Insight Nov 12 1997 p 2 |
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NaWJanjaaz VIEWPOINT & NEWS iDSsjjaitt CETI: Faculty union Code of conduct a security questions CSU future blanket, has no real influence s^l..^- •*■ •/ Tt tniiatu in imt sTitT - Reader rebuts Insight editorial noetjel also occur if the corporation is unable to fulfill it* mission for any reason " Fasse said students must not be left high and dry "We cannot walk away from pro- v iding higher education to the staie-of California." he said Morris etpressed the same con- "If this fails, who ha* ownershipT* Moms asked "Funding is based on the corporation selling service* If that revenue is overe*timated aad doss eat meet the projection* wVt happens to (he corporation'*" Morris estimates the corporation could fail within 12 to IK months af . ter getting started if the projected revenue*, arc not mei. The cornpanie* estimate thai tn the tirsi vear ot operation, marketed prod- . ucts and services under the title of "Flagship fsT will generale more than $41 million in revenue Many of these same products and ser* ices thai vt ill be wld are currently being offered on campu*. *uch a* the Central Valley Internet Project «< ttnfj (VIP currently charges student* and faculty SS 33 per month for Internet acce** Chances are very high that CETT will he charging a higher rate. Mom* The free e mail *er*ice provided at Fresno Stale by Infiirmation Technol ogy and Service* may mi longer he free under the new corporation Some have also questioned the re liability of these corporasieai to deliver ttate-of-the-art wchraotogy GTE'* main focus has been South em California. Moms said. So how will they he able to handle Northern by Matt Kraatrtar w GTE official* would not comrnem After ditcustion* with university president* aad officials, the chancel lor selected Team GTE in September of thi* year II wa* one of three finalist* out of a field of SB possible part ners The two other finalists included Team IBM and Team Ericsson TV IBM warn consisted of IBM. Pacific Bell. Lucent Techntvlogies, ATAT and ITC Learning Corporation Team Ericssoe comprised Ericsson Westinghousc, Sun Micro Systems Oracle and Cisco On Thursday. CSU Lo* Angeles President James Rosser and A*ti*tant Vice Chancellor of Information Re sources and Technology Tom West held a telephone press conference i* suing question* about CETI Throughout the 100-mmute que* lion answer period, held through ATAT — one of the initial competi tors for the partnersbip -- technical difficulties were encountered One reporter commented I teel it ironic that we are talking about a technology initiative and this conference call is kind of crazy " Everyone laughed Fresno State professor John Shield* began taflung about an aBtirtx code of conduct this fait, most m the taasnat community ernbraced B. Eseryoue agreed alt student* even athletes, need to be held accountable In the past year, criminal allegation* have plagued the Fresno State athteBc department Basketball players IXwninick Young and Chris Herren state accused of shaving points to help bettors Teammates Rater Alston Danyell Macklin and Daymond Forney were accused of assauBmtwo o WON r v*h<c hTvitowed hn cas*neahev was the final *traw for Shaetd* tad weakes motivation for the Code of Cttnduct titled. "Have We No IVar Mfta ChjtaBtaaer *cwwara mtheOct Jf laatajht a just a*** rf " Bui a code ft* conduct, vahile dr *ity^» realty muhmg raore Ban a tew aajtaaagleii woros on a piece of pa per It wilt not keep athlew* from efataXtXautt^lII even «*BegBne athhaaa, know how u*swM»aeai asggse M.nawajteu ^s. «-—--•» -*.._ «__ iha>« (kvivailat net The* know thev eentassaamtwaBssa, mn anj twn- I dueu et.