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page 4 Hye Sharzhoom January, 1981 Expelling hatred from the Armenian cause By Brian Arax I was in San Francisco to receive an award from the Armenian-American Citizens' League. The League was going to present me with the A. Ted Ashjian Memorial Scholarship, given to promote the cause of the Armenian people within our American culture—the cause of cohesion, a- chievement, recognition and acceptance - through supporting promising Armenian college students. It was April 8,1978, and I was standing in front of 400 Armenian faces. The faces of pain, gaiety, wisdom. Despair and hope had already crossed the path of their lives many times, leaving the lines of time etched in those tired, yet benevolent faces. Seda Bedrosian, the League's Educational and Scholarship Committee Chairman, introduced me as the winner of the $500 scholarship. These A judgement... faces applauded. They are Armenian. This boy is Armenian. He has done well. We are proud. I stand before them blond-haired, light-complex- ioned. I do not speak their language, dance then- dances, nor cook their food. I take their money. Mrs. Bedrosian asked me if I would like to say a few words and I declined. I hfid much to say and it is now that these words must be said. I hear much talk among the Armenian people about what it means to be Armenian. I hear talk of the Genocide. I hear talk of the Armenian "movement"- "Hye Sharzhoom." The basic themes that come through are that we must not lose our Armenian identity, we must assert ourselves as Armenians first before any other identity, and we must avenge our loss at the hands of the Turk. This is somewhat the extreme view, but it is presented to make a point. I agree that our cultural heritage is a strong one and an important one worthy of preservation. I know the pain of losing our Armenian culture. After my parents are gone, who will be there to cook our food, dance our dances, or teach the little ones the tongue of Ararat? It will not be me. I have seen Armenian women with welcoming eyes and had the desire to say "Eenchbes es?" I have wanted them to be surprised and warmed by our shared background and yet to me after "Eenchbes es?" THERE IS NOTHING and I must remain silent. It is the reaction to our Armenian identity beyond the preservation of our culture that I must take exception to. Young Armenians, like all other young people, are striving to find their identity. The time between post-adolescence and adulthood is a difficult one. This is the time that we ask ourselves what are the important things in life, how do we stand morally, what do we want our future to look like. In short, we ask, "Who are we?" Erich Fromm has described this period as the "identity crisis." It is a time in which the individual undergoes tremendous mental and emotional changes. Many of our Armenian youth are finding the answers to the questions that the identity crisis pose in their "Armenianness." This would be fine except it is being expressed in the wrong ways. They are finding their identity in the Genocide and then- conversation smells of violence. I read an article in this very paper about the pros and cons of terrorism as an effective retribution to the Genocide. The final conclusion of the article was against its use, but even weighing the various utilities of pure, unmasked and savage violence is utterly intolerable. The article was a rational, intellectual discussion of terror - the same terror we Armenians faced 66 years ago. Violence should not be bandied about intellectually as if one were discussing a chess game. The better response is at gut level, where every breath of our soul cries out "No!" The mere discussion of violence in the paper gives it an undeserved and morally repulsive legitimacy. Talk of the Genocide is talk of the past. It was an atrocity. No, it was a million and a half atrocities, but it was not an atrocity against the Armenian people. It was an atrocity against mankind. The world need not know of it not because we are Armenian and we were wronged. They need know because they are people and they were wronged. Reference to the Genocide as the wrong to "our" people is but the self-pity of martyrdom. This is why the talk of vengeance is so grating. There is another reason why these things are upsetting: hate begets only hate. The Armenian hate for the Turk is nothing but the same passion that began the disasters of the pogrom of 1895 and the Genocide of 1915. Where is the justice in the emotion of hate? How are the wrongs of the past cured by it? They are not. Hate but compounds itself in an unending cycle of bloodshed that drags down the title of "man." We Armenians should not be a part of it. Armenians of today should be Armenians of the present and not of the past. We should be Armenians of love and not of hate. We should be Armenians of pride and not pity. The shame I felt at that A.A.C.L. banquet - the shame of feeling a stranger to my brethren - is the ill to be cured. The real task of the Armenian people is to keep their rich heritage intact. This does not mean we are Armenians first and foremost. Assimilation to the American way of life is necessary to preserve the spirit of unity, brotherhood, and humanity. We do not have to forget who we are to remember that our first duty is to man. Hye Sharzhoom as the spirit of the Armenian culture, ture, achievement, and international brotherhood is holy. Hye Sharzhoom as the spirit of revenge is an absolute evil. Soviet Armenia and the Armenian homeland By Bryan Bedrosian Free, Independent and United Armenia (Azad, Angakh yev Miyatzyal. Hayasdan) This catch phrase has long been used by some members of the Armenian community to express the national aspirations of our people. These national aspirations, the dream of having a sovereign nation where we can preserve and perpetuate our culture are noble, and ones we as Armenians should struggle to attain. This phrase, though, embodies not just national