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June 30, 1943______________PIONEER________________Page 5 TIMEKEEPING NEW METHODS INSTITUTED Recent changes in the payroll and timekeeping procedures state that any worker absent for more than three days must secure a doctor's certificate, and limit sick leave to 15 days for any one illness. Outside workers, except those paid on a part-time basis, who report for duty and are unable to work be- cause of weather conditions, will be given authorized absence for the day and will be paid, for such time. But workers excused for reasons other than illness or bad weather will be given "leave without pay" and not be paid for such time. Evacuees inducted into the Army may receive money p a y ments for o vertime worked before their depar- ture from the center; in all other instances, over- time must be taken in corn- pensatory leave. PRIVATE USE OF BICYCLES BANNED Government-owned bicycles are to be used for govern- ment business purposes only and not for pleasure-rid- ing, after 4:30 p.m., an- nounced Police Chief Har- low Tomlinson. All bicycles must be returned to their proper offices by 4:30 p.m. every day, he said. ===JOB OPPORTUNITIES=== Couple, near Chicago, $160 bd and rm, drive car, gardener, woman to cock, Dental Technician, Chi- cago, $30 wk, 1 yr exp req. Indianapolis sanatorium needs grad and reg nurses, $80-95 mo; student nurses, $60-75; nurses' aides, $50-60; kitchen help, $45- 55; cooks, $70-95. All jobs with complete main- tenance. Single men or couple, Chicago, with dairy or poultry exp,$75 bd and rm; couple, $100 plus housing. Hotel night clerk, Wis, $105, keep books and desk duty. Man with mechanical ap- titude to operate wrapping machines, Columbus, Ohio, 60¢ hr and 1½ overtime,can earn over $40 wk. Grad electrical,mechan- ical, and aeronautical en- gineers, Aircraft Co of Dayton, Ohio, starting salaries up to $3380 yr. Beauty operator,Detroit, $30 wk start. Two kitchen men, near Chicago, $70-80 bd and rm, summer job. Four to operate pressing machines, $25 wk, 5-d ay wk, no exp. Six order fillers, Chi- cago Book co, $25 wk,50- hr wk. One optical lens grind- er, Chicago, $50 wk, exp man; 50¢ hr, inexp man. Farm couple (may take child), Boston, wages on application. Six girls to meet and wrap paper boxes, Chicago, $26 wk. Three tractor drivers for Vernon Linn, Kimball, Neb. Twenty male or female sewing mach operators, may earn from $40-35 wk,Chica- go. Fifteen men, Detroit, $37.50 wk, storing mdse. Opportunities for issei farm families. One family on dairy, hog, and beef farm, $100 mo to start, increase later,school close by,4-rm,house,electricity, garden, milk and feed for 50 chickens furnished. Family for garden work, milking and feeding of chickens, ($125 mo plus modern house close to school. A couple for farm, $115 mo plus bd and rm. All foregoing jobs are near Chicago. One packer and 1 stock rm clerk, Chicago, $30 wk, no exp. Man with AB in bacteri- ology, Peoria, 111. Dental tech, Detroit, $65 wk, 41-hr wk, no over- time . Fifteen girls, to wait on table and general house- work, jr college, New Jer- sey, $43 mo, bd and rm, wanted by Sept 1. Several domestic posi- tions open in New York area. One girl as cook and maid, Wash DC, $70-80 mo, bd and rm. BETWEEN US GIRLS BY TAXIE KUSUNOKI STUFF THAT NEVER SEES THE FRONT PAGE-- Since any editorializ- ing and opinionating (those Words again!) in straight news articles is strictly taboo, b.u.g. will write what the senior high com- mencement reporter, couldn't --that the exercises were not only as impressive as the dickens,but completely American, too. And that all our severest critics should have been on hand to hear the very elegant speeches by Marion Konishi and Mitsuye Oshita on two very hackneyed topics given new significance by them. Speaking of MISTER Mits- uye Oshita--you should know about the embarrassed gasps with which the staff greet- ed the News that MISS Mits- uye Oshita (See front page, last Wed.) is nothing of the sort. Ken Arimoto cas- ually brought the informa- tion after the papers had been printed, stapled, and tied, up for distribution. So we apologize, MISTER Oshita,and remind you that you stand not alone in your predicament. Our own Sueo (Suyeo) Sako had the same trouble for months. MORE STUFF If you haven't yet seen the high school yearbook, grab the nearest senior and make him show you his. Con- sidering all the limita- tions that daily stymied Editor Kats Arimoto and staff, the book is a swell job. Huh-uh, you can't buy 'em any more. IRRELEVANT, BUT-- Boulder has female taxi drivers. STOP ME-- We know you've heard it before, but anyway-- A man argued against naming his child John, be- cause,he pointed out, "Ev- ery Tom, Dick and Harry is named John .'" SERIOUSLY-- Do comply with Project Director Lindley's request that everyone cooperate with the visiting Fourth Estaters this week. But f'hevvinsakes, stick to the truth.
