-v. 29, no. 23 (May 13, 1998, issue. Title from masthead. Merged with Daily collegian. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodials |
Contributors | California State University, Fresno Dept. of Journalism |
Coverage | October 8, 1969 - May 13, 1998 |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi, TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | 004_Insight Mar 06 1996 p 4 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publication Date | 1996 |
Full-Text-Search | Sports MARCH 6,1996 Road proves rocky for 'Dogs by Tyler A. Takeda Staff Writer The Calilorn aStatcUniv crsitv Fresno Wome i\ basketball let heads to the We siern Athleti Confc The Bulldogs faccCalifot ma St; University. Sa i Diego in the fi round <>f the t< imianient M irch ' in Albuquerqu NM. Fresno Stat c lost to Ih A/te March I. In l« home games il"" year. I Bulldogs arc-9- 4.' focused, intense and prepared." Wunder said. "We've had a tendency io fall behind early, and it's hard to catch up on the road." Thc Bulldogs average 57.9 points- per-game as visitors and have been outseored by an average of 14.4 points on the road. Comparatively. Fresno State averages 68.3 points at home and ha've n by an average of 9.5 points-per- gai "Last year, we played a lot of our ames on the road early in pre-sea- on and won a lot of those." Wunder diHerein story, "This vear we haven't had the same lhc Does arc MO on the road luck." she said. "We have a lot of new. this season They've endured hos young players." tile environments like Colorado ()ne ol lhc reasons lhal the team has Slale. in from of 5.200 Rams fans done well in Fresno — the home court or New Mexico, in front of 2.800 advantage. fans "We practice in [the North Gvm| The Bulldogs plaved their last three every dav." Wunder said. "When we games ol thc season away from are at home, we have the crowd be Fresno, against two of ihe top three hind us and we plav harder. teams in lhc Western Athletic Confer "The intensity is there because you ence arc in from of vout own people." she Their only victor) came on this said. sv, ing a 65-60 \\ in over Brigham Ihe North Gym. which averages Young University Ich 22 about 550 Red Wavers at each game. loi the Ills! lime awav from home. is in contrast to the bicger arena-sized lhc liulldoes out.-rebounded an oppo crowds around the WAC. nent. "An arena has a much different The Does did this without stan atmosphere." Wunder said. "A dif nic center Tanisha Huddleston and lop ferent shooting atmosphere, in a reserve Fori Brown. Thev were sus sense lhal you don't have walls be pended indefinite*) for breaking team hind you." rules. "It is a bit harder to get up for a This vear. ihe Bulldogs have been game and lo have the same intensity.*' nut-rebounded 4.V4 to 33 outside the Wunder said about road games. North Gym. The Bulldogs normallv travel for (loach Linda Wunder said the team four or five days for their road is trvine lo find ;yi answer to their games. road troubles. "That is a long time to be gone." Photo courtesy Sports Information The next test for the Women's Basketball team and Jessie Farias, left, is the Western Athletic Conference tournament, on March 6-9. Wunder said that a team has to be or 5.0fX) people, mentallv lough, prepared and ready "It shouldn't make a difference." to go whether it is playing before 500 she said. Gender equity big priority for Bohl by John Rizzotti Staff Writer California Stale t'Diversity. Fresno's lew Athletic Director. Dr. Allen Bohl. 'I.ins on making a big splash while idineomhe Red Wave. Bohl. named Fresno Stales new ath- ciic director by President John Welty n January, is currently athletic direc- or al lhc I ui\ crsitv of Toledo in Ohio Boh! will officially succeed Gary Cunningham, who left last August io ic director at the Uni- •rsity ol Santa Barbara. Since August. Nice President of ad- ' Ben Quillian has been as bo interim alhlel Jeanmne Raymond, director of institutional research, planning and as- sessmem. chaired Ihe nine-person committee responsible for locating the new athletic director. The search committee received 50 Bohl was chosen over Ihree other finalists: Mike Alden, associate athletic director at New Mexico: Charles Harris, former athletic director at Arizona and Ken Schweitzer, the Air Force ROTC athletic director at Fresno State. "All lour applicants were very strong conmulers for the director's pa loud s; all Before the lour were n interviews, numerous meetings were held with senior administration members and the search committee. The committee consisted of two faculty members, the faculty NCAA