013_Insight Apr 24 1996 p 7 |
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ARPIL 24,1996 In Focus Ready to ROLL Cesar Chavez statue: It's all about respect I Farm Worker leader continues to inspire with 9-foot statue lie taught us hy example. What he fought for was respect for everyone." Insight photos by Todd Warshaw Finishing touches on the new softball stadium includes putting down sod around the facility. The work was completed by Fresno Juvenile Probation workers and California Conservation Corp members, including David Taylor, above. by Leah Perich Staff Writer In a sea of music and people, the words "Viva Chavez" could be seen inently waving on small red Hundreds of people gathered around the monument covered by a black cloth. When the cloth was removed, the life-size statue of the late Cesar F. Chavez looked out across its admirers. On what would have been his 69th birthdav. Chavez, founder of (he United Farm Workers (UFW) union, was honored in the Peace Garden at California State University. Fresno. "He [Chavez] taught us by example." Provost Alexander Gonzalez said al the unveiling ceremony on March 31. "What he fought for'was The 9 feet-tall, bronze statue honors the late UFW founder who led a 30-year, non-violence campaign to improve the working and living conditions of farm workers. Chavez' work not finished The siatue is "a reminder lhat our work is not finished." said Chavez.' son. Paul Chavez, before the siatue was unveiled. He also said ihe memorial is a reminder "to continue the — Provost Alexander Gonzalez said of Cesar E. Chavez at the Peace Garden ceremony March 31 work that my lather started." After the unveiling, onlookers got a chance lo walk by the memorial thai includes pholo images. s.ud Dr. I.uz Gonzalez, chairperson ol the Chicano and Latin American Studies depart- "This is the best way to honor this man at this institution." said I.uz Gonzalez, who is also co-chairperson ofthe Cesar Chavez Monument Committee. The effort to establish the monu- ter Chavez' death on April 23. 1993. The Cesar Chavez Monument Committee began gaming support lor the memorial in Mas 1993. Contributions for ihe statue came from university organizations. Fresno organizations, families, individuals Sculptor Paul Suarez of Roseville was hired to create ihe siatue The photos were taken bv George Flfie Ballis. Luz Gonzalez said ihe memorial cosl approximately S4.0O0 to S5.000. The memorial of Chavez joins the bust of Mahatma Gandhi in the Peace Garden located between the Henry Madden Library and the Psychology/ Human Services building. Ghandi inspired Chavez Dr. Sudarshan Kapoor. chairperson ofthe Peace and Conflict Studies program, said Chavez was an admirer of Gandhi, a 20th century, non-violent leader in India's independence movc- "As Cesar was deeply inspired by Gandhi, he discovered the power of purification for himself through fasting, particularly in overcoming the v mlence." Kapoor said. "His 25-day fast in 1968 was a testimony of his spiritual journey, and il brought per- sonal transformation of immense proportion in his life." With the arrival of the Chavez memorial, many hope this leader will continue to inspire others. "He will live in the hearts of young minds." Gonzalez said "He will be with us forever in spirit." Appleton, from page ing the broadcast. "I mean, the score- is about 97 to three, il you wanl to count the bodies on boih sides ofthe leam here. "There are some very passionate supporters out there, people vv ho I am sure in their hearts believe ihev are doing Ihe right thine Diane Milutinovich is one ihem. softball coach Margie Wright is the other, and volleyball coach l.indv |Vivas|." "The three of them feel strongly ihai Tide IX is the greatest thing since sliced bread."' Appleton said. In the origins complaint, the al lorneys liste eight pages o Appteton's asset ft Lindy Vivas The altomev s for Wright and Miluiinov ich mam ihai several of Appleton *s revelati are completelv false. Among ill The softball and volleyball team! ceive preferential treatment bee; 1 of personal friendships between Miluiinov ich. Wright and Vivas, and dial Miluiinov ich represents ihe National Organization for Women before her duties as associate athletic director. In particular. Appleton alleged thai Wrighl and Milutinovich "were not terribly honest on the interpretation ol Title IX." Attorneys for Wright and Milutinovich originally demanded