Object Description
Title | Granada Pioneer, Vol. I, No. 78 |
Date | 1943-06-30 |
Physical Collection | Japanese Americans in World War II collection |
Volume | 1 |
Issue number or date | 78 |
Page count | 12 |
Object type | Newsletter |
Donor | Shitara, George |
Title | page 5 |
Item number | HMLSC_Granada_Pioneer_V01_N78_P05 |
Page number | page 5 |
Physical description | 35.6 cm x 21.6 cm |
Full Text Search | June 30, 1943______________PIONEER________________Page 5 TIMEKEEPING NEW METHODS INSTITUTED Recent changes in the payroll and timekeeping procedures state that any worker absent for more than three days must secure a doctor's certificate, and limit sick leave to 15 days for any one illness. Outside workers, except those paid on a part-time basis, who report for duty and are unable to work be- cause of weather conditions, will be given authorized absence for the day and will be paid, for such time. But workers excused for reasons other than illness or bad weather will be given "leave without pay" and not be paid for such time. Evacuees inducted into the Army may receive money p a y ments for o vertime worked before their depar- ture from the center; in all other instances, over- time must be taken in corn- pensatory leave. PRIVATE USE OF BICYCLES BANNED Government-owned bicycles are to be used for govern- ment business purposes only and not for pleasure-rid- ing, after 4:30 p.m., an- nounced Police Chief Har- low Tomlinson. All bicycles must be returned to their proper offices by 4:30 p.m. every day, he said. ===JOB OPPORTUNITIES=== Couple, near Chicago, $160 bd and rm, drive car, gardener, woman to cock, Dental Technician, Chi- cago, $30 wk, 1 yr exp req. Indianapolis sanatorium needs grad and reg nurses, $80-95 mo; student nurses, $60-75; nurses' aides, $50-60; kitchen help, $45- 55; cooks, $70-95. All jobs with complete main- tenance. Single men or couple, Chicago, with dairy or poultry exp,$75 bd and rm; couple, $100 plus housing. Hotel night clerk, Wis, $105, keep books and desk duty. Man with mechanical ap- titude to operate wrapping machines, Columbus, Ohio, 60¢ hr and 1½ overtime,can earn over $40 wk. Grad electrical,mechan- ical, and aeronautical en- gineers, Aircraft Co of Dayton, Ohio, starting salaries up to $3380 yr. Beauty operator,Detroit, $30 wk start. Two kitchen men, near Chicago, $70-80 bd and rm, summer job. Four to operate pressing machines, $25 wk, 5-d ay wk, no exp. Six order fillers, Chi- cago Book co, $25 wk,50- hr wk. One optical lens grind- er, Chicago, $50 wk, exp man; 50¢ hr, inexp man. Farm couple (may take child), Boston, wages on application. Six girls to meet and wrap paper boxes, Chicago, $26 wk. Three tractor drivers for Vernon Linn, Kimball, Neb. Twenty male or female sewing mach operators, may earn from $40-35 wk,Chica- go. Fifteen men, Detroit, $37.50 wk, storing mdse. Opportunities for issei farm families. One family on dairy, hog, and beef farm, $100 mo to start, increase later,school close by,4-rm,house,electricity, garden, milk and feed for 50 chickens furnished. Family for garden work, milking and feeding of chickens, ($125 mo plus modern house close to school. A couple for farm, $115 mo plus bd and rm. All foregoing jobs are near Chicago. One packer and 1 stock rm clerk, Chicago, $30 wk, no exp. Man with AB in bacteri- ology, Peoria, 111. Dental tech, Detroit, $65 wk, 41-hr wk, no over- time . Fifteen girls, to wait on table and general house- work, jr college, New Jer- sey, $43 mo, bd and rm, wanted by Sept 1. Several domestic posi- tions open in New York area. One girl as cook and maid, Wash DC, $70-80 mo, bd and rm. BETWEEN US GIRLS BY TAXIE KUSUNOKI STUFF THAT NEVER SEES THE FRONT PAGE-- Since any editorializ- ing and opinionating (those Words again!) in straight news articles is strictly taboo, b.u.g. will write what the senior high com- mencement reporter, couldn't --that the exercises were not only as impressive as the dickens,but completely American, too. And that all our severest critics should have been on hand to hear the very elegant speeches by Marion Konishi and Mitsuye Oshita on two very hackneyed topics given new significance by them. Speaking of MISTER Mits- uye Oshita--you should know about the embarrassed gasps with which the staff greet- ed the News that MISS Mits- uye Oshita (See front page, last Wed.) is nothing of the sort. Ken Arimoto cas- ually brought the informa- tion after the papers had been printed, stapled, and tied, up for distribution. So we apologize, MISTER Oshita,and remind you that you stand not alone in your predicament. Our own Sueo (Suyeo) Sako had the same trouble for months. MORE STUFF If you haven't yet seen the high school yearbook, grab the nearest senior and make him show you his. Con- sidering all the limita- tions that daily stymied Editor Kats Arimoto and staff, the book is a swell job. Huh-uh, you can't buy 'em any more. IRRELEVANT, BUT-- Boulder has female taxi drivers. STOP ME-- We know you've heard it before, but anyway-- A man argued against naming his child John, be- cause,he pointed out, "Ev- ery Tom, Dick and Harry is named John .'" SERIOUSLY-- Do comply with Project Director Lindley's request that everyone cooperate with the visiting Fourth Estaters this week. But f'hevvinsakes, stick to the truth. |