aspirations, but for many, also suggests an unrealistic and unhistorical connotation. This phrase implies that over much of our 2,500-year history we, in fact had a free, independent and united Armenia; free and independent in the sense that we as a people were autonomous and sovereign; united in a sense that all our historical lands were controlled by the Armenian people and maintained under one form of government. This glorious past is simply not historically accurate. Over the greater part of our history we were not free, independent and united. Rather, A vision... we were the vassal states of the Persian, Roman, Byzantine, Arab, and Ottoman Turkish empires. Even when kings ruled, they were usually subject to more powerful autocrats. When the Persian and Byzantine empires struggled for world domination, they divided Armenia into two spheres of influence, granting each sphere its own king. During most of the Cilician Armenian period, Armenia was divided into two kingdoms: Hetumid and Rupenid. Further examples are sprinkled throughout Armenian history. The phrase "Free, Independent and United Armenia" also implies that Armenia is not presently a geographic entity. Again, this overlooks historical reality. Considering the Armenian experience, the present Armenian state, Soviet Armenia, is a fairly secure example of Armenia as a geographical entity. In Soviet Armenia there are presently more than three million Armenians, whose primary language is Armenian. Our historical and national treasures are protected and preserved in the Matenadaran. The great preponderance of current Armenian literature is published in Soviet Armenia. Industrially and technologically, Soviet Armenia is highly advanced. The people enjoy a high standard of living. Finally, Soviet Armenia is protected by the Soviet Union. This protection assures that Soviet Armenia will flourish, at least as long as a productive Armenia is politically and economically expedient for the Soviet Union. With these historical perspectives in mind, how then do we realistically go about gaining a free, independent and united Armenia? First, we must realize that this struggle is our own and we can't depend on the help of others. History should have taught us by now that we have not and will not get help from anybody unless it is politically and economically expedient for those helping us. To confirm this we have only to look at the rejection of the American mandate for Armenia after World War I. Armenia did not become an American protectorate primarily because it continued on page 5
Object Description
Title | 1981_01 Hye Sharzhoom Newspaper January 1981 |
Alternative Title | Armenian Action, Vol. 3 No. 2, January 1981; Ethnic Supplement to the Collegian. |
Publisher | Armenian Studies Program, California State University, Fresno. |
Publication Date | 1981 |
Description | Published two to four times a year. The newspaper of the California State University, Fresno Armenian Students Organization and Armenian Studies Program. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno – Periodicals. |
Contributors | Armenian Studies Program; Armenian Students Organization, California State University, Fresno. |
Coverage | 1979-2014 |
Format | Newspaper print |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Scanned at 200-360 dpi, 18-bit greyscale - 24-bit color, TIFF or PDF. PDFs were converted to TIF using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. |
Title | January 1981 Page 4 |
Full-Text-Search | page 4 Hye Sharzhoom January, 1981 Expelling hatred from the Armenian cause By Brian Arax I was in San Francisco to receive an award from the Armenian-American Citizens' League. The League was going to present me with the A. Ted Ashjian Memorial Scholarship, given to promote the cause of the Armenian people within our American culture—the cause of cohesion, a- chievement, recognition and acceptance - through supporting promising Armenian college students. It was April 8,1978, and I was standing in front of 400 Armenian faces. The faces of pain, gaiety, wisdom. Despair and hope had already crossed the path of their lives many times, leaving the lines of time etched in those tired, yet benevolent faces. Seda Bedrosian, the League's Educational and Scholarship Committee Chairman, introduced me as the winner of the $500 scholarship. These A judgement... faces applauded. They are Armenian. This boy is Armenian. He has done well. We are proud. I stand before them blond-haired, light-complex- ioned. I do not speak their language, dance then- dances, nor cook their food. I take their money. Mrs. Bedrosian asked me if I would like to say a few words and I declined. I hfid much to say and it is now that these words must be said. I hear much talk among the Armenian people about what it means to be Armenian. I hear talk of the Genocide. I hear talk of the Armenian "movement"- "Hye Sharzhoom." The basic themes that come through are that we must not lose our Armenian identity, we must assert ourselves as Armenians first before any other identity, and we must avenge our loss at the hands of the Turk. This is somewhat the extreme view, but it is presented to make a point. I agree that our cultural heritage is a strong one and an important one worthy of preservation. I know the pain of losing our Armenian culture. After my parents are gone, who will be there to cook our food, dance our dances, or teach the little ones the tongue of Ararat? It will not be me. I have seen Armenian women with welcoming eyes and had the desire to say "Eenchbes es?" I have wanted them to be surprised and warmed by our shared background and yet to me after "Eenchbes es?" THERE IS NOTHING and I must remain silent. It is the reaction to our Armenian identity beyond the preservation of our culture that I must take exception to. Young Armenians, like all other young people, are striving to find their identity. The time between post-adolescence and adulthood is a difficult one. This is the time that we ask ourselves