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Page 4 __________________PIONEER______________May 22, 1943 REGULATIONS HOURS ISSUED BY HOSPITAL The center hospital re- leased the following immu- nization dates: Diphtheria shots will be given on June 2, from 9:30 to 10 a. m. , and. every three weeks thereafter on Wednesdays; Pertussis shots (whopping cough) will be given week- ly on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Meanwhile, patients de - siring eye examinations for glasses must see the medi- cal doctor first during general clinic hours, and thereupon receive his date and time of appointment for the Optometry clinic from the out-patient reception- ist. If the appointment date cannot be fulfilled, the patient should notify the Optometry clinic ahead of time. All repairing and issu- ing of glasses has been moved to 6G-1F, the new location of the Optometry division. ENGAGEMENT OF ISERI-OGATA TOLD Mr. and Mrs. Torazo Oga- ta announced the engage- ment of their daughter Aiko to Richard Iseri, 7F-1A, at a party at their home, 10E-9D, Saturday night. The bride-elect is for- merly of San Jose and a graduate of Camel high school. She also attended Waseda International in- stitute. Iseri is the son of Mrs. Kiyo Iseri of Colusa. He is a commerce graduate of Sacramento JC and UC and was employed in Sacra- mento prior to evacuation. Baishakunin are Messrs and Mesdames Hichizo Ki- mura, Ichiro Iseri, and Chokichi Sakaguchi. The wedding is expected to take place in June. ===LOST & FOUND=== LOST: Black metal tub e , about 22" long, 1½” diame- ter; necessary part of vacuum cleaner handle; lost on path between 6F-7B and new administrative apart- ment buildings. If found, please return to Dr. and Mrs. Enoch Dumas, 6F-7B or 8H-9A. CODY CENTER HAS GIVEN ‘NO TROUBLE’ WASHINGTON May 13--Gov. Lester C. Runt of Wyoming told the Senate Military Affairs committee that the Japanese Relocation center at Cody has given civilian authorities "no trouble and very little concern." NEW CONFINEMENT CENTER CREATED A new confinement center, at Leuppe, Ariz ., has bee n created to house the Amer- ican-born evacuees who are undependable, pro-Japanese or subversive, Myer dis- closed. So far 55 nisei have been shifted to the camp from the 10 centers. TROOP 162 Holds Social Gerald V. Griffith, in- structor at the senior high school, was the main speaker for Boy Scout Troop 162 's big shot" night last week at the 6E recrea- tion hall. Honored guests were troop committeemen, Scout councilmen, and Pack 162C. Stunts were presented by each patrol and the sen- ior Scouts. Jack Ito was the chairman for the eve- ning. Refreshment commit- tee was composed of Rus- sell Yamaga, Miles Hamada, Frank Morimoto, and Kats Arimoto.________________________________________________________ CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY Event Time Place BUDDHIST Sunday school 9:00 a.m. 7G-12G SS teachers' meeting 10:30 a.m. 7G-12G YP service 2:00 p.m. 7G-12G CATHOLIC Mass 9:30 a.m. 11K NICHIRENSHU Service 9:00 a.m. 11H SEICH0-N0-1YE Service 7:30 p.m. 12G PROTESTANT Sunr ise service 6:15 a.m. 7H-10H Sunday school 8:45 a.m. 8H Japanese service 10:00 a.m. 7H-10H English service 10:15 a.m. 8H College-age group meeting 7:30 p.m. 8H High school group meeting 7:30 p.m. 8H-11E SMITH T0 SPEAK Dr. Frank Herron Smith, chairman of the Protestant Commission for Japanese Wartime service, will be the guest speaker at the morning worship service at Terry hall tomorrow. A Special program is being planned. Dr. Smith will speak to the issei group in the evening. FELLOWSHIP Community singing will feature the fellowship of the college-age group meet- ing at Terry hall tomorrow evening. The high school group will hold its fel- lowship at 8H-11E. SElCHO NO-IYE "The Fundamentals To Win In Our Life" will be given by Unosuke Katatsu at the Seicho-No-Iye meeting at the 12G recreation hall to- morrow at 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Rev. Chiaki Kuzuhara will supervise the Sunday school tomorrow morning. BUSSEI SOCIAL Tonight the Bussei will hold a service and social in honor of St. Shinran at Terry hall beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Admission will be by bids only which are 10 cents for members and 15 cents for non-members . They may be obtained from any Bussei. ■ VITAL ===STATISTICS=== BIRTHS: To Mr. and Mrs. Tsuyoshi Sato, 7G -1D, a boy, May 16. To Mr. and Mrs. Shigeru Hashii, 12H-7A, a boy, on May 17.
