Insight Sep 15 1993 p 8 |
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Page 8 Insight/California State University, Fresno September IS, 1993 Summer Continued from p*g» 1 llnlimninlnlnthr I rIrn.lly SkIrn United Airlines flew out of Preino for Ihc last lime Sept 7, leaving Morris Air and Delta Air Lines to compete for United*! former flyers. •Riling Sub* Uadcr Ffarc for The movie 'Rising Sun' opened July 30 to an immediate coniroveny for ila portrayal of Ihe Japanese aa ruthless and Americans as weak and stupid. DtsaratkM at CMy IUD Keeps Public I ntrrlulnrd cuy Hall has been the ongoing focusof public attention as their healed exchanges, personality conflicts and constant bickering have distracted them from ihc issues. CAMPUS NKWS Fast Food lilts the Campus Replacing the old food service area in the Pit is an all-new food court featuring Taco Bell, Subway Sandwich and China Station franchises. Language Degree* Suspended, Options Axed by Cut* Bachelor's degrees in German and Kimian will bceli.nlrwird in full 1994 due to ongoing budget cuts, as well as other options In business and bachelor's degrees in social sciences. Smoking Banned from Buildings Snwfcn* in all California Slate University buildings, or leased spaces within buildings, is officially prohibited as of July 1,1993, in accordance with a governor's executive order. A Utile KFSR Goes a Long Way FM station 90.7. KFSR expanded its frequency in May, broadening its range about 20 miles each direction. Health Services Costs Keep Rising Students were required lo pay an additional mandatory $35 health fee this fall. Plan to Expand Merchandise Gets Off to a Running Start Alumni Association added tennis and cross-trainer shoes to its line-up of CSUF merchandise. Units Contlnuod from pnrjo 5 while most of the students took about 12 to 15 units. He took a total of four ihrec-wcck sessions and two six-week sessions al CSUF, and one four-week session at Fresno Cily College. In Ihe busiest term, he attended classes from 8 am to 10 pm. Only two one-hour breaks were allowed between classes for lunch and dinner in a day. "All I was thinking about was my classes," Pien said. "I had no life, no party and no fun. I didn't even have lime lo feel stress." Go lo classes, take notes, go home, read notes, sleep — if he had time, he read textbooks according to syllabi. Even for watching TV, one of his favorite hobbies, he had only aboul 20 minutes a day. And he got all A's except for one B. 'Instead of many units [with good grades), you have to give up a lot of things," Pien said. 'I didn't care about my grades, so I could handle il," he said. Bul still he used almost all the time in a day for studying. "Sometimes, I felt like asking 'Where am I? What am I doing and what is this for?'" he said. He is planning to graduate in Ihc fall of '93, maybe including Ihc winter session. "If I stay here one more semester, do you know how much money it's going to lake?" he asked. Some students who took three classes at the same term during Ihe summer also had a hard time. "I didn't go to Fashion Fair this summer al all," said Polly Lui, a senior in accounting. "I didn't spend for anything except for groceries." Lui, who was taking two classes for his major and one GE in one term in the summer of '93, had been spending most of the lime everyday on a Many people say courses in the date with her textbooks and comput- are stressful and two in one ers. From 7:30am io 3:15 pm, she was silling in classes. Even during her short break between noon and 1 pm, she spent at least half the lime asking questions of instructors and Ihe rest of the time eating. Then she went home and studied until 2 or 3 am or stayed at the school's 'Taking many classes didn't stress computer lab until 9 pm. mc, but I fell pressure from my fam- On weekends, whenever her friends ily," Lau said. called, they could catch her at home "My parents and relatives want mc "I had to spend a lot of ume on to get good grades and get a job here, studying tocatch up with the classes," bul I want lo go back to Hong Kong as Lui said. soon as possible and relax and have A light schedule was unavoidable, more leisure time," he