a retraction. The management at KMJ did not grant one. KMJ'chose io offer Wright and Milutinovich air time to respond to Appleton's criticisms. According Io the complaint, the defendants' offer fails to meet the retirements of ihe civil code lhat requires corrections to be broadcast in a comparative manner lo the original broadcast The attorneys for Wright and Miluiinov ich claim Appteton's mono- purpose was lo discuss the pros and cons of Tide IX or athletics at California Stale University." According lo ihe complaini. ihe monologue was a "reprehensible personal allack on the competency and Milegrnv of iwo private individuals; Il was. in short, a witch hunt." During ihe broadcast. Appleton claimed his broadcast was in response to "rumors" that were published in Die Fresno Bee. "I am amazed al how many insiruc- lors. people from the athletic department, come lo me and sav. 'Hey Appleton. thisJi. destroy ing us.'" Appleton said during the broadcast. "We've got io gel the word out there, bul we don't know what to do. Student population, female athletes, yes: male athletes, sure from some of the women there who are using [Title IX| as a bludgeoning device. I will confirm lhat. "He lost his soul: he lost his heart: he lost his guts. It made him nuts, and it would appear lhal those who support Title IX. very few in the department, drove him into fits and there was no love between them." Appleton Explosion, from page 1 they've spokct too. They see ii They don't liki 12 Margie Wright Clerical Job Openings Earn SI00s weekly working from home For info, send S3.00 and self addressed envelope to: John 1571 N.Barton Fresno CA 93703 Money Back Gt mav be)-Oh gee. go off io Washin what Washington by Miluiinov ich and Wrighl to gain compliance lo Title IX drove former athletic director Gary Cunningham out of Fresno State. "I can confirm lhat he left because of Title IX." Applelon said, "and pres- said. Cunningham did nol publicly cite any Title IX pressure when he resigned last spring. Attorneys for Appleton and Henry Broadcasting Co. maintain Appleton's comments are protected by California's fair comment doctrine. The doctrine "protects expressions of opinions against public officials, scientists, writers and composers, performers, authors and others who place themselves or their work in the public eye." Appleton's attorneys claim his statements were "not literally couched, but were figuratively describing Cunningham's frustration with the Title IX issue." Attorneys for Wright and Milutinovich maintain that their client's positions as associate athletic director and softball coach do not qualify them as public figures. Therefore. Appleton's comments are not protected under the fair comment doctrine. According to motions filed by the defense. Appleton's comments were protected by the First Amendment. During last years FH&OS reorganization. Lisa Daughtry. a hazardous wasie technician, was hired to replace Dave Terstegen. a certified industrial hygienist who left for a job with Ha'nford Community Hospital. Daughtry is paid less and is not a certified industrial hygienist. But as a technician, she still meets university standards for Terstegen's old position. Daughtry well-qualified King said Daughtrv is just as skilled as Terstegen was. "She's very well trained and very well equipped for whal she has to do." Daughtry. 34. earned her bachelors degree in env ironmenial science from the same department that Schultz chairs. She graduated in 1994 and is currently working on a master's degree. Schultz said he knew Daughtry during her undergraduate years and that the problems are the system's fault, not hers. He said her supervisors should recognize that they need more staff and better procedures. Benjamin Quillian. v ice president for administration and the chief administrator responsible for campus safety said, "in my view, the technical parts of the job are being done at the same level that they have been done before. "I have received numerous positive .omments about Lisa from both internal and external sources." Quillian said the money saved when Daughtry was hired was the result of giving Terstegen's management responsibilities to King. Daughtry performs tbe technical aspects of Terstegen's old job but does noi sene as director of EH&OS like Terstegen did. Gas leak or not? Daughtry responded to the March 22 report of a possible gas leak in San Ramon 6 and found no