«rthallpiat ter allegedly hitting hi* girlfriend Something obviously need* to he done, but a code of conduct is by no means a cuSe-all The problem i* not whether it i* adopted or not, the prob lem i* what happen* down Bw road, after a year or two have passed and athlete conduct is not a hot topic History show* the futility of conduct codes • A code of cttnduct at the University of Minnesota mandate* that any criminal allegation against an athlete result* in removal from the team That code was ignored when two basket ball plaver* were charged with sesual »**aull INTERNMENT: Wartime hardship npagel Taniguthi *aid the letter ot apology wa* more important Individual losses from the internment often tar et :u mm In American society a small amount i* necessary to make this meaningful," Tamguchi said "Now we feel that the Amencan government i* willing to correct the mi stake It ha* restored our faith in our system " Tantguchi and other surv i v or* ol the camp* have recovered Stimearesuc cessful businessmen, tanners and pro But he warn* Amencan* not to for lie* in ihe United Iul and know what aaasa in Washing [ participate in their How the kifttwiaiSBlatft II lapanfc US aaahary base at Pearl Harbor TV ne*t day, the United Slate* de .U.edvta And in Fehniary of I *M2. President I ranklm R.aviveli *igned"rlwcutn Thit order authona any aajnaay co Huron ait to exclude aay ser ton from designated, military Constitution of the United States." Tantguchi said "We knew right away our constitutional rights were v lolated The Fifth Amendment to the Con stnutton states "No person shall be depnved of life, liberty, ot propenv without due proces* of law " And at cording to the Sixth Amendment, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impar tial jttry and to be inf.vrmed of the cause of the accu*atHvn Though Tantguchi and other Japa nese American* were angry vtith the military order, they didni demon I or resist » Tantguchi said many Sansei (third generation Japanese Amerkami e*k him why he and other setrood genera lion Japanese Amencan* .ImI not re *i« Bw government "If we did «omethin| have only caused) the government to react more," he *aid He also etplained that Japanese American* had no political strength at thai time And since (hey were forced lo abandon their properties during the evacuation the* did n,M have the financial resource* M <^ga erused by playing baseball. ba*ket and judo TV camp also had a hospital and combination el and high school Ihe military allowed young Japanese Americans interested in college io lease the camp* and travel to New York, Denver and other cities away trom tbe West C.ssst to attend school laSagaU hi left camp to attend Wayne t nivetsily in Detroit. Mich In April IvMV Tantguchi and hi* »ith hit lather a a camp in Teta* Tantguchi ihetherhe was Amen aanasnj •A code Virginia Tech football player* from being arrested m the l0** Out of the \o athlete beating his girlfriend is going to stop in mid-slap because he remembers there is a code of conduct players waa arrested for rape twice in • In W5 and I <Wf., aa athletic code of conduct was in place when the I'nivcrwty of Nebraska won consec u tive national championships with player* charged with sexual assault, theft, assault, a finng a gee a an occupied vehicle and truntreed weeds! Simply, a code of csutduct docs not stop cnmmal hehatha, laeteed, h en cotirage* s pattern of cover tea aad *pt*cuu treatment mf*\ ourtnev Alexander, found I guilty m vugawa of ataaah ^ss~S inghistiancee.vtasrfvru.tect by Conch Jem Tar hi* basketball tfcnh When n cmes ,k-v*» gj ,i peopk they theuid act They know they But man. do | imvsav And itw ant wart dertag watoa aad eaty a atdhsl of them get hat »tV*V»htp»' Or *ueaM the prefer Baa tach of i a a code ef conduct if the code is finally approved next aaBBl aatnaBau) BaaBanaahhhhaaaa of this campus will pat each other on the back and ivffer c-tms^ulaftons on a jivb well done What they will torgei is thai n •hasn't maarr The only Code of Con duel needed it ajready in place at It * called Bw Penal Code Hart Krrttmer is the Etna tfmtttsmfisdmsntmnsmkemstoc*** tfajaaaea when ***rarnc mg my crutu and *hoaad he ahte to redeem haa or herself from a foible Everyone, not just athletes, deserses equally a* much So whv dor* Bonner thspar age psaaul an athletes' USU PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS Insight it when the v* ar herween Bw United a broke out 'e said thai an der the curfew he and other Japanese a oa Bw We« Coast had to mopm tots • m and could go no rnore than five miles from * clearly rhe .lay hit d by the FBI Hi* a aa active Ittet." a Bra generation Japanese in the U Suae* Issrt were ma eligible to he come naturalized I S on/emu ttwaf NtttanVeWtfttfeOfl iJtW finf | 790 "Mow of the feadert of Japanese American *ocwty were l»*ei a tha time he said And all the an were < iiattthiiett tube aaagsrua* lyalirn* by Bw FBI because «*ry