Object Description
Title | Granada Pioner, Vol. I, No. 67 |
Date | 1943-05-22 |
Physical Collection | Japanese Americans in World War II collection |
Volume | 1 |
Issue number or date | 67 |
Page count | 15 |
Object type | Newsletter |
Donor | Shitara, George |
Title | page 4 |
Item number | HMLSC_Granada_Pioneer_V01_N67_P04 |
Page number | page 4 |
Physical description | 35.6 cm x 21.6 cm |
Full Text Search | Page 4 __________________PIONEER______________May 22, 1943 REGULATIONS HOURS ISSUED BY HOSPITAL The center hospital re- leased the following immu- nization dates: Diphtheria shots will be given on June 2, from 9:30 to 10 a. m. , and. every three weeks thereafter on Wednesdays; Pertussis shots (whopping cough) will be given week- ly on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Meanwhile, patients de - siring eye examinations for glasses must see the medi- cal doctor first during general clinic hours, and thereupon receive his date and time of appointment for the Optometry clinic from the out-patient reception- ist. If the appointment date cannot be fulfilled, the patient should notify the Optometry clinic ahead of time. All repairing and issu- ing of glasses has been moved to 6G-1F, the new location of the Optometry division. ENGAGEMENT OF ISERI-OGATA TOLD Mr. and Mrs. Torazo Oga- ta announced the engage- ment of their daughter Aiko to Richard Iseri, 7F-1A, at a party at their home, 10E-9D, Saturday night. The bride-elect is for- merly of San Jose and a graduate of Camel high school. She also attended Waseda International in- stitute. Iseri is the son of Mrs. Kiyo Iseri of Colusa. He is a commerce graduate of Sacramento JC and UC and was employed in Sacra- mento prior to evacuation. Baishakunin are Messrs and Mesdames Hichizo Ki- mura, Ichiro Iseri, and Chokichi Sakaguchi. The wedding is expected to take place in June. ===LOST & FOUND=== LOST: Black metal tub e , about 22" long, 1½” diame- ter; necessary part of vacuum cleaner handle; lost on path between 6F-7B and new administrative apart- ment buildings. If found, please return to Dr. and Mrs. Enoch Dumas, 6F-7B or 8H-9A. CODY CENTER HAS GIVEN ‘NO TROUBLE’ WASHINGTON May 13--Gov. Lester C. Runt of Wyoming told the Senate Military Affairs committee that the Japanese Relocation center at Cody has given civilian authorities "no trouble and very little concern." NEW CONFINEMENT CENTER CREATED A new confinement center, at Leuppe, Ariz ., has bee n created to house the Amer- ican-born evacuees who are undependable, pro-Japanese or subversive, Myer dis- closed. So far 55 nisei have been shifted to the camp from the 10 centers. TROOP 162 Holds Social Gerald V. Griffith, in- structor at the senior high school, was the main speaker for Boy Scout Troop 162 's big shot" night last week at the 6E recrea- tion hall. Honored guests were troop committeemen, Scout councilmen, and Pack 162C. Stunts were presented by each patrol and the sen- ior Scouts. Jack Ito was the chairman for the eve- ning. Refreshment commit- tee was composed of Rus- sell Yamaga, Miles Hamada, Frank Morimoto, and Kats Arimoto.________________________________________________________ CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY Event Time Place BUDDHIST Sunday school 9:00 a.m. 7G-12G SS teachers' meeting 10:30 a.m. 7G-12G YP service 2:00 p.m. 7G-12G CATHOLIC Mass 9:30 a.m. 11K NICHIRENSHU Service 9:00 a.m. 11H SEICH0-N0-1YE Service 7:30 p.m. 12G PROTESTANT Sunr ise service 6:15 a.m. 7H-10H Sunday school 8:45 a.m. 8H Japanese service 10:00 a.m. 7H-10H English service 10:15 a.m. 8H College-age group meeting 7:30 p.m. 8H High school group meeting 7:30 p.m. 8H-11E SMITH T0 SPEAK Dr. Frank Herron Smith, chairman of the Protestant Commission for Japanese Wartime service, will be the guest speaker at the morning worship service at Terry hall tomorrow. A Special program is being planned. Dr. Smith will speak to the issei group in the evening. FELLOWSHIP Community singing will feature the fellowship of the college-age group meet- ing at Terry hall tomorrow evening. The high school group will hold its fel- lowship at 8H-11E. SElCHO NO-IYE "The Fundamentals To Win In Our Life" will be given by Unosuke Katatsu at the Seicho-No-Iye meeting at the 12G recreation hall to- morrow at 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Rev. Chiaki Kuzuhara will supervise the Sunday school tomorrow morning. BUSSEI SOCIAL Tonight the Bussei will hold a service and social in honor of St. Shinran at Terry hall beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Admission will be by bids only which are 10 cents for members and 15 cents for non-members . They may be obtained from any Bussei. ■ VITAL ===STATISTICS=== BIRTHS: To Mr. and Mrs. Tsuyoshi Sato, 7G -1D, a boy, May 16. To Mr. and Mrs. Shigeru Hashii, 12H-7A, a boy, on May 17. |