representative. Quillian. Fresno State golf Coach Mike Watney. two students, the physical education department chair and Pal Ogle, president of the Bulldog Foundation. The committee could reject all the applicants or select a subset of any to forward to Dr. Welty. "It was nol our job lo pick the person we thought was best." Raymond said, "or to rank them in any type of order. The appointment was made solely by Dr. Welty." Bohl served as assistant director of athletics at the Ohio Stale University from 1984 until his appointment as athletic director at the University ol Toledo in 1987. He has received numerous awards during his career in administration. In 1972. he won Airman of the Year from Kessler Air Force Base in Bilmi. Miss. The United States Jaycces selected Bohl as Outstanding Young Man of America in 1979. He received his bachelor's degree in mathematics from Bowling Green Universiiyin 1970. a master's in education from Southern Mississippi University in 1973 and a Ph.D. in physical education with emphasis on administration from Ohio State in W8. Bohl noted that the national reputation of our president weighed heavily in his decision to join thc Fresno Stale athletic department. "I was extremely honored when Dr. Welly contacted me about the position." Bohl said. "Everyone I talked Fresno Stale was offering ihe best job on the west "My areas of concern will fo cus on restniciur- ing academics among our alh- Fresno State."" Bohl said. "I will per- sonallv make il a high priority for making Title IX more understood among our athletic stalls." Bohl is known for attendance improvements for Toledo's sports and inereasetrseason ticket sales. Fresno Stale President John Welty said. "Dr. Bohl has a proven national record of accomplishments in leading a Division I program at Toledo. "I would R d admin Al Bohl with gendc uity and Title IX and improving our standing in the NCAA." Bohl said. Bohl. who dealt extensively with Title IX at Toledo, plans to correct any actions afflicting Fresno State. At roughly the same time as Fresno State. Toledo also had to address Title IX legislation. "I plan on working very closely with all the coaches to prov ide more opportunities for women's sports at s between all the coaches [ration when Bohl starts his position." Welty said. Quillian believes Bohl will be an asset to Fresno State by bringing a proper mix of human relations skills, knowledge of athletics and an extensive fund-raising background. Quillian said lhat during his tenure as athletic director, he built bridges between athletics and the academic community as a whole. "Bohl will have to pick up where I left off — keep addressing Title IX issues, the opening of ihe new soft- ball stadium and keep information How ing from the administration lo the coaching staff." Quillian said. y v>*- Restaurant/Bar ** v* Finally, a restaurant in Fresno with the authentic Mexican flavor! Our 2 for 1 Combo Specials every EL LAGO bar offers Tuesday (except cocktails) HAPPY HOUR M-F from 5-7 p.m. OPEN FROM 11 n m..TO 11 p.m. M-F * Sunday 11am.- 2 p.m. EHEE ManudollII II..-. Tuojomne (at the corner of-F- St.) • Fresno 49^0813 */ KMIHKV * *■"■". a 'f Welcomes all new Indonesian Student at CSUF it Please join us for all activities v- For more Information Call Devi at 229-923© or Tina at 322-1109 i THE 8E& NEW RESTAURANT IN TOWN IS RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET.' LUNCH SOUP i ft SALAD BAR i * plus... i All you can eat hufTet . International dishes Organic bakery. Deli I Desserts and more! I Scare Your Neighbors! Dolby Pro-Logic Receiver Many Features! DenonAVR-2000 $500.00 OBC Really Loud Call Jesse @ 432-2333 presents Tit Incredible Trie Hveilire Of t Girls ii Live MIGHT! 3:PM/ 7:PM Mayor, from page 1 mutate ■ pI itn. That report resulted in the mutter being put on the ballot. On April 27. 1993. Fresno citizens approved a charier amendment lo implement the change with a 67 per- "A lot of people fell Fresno was leni and needed stronger leadership." California State University. Fresno, political science Professor David Pro- t came out. "Fresno has doubled in si/e. increased in diversit) of interests.