said. she said.What did she do when she term is all ihcy can handle. However, Isaac Lau, a senior in finance, look a total of four classes at once in the summer of 1993. Of those, two were six-week classes, one was a Ihrcc-wcck CSUF class, and one was a regular semester class at FCC thai started during the last week of CSUF's: Bookstore Contlnuod from pogn 2 Although Gartner expects back- pack sales lo decline due lo a decrease in student enrollment, school supplies is anticipated to increase and clothing sales to match last year's figures. Studenu often buy T-shirts or sweatshirts during the first week of school for relatives and friends. "I'm looking for a shirt for a friend who is visiting from Ireland," said Nina Supino, a liberal studies major, as she combed the racks. Shirts, pennants, pom-poms and any other items carrying a CSUF logo are in big demand a few days before football games. The computer center on the lower level of the bookstore hasn't been hurt by fewer students, either. Sales are better lhan last year, according to Httfnrxno Ye puter department manager. "Hardware makes up the bulk of our sales," he said. "We mostly sell equipment for Macintosh computers." Slow-selling items are confections and candy, which might be blamed on either competition from Ihc new campus fast food restaurants or hot weather making chocolate an unappetizing choice, according lo Gartner. Cigarette sales are also down despite a reduction in price. was really tired or stressed and could not continue studying? "I forgcl stress when I concentrate on [the material for) the next exam," she said. "I already got used to iL" During normal semesters, students are expected to have GPAs of 2.5 or better for 19 units and 3 Oor more for 20 to 22 units. I f students have the necessary GPA, they can add more courses when Add/ Drop process begins. If they don't, they have to go Ihc departments of their majors to secure permissions and submit forms to the Office of the Registrar by deadline dates. According to Marilyn Martino, undergraduate student counselor al the School of Business, at least 30 lo 50 studcnLs. who do not have a high enough GPA, come to her each semester to become qualified for enrollment in more lhan 18 units. "Many of the students [who come to me] exceeded only one lo two units," Martino said. "Those who lake more than 20 units are real rare." She usually asks them whether they arc involved in extracurricular activities besides taking classes, such as sports, clubs, jobs, student organizations, and so on. Then she justifies whether ihey can handle it "I'm toying to cover what the students can't make through STAR, not encouraging or discouraging for exceeding units," she said "What I'm concerned aboul is [ihat] students over-enrolling are not going lo stress out" Chicano students won welcomed to CSUF during Blonvonlda "93 last Friday. Faculty and students gathered In front of the Joyal Administration Building. Cars Contlnuod from page 4 amine ihc car before you buy il. Deciding how much money you con afford to spend on a car will help to narrow down what kind of car you will be looking for. Richard Abirached, a salesmun at Consumers Auto Choice, believes thai if students want a quality car, ihcy should plan to spend al least $3,000. "When you fall down into the $1,500-$2.500 range you arc losing quality," Abirached said. "You also may be sacrificing safely." Spending under $3,000 on u car might be asking for trouble, according to Phil Wright, the owner of High Tech Automotive, a bustling automotive repair shop located on Belmont. "Most newer model cars under $3,000 are going to have a lot of miles," Wright said. "I think a student looking lo buy a car needs to try and balance looks, reliability and price." According to Hudson, students can save money by purchasing a car through a private party rather than a dealer, bul ihcy may lose some of their rights. "When you buy a car from a private party, the car is 'as is' and so Ihc seller assumes almost no liability," Education Continued from page 3 will be built across Maple Avenue in the future, he said. Tha reddish-brown color of the building will match the Music Building