003_September 13 1995 p 3 |
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SEPTEMBER 13,1995 Lifestyle Peace eludes apartments dwellers l>y Jennifer L.D« Thump. Thump. Thump. Rosa Armenia is try ing lostui Hut tbe iiiusic from tbeapartnii pighhiws arc asked lo tuni »k down "Ihev still base in il.cv lower il* men you ..i ihe b..ss through lhc ugh Armenia svishes he. n concern when she chose ntcd." Ball... aiiapaitnic I ike \rn i. iii.nis siudcnis uho hve neat lhc Fresno Stale campus complain aboul problems like noise leyclsand high rent iiul ibex olicii s;i\ thai ihe convenience ot lis me near campus is vvurth the e tenants are told to quiet down Duati Avila. a resident ul the Il ihev ait told more than two Bulldogs, said one <>' lhc draw .they a given a strict warning, and backs of living in ihe Bulldogs is complex's 250 units are rcnleil to stu- iben eviction paperwork can be the rein dents Ihe complex is located off started." Galvani said. "Most of the ten- "Thc rem is loo expensive." he Ceil.a Avenue, and has entrances on ants comply once they're written up" said bolh Cedar and Barstow to the north- North Park Apartments, located on Despite his views on lhc rem. west ol campus Shaw Avenue between Maple and Avila. who pays SMS a month IVu Bullard said lhai ihe policy on noise Woodrow Avenues, is one complex his share "I .i two-bedroom unit. in Ihe complex depends on who your that emphasizes a quiet atmosphere has lived in the complex lot three neighbors are. "the philosophy being lor students, families and working years "It's eonvenieni. it's close lti.it il you are bothering someone adults. to school and it's partialis lur- else. than sou have lo calm il down." Teresa Shankel. office supers isor at nished.' he s.ml Marcus Bryant. 22. is a physical North Park, said that the complex is John Zieglcr. 22. a neighbor of education majoi vv ho In es in the (all vctv clear about the noise restrictions Av ila'v agrees that the rent is high loiiuaii Apartments upon renting the units. "It's completelj and utterly pre- ."I've been lis ing here for three "Wc tell ihc students that if thes are posterOus." hc said seals. Bis.ml said At the time he planning oil being real loud, then not But he enjoys Ihe social almo- inoved to ihe Calil'ornian he didn'l to move in here, "she said. "We tell stu- sphere 'Everybody comes lo the haxe a car. so it was important for him dents this even when we show the Bulldogs. This is the best place for units." Only about half of the complex's social reasons," Zieglei said 462 units are rented to students Gar/a. the manager, said lhai in Victor Jimenez. 20. a physical edu- order to have a party at the Bull- cation major, has been living at North dogs, tenants must request a "parts Park for a month. Hc prefers ihc,quici permit." and agree to keep lhc nature of the complex. parts lo lewer than 10 people "It's close to school." said Jimenez. The) get one w anting il the) ..re uho has three roommates. loo loud, and Ihc second lime the) .uise il son live with a Jimenez said he is planning on slay- have 10 slop." Gar/a said "One it's a lol cheaper." he said ing ul North Park for the entire schixil warning is fair enough." y> (he nature ol the com- scar. Zieglcr said that his neighbors Bulldog Lane Village, on thc cor- are tolerant vv hen hc and his room- •r of Cedar Avenue and Bulldog mates have parties because thes us and in- he s.ml But noise can often be heard I ane.offers tenants individual leases, have social gatherings, too i-as j d front the fonthalI stadium or fralcr.- even lor shared units. "We al] put up with each other." l(s|. and mis and sorority houses across ihe "They are not liable il anybody walks he said Security has been veis tea- street on Bulldog Lane. Ive s:iid oul on their contract." Office Manager sonablc about lhc number ol vr of ihc Vince Galvani. the acting nwnaget Khonda Garza said "They're only Ii- people allowed during a partv hal rents at the Calilomian. said that the night able lor their own contract." ' *They might ask you lo have ev ■ with loi a nme securils patrol Issues warnings Gar/a said that the individual rents crsone go inside." he said. "As 5 a mouth u> loud tenants range from $253SO a month to $507. long as it's not outrageous.' Tl!