** Humphrey said. "It has been under great growth pressure and I think il was time to create the opportunity for a more clear line of accountability. There are very lew cities over a quarter-million with a council-manager system." ' Philip Beach. Fresno State political science department chair, said there may be difficulties with the new "A strong mayor makes it clear who is accountable." Beach said. "But of course, there's alw ays the danger that the mayor will hire [a city manager] he gels along with instead of someone who can do the job. "Instead of being responsible to seven people, he'll be responsible to one. Which sounds easier, but he COUkl just wind up beine a flunky of the mayor." he said. Fresno City Charter, section 701. deals with ihe qualifications of the It states: "The Chief Administrative Officer shall be appointed solely on the basis ot his executive experience with special reference to his actual experience in or his knowledge of accepted practice in respect to the duties of his office as hereinafter set forth." This section help At this point, il is fecto lhc perils manager by the ire will be qualified. I is still unclear how s position will be af- "Everj day. we get a little more clear as to w hat the city manager will do." Quesada said. Technically, the little stull probably won't be affected that much It's ihe big stuff, the direction we're going, that's important." However, a sharp drop in salary is expected, corresponding to the decreased authority of the position. City Manager Michael Bierman currently makes SI20.000 annually. Accordingly, the mayor earns $57,270. With the new system, the mayor's salary will jump to $99,300. Another change will be the election of a council president, who will preside over meetings. The person se- lecled will make $49,650. compared Othe! U 2()s ollici This new position will be put into the city charter. The reorganization will alter the structure of city government "It changes the relationship (between lhc mavoi and ciiv manager]." Quesada said' "If the mayor is willing to delegate. then the city manager may carve out a significant role in city government," Beach said. Humphrey explained that Fresno needs strongct help w ith the v "The currei n the c .eihe> l.inagei difficult he or she needs to o "Without a city manager, the mayor gels buried in paperwork. We cannot have a mayor in Fresno who spends their time hiring and firing and doing the nitty gritties of government. "One ol the best aspects of the new system is the mayor no longer has to be involved in the day-to-day issues of the council." Humphrey said. "I would estimate the mayor spends 30 to 40 percent of his time in the council. Therefore, really cutting into leadership priorities. "It |strong mayor] is a system a lot more comparable to the presidency or the governorship." she said. However. Humphrey said. Ihe increased power and prestige associated w ith the position that is luring candidates will decline in power after the ir lake office "There's a romantic aura to the position." she said. "But a couple of months down the road, ihey' II realize it's not that romantic." ,_ Fresno's primary election year is March 26. It was moved up to consolidate with California's presidential election, saving $400,000. If no candidate wins more than 50 percent of the vote, then the top two will run in the Nov. 5 general election. Humphrey believes government should be reviewed every 20years 10 see if (he system in place is adequately serving the city. "What works in one era may not work in another." she- said. Beach warned lhal Fresno residents should nol see this as a rented) to cure the ills of the city. "I think people think this will make government cheaper and more efficient." Beach said. "But I don't know if that's necessarily the case." Humphrey agreed. "I think what's important for people to remember is there is no silver bullet in these times." she said "People who expect il to be magic and solve everything will be verv disappointed. "fhis is not the end-all and be-all of city government. It will still be necessary, perhaps more than ever, lor voters to assess the character and abilities of those who seek that office." she said. Provost said there could be some problems with the strong may or form. "They're hoping the quality of government will improve, and as government improves, prosperity will fbl- saul "Il n ind the i Fresnans should nol expect diate results. "It's an incrementally belter > than we have." Humphrey sa will need to be reviewed am tuned over the years." "Time may be a bigger lav changing things than rcorganiz; Beach said. CATHOLIC STUDENTS ASSOCIATION FREE DINNERS FOR BODY AND SOUL: every Wed. 6:30 pm FAITH REFLECTIONS: every Wed. 7:30 pm SOCIALS: T.B.A. STUDENT MASS: Sundays 8 pm VOLUNTEER TO HELP YOUR COMMUNITY ■t: St. Paul Newman Center for more Information call: 1572 E. Barstow Ave. SUZY ORTEZ (Across from Bulldog Stadium) 436-3431 .V ^linMAT/ffj/ March 5 • LAURIE KILMARTIN • CATHY SORBO • SABRINA MATTHEWS ^FREE!^ showtime-7 :30p.m. carl's jr. cafe |