across the street. The west wing is a two-story square building built on the ground a story under the cast wing. This design will keep the privacy of the Early Learning Center from busy Shaw Avenue, Aldrich said. Aficr ihc new Education Building, the university won't have new permanent facilities until as early as fall 1997. The next new facility will be ihc classroom building in the area west of Peters Building, which will have a department, such as Mathematics, Computer Science, English, Linguistic. Psychology, and Ag-Economics. said Hudson. "A dealer will usually offer some kind of warranty." Hudson said that if a students docs decide lo purchase from a dealer then he or she should look for a dealer with an on-site repair facility. "Dealers who have a garage on the lot, will usually handle problems you might have with the car much foster lhan those who have to send the cur oul for repairs," said Hudson. One way students can retain some of ihc services of buying from adcalcr while still buying from a private party is by purchasing from a consignment dealer, such as Consumers Auto Choice. Abirached. a recent CSUF graduate and now a sales associate for the dealership located on Shaw Avenue, said that at many dealers around town, salesman ore told lo push certain cars on customers. "Wc pul all the cars on our lot through a safety inspection," said Abirached. "Because wc don'i own the cars wc sell, there isn't the pressure of selling something thai isn'i safe. "If acar doesn't mectour standards wc just call ihc owner and tell ihem to conw p'tk ii "p " After figuring oul how much money to spend on a cur und where lo spend il. students must then decide on the kind of car lo buy. "I wanted to gel something like a Honda or Toyota." Souza soid. "Bui tlie only ones I could find were late "70s or curly '80s with more than KX).(XX) miles." According lo Abirached. cars such us Hondas und Toyotas are mode lo run pasl Ihc KX).(XX) mile murk. "1 hate to say it bul the Jnpuncsc cars arc just built better," said Abirached. "If you arc going to buy a cur with high mileage, then the Jnpa- ncsc curs ure your best bet" After finding a car which meets all of their criteria people should then take il to a trust worthy professional mechanic, advised Hudson. "A good mechanic con tell if a cor is worth buying," Hudson said, adding that a cor which looks good cosmetically may lum out be a lemon. Wright also advised students to lake ihcir prospective purchases to a good mechanic. "Wc can sec things that students cun't" Wright said. Fall '93 INSIGHT publication dates: September 22, 1993 fft /H September 29, 1993 W/^T^lO October 6, 1993 F Jfjfi'A V? October 13, 1093 fT/r**K\\( October 20,1993 JJ /flSfi3(\ U October 27, 1993 \±V /JgjMHj] \\J November 3, 1993 November 10, 1993 November 17, 1993 \S^JlJ December 1, 1993 ^^T^Kf December 8, 1993 . Kappa Kappa Gamma welcomes the new pledge class of Fall 1993 Amanda'Babigian SaraLeminff Jennifer Peters %aren CataSreses (Denise Mc&osfey Stepfianie %&shel Ariann Cooper Sharla Vdachado AuBry RgsensteeC %£itu Jrench Tiffany Varisi J&tty SCaufffiter ®randie<K$ik£osch Tiffany Tarf^r Jufie TsuJqida CoriLtfRsie JuXianne (Paul Julie iVedderSurn We've got the right ones baby... uh huh!! 1 letters! -^ ^ Fresno Stale and Friends 1 jqg'Wsrs; ■•"—* 7 Nighl Mexican Riviera Cruise C^ggp^g^*- January 2-9ih 1994 , =■===•«»» Pbr As Low As $499.00 per person Cruise on Ihc "fun ship" Jubilee for 7 fun-filled days Inm I-os Angeles lo the Mexican Riviera ports of: PUERTO VALI.A1M A-MAZATLAN-CAItO SAN LUCAS Scnor Frogs Cailos OTlricns CaboWaho The pei fed pnsl-holiilay vacation al a price you can'l afToi (1 lo miss! FOR FURTHER INFO. ATTEND A CRUISF MEETING ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1993 7:00 pm C.S.U.F. RESIDENCE HALLS-BAKER HALL LOBBY OR CONTACT: Mclisa al 278-3116 II ;. TO || THE EDITOR SENDTO: CSUF-Mail stop 10 or Drop them by the INSIGHT office - MCKEE FISK RM 240 Kennel Bookstore ?v •stf*fc A. WHOLE INEW SHADE O* XJE IBM representatives will introduce the latest in computer technology. Come by and let them show you what they've got! Date: Thursday, September 16 Time: 10 am to 3 pm Place: USU Balcony Now in stock! IBM Quality At A Clone Price IBM PS/ValuePoint 4?6SX system: $l4<?q 4f?6DX system: $lff3<? ThinkPad 350 notebook: $!?<-?<? ThinkPad 350C color notebook: $24<?<? Kennel Computer / Center fif 278-2116 Regular Semester Hours Computer Sales Mon-Thurs 7:45-7:15 Fri 7:45-5:00 Sat 10:00-3:00 -
