003_Insight Apr 17 1996 p 3 |
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APRIL 17,1996 Lifestyle 'Bad' steriods help patient with AIDS Insight photo by Matt Lloyd Jason Mack and Kimberly Intors bask in the sun at Millerton Lake with their five young children. Exposure to sun causes more than just tan lines I Half of all Americans will have had skin cancer by age 65 indivu: by Dawn Howe Staff Wntet J.iik luii and .in olive complexion, nevei imagined she could be a victim Before lasi year. Kalirtd used tannine beds for a month at the begin reascs the ultraviolet i An) increase, whetru r frequenting a lam reuses the rivk lor cancer. Marqui Iheir skin n-bathing Clients al forever Tons, located al 1776 E. Barstow. are encouraged to ccognize iheir own personal skin ype and exposure limitations. 'Not everyone can tan. but indoor [aiming allows people lo control the People al greater risk arc those type of rays their skin is exposed to." nh lair skin' freckles, red or blonde Crabtree said. I leather Kalino. brown-eyed with ban and light colored eyev Smart Tan industries supports the Debbie Rose, registered iniioe-.it the idea thai tanning can be sale. rrmatology oil ice ol Dr. Sycd Smart Tan has complied a scries of rrrai/. sees patients wiih skiirean- edueutional brochures lor consumers. Tevcryday.Approximately98per- Krisu Glcdhill. editor for the nt of lhc patients Rose works with Smart Tan publication Tanning in cancer. Trends, admits that there is a cor- ecommend purpose!) relation between over-exposure and skin io the eleiiK ol started in the fall. exp •Heels ol the ra)s changed her Ro> said "Burning, w helher it is outside or inside, is bad." Gledhill ZZ^ZlZ *>» o„e of <ho» things tha, you J23ZZ** £ meet just don t think will happen to you. jhai the sun is c\ il Over-ex- ii skm cancer is a slow - // scared me and definitely changed P°sure ls tne enemy, not the i- l\ |K- nl caTlcvr that el - .,-. . » .. sun." she said. ie skin ceils, i, usually '"->' attitude. , Vspik. Ihc Wiimjngs slu. .1 spread lo other organs Heather KalillO dcnis seem to be determined ■! 111. The clientele a Tails is 95 percent Califo "Ii is one of those things thai you iiist don't dunk will happen lo Sunscreen lotions vary in le you." Kalino said. "Il scared me and protection. Levels of proiecji dcfiniiel) changed my attitude. rated in terms of sun protecting lac- ing to Crabtree. When you hear that word'cancer.' torsorSPF. "People look belter when ihey're all oi the sudden, a tan just doesn't "You need to protect yourself. A tan." said Jyl Phelps. 22. a Fresno seem lhal important anymore.'' she sunscreen with a protection level of Stale student and tanning bed user, s.iul 15 and above should be worn when- "With so many people doing it. it According to the National Cancer ever you are going to be in the sun." can't be bad foryOH. Besides, no one percent ol Americans who reach age Typical signs of skin'cancer arc red. ccrofanv kind." Phelps said. 65 will have skin cancer at least once, scaly spots and lesions. The cancer "Some people die tan and some die "Skin cancel can effect everyone, usually does not spread lo oilier or- while." Phelps said. Whal many people don't realize is galls, but the lesions are typically noil- by Matt Croce Staff Writer Ray Anders is happily eating, scarfing dovyrfwhatevcr he can get his hands on. Burgers, fries and hot dogs are a few of his favorites. Though Anders' eating binges may nol be earth-shattering news, he'll never take them for granted. Ray Anders was diagnosed as HIV positive 9 yeafrago and developed AIDS 2 years ago. AIDS ravages a victim's immune system, wiping out all of the Helper- f white blood cells in tbe body. There- lore, an AIDS victim's body is defenseless to fight off foreign attacks, such as infections. Fight months ago, Anders was withering away to nothing. He went from a solid, athletic 6-feet-2-inchcs. 