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Page 2, 1943_____________________PIONEER________________October 2, 1943 ____________G R A N A D A P I O N E E R___________________ Published Wednesdays and Saturdays by the WRA and distributed free to each apartment. Editorial of- fice: PIONEER building, Amache, Colo. Telephone 63. Editor...Sueo Sake Make-up ed…John Tsuruta Secretaries. Yayeko Morita Artist.....Tosh Matsumoto Tomoko Yatabe Reporters…Allen Asakawa Stencilists…Amy Minabe Henry Kusaba Ailene Hamamoto Technicians…………………………………………Fred Asai, Tad Fujii Part-t ime reporters…Betty Kanameishi, Bill Yamanoto _________Circulation...Haruo Kawase_______________________ SCHOLARSHIP HONORS WON BY TWO AMACHE STUDENTS Misses Kiku Fukuyama and Elinor Umezawa,daught- ers of Mr. and Mrs. K. Fu- kuyama and Mr. and Mrs. B. Umezawa respectively of this center,were among the 23 Doane college students who were cited at a special convocation, Sept. 23, for special scholarship honors won in 1942-43, it was re- vealed by the publicity department of Doane college, Nebr. NEW INSTRUCTORS SWORN INTO OFFICE Mrs. Nan S. Creaghe county school superintend- ent of Prowers County,vis- ited this center on Wednes- day,to see that the newly- assigned teachers were sworn into office it was disclosed yesterday by Enoch Dumas, elementary school principal. START FUND FOR SCHOLARSHIP In the event that a scholarship fund is started all prospective college students may leave their names with Mary Morita at Paul J. Terry’s office in the south administration building, according to the education section. TERRY TAKEN ILL Paul J. Terry, superin- tendent of education was suddenly taken ill on Thurs- day, the education section revealed,. Temporarily re- placing him is Enoch Dumas, elementary school principal. YBA DONATION A monetary donation was made to the Amache YBA by Hidetsugu and Katsumi Uye- da,former, members, who re- cently departed for Tule Lake . VISITING ====SOLDIERS=== Pfc. Masashi Kusuda, Camp Crowder, Mo.; Pfc. George Marubashi, Camp Grant, Ill.; Pfc. Joseph Deguchi, Fort Sam Houston, Tex.; Pfc. 0. Abe, Camp Robinson, Ark.; S/Sgt. T. Hirano, Sgt. Shigeru Suzu- ki, T/5 Toshio Morita,Pvt. Edwin Ohki, Pvt. Paul Ota- ya, Camp Shelby, Miss.; Sgt. Ned Nakamura, Cpl. Fred Haita, Fort Riley, Kans.; Pfc. Thomas Kimura, Yasuo Mori, (Rank Unknown) Camp Hale, Colo. S/Sgt. Charles H. Fujii, T/4 Tom. Furusho, Pvt. Soy Takechi, Pvt. Shigehiko Ishigaki,Pvt. S. Nagasoke, Camp Shelby,Miss.; 1st Ship- mate Sam Kasai, New York. NOTICE… To S.. Kimura, he or she, please identify your - self with address and full name so we may pub- lish your letter in the next issue. --ed RELIGIOUS GROUP AIDS RELOCATION An appeal to help Japa- nese Americans and Japanese coming to this city was sent last week to"the Chris- tian Ministers of New York City" by the New York Church Committee for Japanese Work, was a story in a recent New York Times issue. The appeal was "for un- derstanding and cooperation in form of aid in matter of housing, employment, social contacts, church affilia- tions, and other adjust- ments, not for funds." PARENTS' COUNCIL HOLD FIRST MEETING The elementary school's parents'council held their initial meeting at 8H-9C Wednesday afternoon, it was disclosed by Dr. Enoch Dumas, elementary school principal. JOBS AVAILABLE FOR TRANSLATORS Jobs are available for Japanese translators,issei or kibei, for overseas duties, according to Mario Vecchio,placement officer. Salary will be around $3,000 yearly, and applicants may secure further information at the employment office. PARENTS PAY VISIT Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Camp- bell of Savannah, Ga. ar- rived in the center Thurs- day to visit their daugh- ter, Maida G. Campbell, su- pervisor of the Silk Screen shop,according to Jack Ito, employee of the department. This trio left for Den- ver Thursday for the weekend . =====JOB OPPORTUNITIES=== Qualified bookkeeper, physician's office,$40 wk, Detroit. Two girls, addressing envelopes, $115 mo, De- troit. 10 men,18 yrs and over, 50 girls, 16 years or over, bakery work, no exp req, start $26 wk and raise, Detroit. Opportunity for domestic couple on estate,have sep- arate house and be allowed use of a Chevrolet Coupe for personal purposes,$125 mo, Kansas City. 20 male and female work- ers for luggage manufactur- ing firm, may earn up to $7 per day; woodworkers, 63 cts to 90 cts hr,Kansas City. 160 acre farm available for rent or employment for single or family man, 4- room house, wages-single, $80 mo bd and rm, family man $100 mo plus house and some commodities.