^ Bryant pa; I ihink n should K plex has changed in ihe years thai he lis real quiet now." Fresno: nowhere, everywhere I bj Soul Vang shivkmgaiulhardtooscrcomc New explore the wonders surrounding the world's largest i middle oi nowhere In all directions, tin around lot hundred In and ol itself, ibis hall a million people i< the wonders surrounding the world's largest , •el iionicstvk lor ihe Fresno. things." ways, the shouts and Just a lew hours cast of Fresno are Another won ihbors in ciouded in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, home National Park." eu ihc u.uls ol police to majestic cliffs, lakes, rivers and yons wilh towel div cutting through all forests. less lakes, wai Yosemite National Park is the jewel meadows." suit i hand, some new in ihe Siena Nevada crown of won- To the west. iv - der. "Cascades ul' grand and maji .•Iting water teresling plat and easily. he. al.e, moving Yosemite IS 3 WOrk Of 'J^ral alpine gar- lo Fresno, com- f . , dens and crovesol parableloescap- nature, formed by Giant Sequoias ing from a prison massive glaciers many m«*e Yosemite a ihc'renS'va;' thousands of years lev can bring an agO. ease to the spirit _____ _ ami a calmness to See TRAVEL, page 5 Students travel down under to learn reality bj L'andace (line tilth trip to New Zealand rhi- spring. Staff wniei are understandably enthusiastic about theprogram I*k:s l-resnos wintei fog gel you One ol the opportunities unique to down' the South Pacific Se lo, about S5.000vou ^ mestci 1- a close look jf0 ifm Ii—ivii: "tlil- lev weather and -^^H___K ===^^BB^ hie On Omheus N e plcle the spring / ;—-■ k—-^p land. 111 thc middle A ^V __kd__h k-',-'! _JH ^L -P^_J The a\W rt ^^^L South Pacifit Semestci ^W J V -roup can ■ •Hers students the oppor- " m ^ also 1 peel to en- mints 10 complete M counter crocodiles. courscwork in biology A r kiwis, hedgehogs .md utogx andarthistorv while _| s. even penguins traveling through ^f The three-and-a-half- ^________^ — _ monlh trip includes ex cales m New tracurni.ul.ir, activities Zealand and \usiralia sui.h as swimming with wild dolphins It brines reality into educa m Kaikoura. snorkeling m ihe Great tion." -..id l)r Raphael Reichcrt. Barrier Keel .uni Whitewater rafting uho leaches ihe ari history sec- on North Maud lion ol thc South Pacil "Instead ol showing students a About 25 xtudemVare cx| take pan in the semester abroad Stu picture ot a glacier, they're break- dent* interested in the attending ihe South Pacific Semester this spring are in their canteens invited to an informational meeting Rcichen and biologv professor 1 ho- at 4pm Wednesdav. Scpi 20. in Sci mas.Mallory. who will be making his ence 1 in University Hope builds houses and dreams by Aram \. Sarkissian is wcll worth it" Staff writer University Hope begins the process ol building a home by gelling a land University Hope otters low-income gram from a city salles residents a shot at the "Amen- It then receives a redevelopment can Dream "It offers them a chance grant, which, in this case, was a lot ahomeol then own S55.000 sum from the Cits of Clovis. The organization composed Thc money is used lor the materials mosils ol students, has been nisiru- needed to build the house mental in building two new homes In the 1990s. S55.OO0 doesn't even ihe pasi few sears begin to cover the cost ol building a Now. the organization is on the new house That's where the dedica- housc. a three-bedroom, two-car-ga- The money allotted pass for mate- rage model in the hean of Clovis rials that is not donated To some', the thought o\ building a Board member Theresa \hern said, house from the ground up is jnlimi- "We try to get as much as possible Jating donated to us. Things like wood. Bui tor ihe 30 or so members ol paint, cement and iools We are eon- I Diversity Hope, the feeling ol .^- stand) in need of donations sUch as complishmeni more than compen- these m order for us to keep our costs sates lor the sweat and blisters that low so that we can save some ol the go along with the hurt money and put it towards our next families is Christian work in-itself." Once the money is in. I nivcrsity saidl niversitv Hope president Doug „ Hope works with a local contractor. Van Diepen. \ ' h'shard work, but the satisfaction i^ , ot helping a less fortunate famils oul ' See HOPE, page 5 any season of thc year." said a representative of the li lai the s .allinall.lresii There arc only a Inn es'like'l.osAm P^es for <nw to go s :o. These new- antovieorplay.toca ist mi -Iti >n v '" scc "•I"'111":- evem nil -s >f in ■ '''"'^ "'" '""' v'r,n'v coffee In a lew months, the p hson Tha