Insight Feb 25 1998 p 1 |
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Business students show who's boss. Human Resource Management team wins first and second overall. Insight California Stat* UnivetMty, f-reano s^L^^^Af Feb, 25. I**** Stjihmi i » Mil In M ^""M*****^*"^ InSpoit*- Deaths are catalyst for change. Wrestlers* techniques for cutting weight abolished. Faculty dissatisfied with merit pay system Competition for increases lower morale, cause disharmony by Erin Maxweff Staff Writer Intense dislike characterized the response of approximately 600 fac ulty members on 23 California cam pure* from San Diego to Humboldt about their current merit pay package . Professors mi all 20 Califomu Slate University campuses where the Merit Pay Task Force of the CSU Academic Senate did face lo face interviews Mid that the Performance Salary Step Increase Package was causing tome degree of disharmony and rancor "Its not that the faculty is against merit pay as a whole." said Dr. Dan Whitney, a key member of the task force and a professor of anthropology at San Diego State University It * my o « .. 1 gg percent of the faculty think merit pay m a good thing, or at tcatt taM a had thing, but the one we've had for the past three yean, the PSSl. has made everyone angry " Whitney said he believed that Chancellor Barry Munirr. who worked to institute a ment pay sys tern and challenged the task force to find alternative merit pay systems was aware that the Pi wasn't working by the end of its first year in effect ' It was forced on the faculty." Whitney said. "It was in the hands of the administration, and many people felt that that was too far removed from the people who knew what was re- put Fresno State at a disadvantage m they are M mmt * ally gomg on in the departments" hiring new nwaaiaufs. "They (fat-ratty The task force's report stated Mm This campus will be facing major like tooting their *etlreCSU,s>*M*m, retirements tn the nest four years and WhMaj MM led stack tremen we have got to be m a compentise The three year ok dem litre replacement for the fnc iibmii facufry wht i who are gomg hi retire." satd Dr m tacarWag PSSU M • MtMirsl.ii rsSMMMtjIMMM ern Michigan I'm versify and a Peim sylvania State University, it was aban doned "I think that when you have a sys what they come m* wall M M tern that says hou have to compere for this money. t6 me the mrttage »that you're not doing enough." sasd MC Drake, a professor of rheaarr arts M Fresno State "And I think that's Jw Senate and a geography preataaor at ranked by a cnMMrMMC Fresno Stare ""Frankly. I don't care peers The gnu tat ail ot ihei' taa Man of of the university, with the ment pay or salary Mew-ares I do care that we hecotne competitive if we are who wil receive PSSl gotog M MMMaitt a level of cuaattty arepvewaiMtptasascreaaei toMe m the CSli system " has* salary WhMrey said one proMem with the Changes proposed to the ment wrong " PSSl system was faculty mtmhtrs pay syMem hy the MM force are Concerns were expressed that the having to apply and say how good • Mo merit pay plan shall he widely disliked PSSl process could impkttummd «MI the faculty mi uttyand Vpo^rvtrctbs fefofats* *.» college * I be made In katau uarversaygi ratn- Mfae MMTM. Continuous storms threaten to drown Valley M ; Old landscaping methods I showing age, faults fronvf ains it! HM n*fg*t* pi iihliwii hi nnaM Mmm by Ma drv aMMMg areata* af B HUM are fm Mafffa . ■ used ay the unstable vsr m M*. I • • M rM ptarai Tha lack of prapar drmnaga systams ai tha Frasna araa n bagtning to make tha ttraats took fata tfantca Drainage system could prove inadequate by John t*t*achaat Staff Writer we're going to have flooded streets, sum of those the Cemral vytey has memal undertaking Dhslhm.Parks *tog*ri lis mOmts agam. May «anM MM nrst mruah homes everywhere,'according to r, or nerved over the paatwo- years "Thaw ta s tMth a. i n 300 wales o« tretssMiBMti ii*swsMt»atfoatar b'«s**yam'kMhmtm«rh»r*«M t*nMlWoinen. Assistant Street Main 1A hundred year storm isl of an pipeline Hofmeo* satd If post mg of CVms mmm MMM "We Tta hart Mat mtlrtgiMn Mat a»» tenance Manager for it* City ot intensity mat out collection system turned in a stnrtt bne,Fre*uo s dram have mMMMMdmmmmm mom m MNTM iMHM lM» sMMMt n MMagh The normally and San !oac,uin 1-resno Public Works Department can't handle and so us gomg to age «>si*m would reach from down ma lt» iMMJH fattlfMii illMJ MMM* to keep Mere puNst ag* hat seen record rainfall over the "Wmwtsscksuphecatmethepipe* |cause| a lot of kxalued flooding town P**m to ih* (wide* Oat* tokvamMMi km*" guard ftoaMaai arermtmaregedto pasi two months, filling valley are not big enough lo handle the around towinlets until our system can Itndge in San Francisco an? could AgMtcMt, iMMMaMrt l*MMtu and mMiit the tTaaaafMMM af NMk drainage systems to capacity storm*." Momen satd The storm catchmy,- «aM AM*Hofmatm.