Object Description
Title | Granada Pioneer, Vol. I, No. 105 |
Date | 1943-10-02 |
Physical Collection | Japanese Americans in World War II collection |
Volume | 1 |
Issue number or date | 105 |
Page count | 11 |
Object type | Newsletter |
Donor | Shitara, George |
Title | page 2 |
Item number | HMLSC_Granada_Pioneer_V01_N105_P02 |
Page number | page 2 |
Physical description | 35.6 cm x 21.6 cm |
Full Text Search | Page 2, 1943_____________________PIONEER________________October 2, 1943 ____________G R A N A D A P I O N E E R___________________ Published Wednesdays and Saturdays by the WRA and distributed free to each apartment. Editorial of- fice: PIONEER building, Amache, Colo. Telephone 63. Editor...Sueo Sake Make-up ed…John Tsuruta Secretaries. Yayeko Morita Artist.....Tosh Matsumoto Tomoko Yatabe Reporters…Allen Asakawa Stencilists…Amy Minabe Henry Kusaba Ailene Hamamoto Technicians…………………………………………Fred Asai, Tad Fujii Part-t ime reporters…Betty Kanameishi, Bill Yamanoto _________Circulation...Haruo Kawase_______________________ SCHOLARSHIP HONORS WON BY TWO AMACHE STUDENTS Misses Kiku Fukuyama and Elinor Umezawa,daught- ers of Mr. and Mrs. K. Fu- kuyama and Mr. and Mrs. B. Umezawa respectively of this center,were among the 23 Doane college students who were cited at a special convocation, Sept. 23, for special scholarship honors won in 1942-43, it was re- vealed by the publicity department of Doane college, Nebr. NEW INSTRUCTORS SWORN INTO OFFICE Mrs. Nan S. Creaghe county school superintend- ent of Prowers County,vis- ited this center on Wednes- day,to see that the newly- assigned teachers were sworn into office it was disclosed yesterday by Enoch Dumas, elementary school principal. START FUND FOR SCHOLARSHIP In the event that a scholarship fund is started all prospective college students may leave their names with Mary Morita at Paul J. Terry’s office in the south administration building, according to the education section. TERRY TAKEN ILL Paul J. Terry, superin- tendent of education was suddenly taken ill on Thurs- day, the education section revealed,. Temporarily re- placing him is Enoch Dumas, elementary school principal. YBA DONATION A monetary donation was made to the Amache YBA by Hidetsugu and Katsumi Uye- da,former, members, who re- cently departed for Tule Lake . VISITING ====SOLDIERS=== Pfc. Masashi Kusuda, Camp Crowder, Mo.; Pfc. George Marubashi, Camp Grant, Ill.; Pfc. Joseph Deguchi, Fort Sam Houston, Tex.; Pfc. 0. Abe, Camp Robinson, Ark.; S/Sgt. T. Hirano, Sgt. Shigeru Suzu- ki, T/5 Toshio Morita,Pvt. Edwin Ohki, Pvt. Paul Ota- ya, Camp Shelby, Miss.; Sgt. Ned Nakamura, Cpl. Fred Haita, Fort Riley, Kans.; Pfc. Thomas Kimura, Yasuo Mori, (Rank Unknown) Camp Hale, Colo. S/Sgt. Charles H. Fujii, T/4 Tom. Furusho, Pvt. Soy Takechi, Pvt. Shigehiko Ishigaki,Pvt. S. Nagasoke, Camp Shelby,Miss.; 1st Ship- mate Sam Kasai, New York. NOTICE… To S.. Kimura, he or she, please identify your - self with address and full name so we may pub- lish your letter in the next issue. --ed RELIGIOUS GROUP AIDS RELOCATION An appeal to help Japa- nese Americans and Japanese coming to this city was sent last week to"the Chris- tian Ministers of New York City" by the New York Church Committee for Japanese Work, was a story in a recent New York Times issue. The appeal was "for un- derstanding and cooperation in form of aid in matter of housing, employment, social contacts, church affilia- tions, and other adjust- ments, not for funds." PARENTS' COUNCIL HOLD FIRST MEETING The elementary school's parents'council held their initial meeting at 8H-9C Wednesday afternoon, it was disclosed by Dr. Enoch Dumas, elementary school principal. JOBS AVAILABLE FOR TRANSLATORS Jobs are available for Japanese translators,issei or kibei, for overseas duties, according to Mario Vecchio,placement officer. Salary will be around $3,000 yearly, and applicants may secure further information at the employment office. PARENTS PAY VISIT Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Camp- bell of Savannah, Ga. ar- rived in the center Thurs- day to visit their daugh- ter, Maida G. Campbell, su- pervisor of the Silk Screen shop,according to Jack Ito, employee of the department. This trio left for Den- ver Thursday for the weekend . =====JOB OPPORTUNITIES=== Qualified bookkeeper, physician's office,$40 wk, Detroit. Two girls, addressing envelopes, $115 mo, De- troit. 10 men,18 yrs and over, 50 girls, 16 years or over, bakery work, no exp req, start $26 wk and raise, Detroit. Opportunity for domestic couple on estate,have sep- arate house and be allowed use of a Chevrolet Coupe for personal purposes,$125 mo, Kansas City. 20 male and female work- ers for luggage manufactur- ing firm, may earn up to $7 per day; woodworkers, 63 cts to 90 cts hr,Kansas City. 160 acre farm available for rent or employment for single or family man, 4- room house, wages-single, $80 mo bd and rm, family man $100 mo plus house and some commodities. |