Object Description
Title | 1997_11 Insight November 1997 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Dept. of Journalism, California State University, Fresno. |
Publication Date | 1997 |
Description | Weekly during the school year. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 8, 1969)-v. 29, no. 23 (May 13, 1998). Ceased with May 13, 1998, issue. Title from masthead. Merged with Daily collegian. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno Periodicals |
Contributors | California State University, Fresno Dept. of Journalism |
Coverage | October 8, 1969 – May 13, 1998 |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 “E-image data” |
Language | eng |
Title | Insight Nov 12 1997 p 2 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publication Date | 1997 |
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CETI: Faculty union Code of conduct a security
questions CSU future blanket, has no real influence s^l..^-
•*■ •/ Tt tniiatu in imt sTitT -
Reader rebuts
Insight editorial
also occur if the corporation is unable
to fulfill it* mission for any reason "
Fasse said students must not be left
high and dry
"We cannot walk away from pro-
v iding higher education to the staie-of
California." he said
Morris etpressed the same con-
"If this fails, who ha* ownershipT*
Moms asked "Funding is based on
the corporation selling service* If that
revenue is overe*timated aad doss eat
meet the projection* wVt happens to
(he corporation'*"
Morris estimates the corporation
could fail within 12 to IK months af
. ter getting started if the projected revenue*, arc not mei.
The cornpanie* estimate thai tn the
tirsi vear ot operation, marketed prod-
. ucts and services under the title of
"Flagship fsT will generale more than
$41 million in revenue
Many of these same products and
ser* ices thai vt ill be wld are currently
being offered on campu*. *uch a* the
Central Valley Internet Project
«< ttnfj
(VIP currently charges student*
and faculty SS 33 per month for
Internet acce**
Chances are very high that CETT
will he charging a higher rate. Mom*
The free e mail *er*ice provided at
Fresno Stale by Infiirmation Technol
ogy and Service* may mi longer he
free under the new corporation
Some have also questioned the re
liability of these corporasieai to deliver ttate-of-the-art wchraotogy
GTE'* main focus has been South
em California. Moms said. So how
will they he able to handle Northern
by Matt Kraatrtar
GTE official* would not comrnem
After ditcustion* with university
president* aad officials, the chancel
lor selected Team GTE in September
of thi* year II wa* one of three finalist* out of a field of SB possible part
The two other finalists included
Team IBM and Team Ericsson TV
IBM warn consisted of IBM. Pacific
Bell. Lucent Techntvlogies, ATAT and
ITC Learning Corporation Team
Ericssoe comprised Ericsson
Westinghousc, Sun Micro Systems
Oracle and Cisco
On Thursday. CSU Lo* Angeles
President James Rosser and A*ti*tant
Vice Chancellor of Information Re
sources and Technology Tom West
held a telephone press conference i*
suing question* about CETI
Throughout the 100-mmute que*
lion answer period, held through
ATAT — one of the initial competi
tors for the partnersbip -- technical
difficulties were encountered
One reporter commented I teel it
ironic that we are talking about a technology initiative and this conference
call is kind of crazy "
Everyone laughed
Fresno State professor
John Shield* began taflung
about an aBtirtx code of
conduct this fait, most m the taasnat
community ernbraced B. Eseryoue
agreed alt student* even athletes,
need to be held accountable
In the past year, criminal allegation*
have plagued the Fresno State athteBc
department Basketball players
IXwninick Young and Chris Herren
state accused of shaving points to
help bettors Teammates Rater Alston
Danyell Macklin and Daymond
Forney were accused of assauBmtwo
v*h |