010_Insight Mar 01 1995 p 10 |
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\ Insight -. . .--. MARCH 1,1995 A person can suffer a back injury by simply bending over to pick up a pencil Re-entry, from page 3 4Oh, my aching back* program since 1984, Cisneros said she saw the beginning of an increase in the program in 1987 and 1988. "Problems in the economy and ideas of new technology have made people aware that they ^^mbb^^^ have to go back tc school and fine tunc their skills.' Cisneros said. "There is n< longer thc stigi "I've always admired the courage and high motivation of my fellow classmates who that if you didn't are re.entry students." graduate by the time you were 23 or 24 you were out of classmates who are re-entry students." The requirements to be accepted into the CSU system are different now than they were at thc time when many re-entry students graduated from high i school. If Admissions detects the applicant to thc re-entry program. A majority of re-entry stu- Rachelle Pfeifle Jj^JJ"^ By Laurie Gibson Staff Writer Oh, my aching back. This is the most common work injury, according to David Terstcgcn, director of the Office of Environmental Health/Occupational Health al CSUF. Who's most likely to be injured ul work? "It can happen In anyone, really." Terstcgcn said. However, student workers arc rarcl) injured because they're "fairly young i equal-opportunity injury that doesn't always require a great deal of effort such as heavy lifting. A person can suffer a back injury by simply bending over to pick up a pencil. California's Occupational Safely and Health Association (OSHA) is the state agency that deals wilh on-the- job injuries. The agency was formed in the carl) 1970s and has passed regulation's Why Do Students Choose Us For Their Eyecare Needs? • Great Selection ana Ureal service! • Immediate Replacement of Contact I crises • Computerized Kye Kxams • In House Lab - Same Day Service (Why Wail?) 20/20 OPTOMETRIC OF FRESNO N CONTACT LENSES , v _ J *VW ,. ! AH KM. ItAlMUl.llX Ul II \""»/ JM DAY i EYEGLASSES '98 THOMAS R. C ASAGRANDE.O.D. - 221-8900 dealing with proper lifting techniques, according to Terstcgcn. On-the-job injuries happen because people are "not thinking smart" and don't understand how their bodies work, he said. Injuries can be avoided when people "think smart" and know their work Repetition can also be a factor in back injuries. Repetitive sirain injury (RSII includes carpal tunnel syndrome (the thickening of (issues in thc wrist), a medical problem recently associated with the growing use of computer keyboards Terstcgcn said OSHA has not yet developed any specific standards or regulation!! lor repetitive strain inju- "The verdict is slill out" on whether keyboarding causes carpal tunnel syndrome or if ii merely exacerbates an existing condition. Terstcgcn said. Women between Ihc ages of 35 and 50 seem to develop Ihe condition most Terstcgcn had a number of suggestions lor (hose who spend long hours at the keyboard. "Oct up and break away." he said. He recommends that keyboarders shake Ihcir hands regularly and take little breaks during the work day. He also suggests keeping hands in a neutral position on the keyboard by using computer tools such as wrist When workers are injured on thc job. many file workers' compensation claims. Though no specific data was available on the cost of a typical workers' compensation claim. Terstegen said it was "quite expensive." When a claim is filed or a complaint is made about a specific work area on campus, Terstegen's office does an "ergonomic evaluation" to try and prevent further injuries. This is done on a case-by-case basis. Terstegen has been at CSUF for seven years and previously worked as a physical therapy assistant al I.cmoore Naval Air Station. luck," Cisneros said. Continuous increases in tuition and juggling time between education and employment have caused students of all ages to take more time completing their education. For example, "Coming to college right after graduation, half of my college experience has been full of social activities." senior Rachelle Pfeifle said. She is one of many students who have shared classes with fellow students who didn't have time for socializing. "I've always admired the courage and high motivation of my fellow program by word-of-mouth. The program offers participants an array of specialty services that include workshops, support groups, referrals, counseling and advisement. "My job is very rewarding because I get to see re-entry students go on and grow from their first days in the program to their day of graduation." Cisneros said. "To me. this is the best job in the world." Information is available at Ihe Office of Reentry Programs at CSUF's Main Cafeteria-West or at 278-3046. SUNRIDGE Spacious 2 and 3 Bedroom Townhouses Starting at $495 Act now and receive your 2 bedroom special • Fireplaces » Tennis & Bsktbl. Courts • Security * Exercise Room • Garages • Hool & Spa • Tanning Bed 4885 N. Chestnut. 