fumes after testing with a portable gas meter. Schultz. who reported the leak and said that his students smelled gas too. wasn't convinced: "I have 30 years of experience in the field, and I have a nose — it was a gas leak." Schultz reported another gas leak in the same room on April 12. This time, a plant operations engineer did find a leak on the roof of thc building that was caused by a cracked fitting. Despite finding the leak on April 12. Daughtry said the first report probably wasn't a gas leak. But Schultz said, "It's irresponsible of them to say it's a separate incident." The investigation into the gas leaks has been closed. EH&OS is still examining the April 9 chemical explosion. Quillian said he will meet with Hanna soon to discuss overall concerns about campus safety. kmim ■■■Foi * .■'.".# a To all Indonesian students, come and join our ff club. You'll find many interesting activities j*y with this club, information Call Devi at 229-9266 or Tina at 322-1109 CATHOLIC STUDENTS ASSOCIATION free jsocALsl FA,TH i I The Gathering DINNERS h HnB d reflections || http://www.takeme.ee for body and soul. Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Sundays at 8 p.m. Every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. St. Paul Newman Center 1572 E. Barstow Ave. (Across from Bulldog Stadium) for more information call Suzy Ortez al 436-3431 scholarships, academic & career resources, internships, sports, news, antertainment, travel, music, debates and 1,000's of links Quiet Comfort<xble Adult Living 1-Bedroom Units as low as*342 2-Bedroom Units starting at *387 4 Pools/ 2 Tennis Courts Pantries/ Walk-in Closets Great Location No Pets Please ^QUALITY P RENTAL -SiJ HOUSING mu 4890 N. Backer (209) 291-0671 rssh
Object Description
Title | 1996_04 Insight April 1996 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Dept. of Journalism, California State University, Fresno. |
Publication Date | 1996 |
Description | Weekly during the school year. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 8 1969-v. 29, no. 23 (May 13, 1998, issue. Title from masthead. Merged with Daily collegian. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodials |
Contributors | California State University, Fresno Dept. of Journalism |
Coverage | October 8, 1969 - May 13, 1998 |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi, TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | 013_Insight Apr 24 1996 p 7 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publication Date | 1996 |
Full-Text-Search |
ARPIL 24,1996
In Focus
Ready to
Cesar Chavez statue:
It's all about respect
I Farm Worker leader
continues to inspire
with 9-foot statue
lie taught us hy example. What he
fought for was respect for everyone."
Insight photos by Todd Warshaw
Finishing touches on the new softball stadium includes putting down sod around the facility. The work
was completed by Fresno Juvenile Probation workers and California Conservation Corp members,
including David Taylor, above.
by Leah Perich
Staff Writer
In a sea of music and people, the
words "Viva Chavez" could be seen
inently waving on small red
Hundreds of people gathered
around the monument covered by a
black cloth. When the cloth was removed, the life-size statue of the late
Cesar F. Chavez looked out across its
On what would have been his 69th
birthdav. Chavez, founder of (he
United Farm Workers (UFW) union,
was honored in the Peace Garden at
California State University. Fresno.
"He [Chavez] taught us by example." Provost Alexander Gonzalez
said al the unveiling ceremony on
March 31. "What he fought for'was
The 9 feet-tall, bronze statue honors the late UFW founder who led a
30-year, non-violence campaign to
improve the working and living conditions of farm workers.
Chavez' work not finished
The siatue is "a reminder lhat our
work is not finished." said Chavez.'
son. Paul Chavez, before the siatue
was unveiled. He also said ihe memorial is a reminder "to continue the
— Provost Alexander Gonzalez
said of Cesar E. Chavez at the
Peace Garden ceremony March 31
work that my lather started."
After the unveiling, onlookers got
a chance lo walk by the memorial thai
includes pholo images. s.ud Dr. I.uz
Gonzalez, chairperson ol the Chicano
and Latin American Studies depart-
"This is the best way to honor this
man at this institution." said I.uz
Gonzalez, who is also co-chairperson
ofthe Cesar Chavez Monument Committee.