the ; e pli lion and Visitors Bureau of the hidden valley that can be lost F.dcn itself "Yosemite is a work of nature. formed by massive glaciers many thousands of years ago." To the south of Yosemite. one can find things astonishing and humbling. Sequoia National Park "was estab- irily to preserve thc Oi- L klHT e ol Living together: does it work? -fStudents share their Fresno Slate ideas about when is Brooke said. "It's not that strong ofa right to make "The commitment." Keshawn said ihej Commitment" have a better relationship since they started living together. "We only see eaWi flher in the In Mike Subotkh mornings and al nighl before bed be St.til Writer cause our schedules conflict so much. So. w hen we sec each other, we cher You dale. You like each other. You ish thai time more." Keshawn said. get serious. You fall in love. Arc you For much of the time lhat reads to lake the next step? No. noi Keshawn and Brooke have lived to the dreaded M-ssord! Lis ing together. gether, thes had a roommate. "Thai Milking a real commitment 10 each was hard." Keshawn said "To|lln-tr other, hut not ihc commitment. Some roommate], il seemed like ibis was couples are reads lor it. but mans our place and she was iiist hv inc here. aren't. 1 Ihink she fell like she wasn't an Kcsbawn Keene and Brooke equal partner." 1 lolvc have been together for almost Now that ihev live alone, they love two xears. Thes have lived together il. "It's ureal because it lets sou know for the past thirteen months. Brooke what's in store." Brooke said went to college in San Luis Obispo "Like if he sits around procrasti before, moving here to be with nating and plav inc Nintendo all das." Keshaw.i Brooke said, shooting a look at Shc is now attending Fresno City Keshawn. College. Keshawn is a junior al By the way. Keshawn and Brooke recently got engaged. Amy Martens didn't have such a rosy time living with hcr boyfriend. Shortly alter moving in with her boyfriend. Oscar, her social life tcxik a dive. "I didn'l really see my girlfriends anymore, and we didn't have an outlet'for parties. We were [basically) married." She started to resent the fact that she was losing time ssith her friends while lis ing with Oscar.'"We just sal around at home twenty-four (hours). seven (days 11 week]." After two months, things weren't working out. so Amy moved and Oscar was gone. "If you live together, even in separate rooms, a breakup is virtually impossible." Would Amy recommend living with someone, especially after her experience.' Shc said yes. because it is important to know your lover's habits. "But." she said, "if you're gonna do 11. make sure you have your own friends and your own lives or it's just a disaster." Dancing Queen Sonia Amelio, one of the world's best known prima ballerinas is coming to Fresno on Sept. 16. Amelio is on her Art's Crusade For Peace Tour. Fresno is her only stop In the U.S.A. Amelio created this tour because of social conflicts in her native country, Mexico. She hopes to offer her art as a "prayer for peace." Amelio was one of the only Latin Americans who performed with the Bolshoi, a world famous ballet ensemble. Amelio has earned more than 129 national and international titles during her career. Photo courtesy ol Movimlento Cultural M
Object Description
Title | 1995_09 Insight September 1995 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Dept. of Journalism, California State University, Fresno. |
Publication Date | 1995 |
Description | Weekly during the school year. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 8 1969-v. 29, no. 23 (May 13, 1998, issue. Title from masthead. Merged with Daily collegian. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodials |
Contributors | California State University, Fresno Dept. of Journalism |
Coverage | October 8, 1969 - May 13, 1998 |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi, TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | 003_September 13 1995 p 3 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publication Date | 1995 |
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Peace eludes apartments dwellers
l>y Jennifer L.D«
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Rosa Armenia is try ing lostui
Hut tbe iiiusic from tbeapartnii
pighhiws arc asked lo tuni
»k down "Ihev still base
in il.cv lower il* men you
..i ihe b..ss through lhc
ugh Armenia svishes he.
n concern when she chose
ntcd." Ball...