(Mara itagetivt the system, bm the hug*e» Clovis are cunaiiaatty MMihatmg Wt^»Mth**s*M«fsfaMtl itl—J oid Clovis officials are drains are holding upetcept they rr ttoaa Bnginaar far the Fresno MMM- ***** would then br to pneyerrv »>w* «a*ifar*js MtMta>h*M*ait*iri pro- tmetgt nc v doubtful that local drainage sys all designed for two- year storms and potitan Flood Control District and ers lest agamst flood wMMs Pre tasty T*tV iwwiMti »>c*t >s) MM l««2 torn* would he MMhte to prevent we have had some of the hundred graduate ofFres*** State TVFMH s OsMiM M fated *M» tha same aY atone hm flMM and give*, out more or «a lift! Mart hours. rMMMM flooding in the event of a subatan year storms in many, many caars" huitda and oversees the maimenmtve lemma According to Mofmann. thai IS 0P0 MMfbafs «anl The ones thmg that we .andt* tialdownpoar A ""tsvo year" storm is one thai of the MiliMgt sytem for the Fresno Fre«m> and Ctosis havr «*rntK»l t ve heard reports that there now is have oat puna* wmth aad "tt you have an men of rain m drops a masimstm of lOMchofram and Oovn areas When asked what it drainage syMwtm mmm lyMims could go well wsws yet * lot .4 saMbaas reads *> we oa* area or in the whole city of in 24 hoars A "ksmdtad jiMtrMarm would take to upgrade the system Weretaki FWMtfi ia taa utanw of one hour, it a more Mmmk syream sMtular to Itoftaaaa tatd M would he a mtmu to this stoei Boyd recovery slow as committee plans to prevent hate crimes Staff TV dovtors sasd Malcolm Boyd w.-uMn | (Mraa M thr,s,gh ihr night I hi , i, which is an ad lux group apptoved by *\sw% sated *
Object Description
Title | 1998_02 Insight February 1998 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Dept. of Journalism, California State University, Fresno. |
Publication Date | 1998 |
Description | Weekly during the school year. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 8, 1969)-v. 29, no. 23 (May 13, 1998). Ceased with May 13, 1998, issue. Title from masthead. Merged with Daily collegian. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno Periodicals |
Contributors | California State University, Fresno Dept. of Journalism |
Coverage | October 8, 1969 – May 13, 1998 |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 “E-image data” |
Language | eng |
Title | Insight Feb 25 1998 p 1 |
Alternative Title | Insight (California State University, Fresno) |
Publication Date | 1998 |
Full-Text-Search | Business students show who's boss. Human Resource Management team wins first and second overall. Insight California Stat* UnivetMty, f-reano s^L^^^Af Feb, 25. I**** Stjihmi i » Mil In M ^""M*****^*"^ InSpoit*- Deaths are catalyst for change. Wrestlers* techniques for cutting weight abolished. Faculty dissatisfied with merit pay system Competition for increases lower morale, cause disharmony by Erin Maxweff Staff Writer Intense dislike characterized the response of approximately 600 fac ulty members on 23 California cam pure* from San Diego to Humboldt about their current merit pay package . Professors mi all 20 Califomu Slate University campuses where the Merit Pay Task Force of the CSU Academic Senate did face lo face interviews Mid that the Performance Salary Step Increase Package was causing tome degree of disharmony and rancor "Its not that the faculty is against merit pay as a whole." said Dr. Dan Whitney, a key member of the task force and a professor of anthropology at San Diego State University It * my o « .. 1 gg percent of the faculty think merit pay m a good thing, or at tcatt taM a had thing, but the one we've had for the past three yean, the PSSl. has made everyone angry " Whitney said he believed that Chancellor Barry Munirr. who worked to institute a ment pay sys tern and challenged the task force to find alternative merit pay systems was aware that the Pi wasn't working by the end of its first year in effect ' It was forced on the faculty." Whitney said. "It was in the hands of the administration, and many people felt that that was too far removed from the people who knew what was re- put Fresno State at a disadvantage m they are M mmt * ally gomg on in the departments" hiring new nwaaiaufs. "They (fat-ratty The task force's report stated Mm This campus will be facing major like tooting their *etlreCSU,s>*M*m, retirements tn the nest four years and WhMaj MM led stack tremen we have got to be m a compentise The three year ok dem litre replacement for the fnc iibmii facufry wht i who are gomg hi retire." satd Dr m tacarWag PSSU M • MtMirsl.ii rsSMMMtjIMMM ern Michigan I'm versify and a Peim sylvania State University, it was aban doned "I think that when you have a sys what they come m* wall M M tern that says hou have to compere for this money. t6 me the mrttage »that you're not doing enough." sasd MC Drake, a professor of rheaarr arts M Fresno State "And I think that's Jw Senate and a geography preataaor at ranked by a cnMMrMMC Fresno Stare ""Frankly. I don't care peers The gnu tat ail ot ihei' taa Man of of the university, with the ment pay or salary Mew-ares I do care that we hecotne competitive if we are who wil receive PSSl gotog M MMMaitt a level of cuaattty arepvewaiMtptasascreaaei toMe m the CSli system " has* salary WhMrey said one proMem with the Changes proposed to the ment wrong " PSSl system was faculty mtmhtrs pay syMem hy the MM force are Concerns were expressed that the having to apply and say how good • Mo merit pay plan shall he widely disliked PSSl process could impkttummd «MI the faculty mi uttyand Vpo^rvtrctbs fefofats* *.» college * I be made In katau uarversaygi ratn- Mfae MMTM. Continuous storms threaten to drown Valley M ; Old landscaping methods I showing age, faults fronvf ains it! HM n*fg*t* pi iihliwii hi nnaM Mmm by Ma drv aMMMg areata* af B HUM are fm Mafffa . ■ used ay the unstable vsr m M*. I • • M rM ptarai Tha lack of prapar drmnaga systams ai tha Frasna araa n bagtning to make tha ttraats took fata tfantca Drainage system could prove inadequate by John t*t*achaat Staff Writer we're going to have flooded streets, sum of those the Cemral vytey has memal undertaking Dhslhm.Parks *tog*ri lis mOmts agam. May «anM MM nrst mruah homes everywhere,'according to r, or nerved over the paatwo- years "Thaw ta s tMth a. i n 300 wales o« tretssMiBMti ii*swsMt»atfoatar b'«s**yam'kMhmtm«rh»r*«M t*nMlWoinen. Assistant Street Main 1A hundred year storm isl of an pipeline Hofmeo* satd If post mg of CVms mmm MMM "We Tta hart Mat mtlrtgiMn Mat a»» tenance Manager for it* City ot intensity mat out collection system turned in a stnrtt bne,Fre*uo s dram have mMMMMdmmmmm mom m MNTM iMHM lM» sMMMt n MMagh The normally and San !oac,uin 1-resno Public Works Department can't handle and so us gomg to age «>si*m would reach from down ma lt» iMMJH fattlfMii illMJ MMM* to keep Mere puNst ag* hat seen record rainfall over the "Wmwtsscksuphecatmethepipe* |cause| a lot of kxalued flooding town P**m to ih* (wide* Oat* tokvamMMi km*" guard ftoaMaai arermtmaregedto pasi two months, filling valley are not big enough lo handle the around towinlets until our system can Itndge in San Francisco an? could AgMtcMt, iMMMaMrt l*MMtu and mMiit the tTaaaafMMM af NMk drainage systems to capacity storm*." Momen satd The storm catchmy,- «aM AM*Hofmatm.(Mara itagetivt the system, bm the hug*e» Clovis are cunaiiaatty MMihatmg Wt^»Mth**s*M«fsfaMtl itl—J oid Clovis officials are drains are holding upetcept they rr ttoaa Bnginaar far the Fresno MMM- ***** would then br to pneyerrv »>w* «a*ifar*js MtMta>h*M*ait*iri pro- tmetgt nc v doubtful that local drainage sys all designed for two- year storms and potitan Flood Control District and ers lest agamst flood wMMs Pre tasty T*tV iwwiMti »>c*t >s) MM l««2 torn* would he MMhte to prevent we have had some of the hundred graduate ofFres*** State TVFMH s OsMiM M fated *M» tha same aY atone hm flMM and give*, out more or «a lift! Mart hours. rMMMM flooding in the event of a subatan year storms in many, many caars" huitda and oversees the maimenmtve lemma According to Mofmann. thai IS 0P0 MMfbafs «anl The ones thmg that we .andt* tialdownpoar A ""tsvo year" storm is one thai of the MiliMgt sytem for the Fresno Fre«m> and Ctosis havr «*rntK»l t ve heard reports that there now is have oat puna* wmth aad "tt you have an men of rain m drops a masimstm of lOMchofram and Oovn areas When asked what it drainage syMwtm mmm lyMims could go well wsws yet * lot .4 saMbaas reads *> we oa* area or in the whole city of in 24 hoars A "ksmdtad jiMtrMarm would take to upgrade the system Weretaki FWMtfi ia taa utanw of one hour, it a more Mmmk syream sMtular to Itoftaaaa tatd M would he a mtmu to this stoei Boyd recovery slow as committee plans to prevent hate crimes Staff TV dovtors sasd Malcolm Boyd w.-uMn | (Mraa M thr,s,gh ihr night I hi , i, which is an ad lux group apptoved by *\sw% sated * |