The effort to establish the monu-
ter Chavez' death on April 23. 1993.
The Cesar Chavez Monument Committee began gaming support lor the
memorial in Mas 1993.
Contributions for ihe statue came
from university organizations. Fresno
organizations, families, individuals
Sculptor Paul Suarez of Roseville
was hired to create ihe siatue The
photos were taken bv George Flfie
Luz Gonzalez said ihe memorial
cosl approximately S4.0O0 to S5.000.
The memorial of Chavez joins the
bust of Mahatma Gandhi in the Peace
Garden located between the Henry
Madden Library and the Psychology/
Human Services building.
Ghandi inspired Chavez
Dr. Sudarshan Kapoor. chairperson
ofthe Peace and Conflict Studies program, said Chavez was an admirer of
Gandhi, a 20th century, non-violent
leader in India's independence movc-
"As Cesar was deeply inspired by
Gandhi, he discovered the power of
purification for himself through fasting, particularly in overcoming the
v mlence." Kapoor said. "His 25-day
fast in 1968 was a testimony of his
spiritual journey, and il brought per-
sonal transformation of immense proportion in his life."
With the arrival of the Chavez memorial, many hope this leader will
continue to inspire others.
"He will live in the hearts of young
minds." Gonzalez said "He will be
with us forever in spirit."
Appleton, from page
ing the broadcast. "I mean, the score-
is about 97 to three, il you wanl to
count the bodies on boih sides ofthe
leam here.
"There are some very passionate
supporters out there, people vv ho I am
sure in their hearts believe ihev are
doing Ihe right thine Diane
Milutinovich is one ihem. softball
coach Margie Wright is the other, and
volleyball coach l.indv |Vivas|."
"The three of them feel strongly
ihai Tide IX is the greatest thing since
sliced bread."'
Appleton said.
In the origins
complaint, the al
lorneys liste
eight pages o
Appteton's asset
The altomev s
for Wright and Miluiinov ich mam
ihai several of Appleton *s revelati
are completelv false. Among ill
The softball and volleyball team!
ceive preferential treatment bee;
of personal friendships between
Miluiinov ich. Wright and Vivas, and
dial Miluiinov ich represents ihe National Organization for Women before
her duties as associate athletic director.
In particular. Appleton alleged thai
Wrighl and Milutinovich "were not
terribly honest on the interpretation
ol Title IX."
Attorneys for Wright and
Milutinovich originally demanded a
retraction. The management at KMJ
did not grant one.
KMJ'chose io offer Wright and
Milutinovich air time to respond to
Appleton's criticisms.
According Io the complaint, the
defendants' offer fails to meet the retirements of ihe civil code lhat requires corrections to be broadcast in
a comparative manner lo the original
The attorneys for Wright and
Miluiinov ich claim Appteton's mono-
purpose was lo discuss the pros and
cons of Tide IX or athletics at California Stale University."
According lo ihe complaini. ihe
monologue was a "reprehensible personal allack on the competency and
Milegrnv of iwo private individuals;
Il was. in short, a witch hunt."
During ihe broadcast. Appleton
claimed his broadcast was in response
to "rumors" that were published in
Die Fresno Bee.
"I am amazed al how many insiruc-
lors. people from the athletic department, come lo me and sav. 'Hey
Appleton. thisJi. destroy ing us.'"
Appleton said during the broadcast.
"We've got io gel the word out there,
bul we don't know what to do. Student population, female athletes, yes:
male athletes,
sure from some of the women
there who are using [Title IX| as a
bludgeoning device. I will confirm
"He lost his soul: he lost his heart:
he lost his guts. It made him nuts, and
it would appear lhal those who support Title IX. very few in the department, drove him into fits and there
was no love between them." Appleton
Explosion, from page 1
they've spokct
too. They see ii
They don't liki
Clerical Job Openings
Earn SI00s weekly working from home
For info, send S3.00 and self addressed envelope to:
1571 N.Barton
Fresno CA 93703
Money Back Gt
mav be)-Oh gee.
go off io Washin
what Washington
by Miluiinov ich and Wrighl to gain
compliance lo Title IX drove former
athletic director Gary Cunningham
out of Fresno State.