I ike \rn
i. iii.nis siudcnis
uho hve neat lhc Fresno Stale
campus complain aboul problems
like noise leyclsand high rent iiul
ibex olicii s;i\ thai ihe convenience
ot lis me near campus is vvurth the
e tenants are told to quiet down Duati Avila. a resident ul the
Il ihev ait told more than two Bulldogs, said one <>' lhc draw
.they a given a strict warning, and backs of living in ihe Bulldogs is
complex's 250 units are rcnleil to stu- iben eviction paperwork can be the rein
dents Ihe complex is located off started." Galvani said. "Most of the ten- "Thc rem is loo expensive." he
Ceil.a Avenue, and has entrances on ants comply once they're written up" said
bolh Cedar and Barstow to the north- North Park Apartments, located on Despite his views on lhc rem.
west ol campus Shaw Avenue between Maple and Avila. who pays SMS a month IVu
Bullard said lhai ihe policy on noise Woodrow Avenues, is one complex his share "I .i two-bedroom unit.
in Ihe complex depends on who your that emphasizes a quiet atmosphere has lived in the complex lot three
neighbors are. "the philosophy being lor students, families and working years "It's eonvenieni. it's close
lti.it il you are bothering someone adults. to school and it's partialis lur-
else. than sou have lo calm il down." Teresa Shankel. office supers isor at nished.' he s.ml
Marcus Bryant. 22. is a physical North Park, said that the complex is John Zieglcr. 22. a neighbor of
education majoi vv ho In es in the (all vctv clear about the noise restrictions Av ila'v agrees that the rent is high
loiiuaii Apartments upon renting the units. "It's completelj and utterly pre-
."I've been lis ing here for three "Wc tell ihc students that if thes are posterOus." hc said
seals. Bis.ml said At the time he planning oil being real loud, then not But he enjoys Ihe social almo-
inoved to ihe Calil'ornian he didn'l to move in here, "she said. "We tell stu- sphere 'Everybody comes lo the
haxe a car. so it was important for him dents this even when we show the Bulldogs. This is the best place for
units." Only about half of the complex's social reasons," Zieglei said
462 units are rented to students Gar/a. the manager, said lhai in
Victor Jimenez. 20. a physical edu- order to have a party at the Bull-
cation major, has been living at North dogs, tenants must request a "parts
Park for a month. Hc prefers ihc,quici permit." and agree to keep lhc
nature of the complex. parts lo lewer than 10 people
"It's close to school." said Jimenez. The) get one w anting il the) ..re
uho has three roommates. loo loud, and Ihc second lime the)
.uise il son live with a Jimenez said he is planning on slay- have 10 slop." Gar/a said "One
it's a lol cheaper." he said ing ul North Park for the entire schixil warning is fair enough."
y> (he nature ol the com- scar. Zieglcr said that his neighbors
Bulldog Lane Village, on thc cor- are tolerant vv hen hc and his room-
•r of Cedar Avenue and Bulldog mates have parties because thes
us and in- he s.ml But noise can often be heard I ane.offers tenants individual leases, have social gatherings, too
i-as j d front the fonthalI stadium or fralcr.- even lor shared units. "We al] put up with each other."
l(s|. and mis and sorority houses across ihe "They are not liable il anybody walks he said Security has been veis tea-
street on Bulldog Lane. Ive s:iid oul on their contract." Office Manager sonablc about lhc number ol
vr of ihc Vince Galvani. the acting nwnaget Khonda Garza said "They're only Ii- people allowed during a partv
hal rents at the Calilomian. said that the night able lor their own contract." ' *They might ask you lo have ev ■
with loi a nme securils patrol Issues warnings Gar/a said that the individual rents crsone go inside." he said. "As
5 a mouth u> loud tenants range from $253SO a month to $507. long as it's not outrageous.'
Bryant pa;
I ihink n should K
plex has changed in ihe years thai he
lis real quiet now."
