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Granada P I O N E E R Vol. I, No. 26 Amache, Colorado January 19, 1943 CENTER GETS ARMY COMMENDATION Commendation for the in- terest and preparation of the nisei for military serv- ice was received by the center from the Military Intelligence Service Lan- guage school at Savage. "The present semester is well underway with no further enlistments at pres- ent. A recruiting program similar to the last one will take place in the near future in time to commence the next semester," writes 1st Lt. Roy M.Hirano, lead- er of the staff which vis- ited the center last month. A memorandum for the project director is being prepared by the employment department concerning the need for a Japanese lan- guage course here in order to meet the constant demands for qualified bilingual persons. TRANSLATORS INTERVIEWED Mary J. Mueller, assist- ant chief translator of the Foreign Broadcast Intelli- gence Service of the Feder- al Communication Commis- sion in Washington, inter- viewed and examined candi- dates for the listening post in Portland, on her visit to this center yes- terday. From 12 to 20 names of applicants were submitted by the various centers al- ready visited by Mrs. Muel- ler. The five best quali- fied candidates out of all the centers will be select- ed for the post. MOORE TO SPEAK TOMORROW NIGHT John H. Moore, head of the social welfare depart- ment, will be the princi- pal speaker at the leader- ship training session to- morrow at 6:30 p.m. at Ter- ry hall, instead of M. H. Soglow. ==CALENDAR== TODAY 6:50 p.m.--Movies, "My Fa- vorite Spy," at 9E and 11E mess halls. TOMORROW 12 to 7 p.m.--Charter elec- tion, block information offices. 6:30 p.m.--Amache Little Theater play try-outs, 8H-12E. 6:50 p.m.-- Movies at 12F and 12H mess halls. 7 p.m.--Basketball managers’ meeting, 7E recreation hall. Lamar Paper Supports WRA Extravagant statements and appeals to prejudice by congressmen in the con- troversy over the WRA were flayed in a Lamar Daily News editorial this week. Commented the News: "We have seen so many rumors blown up, about this particular project, through the simple medium of in- vestigation and getting the facts, that we are not quick to excite when newspapers and congressmen talk for headlines and jockey for political position." MP'S TAKE HIKE IN ZERO WEATHER While the center resound- ed with the moans of former Californians suddenly sub- jected to below zero weath- er yesterday, Capt. John P. Karpen of the 335th Escort Guards took his men on a five-mile practice march. X-Ray Films Arrive Here Personally ordered X-ray films have arrived for the dental clinic, Dr. George Nagamoto, chief of the den- tal clinic, stated yesterday. Those who need to have X-rays taken are urged to report to the clinic, Monday through Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. RESIDENTS TO VOTE ON CHARTER RATIFICATION Amache residents will vote on the ratification of the center’s charter tomorrow. Polls, located at block information offices, will be open from noon to 7 p.m. Names of qualified vot- ers 19 years old and above will be listed at the polls, and all eligible voters who appear during voting hours will be given ballots. For voters who wish to refer to the charter be- fore voting, copies of the document in both English and Japanese will be available. ---VISITORS--- SOLDIERS: Pfc. Kazumi Kawafuchi, Ft. Bliss, Tex.; Pfc. Tom Watanabe, Pvt. Henry Mori- hisa, Camp. Crowder, Mo. Pvt. Toru Hori, Pfc. Wal- ter W. Sakamoto, Pvt. Tom Furusho, Pvt. and Mrs. Ray- mond Takahashi, Ft. Riley, Kan.; Sgt. Hisashi Naka- moto, Camp Savage, Minn. CIVILIANS: Rev. G. S. Upton, R. M. Booth, Lamar; E. Leighton, Clayton, N. M.; William Neeman, H. M. Sharistrom, Pueblo. B. Hollister, Washing- Ton, DC; Amy Ishizu, C. N. Storey, Denver; Tai Shigaki, Salt Lake City; W. A. Bau- serman, Mansanola.