210 pounds, to a slick-like 150 pounds. He had no appetite, and his will to live was waning. Then Anders' doctor took a chance. He read about a new drug that helped AIDS patients lhat were wasting away, patients like himself. The only problem was that Anders' doctor, Duane Goldberg, was concerned dial tbe drug. Anavar. was an anabolic steroid. The literature I had read was brand new. only tried on a few patients back East. But I knew Ray was in bad shape, so I had to do something Thank God I did." Anders is very thankful. "1 was willing to try something, anything," he said. "I was dying, fast. I didn't want to eat. and I was extremely weak. Now. I'm back up to 190 pounds, and my immune system is healthy. I have no doubt that this is because of Anavar." Steroids viewed differently It wasn't too long ago that anabolic steroids were viewed as one of the most dangerous drugs on the planet. They were primarily used by bodybuilders for gaining muscle size and strength. New research shows there are many positive uses for anabolic steroids and some have little to no detrimental side effects. Also, it recently became legal for doctors in the United States to prescribe Anavar or Primobolan to patients with AIDS. Tbe recommended dosage is 80 milligrams per day— a large dose even for a bodybuilder. "We in the health field just recently found out the positive aspects and uses for steroids." said Mary Grosvenor. a research nutritionist in the division of medical oncology at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. "Not only are Ihey being prescribed for AIDS patients, they are also being used to treat asthma patients as well " There are two different classes of steroids — anabolic and catabobc. Anabolic steroids are a group of compounds, including hormones, having a carbon-atom ring structure. There are more than 35 known anabolic steroids today. Thc second class of steroids is cala- bolic Whereas anabolic steroids build up the body's muscles and immune system, catabohc steroids break them down. Catabohc steroids are used in One particular catabohc steroid, lysine acety lasalicy late, is commonly used by asthma patients 35. only a handful "safe" hv doctors. "Many anabolic steroids are si very harmful." Grosvenor said "Ji a few— Anavar. OxaVitdn Primobolan— are prescribed by doc sidercd ill nd Tibed ii tall dos lally n. !ic- per day i lysine acetylasalicylate has-no side effects and enables asthma patients to breathe easier by opening the bronchial tubes. Steroid used for asthma "My doctor has given me lysine acetylasalicylate for my asthma." said Jeff Lagorio. "and it's helped. When he first told me he was giving me a coniosteroid. I was a little apprehensive. All I knew about cortiosteroids was the word 'steroid.' and I thought they were bad news. I was ignorant." "Certain types of cortiosteroids have been available lor a while now." Grosvenor said. "At first, the medical field was unsure if harmful side effects would be toxic lo users Bul now. cortiosteroids are usually prescribed .V.lhoi. oids. on the other iskv. Of the known Anadrol can causes problems Perhaps the most dangerous anabolic steroid is Anadrol It is the stron- gest steroid av ailable but is very toxic to Ihe liver High blood pressure among users is very common. Headaches, acne and stomach pains have' also been reported "Anadrol was my steroid of choice." said "Dave." a bodybuilder who used steroids tor I I years and w ished to remain anonymous for this story, "but it's very hard on the liver. I stay away from il now I don't want to have liver failure when I gel older." Anders. 3h. is hv ing his dav s to the fullest He is doing all ot ihe things he always wanted to do. hut didn't. "I guess you could say lhat I've become somewhat ot an outdoorsman." he said "Before I got sick. 1 never wanted to go oui and try things that Some minor side effects have been reported from Anavar use. Anders said he broke out with a mild case of acne on his face and back He also said his face got "a bn puffy because Anav ar " But he c|uicklv added. "I'll trade a little acne for a longer lease on life. I think I have a chance at heating this horrible disease" 4m California Medical School Of Shiatsu & Student Clinic shiatsu therapy Leam the Oriental therapeutic healing ar ol Shiatsu Therapy, a deep tissue pressure point therapy thai helps treat rra-y ailments and disorders. Professional Programs*Placement Assistance»VA •CEU*VOC»Rehab»Financial Aid AvailableUf eligible) .