Fresno: nowhere, everywhere
I bj Soul Vang shivkmgaiulhardtooscrcomc New explore the wonders surrounding the world's largest i
middle oi nowhere
In all directions, tin
around lot hundred
In and ol itself, ibis
hall a million people i<
the wonders surrounding the world's largest ,
•el iionicstvk lor ihe Fresno. things."
ways, the shouts and Just a lew hours cast of Fresno are Another won
ihbors in ciouded in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, home National Park."
eu ihc u.uls ol police to majestic cliffs, lakes, rivers and yons wilh towel
div cutting through all forests. less lakes, wai
Yosemite National Park is the jewel meadows." suit
i hand, some new in ihe Siena Nevada crown of won- To the west.
iv - der. "Cascades ul' grand and maji
.•Iting water
teresling plat
and easily.
he. al.e, moving Yosemite IS 3 WOrk Of 'J^ral alpine gar-
lo Fresno, com- f . , dens and crovesol
parableloescap- nature, formed by Giant Sequoias
ing from a prison massive glaciers many m«*e Yosemite a
ihc'renS'va;' thousands of years
lev can bring an agO.
ease to the spirit _____ _
ami a calmness to
See TRAVEL, page 5
Students travel
down under to
learn reality
bj L'andace (line
tilth trip to New Zealand rhi- spring.
Staff wniei
are understandably enthusiastic about
I*k:s l-resnos wintei fog gel you
One ol the opportunities unique to
the South Pacific Se
lo, about S5.000vou
^ mestci 1- a close look
jf0 ifm Ii—ivii: "tlil-
lev weather and -^^H___K
===^^BB^ hie On Omheus N
e plcle the spring / ;—-■
k—-^p land. 111 thc middle
A ^V
__kd__h k-',-'!
The a\W
rt ^^^L
South Pacifit Semestci ^W
J V -roup can
■ •Hers students the oppor- "
m ^ also 1 peel to en-
mints 10 complete
M counter crocodiles.
courscwork in biology A
r kiwis, hedgehogs .md
utogx andarthistorv while _|
s. even penguins
traveling through ^f
The three-and-a-half-
— _ monlh trip includes ex
cales m New
tracurni.ul.ir, activities
Zealand and \usiralia
sui.h as swimming with wild dolphins
It brines reality into educa
m Kaikoura. snorkeling m ihe Great
tion." -..id l)r Raphael Reichcrt.
Barrier Keel .uni Whitewater rafting
uho leaches ihe ari history sec-
on North Maud
lion ol thc South Pacil
"Instead ol showing students a
About 25 xtudemVare cx|
take pan in the semester abroad Stu
picture ot a glacier, they're break-
dent* interested in the attending ihe
South Pacific Semester this spring are
in their canteens
invited to an informational meeting
Rcichen and biologv professor 1 ho-
at 4pm Wednesdav. Scpi 20. in Sci
mas.Mallory. who will be making his
ence 1 in
University Hope builds
houses and dreams
by Aram \. Sarkissian is wcll worth it"
Staff writer University Hope begins the process
ol building a home by gelling a land
University Hope otters low-income gram from a city
salles residents a shot at the "Amen- It then receives a redevelopment
can Dream "It offers them a chance grant, which, in this case, was a
lot ahomeol then own S55.000 sum from the Cits of Clovis.
The organization composed Thc money is used lor the materials
mosils ol students, has been nisiru- needed to build the house
mental in building two new homes In the 1990s. S55.OO0 doesn't even
ihe pasi few sears begin to cover the cost ol building a
Now. the organization is on the new house That's where the dedica-
housc. a three-bedroom, two-car-ga- The money allotted pass for mate-
rage model in the hean of Clovis rials that is not donated
To some', the thought o\ building a Board member Theresa \hern said,
house from the ground up is jnlimi- "We try to get as much as possible
Jating donated to us. Things like wood.
Bui tor ihe 30 or so members ol paint, cement and iools We are eon-
I Diversity Hope, the feeling ol .^- stand) in need of donations sUch as
complishmeni more than compen- these m order for us to keep our costs
sates lor the sweat and blisters that low so that we can save some ol the
go along with the hurt money and put it towards our next
families is Christian work in-itself." Once the money is in. I nivcrsity
saidl niversitv Hope president Doug „ Hope works with a local contractor.
Van Diepen. \
' h'shard work, but the satisfaction i^ ,
ot helping a less fortunate famils oul ' See HOPE, page 5
any season of thc
year." said a representative of the
li lai
the s
There arc only a Inn
es'like'l.osAm P^es for |