Object Description
Title | Granada Pioneer, Vol. I, No. 26 |
Date | 1943-01-19 |
Physical Collection | Japanese Americans in World War II collection |
Volume | 1 |
Issue number or date | 26 |
Page count | 8 |
Object type | Newsletter |
Donor | Shitara, George |
Title | page 1 |
Item number | HMLSC_Granada_Pioneer_V01_N26_P01 |
Page number | page 1 |
Physical description | 35.7 cm x 21.7 cm |
Full Text Search | Granada P I O N E E R Vol. I, No. 26 Amache, Colorado January 19, 1943 CENTER GETS ARMY COMMENDATION Commendation for the in- terest and preparation of the nisei for military serv- ice was received by the center from the Military Intelligence Service Lan- guage school at Savage. "The present semester is well underway with no further enlistments at pres- ent. A recruiting program similar to the last one will take place in the near future in time to commence the next semester," writes 1st Lt. Roy M.Hirano, lead- er of the staff which vis- ited the center last month. A memorandum for the project director is being prepared by the employment department concerning the need for a Japanese lan- guage course here in order to meet the constant demands for qualified bilingual persons. TRANSLATORS INTERVIEWED Mary J. Mueller, assist- ant chief translator of the Foreign Broadcast Intelli- gence Service of the Feder- al Communication Commis- sion in Washington, inter- viewed and examined candi- dates for the listening post in Portland, on her visit to this center yes- terday. From 12 to 20 names of applicants were submitted by the various centers al- ready visited by Mrs. Muel- ler. The five best quali- fied candidates out of all the centers will be select- ed for the post. MOORE TO SPEAK TOMORROW NIGHT John H. Moore, head of the social welfare depart- ment, will be the princi- pal speaker at the leader- ship training session to- morrow at 6:30 p.m. at Ter- ry hall, instead of M. H. Soglow. ==CALENDAR== TODAY 6:50 p.m.--Movies, "My Fa- vorite Spy," at 9E and 11E mess halls. TOMORROW 12 to 7 p.m.--Charter elec- tion, block information offices. 6:30 p.m.--Amache Little Theater play try-outs, 8H-12E. 6:50 p.m.-- Movies at 12F and 12H mess halls. 7 p.m.--Basketball managers’ meeting, 7E recreation hall. Lamar Paper Supports WRA Extravagant statements and appeals to prejudice by congressmen in the con- troversy over the WRA were flayed in a Lamar Daily News editorial this week. Commented the News: "We have seen so many rumors blown up, about this particular project, through the simple medium of in- vestigation and getting the facts, that we are not quick to excite when newspapers and congressmen talk for headlines and jockey for political position." MP'S TAKE HIKE IN ZERO WEATHER While the center resound- ed with the moans of former Californians suddenly sub- jected to below zero weath- er yesterday, Capt. John P. Karpen of the 335th Escort Guards took his men on a five-mile practice march. X-Ray Films Arrive Here Personally ordered X-ray films have arrived for the dental clinic, Dr. George Nagamoto, chief of the den- tal clinic, stated yesterday. Those who need to have X-rays taken are urged to report to the clinic, Monday through Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. RESIDENTS TO VOTE ON CHARTER RATIFICATION Amache residents will vote on the ratification of the center’s charter tomorrow. Polls, located at block information offices, will be open from noon to 7 p.m. Names of qualified vot- ers 19 years old and above will be listed at the polls, and all eligible voters who appear during voting hours will be given ballots. For voters who wish to refer to the charter be- fore voting, copies of the document in both English and Japanese will be available. ---VISITORS--- SOLDIERS: Pfc. Kazumi Kawafuchi, Ft. Bliss, Tex.; Pfc. Tom Watanabe, Pvt. Henry Mori- hisa, Camp. Crowder, Mo. Pvt. Toru Hori, Pfc. Wal- ter W. Sakamoto, Pvt. Tom Furusho, Pvt. and Mrs. Ray- mond Takahashi, Ft. Riley, Kan.; Sgt. Hisashi Naka- moto, Camp Savage, Minn. CIVILIANS: Rev. G. S. Upton, R. M. Booth, Lamar; E. Leighton, Clayton, N. M.; William Neeman, H. M. Sharistrom, Pueblo. B. Hollister, Washing- Ton, DC; Amy Ishizu, C. N. Storey, Denver; Tai Shigaki, Salt Lake City; W. A. Bau- serman, Mansanola. |