1/2 block south of Shaw 294-8012 Summer/Fall waiting list already in progress I Bdrm. $360 PLAZA APARTMENTS Corner of Cedar & Barstow 43 J-SI 22 See Manager for Move-in Specials HYPER HAIR YOUR FAMILY HAIR CARE CENTER COUPON INSIGHT good for 1 $ OFF Hair Cut (Regularly 7$) 5$ OFF Perms (Regularly 35$ or slightly more for longer hair NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY 2794 WILLOW SUITE #103 CORNER OF GETTYSBURG & WILLOW (209)291-5242 m I STORAGE AS LOW AS $12.00 NO DEPOSITS • Access 7 days a week • Units from garage to closet size • Electrical security • Free use of dollies and carts ' • Discount for students Shaw Thrifty Mini Storage Mini Storage 222-7479 226-6655 2633 \V. Shaw Ave. 4420 N. Blackstone Ave. Between Marks & Van Ness Between Ashlan & Gettysberg Ad Line |27c3-3934 I y CHINA STATION Finest Authentic Chinese Cuisine Now At Three Locations To Serve You Campus #1 #2 [Student Union| (basement) Fast Food ■ i u irsto Bi W j stadium CSUF Fast food & Food to go 1768 E. Barstow ■ 1* Ashla n Menu Dining Food to go Catering Welecome 3045 E. Ashlan I Tel: (209) 278-2019 Tel :(209) 431-4060 Tel:(209) 224-8122 ! CHINA STATION J ii M I i 10% OFF FOR ANY M \CHINA STATION ] 50 CENTS OFF FOR every purchase over $ 2.00 valid at #1 and #2 only ' valid at #land #2 only |ppl[p[p(^p[^[QfEr[E[iF[H[Bu^By purchase valid at #land #2 only We belong to you. Arc you a CSUF full or part-time employee? Are you a CSUF student enrolled in an education and/or degree program associated with the School of Education and Human Development? S US s s If you answered yes to either of these questions, you should be eligible for membership in Educational Employees Credit Union. It's easy to join. Just call our Member Service Center at one of the numbers shown below. Students will need a letter verifying enrollment in the CSUF Basic or Advanced Teaching Credential Program, or the Masters Degree Program from the School of Education and Human Development Membership has lots of benefits: Interest-earning checking * with no monthly fees. Free on-campos ATM access Low rate Visa credit cards Student Visa credit cards Electronic deposit of CSUF paychecks m CREDIT UNION 275-7760 or 1-800-538-EECU 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM Monday throngh Friday
Object Description
Title | 1995_03 Insight March 1995 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Dept. of Journalism, California State University, Fresno. |
Publication Date | 1995 |
Description | Weekly during the school year. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 8 1969-v. 29, no. 23 (May 13, 1998, issue. Title from masthead. Merged with Daily collegian. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodials |
Contributors | California State University, Fresno Dept. of Journalism |
Coverage | October 8, 1969 - May 13, 1998 |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi, TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | 010_Insight Mar 01 1995 p 10 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publication Date | 1995 |
Full-Text-Search | \ Insight -. . .--. MARCH 1,1995 A person can suffer a back injury by simply bending over to pick up a pencil Re-entry, from page 3 4Oh, my aching back* program since 1984, Cisneros said she saw the beginning of an increase in the program in 1987 and 1988. "Problems in the economy and ideas of new technology have made people aware that they ^^mbb^^^ have to go back tc school and fine tunc their skills.' Cisneros said. "There is n< longer thc stigi "I've always admired the courage and high motivation of my fellow classmates who that if you didn't are re.entry students." graduate by the time you were 23 or 24 you were out of classmates who are re-entry students." The requirements to be accepted into the CSU system are different now than they were at thc time when many re-entry students graduated from high i school. If Admissions detects the applicant to thc re-entry program. A majority of re-entry stu- Rachelle Pfeifle Jj^JJ"^ By Laurie Gibson Staff Writer Oh, my aching back. This is the most common work injury, according to David Terstcgcn, director of the Office of Environmental Health/Occupational Health al CSUF. Who's most likely to be injured ul work? "It can happen In anyone, really." Terstcgcn said. However, student workers arc rarcl) injured because they're "fairly young i equal-opportunity injury that doesn't always require a great deal of effort such as heavy lifting. A person can suffer a back injury by simply bending over to pick up a pencil. California's Occupational Safely and Health Association (OSHA) is the state agency that deals wilh on-the- job injuries. The agency was formed in the carl) 1970s and has passed regulation's Why Do Students Choose Us For Their Eyecare Needs? • Great Selection ana Ureal service! • Immediate Replacement of Contact I crises • Computerized Kye Kxams • In House Lab - Same Day Service (Why Wail?) 20/20 OPTOMETRIC OF FRESNO N CONTACT LENSES , v _ J *VW ,. ! AH KM. ItAlMUl.llX Ul II \""»/ JM DAY i EYEGLASSES '98 THOMAS R. C ASAGRANDE.O.D. - 221-8900 dealing with proper lifting techniques, according to Terstcgcn. On-the-job injuries happen