Object Description
Title | 1993_09 Insight September 1993 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Dept. of Journalism, California State University, Fresno. |
Publication Date | 1993 |
Description | Weekly during the school year. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 8, 1969)-v. 29, no. 23 (May 13, 1998). Ceased with May 13, 1998, issue. Title from masthead. Merged with Daily collegian. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno Periodicals |
Contributors | California State University, Fresno Dept. of Journalism |
Coverage | October 8, 1969 – May 13, 1998 |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 “E-image data” |
Language | eng |
Title | Insight Sep 15 1993 p 8 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publication Date | 1993 |
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Page 8
Insight/California State University, Fresno
September IS, 1993
Continued from p*g» 1
I rIrn.lly SkIrn
United Airlines flew out of Preino
for Ihc last lime Sept 7, leaving Morris
Air and Delta Air Lines to compete
for United*! former flyers.
•Riling Sub* Uadcr Ffarc for
The movie 'Rising Sun' opened
July 30 to an immediate coniroveny
for ila portrayal of Ihe Japanese aa
ruthless and Americans as weak and
DtsaratkM at CMy IUD Keeps
Public I ntrrlulnrd
cuy Hall has been the ongoing
focusof public attention as their healed
exchanges, personality conflicts and
constant bickering have distracted
them from ihc issues.
Fast Food lilts the Campus
Replacing the old food service area
in the Pit is an all-new food court
featuring Taco Bell, Subway Sandwich and China Station franchises.
Language Degree* Suspended,
Options Axed by Cut*
Bachelor's degrees in German and
Kimian will bceli.nlrwird in full 1994
due to ongoing budget cuts, as well as
other options In business and
bachelor's degrees in social sciences.
Smoking Banned from Buildings
Snwfcn* in all California Slate University buildings, or leased spaces
within buildings, is officially prohibited as of July 1,1993, in accordance
with a governor's executive order.
A Utile KFSR Goes a Long Way
FM station 90.7. KFSR expanded
its frequency in May, broadening its
range about 20 miles each direction.
Health Services Costs
Keep Rising
Students were required lo pay an
additional mandatory $35 health fee
this fall.
Plan to Expand Merchandise
Gets Off to a Running Start
Alumni Association added tennis
and cross-trainer shoes to its line-up
of CSUF merchandise.
Contlnuod from pnrjo 5
while most of the students took about
12 to 15 units.
He took a total of four ihrec-wcck
sessions and two six-week sessions al
CSUF, and one four-week session at
Fresno Cily College.
In Ihe busiest term, he attended
classes from 8 am to 10 pm. Only two
one-hour breaks were allowed between classes for lunch and dinner in
a day.
"All I was thinking about was my
classes," Pien said. "I had no life, no
party and no fun. I didn't even have
lime lo feel stress."
Go lo classes, take notes, go home,
read notes, sleep — if he had time, he
read textbooks according to syllabi.
Even for watching TV, one of his
favorite hobbies, he had only aboul
20 minutes a day. And he got all A's
except for one B.
'Instead of many units [with good
grades), you have to give up a lot of
things," Pien said.
'I didn't care about my grades, so
I could handle il," he said.
Bul still he used almost all the time
in a day for studying.
"Sometimes, I felt like asking
'Where am I? What am I doing and
what is this for?'" he said.
He is planning to graduate in Ihc
fall of '93, maybe including Ihc winter session.
"If I stay here one more semester,
do you know how much money it's
going to lake?" he asked.
Some students who took three
classes at the same term during Ihe
summer also had a hard time.
"I didn't go to Fashion Fair this
summer al all," said Polly Lui, a senior in accounting.
