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^AOFTCCTrrZEN/Fr*^ -<Photo Oy Shoin Fukui© •GO FOR BROKE' EXHIBIT—Facing the 1.500 assembled m front of PresKSo Army Museum in San Frsnctsco lor dsocaSon of the Go for Broke' exhibit, whch we be on display for a year, are (from left) M*a Masaoka, emcee; Senators Daniel Inouye and Spsrk Matsunaga. San Francisco Mayor Dtanne Feinstsm, Presxsd commandant Col. F. Whs- rtey HaH Jr., and rnussum curator Enc Saul. *Friiasy,Anril3,l«l/PAC3ncaTIZEN-a 6th Army general extols Nisei GIs SAN FRANdSCO—Following ts the text of wekxniBig reuaarks st the "Go For Broke" Eanuat dedication Mar 7 at the Presvao Army Museum by Bng. Gen Robert a Young, deputy coraroancang general, 6m Army. "It is a real pleasure for me, on behalf of U Gm Hafl, commander of the Sixth US Army, and the men and women of the Shah Army, to ... join Col Hafl. the Preskho of Ssn Franaaco, sod the Presidio Army Museum m welcoming you m thu fine exhibit imdsoaad to me Nisei soldier of World War 0. "The exhibit brings to light yet another aspect of the varwd history of this oountry--in tunc of war and peace anrl is but a ndacvery smafi rrrngmnnn when placed beside the great deeds, sscnfioes sad oonmb- unons of the group of Americans a iu>uum A mere handful of soldiers who made a monumental effort toward waaang the peace "I wish to echo those well-expressed and sobering thoughts of Senses* Inouye and Matsunaga and of Mr. Masaoka. who commended the great rnarsrtrr and spuit of the Japanese American sokaers who though repressed in this country—at a period in history less eoiighteaedtrtan our own—vauanriy fought to preserve the ideals of freedcro proclaimed by that country- No man, no group, could have done more than you have done "In retrospect, we dearly aee that many of our past deeds have been colored by emotion, prejucace or unf bunded fesruwstd our felkw man or our courarymen I would like to believe that those actas* exhibited the attitude of die hmes and were amtudes which we, as a nsnon, nave long since outgrown. And that now we are forever the wiser. But, though we may have a way to go in this ouecnon of human undersnsvhng, lam nonetheless very proud of our nahon and of our people because we possess that rare and unique humility and rrtrsswann to admit past faults, seek corrections and make amends. Yew wu^ agree, rm stire that this quaury a rare on this earth. And that, even today, a is one of the privileges and bfessings worth figbnhg for to preserve, "Thank you for allowing me the honor © be with you today—to wel- come you on this occasion—-and tt be one vokse among msnym dank you for your great services to our nsnon and for your unparalksai heroism which shall always reman an swpu-snon for ail Americans" * Wednesday, March 18,1961 JAPANESE AMERICAN DAILY 'GO For Broke* Exhibit 2 S.F. GROUPS PLAKJOURS OF ARMY MUSEUM Two local groups will visit the Army Museum in the Presidio for guided lecture tours of the "Go For Broke" exhibit which opened there earlier this month. Tom Kawaguchi, coordinator for the exhibit who joined the 442nd from Topaz relocation center in May 1°44 and retired in 1%4 with the rank of major, will conduct a tour of the exhibit this Fridavlrom 8 p.m. for the members oa-4he San Francisco Center for Japanese American Studies. He and Eric Saul, museum curator, will also speak to members of the local Committee on Pre-Retirement, who will tour the exhibit this Sunday from 2 p.m. Saul will give the background and story behind the various artifacts, memorabilia and oho- * togrsphs of this unique exhibit. Brian Buehl will also be on hand to answer questions on the diorama he constructed recreating the battle scene where Pfc. Sadao Munemori, only Congres- skraal Medal of Honor winner in World War D, lost his lire. Sunday's tour will be limited to SO persons, and the following members of the 442nd exhibit committee may be contacted for reservations: Mits Kojimoto 731-7774. Harry fwa- fuchi 387-8110 and Wally Naao- tani 751-3315. HOKUBEI H MAINICHI WEDNESDAY. APRIL I. 1981 Letter to Editor ISO FOR BROKE" COVERAGE Dear Editor. Thank you for the splendid coverage in both the English and Japanese sections of the Hokubei \fnihiehion the recent dediestion ceremonies and banquet in conjunction with the "Go For Broke" Exhibit. We know the articles in your newspaper encouraged many people to attend these two evenls which honored the valor of the men of the 1007442nd. We take great pride in the exhibit and wish all Nikkei, especially the Sansei and Yonsei. would visit the museum to view this unique story of Japanese Americans in defense of their country during a time in history when their families were incarcerated in concentration camps. The exhibit remains at the Presidio through March of 1982. at which time plans for s permanent exhibit will be announced. TOMKAWAGUCHI
Object Description
Title | JACL Newspaper |
Description | A collection of articles from the JACL (Japanese American Citizens League) Newspaper. |
Subjects | Community activities -- Associations and organizations -- Japanese American Citizens League |
Type | image |
Genre | News reports |
Language | eng |
Collection | Hirasuna Family Papers |
Collection Description | 34 items |
Project Name | California State University Japanese American Digitization Project |
Rights | Rights not yet transferred |
Local ID | csufr_hfp_0454 |
Project ID | csufr_hfp_0454 |
Title | Page 13 |
Creator | Unknown |
Date Created | 1981 - 00 - 00 |
Subjects | Community activities -- Associations and organizations -- Japanese American Citizens League |
Type | image |
Genre | News reports |
Language | eng |
Collection | Hirasuna Family Papers |
Collection Description | 8.45 x 10.91in |
Rights | Rights not yet transferred |
Transcript |
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