because people are "not thinking smart" and don't understand how their bodies work, he said. Injuries can be avoided when people "think smart" and know their work Repetition can also be a factor in back injuries. Repetitive sirain injury (RSII includes carpal tunnel syndrome (the thickening of (issues in thc wrist), a medical problem recently associated with the growing use of computer keyboards Terstcgcn said OSHA has not yet developed any specific standards or regulation!! lor repetitive strain inju- "The verdict is slill out" on whether keyboarding causes carpal tunnel syndrome or if ii merely exacerbates an existing condition. Terstcgcn said. Women between Ihc ages of 35 and 50 seem to develop Ihe condition most Terstcgcn had a number of suggestions lor (hose who spend long hours at the keyboard. "Oct up and break away." he said. He recommends that keyboarders shake Ihcir hands regularly and take little breaks during the work day. He also suggests keeping hands in a neutral position on the keyboard by using computer tools such as wrist When workers are injured on thc job. many file workers' compensation claims. Though no specific data was available on the cost of a typical workers' compensation claim. Terstegen said it was "quite expensive." When a claim is filed or a complaint is made about a specific work area on campus, Terstegen's office does an "ergonomic evaluation" to try and prevent further injuries. This is done on a case-by-case basis. Terstegen has been at CSUF for seven years and previously worked as a physical therapy assistant al I.cmoore Naval Air Station. luck," Cisneros said. Continuous increases in tuition and juggling time between education and employment have caused students of all ages to take more time completing their education. For example, "Coming to college right after graduation, half of my college experience has been full of social activities." senior Rachelle Pfeifle said. She is one of many students who have shared classes with fellow students who didn't have time for socializing. "I've always admired the courage and high motivation of my fellow program by word-of-mouth. The program offers participants an array of specialty services that include workshops, support groups, referrals, counseling and advisement. "My job is very rewarding because I get to see re-entry students go on and grow from their first days in the program to their day of graduation." Cisneros said. "To me. this is the best job in the world." Information is available at Ihe Office of Reentry Programs at CSUF's Main Cafeteria-West or at 278-3046. SUNRIDGE Spacious 2 and 3 Bedroom Townhouses Starting at $495 Act now and receive your 2 bedroom special • Fireplaces » Tennis & Bsktbl. Courts • Security * Exercise Room • Garages • Hool & Spa • Tanning Bed 4885 N. Chestnut. 1/2 block south of Shaw 294-8012 Summer/Fall waiting list already in progress I Bdrm. $360 PLAZA APARTMENTS Corner of Cedar & Barstow 43 J-SI 22 See Manager for Move-in Specials HYPER HAIR YOUR FAMILY HAIR CARE CENTER COUPON INSIGHT good for 1 $ OFF Hair Cut (Regularly 7$) 5$ OFF Perms (Regularly 35$ or slightly more for longer hair NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY 2794 WILLOW SUITE #103 CORNER OF GETTYSBURG & WILLOW (209)291-5242 m I STORAGE AS LOW AS $12.00 NO DEPOSITS • Access 7 days a week • Units from garage to closet size • Electrical security • Free use of dollies and carts ' • Discount for students Shaw Thrifty Mini Storage Mini Storage 222-7479 226-6655 2633 \V. Shaw Ave. 4420 N. Blackstone Ave. Between Marks & Van Ness Between Ashlan & Gettysberg Ad Line |27c3-3934 I y CHINA STATION Finest Authentic Chinese Cuisine Now At Three Locations To Serve You Campus #1 #2 [Student Union| (basement) Fast Food ■ i u irsto Bi W j stadium CSUF Fast food & Food to go 1768 E. Barstow ■ 1* Ashla n Menu Dining Food to go Catering Welecome 3045 E. Ashlan I Tel: (209) 278-2019 Tel :(209) 431-4060 Tel:(209) 224-8122 ! CHINA STATION J ii M I i 10% OFF FOR ANY M \CHINA STATION ] 50 CENTS OFF FOR every purchase over $ 2.00 valid at #1 and #2 only ' valid at #land #2 only |ppl[p[p(^p[^[QfEr[E[iF[H[Bu^By purchase valid at #land #2 only We belong to you. Arc you a CSUF full or part-time employee? Are you a CSUF student enrolled in an education and/or degree program associated with the School of Education and Human Development? S US s s If you answered yes to either of these questions, you should be eligible for membership in Educational Employees Credit Union. It's easy to join. Just call our Member Service Center at one of the numbers shown below. Students will need a letter verifying enrollment in the CSUF Basic or Advanced Teaching Credential Program, or the Masters Degree Program from the School of Education and Human Development Membership has lots of benefits: Interest-earning checking * with no monthly fees. Free on-campos ATM access Low rate Visa credit cards Student Visa credit cards Electronic deposit of CSUF paychecks m CREDIT UNION 275-7760 or 1-800-538-EECU 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM Monday throngh Friday |