"I can confirm lhat he left because
of Title IX." Applelon said, "and pres-
Cunningham did nol publicly cite
any Title IX pressure when he resigned last spring.
Attorneys for Appleton and Henry
Broadcasting Co. maintain Appleton's
comments are protected by California's
fair comment doctrine.
The doctrine "protects expressions
of opinions against public officials,
scientists, writers and composers, performers, authors and others who place
themselves or their work in the public eye."
Appleton's attorneys claim his
statements were "not literally
couched, but were figuratively describing Cunningham's frustration
with the Title IX issue."
Attorneys for Wright and
Milutinovich maintain that their
client's positions as associate athletic
director and softball coach do not
qualify them as public figures.
Therefore. Appleton's comments
are not protected under the fair comment doctrine.
According to motions filed by the
defense. Appleton's comments were
protected by the First Amendment.
During last years FH&OS reorganization. Lisa Daughtry. a hazardous wasie technician, was hired
to replace Dave Terstegen. a certified industrial hygienist who left for
a job with Ha'nford Community
Daughtry is paid less and is not a
certified industrial hygienist.
But as a technician, she still meets
university standards for Terstegen's
old position.
Daughtry well-qualified
King said Daughtrv is just as skilled
as Terstegen was. "She's very well
trained and very well equipped for
whal she has to do."
Daughtry. 34. earned her bachelors
degree in env ironmenial science from
the same department that Schultz
She graduated in 1994 and is currently working on a master's degree.
Schultz said he knew Daughtry
during her undergraduate years and
that the problems are the system's
fault, not hers.
He said her supervisors should recognize that they need more staff and
better procedures.
Benjamin Quillian. v ice president
for administration and the chief administrator responsible for campus
safety said, "in my view, the technical parts of the job are being done at
the same level that they have been
done before.
"I have received numerous positive
.omments about Lisa from both internal and external sources."
Quillian said the money saved
when Daughtry was hired was the result of giving Terstegen's management responsibilities to King.
Daughtry performs tbe technical aspects of Terstegen's old job but does
noi sene as director of EH&OS like
Terstegen did.
Gas leak or not?
Daughtry responded to the March
22 report of a possible gas leak in San
Ramon 6 and found no fumes after
testing with a portable gas meter.
Schultz. who reported the leak and
said that his students smelled gas too.
wasn't convinced: "I have 30 years
of experience in the field, and I have
a nose — it was a gas leak."
Schultz reported another gas leak
in the same room on April 12.
This time, a plant operations engineer did find a leak on the roof of thc
building that was caused by a cracked
Despite finding the leak on April
12. Daughtry said the first report
probably wasn't a gas leak.
But Schultz said, "It's irresponsible of them to say it's a separate
The investigation into the gas leaks
has been closed. EH&OS is still examining the April 9 chemical explosion.
Quillian said he will meet with
Hanna soon to discuss overall concerns about campus safety.
* .■'.".# a
To all Indonesian students, come and join our
ff club. You'll find many interesting activities j*y
with this club,
information Call Devi at 229-9266 or Tina at 322-1109
free jsocALsl FA,TH i I The Gathering
DINNERS h HnB d reflections || http://www.takeme.ee
for body and
soul. Every
Wednesday at
6:30 p.m.
Sundays at
8 p.m.
Wednesday at
7:30 p.m.
St. Paul Newman Center
1572 E. Barstow Ave.
(Across from Bulldog Stadium)
for more information call Suzy Ortez al 436-3431
scholarships, academic & career resources,
internships, sports, news, antertainment,
travel, music, debates and 1,000's of links
Quiet Comfort |