what are the important things in life, how do we stand morally, what do we want our future to look like. In short, we ask, "Who are we?" Erich Fromm has described this period as the "identity crisis." It is a time in which the individual undergoes tremendous mental and emotional changes. Many of our Armenian youth are finding the answers to the questions that the identity crisis pose in their "Armenianness." This would be fine except it is being expressed in the wrong ways. They are finding their identity in the Genocide and then- conversation smells of violence. I read an article in this very paper about the pros and cons of terrorism as an effective retribution to the Genocide. The final conclusion of the article was against its use, but even weighing the various utilities of pure, unmasked and savage violence is utterly intolerable. The article was a rational, intellectual discussion of terror - the same terror we Armenians faced 66 years ago. Violence should not be bandied about intellectually as if one were discussing a chess game. The better response is at gut level, where every breath of our soul cries out "No!" The mere discussion of violence in the paper gives it an undeserved and morally repulsive legitimacy. Talk of the Genocide is talk of the past. It was an atrocity. No, it was a million and a half atrocities, but it was not an atrocity against the Armenian people. It was an atrocity against mankind. The world need not know of it not because we are Armenian and we were wronged. They need know because they are people and they were wronged. Reference to the Genocide as the wrong to "our" people is but the self-pity of martyrdom. This is why the talk of vengeance is so grating. There is another reason why these things are upsetting: hate begets only hate. The Armenian hate for the Turk is nothing but the same passion that began the disasters of the pogrom of 1895 and the Genocide of 1915. Where is the justice in the emotion of hate? How are the wrongs of the past cured by it? They are not. Hate but compounds itself in an unending cycle of bloodshed that drags down the title of "man." We Armenians should not be a part of it. Armenians of today should be Armenians of the present and not of the past. We should be Armenians of love and not of hate. We should be Armenians of pride and not pity. The shame I felt at that A.A.C.L. banquet - the shame of feeling a stranger to my brethren - is the ill to be cured. The real task of the Armenian people is to keep their rich heritage intact. This does not mean we are Armenians first and foremost. Assimilation to the American way of life is necessary to preserve the spirit of unity, brotherhood, and humanity. We do not have to forget who we are to remember that our first duty is to man. Hye Sharzhoom as the spirit of the Armenian culture, ture, achievement, and international brotherhood is holy. Hye Sharzhoom as the spirit of revenge is an absolute evil. Soviet Armenia and the Armenian homeland By Bryan Bedrosian Free, Independent and United Armenia (Azad, Angakh yev Miyatzyal. Hayasdan) This catch phrase has long been used by some members of the Armenian community to express the national aspirations of our people. These national aspirations, the dream of having a sovereign nation where we can preserve and perpetuate our culture are noble, and ones we as Armenians should struggle to attain. This phrase, though, embodies not just national aspirations, but for many, also suggests an unrealistic and unhistorical connotation. This phrase implies that over much of our 2,500-year history we, in fact had a free, independent and united Armenia; free and independent in the sense that we as a people were autonomous and sovereign; united in a sense that all our historical lands were controlled by the Armenian people and maintained under one form of government. This glorious past is simply not historically accurate. Over the greater part of our history we were not free, independent and united. Rather, A vision... we were the vassal states of the Persian, Roman, Byzantine, Arab, and Ottoman Turkish empires. Even when kings ruled, they were usually subject to more powerful autocrats. When the Persian and Byzantine empires struggled for world domination, they divided Armenia into two spheres of influence, granting each sphere its own king. During most of the Cilician Armenian period, Armenia was divided into two kingdoms: Hetumid and Rupenid. Further examples are sprinkled throughout Armenian history. The phrase "Free, Independent and United Armenia" also implies that Armenia is not presently a geographic entity. Again, this overlooks historical reality. Considering the Armenian experience, the present Armenian state, Soviet Armenia, is a fairly secure example of Armenia as a geographical entity. In Soviet Armenia there are presently more than three million Armenians, whose primary language is Armenian. Our historical and national treasures are protected and preserved in the Matenadaran. The great preponderance of current Armenian literature is published in Soviet Armenia. Industrially and technologically, Soviet Armenia is highly advanced. The people enjoy a high standard of living. Finally, Soviet Armenia is protected by the Soviet Union. This protection assures that Soviet Armenia will flourish, at least as long as a productive Armenia is politically and economically expedient for the Soviet Union. With these historical perspectives in mind, how then do we realistically go about gaining a free, independent and united Armenia? First, we must realize that this struggle is our own and we can't depend on the help of others. History should have taught us by now that we have not and will not get help from anybody unless it is politically and economically expedient for those helping us. To confirm this we have only to look at the rejection of the American mandate for Armenia after World War I. Armenia did not become an American protectorate primarily because it continued on page 5 |