"I didn't spend for anything except
for groceries."
Lui, who was taking two classes
for his major and one GE in one term
in the summer of '93, had been spending most of the lime everyday on a
Many people say courses in the date with her textbooks and comput-
are stressful and two in one ers.
From 7:30am io 3:15 pm, she was
silling in classes.
Even during her short break between noon and 1 pm, she spent at
least half the lime asking questions of
instructors and Ihe rest of the time
Then she went home and studied
until 2 or 3 am or stayed at the school's
'Taking many classes didn't stress computer lab until 9 pm.
mc, but I fell pressure from my fam- On weekends, whenever her friends
ily," Lau said. called, they could catch her at home
"My parents and relatives want mc "I had to spend a lot of ume on
to get good grades and get a job here, studying tocatch up with the classes,"
bul I want lo go back to Hong Kong as Lui said.
soon as possible and relax and have A light schedule was unavoidable,
more leisure time," he said. she said.What did she do when she
term is all ihcy can handle.
However, Isaac Lau, a senior in
finance, look a total of four classes at
once in the summer of 1993.
Of those, two were six-week
classes, one was a Ihrcc-wcck CSUF
class, and one was a regular semester
class at FCC thai started during the
last week of CSUF's:
Contlnuod from pogn 2
Although Gartner expects back-
pack sales lo decline due lo a decrease
in student enrollment, school supplies
is anticipated to increase and clothing
sales to match last year's figures.
Studenu often buy T-shirts or
sweatshirts during the first week of
school for relatives and friends.
"I'm looking for a shirt for a friend
who is visiting from Ireland," said
Nina Supino, a liberal studies major,
as she combed the racks.
Shirts, pennants, pom-poms and
any other items carrying a CSUF logo
are in big demand a few days before
football games.
The computer center on the lower
level of the bookstore hasn't been
hurt by fewer students, either. Sales
are better lhan last year, according to
Httfnrxno Ye puter department manager.
"Hardware makes up the bulk of
our sales," he said. "We mostly sell
equipment for Macintosh computers."
Slow-selling items are confections
and candy, which might be blamed on
either competition from Ihc new campus fast food restaurants or hot weather
making chocolate an unappetizing
choice, according lo Gartner.
Cigarette sales are also down despite a reduction in price.
was really tired or stressed and could
not continue studying?
"I forgcl stress when I concentrate
on [the material for) the next exam,"
she said.
"I already got used to iL"
During normal semesters, students
are expected to have GPAs of 2.5 or
better for 19 units and 3 Oor more for
20 to 22 units.
I f students have the necessary GPA,
they can add more courses when Add/
Drop process begins.
If they don't, they have to go Ihc
departments of their majors to secure
permissions and submit forms to the
Office of the Registrar by deadline
According to Marilyn Martino,
undergraduate student counselor al
the School of Business, at least 30 lo
50 studcnLs. who do not have a high
enough GPA, come to her each semester to become qualified for enrollment in more lhan 18 units.
"Many of the students [who come
to me] exceeded only one lo two units,"
Martino said.
"Those who lake more than 20
units are real rare."
She usually asks them whether they
arc involved in extracurricular activities besides taking classes, such as
sports, clubs, jobs, student organizations, and so on.
Then she justifies whether ihey can
handle it
"I'm toying to cover what the students can't make through STAR, not
encouraging or discouraging for exceeding units," she said
"What I'm concerned aboul is [ihat]
students over-enrolling are not going
lo stress out"
Chicano students won welcomed to CSUF during Blonvonlda "93 last Friday. Faculty and
students gathered In front of the Joyal Administration Building.
Contlnuod from page 4
amine ihc car before you buy il.
Deciding how much money you
con afford to spend on a car will help
to narrow down what kind of car you
will be looking for.
Richard Abirached, a salesmun at
Consumers Auto Choice, believes thai
if students want a quality car, ihcy
should plan to spend al least $3,000.