<&rr, I STUDENTCUMC TREATMENTS H5 per sessions 45 min. to 1 hr. $10 Seniors 60 & over Nationally Accredited by A.C.C.E.T.. MODESTO lO0C.^u*R<L544.0960 i sun exposure is accumulative." healing, unless treated. il I mis Marqucz. super*, isorof the While there is concern for sun ex- •yerj sunburn adds to the damage • Beth Crabtree believes a sale tan can skin has already accumulated. still be achieved. Ihe risk of cancer increases when- "Moderation is the key." Crabtree CATHOLIC STUDENTS ASSOCIATION I FREE I SOCIALS I FAITH DINNERS LhotihJ reflections -^ Microwave soowatu 0 Still in box yz Sega Genesis **^^ \\72 games & 2 controllers 875-7985 ask for Eric $180o.b,, ^0 $4o :t§ V for body and soul. Every Wednesday at ■EZehH Every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Sundays at 8 p.m. St. Paul Newman Center 1572 E. Barstow Ave. (Across from Bulldog Stadium) lor more information call Suzy OrXez at 436-3431 VOLUNTEER TO HELP YOUR COMMUNITY *)azz Day on the $reen Sunday, April 21, 1996 starting at 1:30 pm In the Jresno State Amphitheatre Pre-show prices: ' Fresno State Students with i.d.: $10 General Admission: $18 Faculty & Staff: $18 Tickets on sale at BASS. 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Object Description
Title | 1996_04 Insight April 1996 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Dept. of Journalism, California State University, Fresno. |
Publication Date | 1996 |
Description | Weekly during the school year. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 8 1969-v. 29, no. 23 (May 13, 1998, issue. Title from masthead. Merged with Daily collegian. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodials |
Contributors | California State University, Fresno Dept. of Journalism |
Coverage | October 8, 1969 - May 13, 1998 |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi, TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | 003_Insight Apr 17 1996 p 3 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publication Date | 1996 |
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APRIL 17,1996
'Bad' steriods help
patient with AIDS
Insight photo by Matt Lloyd
Jason Mack and Kimberly Intors bask in the sun at Millerton Lake with their five young children.
Exposure to sun causes
more than just tan lines
I Half of all Americans
will have had skin
cancer by age 65
by Dawn Howe
Staff Wntet
J.iik luii and .in olive complexion,
nevei imagined she could be a victim
Before lasi year. Kalirtd used tannine beds for a month at the begin
reascs the ultraviolet i
An) increase, whetru
r frequenting a lam
reuses the rivk lor cancer. Marqui
Iheir skin
Clients al forever Tons, located al
1776 E. Barstow. are encouraged to
ccognize iheir own personal skin
ype and exposure limitations.
'Not everyone can tan. but indoor
[aiming allows people lo control the
People al greater risk arc those type of rays their skin is exposed to."
nh lair skin' freckles, red or blonde Crabtree said.
I leather Kalino. brown-eyed with ban and light colored eyev Smart Tan industries supports the
Debbie Rose, registered iniioe-.it the idea thai tanning can be sale.
rrmatology oil ice ol Dr. Sycd Smart Tan has complied a scries of
rrrai/. sees patients wiih skiirean- edueutional brochures lor consumers.
Tevcryday.Approximately98per- Krisu Glcdhill. editor for the
nt of lhc patients Rose works with Smart Tan publication Tanning
in cancer. Trends, admits that there is a cor-
ecommend purpose!) relation between over-exposure and
skin io the eleiiK
ol started in the fall. exp
•Heels ol the ra)s changed her Ro>
"Burning, w helher it is outside or
inside, is bad." Gledhill
ZZ^ZlZ *>» o„e of |