"When you fall down into the
$1,500-$2.500 range you arc losing
quality," Abirached said. "You also
may be sacrificing safely."
Spending under $3,000 on u car
might be asking for trouble, according to Phil Wright, the owner of High
Tech Automotive, a bustling automotive repair shop located on Belmont.
"Most newer model cars under
$3,000 are going to have a lot of
miles," Wright said. "I think a student
looking lo buy a car needs to try and
balance looks, reliability and price."
According to Hudson, students can
save money by purchasing a car
through a private party rather than a
dealer, bul ihcy may lose some of
their rights.
"When you buy a car from a private party, the car is 'as is' and so Ihc
seller assumes almost no liability,"
Continued from page 3
will be built across Maple Avenue in
the future, he said. Tha reddish-brown
color of the building will match the
Music Building across the street.
The west wing is a two-story square
building built on the ground a story
under the cast wing. This design will
keep the privacy of the Early Learning Center from busy Shaw Avenue,
Aldrich said.
Aficr ihc new Education Building, the university won't have new
permanent facilities until as early as
fall 1997.
The next new facility will be ihc
classroom building in the area west of
Peters Building, which will have a
department, such as Mathematics,
Computer Science, English, Linguistic. Psychology, and Ag-Economics.
said Hudson. "A dealer will usually
offer some kind of warranty."
Hudson said that if a students docs
decide lo purchase from a dealer then
he or she should look for a dealer with
an on-site repair facility.
"Dealers who have a garage on the
lot, will usually handle problems you
might have with the car much foster
lhan those who have to send the cur
oul for repairs," said Hudson.
One way students can retain some
of ihc services of buying from adcalcr
while still buying from a private party
is by purchasing from a consignment
dealer, such as Consumers Auto
Abirached. a recent CSUF graduate and now a sales associate for the
dealership located on Shaw Avenue,
said that at many dealers around town,
salesman ore told lo push certain cars
on customers.
"Wc pul all the cars on our lot
through a safety inspection," said
Abirached. "Because wc don'i own
the cars wc sell, there isn't the pressure of selling something thai isn'i
"If acar doesn't mectour standards
wc just call ihc owner and tell ihem to
conw p'tk ii "p "
After figuring oul how much money
to spend on a cur und where lo spend
il. students must then decide on the
kind of car lo buy.
"I wanted to gel something like a
Honda or Toyota." Souza soid. "Bui
tlie only ones I could find were late
"70s or curly '80s with more than
KX).(XX) miles."
According lo Abirached. cars such
us Hondas und Toyotas are mode lo
run pasl Ihc KX).(XX) mile murk.
"1 hate to say it bul the Jnpuncsc
cars arc just built better," said
Abirached. "If you arc going to buy a
cur with high mileage, then the Jnpa-
ncsc curs ure your best bet"
After finding a car which meets all
of their criteria people should then
take il to a trust worthy professional
mechanic, advised Hudson.
"A good mechanic con tell if a cor
is worth buying," Hudson said, adding that a cor which looks good cosmetically may lum out be a lemon.
Wright also advised students to
lake ihcir prospective purchases to a
good mechanic.
"Wc can sec things that students
cun't" Wright said.
Fall '93 INSIGHT publication dates:
September 22, 1993 fft /H
September 29, 1993 W/^T^lO
October 6, 1993 F Jfjfi'A V?
October 13, 1093 fT/r**K\\(
October 20,1993 JJ /flSfi3(\ U
October 27, 1993 \±V /JgjMHj] \\J
November 3, 1993
November 10, 1993
November 17, 1993 \S^JlJ
December 1, 1993 ^^T^Kf
December 8, 1993 .
Kappa Kappa Gamma
welcomes the new pledge class
of Fall 1993
Amanda'Babigian SaraLeminff Jennifer Peters
%aren CataSreses (Denise Mc&osfey Stepfianie %&shel
Ariann Cooper Sharla Vdachado AuBry RgsensteeC
%£itu Jrench Tiffany Varisi J&tty SCaufffiter
®randie |